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Melted By Love

Page 22

by Lily Thomas

  She then came, and he lifted his head just enough to look up at her as she shuddered around his mouth. Her eyes never left his until she finished, and then closed them briefly.

  As Dryden looked up from between her pale thighs while she came, he knew he would never see anything more beautiful than her as passion flickered across her face. She looked like a well-pleasured goddess, and he hoped he was showing her what she would miss if she ever left him.

  As his tongue lazily licked her enticing wetness, his heart gave a silly flip-flop as he thought about how much she meant to him. She’d worked her way into his heart in such a short amount of time.

  There was nothing he wouldn't do to keep her by his side. Nothing.

  Once Jasmine finished, he pushed himself up and glided up and over her body. His heated skin touched her buttery soft skin. He groaned as his cock twitched at the feel of her hard nipples scraping against his chest muscles.

  Jasmine opened her eyes and gazed into his. There was trust, love, and happiness shining from those dark eyes.

  Dryden positioned his cock close to her wet core, and he couldn't resist rubbing the tip against her wet center, causing them both to groan in unison.

  “Dryden.” Her husky voice rang out in the still air of the tent.

  Her voice sent him over the edge, he could hear the lust in her voice, and he wanted to slake that lust for her.

  Positioned at her core he sunk deep into her heat. The wet heat surrounded his aching cock. He hadn’t meant for any of this to happen. He’d wanted to talk, but she just made him lose his mind.

  “You feel so good around me.” He groaned in her ear, giving the lobe a loving nip.

  She shocked him by saying, “I love the feel of you inside me. You make me feel whole, Dryden.”

  It shocked, but pleased him to the core that she would say it to him. Looking into her hazel eyes, he saw the connection he’d wanted to prove. She might not have said anything, but her eyes said every word.

  Whether or not she knew it, she felt something for him, and he knew it.

  Jasmine loved the feeling of Dryden's cock inside her. After his first thrust inside her, he moved more quickly. Jasmine ground her hips against his forceful thrusts on instinct.

  Once she moaned, she seemed to trigger something inside Dryden. He growled deeply down at her, and his thrusts became even more forceful. He placed his hands on her hips, as he moved within her.

  As the pressure built inside of her, she could feel the mark he placed on her, and a thrill pulsed through her. Jasmine wanted him to place a claim on her, she wanted with all her heart to be his woman.

  Soon she saw fireworks behind her eyelids as his thrusts sped up, then she opened her eyes to stare into his as they both came. Pleasure soared through both of them.

  Her inner muscles clenched tightly around his long hard cock. The inner muscles milked him, as he came with a roar above her.

  As they gazed into each other's eyes, she felt the connection they shared as his hot seed pumped into her, and he roared into the cold air of the fur tent. This was his claiming. She was his. Jasmine could just feel it happen.

  After their climaxes, Dryden collapsed over her, but Jasmine noticed he wasn't letting his full weight fall on her, lest he crush her. His head was near her ear, and she heard his uneven breathes.

  Turning her head, she looked over at Dryden to see his lips slightly parted. Still floating on the high of emotions that had gone through her during their love making, Jasmine had the urge to lean over and kiss him on his lips.

  Acting on her impulse, Jasmine leaned up on an elbow and placed a small kiss on his lips. As she laid back down, she saw a small smile form on his face.

  He pushed himself up, so he could make eye contact with her.

  Jasmine smiled up at him, as he lifted a hand to sweep her hair back from her face.

  “You’re way too beautiful.” He whispered down to her. “The very sight of you makes my heart sputter in delight.”

  Jasmine blushed, unsure of what to say to him. She was thrilled though that he had just said she was beautiful. Smiling she said, “Thank you.”

  Bending down on his arms Dryden lowered his body and kissed her. First, he gave her a light peck but then went back down for a much deeper and more intimate kiss. Slowly, their lips meshed. Jasmine closed her eyes, as his lips caressed hers.

  He opened his mouth against hers coaxing her to do the same. In response, Jasmine opened her mouth allowing Dryden to slip his sly tongue into her mouth.

  Jasmine couldn't contain the smile, which formed on her lips as Dryden kissed her. When she gave a slight giggle, Dryden lifted himself up a little to look down at her.

  “Something I should know about?” He asked.

  “Sorry.” Jasmine giggled up at him, followed quickly by a deep yawn.

  Dryden lifted himself off of her and laid down beside her. He draped an arm around her waist and drew her in close. He then reached for the fur covers and raised it to cover them both.

  “Are you ready to call it a night?” He asked Jasmine.

  Nodding she looked up at him, sleep already showing within her hazel eyes.

  He pulled her head into the crevice of his shoulder with one of his hands. He then smoothed her hair down around her face.

  Feeling loved Jasmine drifted off, but before she did she heard Dryden whisper, “Never will you leave my side again. The moment I found you gone was the longest moment in my life. You had me worried, you know.”

  Guilt ripped through her, she could hear his words rang with truth, but still, if he knew what drove her he might understand. But she also knew he might feel upset she hadn't trusted him enough to tell him from the very beginning.

  Then the other part he’d said sunk in. He wasn't going to let her leave his side. Which meant she might never get another opportunity to try to save her sister. He would watch her like a hawk from now on. The knowledge made her sick to her stomach.

  Her heart felt like it was breaking in two.

  By the time she digested all of the information floating around in her head, she heard Dryden sleeping soundly beside her. Jasmine snuggled closer into Dryden's shoulder, as she tried to let sleep come over her tired body.

  Chapter 14

  When Jasmine awoke the next morning, she barely had enough time to stretch before Dryden, and his fellow ice giant warriors were packed and ready to get on the move.

  Everything happened so quickly, Dryden and his men seemed to be eager to get on their way. Which was understandable, she had set them back quite a bit with running away.

  She was now sitting before Dryden on his warhorse, finally fully awake. Jasmine stared out at the passing forest and thought back to last night. Dryden had promised to never let her out of his sight, so if she wanted to save her sister, Jasmine would have to learn to trust Dryden with her sister’s life.

  Right now, she had absolutely nothing to lose, yet everything to gain by telling him her story.

  Dryden noticed Mathar watching Jasmine out of the corner of his eye. Dryden ignored it at first, but when it lasted for more than a few moments, Dryden looked over at his fellow warrior and friend.

  “Is there something wrong?” Dryden asked in their language since he didn’t want Jasmine to overhear.

  He hadn't planned the events of last night. He’d wanted to talk and instead had made passionate love to Jasmine.

  “Not exactly, but I have noticed her attention has been focused intently on you. I worry she may try to escape once more… or try to kill you.” Mathar told Dryden point blank.

  Dryden looked down to see the top of Jasmine's head. “You’ve lost your mind, my friend. There isn’t a single sign of hatred towards me.” Right now, she faced forward, but he could feel the tension in her straight back. Mathar was right about that at least.

  She’d been watching him a little more since they’d found her, but he thought it was more that she had something on her mind rather than the fact that she was
trying to find another moment to escape again.

  “I believe she is thinking about something troubling.” Dryden watched her.

  Mathar shrugged. “She is your responsibility, but if I were you, I would find out what she is thinking about.” Then as an afterthought, he said, “Seems like whatever it is, it’s weighing heavily on her. Finding out could solve many future problems if you insist on keeping her around.”

  “It doesn’t matter, she can keep whatever secret she wants.”

  Mathar shrugged and cast Dryden a doubtful look. “It is up to you, but perhaps showing interest in her problems will help you… I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but it might help you keep her.”

  Mathar then slowed his horse to drop back to ride among the men.

  Dryden didn't know what to make of Mathar's astute observation. Whatever Jasmine was thinking about was weighing heavily on her now that he knew what to look for, but what could it be?

  Dryden thought he’d proven he was trustworthy by continuously saving her, but listening to her problems would be a step in the right direction, even if he couldn't help her.

  If he didn't, Jasmine might keep trying to escape, which would make his life a living hell. Not to mention it would make hers a living hell as well. The more she attempted escapes, the more restrictions he’d have to force on her.

  Hours passed, as they made their way back to their castle, and never once did he stop thinking about Jasmine and the situation they both were in.

  But now wasn't the time to talk to Jasmine about anything that might be bothering her. He wanted to see her face and read her expressions as she talked about whatever was on her mind. Sitting on a horse did not allow him that luxury.

  The moment they called for a stop Jasmine jumped at the chance to use the woods. She knew Dryden was itching to speak with her and she needed a moment to collect her thoughts before they got to talking.

  She walked into the woods, and then slowly made her way back, never leaving sight of the camp that was being set up. Glancing around it didn't take her long to spot Dryden among all his men. It seemed like he’d been waiting for her.

  “Waiting to see if I would return from the woods? If that’s the case, you needn’t worry because escaping from you would be impossible. I know that now.”

  “I wasn’t worried about it. I think I proved my point earlier.”

  Jasmine nodded.

  “May I?” He asked, holding out an arm for her.

  Jasmine smiled and slid her hand in between his arm and side. Allowing him to lead her where he willed. As he led her into the woods.

  “Was there something on your mind?” She prompted.

  “There was… may I be blunt?” He asked. His voice drifted through the cold mountain air. His voice's ability to calm her was surprising.

  Smiling up at him she searched his face for any clues of what he might be thinking of, but saw nothing in those dark eyes of his, “Of course you may.”

  They walked a little further into the forest, the snow crunched pleasantly underneath their footsteps.

  “I noticed your attention has been focused on something, and I can see whatever it is it is bothering you deeply.” He stated though he sounded uncertain about his observation.

  “You cared that something is bothering me?” Jasmine's heart went out to this strong warrior beside her.

  “Of course I care. I just wish you would tell me.”

  He had to have feelings for her, which made her heart sore. Who would’ve guessed her love match would be an ice giant warrior? Definitely not her.

  Now was her time to tell him, to let him into her life and her fears. This would be the moment to see how deeply his feelings went for her. Would he want to do something? Or would he wave them away without a care and tell her she would get over them with time?

  Jasmine decided she would rather tell him if just to see what his reaction would be when she told her story. But where to start exactly?


  Looking up she replied, “I was just thinking about how and where to start… my story is a bit complicated if you didn’t already guess that.” She explained to him.

  Dryden nodded, looking pleased, probably because she was finally going to let him into her life. It was long overdue. She should have done it earlier but hadn't known if she could pin her hopes on him.

  Taking another deep breath, she began her story.

  Tears welled up in her eyes a couple of times.

  Looking up at Dryden she could see he felt sorry for both her and her sister. There seemed to be a flare of anger in those depths at what Lord Gothar planned.

  “Please, go on.” Dryden coaxed Jasmine as she paused yet again, this time because of all her emotions choking her up.

  With a steadying breath and a hand to her fluttering heart, Jasmine again continued to explain that the hay on the rafters had shifted. She had fallen right down in front of Lord Gothar and Keir. Then she explained her memory became a little fuzzy about the following events, but that she knew they’d drugged her.

  A menacing growl interrupted her, and she turned to stare at Dryden in open-mouthed shock.

  Glancing down at her Dryden quickly apologized. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I’m not overly fond of this, Gothar. What man would plot to kill a woman?”

  Jasmine gave a sad laugh. “Neither am I, but trying to explain that to Adorra would be the hard part. Assuming she is still alive.” Jasmine added at the end.

  Dryden reached out, turning her towards him. His large hands came up to cup her face, and he looked deeply into her eyes. He gathered her in his arms, and she took what he was giving, hoping he might give more.

  She needed him to save her sister's life.

  Dryden loved the feel of Jasmine in his arms when he woke the next morning. Loved giving her the comfort she desperately needed, but to really comfort her he would need to save her sister.

  He just wasn’t sure it was within his ability. He already knew Mathar would say he was crazed for even considering it.

  Her sister was a human, living among many other humans, in a human kingdom. It wouldn't be an easy task. It would have to involve stealth and cunning, and it would be a huge risk for them to assist her.

  A red-hot hatred for this Lord Gothar flowed through his veins. This Lord had tried to get rid of his female and was also targeting Jasmine's sister. Dryden felt like the Lord had targeted him by harming Jasmine, but he had to think about this carefully.

  She stretched and rolled over and gave him a dazzling smile.

  “How do you look so gorgeous first thing in the morning?” He asked her.

  “It’s a skill.” She smiled.

  Dryden chuckled.

  “I was thinking about what you told me last night.”

  “What about it?” The smile slipped from her lips as she sat up on an elbow.

  “You ran away to save your sister?”

  She nodded.

  He swallowed. “Not because you… don't… feel anything for me?”

  “I wish I could stay here with you, but I have to see to my sister. Lord Gothar won’t hesitate to kill her. I know that much.”

  Dryden truly did feel bad about her situation. He was amazed by her dedication to her sister. Dryden knew he would try to save his siblings… if he had any. Yet here he was standing in her way.

  “I hope you can understand my apprehension of letting you go. My people are my family, and I have to protect them.”

  “I understand your position, but you have to understand mine as well. I have to get back to save my sister. I can’t just let it go.”

  Could he do both, help her and keep his people safe? The harsh life of the mountains had always kept the humans at bay, but if he went into their territory, they might decide to come into the mountains.

  Was he really thinking of helping her? Yes, he was. Even if it might be stupid, he wanted to assist her. But how could he help her? It was an important question, and he would
need a good answer.

  Then Mathar came to mind. His longtime friend might have some ideas.

  Pulling Jasmine away from him, he looked down into her beautiful hazel eyes. His hand came up to stroke her auburn hair. “I’m going to speak with Mathar about what we’ve discussed. Would it be alright with you?” He asked.

  Jasmine nodded.

  After leaving Jasmine in his tent, Dryden went in search of Mathar. It only took a couple of seconds to find Mathar leaning up against a tree trunk sharpening a sword.

  “How was the talk?” Mathar asked as Dryden pulled up in front of him. Mathar slipped the sword into its scabbard.

  “She confided in me about what’s been bothering her. It wasn't what I expected if I'm completely honest with you.” Dryden confessed.

  “What did you learn?”

  Dryden could see Mathar's interest was piqued. His friend was a great reconnaissance man, but it did make him a little too curious about others' secrets.

  Dryden repeated all the information Jasmine had passed along to him.

  Mathar's eyebrows rose in surprise at a few parts of the story. Dryden could tell Mathar was just as disturbed by this Lord Gothar person as he’d been when Jasmine had told him the tale.

  “I’m worried.” Mathar started. “How do we know these people and situations are real?” Mathar asked, his concern justifiable.

  “The emotion in her eyes. I could see the fear in her eyes whenever she brought up her sister at the mercy of Lord Gothar.” Dryden's heart went out to Jasmine, as he remembered the look in her eyes. She’d looked so haunted.

  Though he could tell Mathar was unconvinced, Dryden believed in giving Jasmine a chance to prove she was telling the truth to them.

  “Then have you come up with a plan on how to save her sister?” Mathar asked while he pushed himself away from the tree trunk and took a small dagger out of its scabbard to clean it with a cloth.


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