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Twice the Malone

Page 18

by Roberts, Laylah

“Nah, I just didn’t want to let you go. Joined at the hip, baby.” He slapped her ass and moved over to the chair. “Wish you’d hurry it up, though, man. I’ve got to get her fed. She’s starving.”

  She just shook her head.

  Maddox studied her and she wondered what he saw. She knew she’d lost weight, but she’d gain it all back soon from the babies. What would he think of her then?

  “I don’t think I’m going to like what you were just thinking about,” he said darkly.

  “It doesn’t matter. What . . . what did you want to say?”

  She braced herself for whatever it was. To her shock, he got down on his knees.

  “Yes! Fucking yes!” Beau cheered. “Wait, let me get my phone ready.”

  “Maddox, get up,” she whispered.

  He shook his head. “No. I was an ass. I need to apologize.”

  “I get why you thought what you did.”

  “Yeah, but I shouldn’t have jumped straight to the worst conclusion. And I should have at least taken the time to listen to what you had to say. And I . . . I shouldn’t have waited so long to come to you when I started to realize that I’d made a mistake. That the feelings I developed for you that night weren’t going away. Can you forgive me for being an idiot, Scarlett?”

  She stared down at him. “Will you please get up? Please?”

  He stood, his face was filled with worry. She hated seeing him like that. But before she forgave him, she had a few things to say. Things that she had to get out if they were going to move forward.

  “Are you only here because Beau is? Because he wants me, and you guys want to share?”

  “Fuck, no. Not at all. Beau and I like to share, yes. But the truth is, we’ve never found someone we both cared about. Until you. If he liked you and I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.”

  “That’s why I never got involved with the bitch,” Beau commented.

  “Beau, that’s not helping,” Maddox told him. “I’m here because I want to be. Because I want you, Scarlett. I know I have a lot of making up to do, the fact you could even think that tells me how much I have to do. But I’m here for you. I want you. Regardless of how my brother feels. I know this relationship is different, it’s one where we all have a relationship together and each of us with you, separately.”

  “Okay, that makes sense.” She licked her lips. “I honestly get why you jumped to the conclusion you did, and I’m not really upset by that so much as by the fact that you wouldn’t listen to my side. I know we don’t know each other well, so you had no reason to trust me.”

  “I still should have let you say your side. I jumped to conclusions. I said some terrible things to you.”

  “I know what it’s like to be hurt by someone, to feel betrayed,” she whispered. “My ex was my childhood sweetheart. I thought we were going to be together forever. While life wasn’t always perfect, I had no idea anything was wrong until I came home one day to find he’d packed up all his stuff. He told me that life with me was boring. That I’d stopped caring about myself, that I’d let myself go, and he could do better.”

  “Jesus, that stupid fuck,” Beau swore.

  “He’d been having an affair for months and I never even knew. I’d never do that to someone else. Never betray them. I would never want someone to feel like I did. So, I know how you feel and how hard it is to trust. I get it. But if we decide to, um, explore what this is between the three of us, then you both have to promise to talk to me first before you find me guilty of something and that you won’t just cut off all communication.”

  “I promise,” Beau said immediately.

  “I promise as well.”

  “Does that mean we’re doing this? We’re going to be the fearsome threesome?” Beau asked.

  She groaned.

  “We are not calling ourselves the fearsome threesome,” Maddox told him firmly.

  “The marvelous ménage?”

  “No,” she told him.

  “The terrific trifecta.”

  “Beau, shut up,” Maddox told him.

  “My brilliance is underappreciated. So how are we going to consummate this new relationship?” Beau’s gaze went to the bed.

  “Your agenda is not hidden,” Maddox told him dryly.

  “Good, because I was going for obvious.”

  “This isn’t just about sex,” Maddox said firmly.

  “Did you hear that, Scarlett? You can’t just want me for my rocking bod.”

  Scarlett grinned, something she didn’t think she was going to be doing after seeing Maddox scowling at her in the hallway earlier.

  “You know, it’s not too late to just choose one of us,” Maddox told her.

  “Yep, I can still kick him out, Snow.”

  “Nobody is getting kicked out,” she told them. “But I . . . I don’t know what to do next. I mean, we don’t even live in the same state, how will this work?”

  Maddox shared a look with Beau then Beau suddenly put his arm around her shoulders. “How about we don’t worry about that right now. Let’s get things settled first. Neither one of us has to rush back, right Mad?”

  “Right,” Maddox replied, looking thoughtful. Was he regretting coming here now? Agreeing to this?

  “So, I feel like you two should kiss to, you know, seal the deal.”

  She stared shyly up at Maddox, aware he hadn’t even touched her yet. Before she even thought about it, she threw herself into his arms.

  Gently, he held her then tightened his hold to the point she couldn’t breathe.

  “Whoa, go easy, man,” Beau was suddenly behind her. “You can’t squeeze her that hard.”

  “Fuck, sorry. I didn’t mean to. I just . . . you really forgive me?”

  “Yes. Of course. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you when you were telling me what a terrible person Richard is.”

  “You couldn’t have known.”

  “I feel like I should have. I feel like I was naïve and stupid.”

  Whoops. She waited for him to tell her off for calling herself stupid, but he just tucked her hair behind her ear. “You’re not stupid, Scarlett. No doubt he fooled a lot of people or he wouldn’t still be working.”

  Okay, that was . . . odd. He wasn’t one to hold back on giving her a scolding. She shook that off. He’d been traveling for a long time. He was probably tired.

  “Do you mind if I use the bathroom?” he said suddenly.

  She nodded and pointed to it, staring after him as he disappeared.

  “Huh,” Beau said.

  “What is it?”

  “He’s acting odd.”

  So, it wasn’t just her?

  “He’s probably just tired.”

  “Maybe, never stopped him from being a bossy, dictatorial bastard before.” Beau frowned then glanced down at her. “And for the record, you’re not to call yourself stupid again, understand?”

  “Sir, yes, Sir.” She saluted him.

  “Smart ass.” He kissed her hard and hot. Until a throat clearing had them tearing apart. Why do I feel kind of guilty for kissing Beau? And why don’t things feel as easy between the three of us?

  Probably because she and Maddox needed to reconnect. It would be all right. Although she still had a lot to tell him.

  “So, lunch?” Beau asked.


  Well, this was awkward as fuck.

  Beau eyed his brother. There was definitely something going on with him. Scarlett might think it was tiredness or some shit, but he knew Mad. The guy didn’t get tired like normal people. Or if he did, he didn’t let it stop him from doing his duty.

  And his first duty was to see to their girl.

  Only, he was holding back. Big time. It had to be giving him an ulcer. Or at least gas. Couldn’t be good for you to hold back your true nature like he was.

  He was almost acting like a normal person.

  He hadn’t told Scarlett off for calling herself stupid.

  He hadn’t reacted when she’
d very obviously ordered the cheapest item on the lunch menu.

  He hadn’t growled at her when she’d refused the bread to go with her soup, despite staring at it hungrily, or said anything about the weight she’d lost.

  And now they were back upstairs, and she was yawning her head off, yet determined to go back to her apartment and check on it.

  And Maddox was just sitting there. Meaning Beau had to play bad cop. Beau wasn’t good at being the bad cop. He was always the good cop.

  So instead of Maddox taking over and throwing out orders, Beau found himself having to cajole her into taking a nap.

  “I’ll go over and check out your apartment,” he told her.

  She shook her head stubbornly. “It’s my apartment. And I need to talk to the landlord.”

  “What you need is to get rid of the black marks under your eyes,” he insisted. “Maddox, have you got something to say?”

  “What? Oh, do you need me to drive you?” he asked her politely.

  They both gaped at him.

  “Maddox, are you all right?” Beau placed the back of his hand over his brother’s forehead.

  Maddox slapped his hand away, glaring up at him. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Oh, nothing, just wondering if the apocalypse is coming. Scar needs to take a nap.”

  “I thought she wanted to go to her apartment.”

  “She does.” Scarlett sent him a triumphant look. Brat. She needed a good spanking. And since he’d asked the doctor, he knew that a light spanking was fine for a pregnant woman as long as she didn’t get too upset. He sent her a look back and she wisely looked a bit worried.

  If Maddox knew she was pregnant, he wouldn’t be acting like this.

  Then again, he didn’t think Maddox had ever acted like this. Something was up with him. Big time.

  Beau didn’t have time for his brother’s shit. He had enough trouble keeping their woman under control. And he could really use Maddox’s help.

  * * *

  Fuck, he was an asshole.

  How could she forgive him so easily? He didn’t deserve her.

  Maddox didn’t comment as she climbed out of Beau’s truck herself, and he ignored the glower that Beau sent his way. His twin grabbed hold of her gently, pulling her in to say something in her ear.

  No doubt telling her how beautiful she was. How much he wanted her. Maddox should try doing that.

  With a frown, he glanced around. This looked like a good neighborhood. “You got mugged here?” He guessed it was possible to get mugged anywhere.

  “Ah, no, it’s pretty safe around here,” she told him.

  “The neighborhood where she got mugged wasn’t safe at all.” Beau sent her a look. “I should have interfered earlier rather than holding back and then it wouldn’t have happened.”

  “You didn’t know I would get mugged, Beau. It’s not your fault.”

  “What were you doing in a bad neighborhood. Was it for work?” Maddox asked her.

  “Um, no. I got fired.”

  He froze and looked over at her. “What?”

  “Richard fired me.”

  “The dick,” Beau added.

  “Total dick,” she agreed.

  He felt like he was missing something. But he couldn’t deny feeling relieved that she was no longer working for that asshole. And it was one less barrier to getting her to move out of the city and back to Haven.

  What if she didn’t want to move? What then? Could he live in the city? He hated being here, and it had been less than twenty-four hours. What would he do?

  Fact was, he hated the city. Didn’t want to live here. He wanted her in Haven where he knew she’d be safe.

  But if living here was what she wanted . . . fuck.

  “The locks have been changed,” Beau said. “They left a copy with the landlord, who let in the clean-up crew.”

  “I’ll buzz the landlord then,” she said. She took a deep breath. “I need to talk to him anyway about the lease. I hope he lets me out of it.”

  “He should understand why you can’t live here anymore,” Beau reassured her. “I’ll talk to him.”

  “No, this is something I need to do. And I should probably do it on my own.”

  “Maddox?” Beau asked.

  “Hmm?” he asked. Why did he have a funny feeling about all of this?

  “You got something to say about Scar talking to the landlord on her own?” Beau gave him a pointed look.

  He opened his mouth to insist that he’d handle the landlord. But then he remembered that he was trying not to be such a controlling jerk.

  “I’m sure she has it handled.”

  Beau just shook his head.

  The landlord opened the door. He and Scarlett walked inside and started quietly talking. Beau blocked his path, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”


  “Did aliens invade your body? Were you probed? You can tell me if you were probed. I promise I won’t even laugh.”

  “I wasn’t probed. Jesus.” He scowled at his brother. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Exactly my question for you, brother. What the fuck is up with you?”

  “Nothing is up with me.”

  She returned with a smile. But he noticed it looked forced. Shit.

  “What did he say?” Beau asked.

  “Oh, he said that everything is all fine. Shall we go up?”

  When they reached her apartment, she used the key the landlord had given her. Inside some packing boxes had been piled up to the left of the living area but otherwise, it was bare.

  “Wow, they really tidied everything up. They must have been here all day. I don’t know how you got them to do it on short notice like that.”

  “I paid them a bonus,” Beau said, moving over to the boxes. He had his back turned to her, so he didn’t see her wince. But Maddox did.

  What was that about? Was she upset Beau paid them a bonus?

  “You need to tell me how much I owe you for that.”

  He had to bite his tongue so he wouldn’t tell her that she didn’t owe them a cent.

  She deserves gentleness. Care. Not to be snapped at. You’ve done enough of that.

  Beau shot him a look then sighed. “I’m surrounded by lunatics.”

  “What?” she asked, giving him a startled look.

  “Nothing. Do you want me to take these boxes somewhere, Snow? They look to be mostly clothes.”

  “I suppose I should keep them.”

  She didn’t seem like she wanted to keep them, though. She looked kind of ill at the thought.

  “No. You’re not keeping them. I bought you new clothes and if you need more, I’ll take you shopping again.”

  “That seems so wasteful, though,” she replied. “I’m sure I’ll get over my aversion to them.”

  “Snow, you don’t need these anywhere near you. They’ll just remind you of what happened here. Same as staying in this apartment would. You sure the landlord let you out of the lease?”

  “It’s all fine.”

  That wasn’t a full answer, he noticed.

  Keep pushing her, Beau.

  But his brother didn’t say anything. Maddox frowned, hesitating. There was obviously something going on with the landlord. Before he could say anything though, Beau was stacking up boxes.

  “We’ll take these to the Salvation Army.”

  “Okay, that’s a good idea.” She gave him a relieved look and went to grab a box.

  “Hey!” Beau said sharply, making her jolt. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Carrying a box downstairs.”

  “No way. Maddox and I will carry all the boxes.”

  “Beau, don’t be silly, they’re light. I can take one at a time.”

  “Nope,” Beau replied.

  “I’ll use the elevator.”

  “Still nope.”

  Okay, this was the most forceful he’d
ever seen his brother and it surprised him.

  “You can wait up here or in the truck. Those are your two choices. Right, Maddox?”

  Both of them turned to look at him. On the one hand, he agreed with his brother wholeheartedly. Why the hell would they let her carry boxes when they were both here and capable?

  However, he didn’t want to argue with her.

  “I’m sure she’s capable of carrying a box, Beau.”

  Both of them stared at him in shock, and instead of looking happy, Scarlett gave him a concerned look.

  “Are you all right, Maddox?” she asked.

  “Of course. Shall we move these?”

  “Yeah, you and I will,” Beau said firmly. “Scarlett, pick up one of those boxes and I will spank your ass even if my alien-probed brother won’t.”

  * * *

  Something was wrong with Maddox. She watched him worriedly as they entered their room. They’d dropped her clothes off at a Salvation Army store then grabbed a quick dinner before returning to the hotel. They couldn’t stay here forever; the bill was going to be huge. She really needed to sort out what she was going to do.

  What she hadn’t told Beau and Maddox was that the landlord would only let her out of her lease if she found someone to take it over, so she was also left paying for that while she found a new tenant.

  She was quickly going to burn through her savings.

  Maddox walked quietly into the suite. He was subdued. Not himself. He hadn’t once attempted to boss her around or threatened to spank her.

  She hadn’t known him long, but it seemed pretty out-of-character.

  As he walked into the bathroom, she turned to Beau. “What’s going on?”

  “I have no fucking idea,” Beau replied. “But if he doesn’t snap out of it, I’m gonna have to kick his ass. It won’t be pretty. I apologize now that you’ll have to see him cry.”

  “Beau, I’m serious.”

  “So am I. I don’t know what’s crawled up his ass and turned him into some kind of new-age zombie, but he needs to stop. This isn’t him. I mean, he was going to let you carry one of those boxes.” He folded his arms and scowled at her. “And what was that about, missy?”

  She rolled her eyes at him and stared over at the bathroom to make sure the door was shut. “I’m pregnant, not an invalid.”


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