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Rescue Inc Collection Vol 4: Mine for Eternity & Mine to Love

Page 15

by Pritchard, Megs

  “We’ve been talking.” Carter pointed at Hunter. “If we can hit the three areas we’ve discussed and release the information to the press, then the authorities would need to get involved.”

  “Especially if we have evidence of the slaves and the weapons in front of them.”

  Dean nodded. “And we have documented evidence and statements from the slaves. The authorities would have to act, they couldn’t be seen doing nothing.”

  “I always wondered why we never had a human-vampire agency,” Carter mused.

  “The council said we didn’t need one because vampires would follow human laws,” Hunter answered.

  Dean snorted, shaking his head. “And now we know why they said that.”

  “Like we’ve said. They started planning this years ago.”

  They all sat in silence and Dean stared at his food, not hungry anymore. Sighing, he picked up his cutlery and ate his food. He couldn’t wait for this to be over and they could all move on with their lives without this constant threat hanging over them. He wanted to have a future with his mate, and a family of their own, but that was a long way off.

  There was too much that needed to be done first. The Tierney Corporation needed to be taken down and all those involved imprisoned. They had to make their plans and make sure they were fool proof. They couldn’t fail with so many lives at risk. The future of everyone depended on it.

  “It feels overwhelming,” Dean admitted.

  “It does,” Hunter agreed. “I thought I was joining a company to save people, not save the world.”

  “So, tonight, we’ve going over what we know.”

  “And the information I got. There’s so much we still need to go through. I hadn’t realized how much there was until we opened up all the files and started going through it. There are thousands of documents. Some hold nothing important, but others do, and we have to go through them all to make sure we don’t miss anything vital.”

  “I’ve been working on the locations. They have places I would never have thought to look.”

  “Most are congregated in a ten-mile radius around the Tatton grounds.”

  “Yeah,” Dean agreed, “But they have some in locations I wouldn’t even have thought of. In the middle of the city, for instance. Why would you want a place there if you were going to turn the power off? The city would be a disaster zone.”

  “If the place was well fortified and stocked, then they could hold out for months there and be able to relay information back to HQ. Once the city is deserted and there are no obvious signs of life, the vampires would be able to move out and initiate the next phase of their plan.”

  “Makes sense.” Dean agreed. “They’ve thought of everything. I have to admire them for that. They’ve planned for every outcome.”

  “So it seems, but we know now, and we can work with the information we have. We can go through more at tomorrows at the meeting.”

  Dean nodded and carried on eating. Tomorrow they’d plan but tonight he had a date with his mate and he couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Seven

  Wyatt sat in the pub waiting for Dean. He’d arrived early hoping Dean wouldn’t turn up and hoping he would all at the same time. Fucking connection. Being mates sucked.

  Sighing, Wyatt sipped his beer and stared at the door, his foot bouncing she chewed on his lip, his eyes never leaving the door. Dean said he would be there for eight and it was five to now, so where was he?

  Wyatt growled. Why did he have to meet his mate now when he was so young and Dean was human to boot? Not that he had anything against humans, he’d just never seen himself settling down with one. He’d been raised to believe they were weaker, slower and needed taking care of but staying with Donnie and Jeremy over the last few months had changed all that and proved it was all a pack of lies.

  Jeremy was as strong as Donnie, just as quick too. Their connection was vibrant and sometimes Wyatt was surprised he couldn’t physically see the bond in front of him. Their connection was so obvious and at times Wyatt had thought he could reach out and touch it. It was the same with Sacha and Jared, and Chester and Silas. In fact, in all the mated couples he’d seen.

  Would it be the same for him? If he mated with Dean, would they have that same level of closeness, that same depth of emotion, or would his mate leave him one day? He closed his eyes as tears threatened. Would his mate cast him aside for someone better? His family had, so why wouldn’t Dean?

  He chewed his lip, staring at the largely untouched pint in front of him. It had been just him and parents, they’d had him late in life and had loved him unconditionally, until he told them about his sexuality. He’d watched the surprise cross their faces, before his dad had shut down, his face turning to stone.

  No emotions showed, not even a hint. They hadn’t even shouted. Merely asked if he was sure, and when he told them he was, they’d politely asked him to leave. When he’d tried to talk to them about it, they’d refused to listen.

  He’d packed a bag, gathering every essential he’d need, and left. He’d walked down the path and turned back to look at the home he’d grown up in, hoping they’d be there watching him and change their minds, but the door was closed. He’d looked at the window and watched his dad close the curtains, shutting him out of both their house and their lives.

  So, as that chapter of his life ended, he walked into the next, not knowing where it would take him and what he was going to do.

  He turned up for work, only to be told he was no longer employed. Of course, he wasn’t. He worked for a vampire-owned firm and obviously his parents had told the owners about him, so not only was he homeless, he was unemployed as well.

  In less than twenty-four hours, his dreams for the future turned to ash.

  Seven years he’d survived by himself. He’d had good times and bad, working shitty jobs that barely paid the rent, at times struggling to find blood, but when sex was involved, he always found someone willing.

  He enjoyed sex, enjoyed the feeling when he was fucking. It didn’t bother him who was on top, he liked it both ways. He liked threesomes too and had had a few over the years. That would all have to end now he’d found his mate though.

  He’d heard Jeremy and Donnie often enough to know the sex would be great. They were not quiet. Would he scream Dean’s name the way Jeremy screamed Donnie’s?

  By the sounds Jeremy made, Donnie fucked like a god. In fact, many times Jeremy had shouted that word. Would he do that too?

  He’d never really been a screamer. The most he’d said were things like, harder, faster, fuck you’re tight. He winced as he recalled it. But he’d enjoyed it at the time and it was nothing to be ashamed of. He doubted Dean was a virgin, so why should he give a damn about enjoying sex?

  He sat back in his seat and closed his eyes. What would his parents do if they knew about Dean? Would they welcome him back? Would they apologize for their mistakes?

  No, they wouldn’t and why, after all this time, did he want them to? Because he missed them. Even though they’d thrown him out, they were still his parents and a part of him still loved them, still wanted to see them.

  Wyatt dropped his head in his hands, closing his eyes. Why after all these years was he thinking of them?

  “Wyatt,” Dean muttered.

  He heard a chair being moved and then Dean was there sitting next to him, his hand on the back of Wyatt’s neck, offering comfort. Wyatt tried to resist. He’d done without comfort for years, but right at that moment, he needed it.

  He leaned into Dean, and Dean moved his hand from the back of Wyatt’s neck to his shoulder, pulling closer. Wyatt turned his head into Dean’s neck, soaking up the comfort Dean offered him.

  He didn’t know how long they sat there like that for, but not once did Dean complain. He merely sat there holding him. Wyatt hadn’t known how much he needed someone to be there for him. Someone who didn’t want anything in return.

  He relaxed into Dean’s embrace and sighed. Opening his eyes, he looked
around the pub and not one single person was watching them.

  “No one minds, Wyatt. No one cares. It’s just me and you. Take all the time you need. I’ll be here for you, always.”

  “Why?” he asked quietly.

  “Because you’re mine and I’m yours.”

  Wyatt sat up and stared incredulously at Dean. “That’s it? It’s that simple to you?”

  Dean frowned, tilting his head. “Yes, it is.”

  “Oh.” Wyatt looked away. “I’m... I don’t know...”

  “I’ll just get a drink. Take a minute, Wyatt.”

  He nodded and watched Dean walk to the bar, and yes, he did notice his ass. Groaning, he dropped his head in his hands. His mate was delicious, and he seemed like a really nice guy. What was there to hate?

  Dean came back and sat down next to him, a small smile on his face. “You feeling better now?”

  Wyatt nodded, looking away when he felt his skin heat up. “Yeah, thanks.”

  “So, how was work today?”

  Wyatt blinked at the change of topic. “Fine, thanks.”

  “How are the ladies doing? Talking you to death?” Dean grinned, and Wyatt found himself responding.

  “Yeah. They mean well, but they do ask a lot of questions.”

  “They do the same every time they see me. They know about us. I get asked things like, ‘when are you taking that nice young Wyatt out for a meal? You’re not getting any younger you know’.” Dean mimicked their voices and grinned. “They saw me earlier and let’s just say they know far too much about gay sex.”

  Wyatt choked on the beer he’d just drunk. “Shit. What did they say?”

  “Hmm. Something about showers, cleaning, and stretching.”

  Wyatt grimaced. “They really shouldn’t know about that.”

  “Oh, and Bernice asked me to set a camera up in the bedroom so they could watch.”

  “What!” Wyatt practically shouted. He glanced around the pub seeing several people staring at him and lowered his voice. “She said what?”

  “Yeah, seriously, she did. What does she say to you?”

  “Not that, but I’m sure they keep it tame because it’s Jeremy’s shop. I’ve never seen them outside of work.”

  “They’re lovely but very nosy.” Dean chuckled. “They keep things interesting. Hasn’t one of them been married a few times?”

  Wyatt nodded. “Edith. Apparently straight men are useless in bed and need a diagram to help them find their way around a woman’s body. I’ve heard in graphic detail about a woman’s body, her vagina and clitoris.” Wyatt gulped his beer. “I needed to bleach my ears afterward, but Jeremy finds it hilarious.”

  “He’s probably used to them by now. They go in often, don’t they?”

  Wyatt nodded. “A few times a week and the business is doing really well. He’s been asked to cater for a birthday party.”

  “That’s great news. Have you learned a few culinary tricks?”

  “Puff pastry is harder than it looks and way more fattening too. I’ve seen Jer add a whole packet of butter into the mix. A whole packet! My heart actually stuttered in my chest.”

  Dean threw his head back laughing. “But it tastes so fucking good.”

  “It does, but it’s so unhealthy. I didn’t eat any but went for a run after. I felt like I had to.”

  “It’s a nice treat. I’m partial to chocolate cake.”

  “It is a nice treat, but far too many people see it as part of their everyday diet. Jer makes healthy alternatives and-” Wyatt leaned forward, whispering, “-I like chocolate cake too.”

  Wyatt watched Dean, unable to slow his attraction to him. Damn the mating bond, but really, who was he kidding? He liked Dean. He made him laugh and appeared interested in him. He asked questions and showed he was listening. He talked about himself and his family and would answer Wyatt’s questions. He was gorgeous too.

  Wyatt pursed his lips. He could feel his fangs and it worsened the longer he was with Dean. He wanted to bite him and take what was his. This must be why mates found it so difficult to stay away from each other. He wanted to fuck Dean, but he wasn’t ready for the repercussions if he had sex with him. He didn’t think he would be able to stop himself from biting him.

  Chapter Eight

  Garrick barely noticed the unrestrained fury the king had. He’d experienced it several times and knew it would take some time for the king to calm down. Usually after he’d hurt or killed someone for their incompetence.

  He stood still waiting for his explosive anger to ebb. He’d been waiting some time already. The king was not happy over the virus Carter had released leading to the destruction of their data, and he wanted retribution.

  “Find him!” he screamed as he stormed around the room. He picked up a chair and threw it against the wall, the chair smashing to pieces.

  “Yes, your-”

  He swirled around and pointed a finger at Belinda. “How could you let him get away with it? You were supposed to be keeping an eye on all the humans who work for us. How could you fail me?”

  Belinda paled and flapped her mouth. “My King, it wasn’t my intention to fail you. None of us knew-”

  The king slashed his hand through the air, stopping Belinda in her tracks. “I don’t need to hear your pitiful excuses. You. Failed. Me.”

  Garrick watched from the corner of his eye. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself. He knew in this kind of rage someone could get injured and that someone wouldn’t be him. Belinda and Lincoln could take their king’s anger.

  No one could have foreseen what Carter had planned or the fact that Spencer was a mole. Spencer was from a councilman’s family. He should have been working with them, not against them. Why would he choose the pitiful humans over his own kind? Spencer had a seat to watch the humans destroy themselves and now he’d thrown it away. He would die, just like the humans would.

  Garrick desperately wanted to find him and make him suffer. He hadn’t spilled enough blood for Garrick’s liking. He wanted to make Spencer scream. He wanted to make him suffer and when he found him, he was going to do just that.

  Oh, he had plans for Spencer and that human, Carter. He’d never wanted humans to be involved, even those who agreed with their plans. How could they turn against their own kind? Backstabbing motherfuckers. That’s what they were, and Carter was on Garrick’s list along with Spencer. He’d find them both and make them suffer. Break their bones and feast on their screams... and blood.

  “Enough!” The king’s shouting brought Garrick back into the room and he watched impassively as he strode towards Belinda, grabbed around her throat, and lifted her off the floor.

  She choked, grabbing at his hands, clawing fruitlessly at them as his hand squeezed tight. She tried to speak, but all Garrick heard was croaks.

  The king pulled her closer and muttered, “You will pay for your failure.”

  His other hand joined the first and Garrick watched as he choked her until she stopped moving. He continued choking her until her body gave a last feeble gasp, and then there was nothing.

  He threw her body to the side and spun around to face Garrick, storming over to stand in front of him, his face close to Garrick’s. “What about you, Commander Garrick?”

  “Our systems are back on-line and we are scanning the data to find what’s missing. We had backup in place where we stored all our data and the virus was stopped before it was able to erase all those files.”

  “But it did erase some of them.”

  “We can’t say for sure.”

  “You’ve had months since the virus was added. Why do you need more time?”

  “The damage was more extensive than first believed. We brought everything back on-line but hadn’t completely erased the virus. It was in the background erasing data as we restored it. It took our IT department some time to figure out what was happening. They have been suitably punished for their failure to act more quickly.”

  “I’m sure they have,”
he whispered softly. Stepping back, he glanced disdainfully at Belinda’s body. He clicked his fingers and pointed at her. “Get rid of the trash. It makes the place look untidy.”

  With a final glare at Garrick, he muttered, “Find them. Bring them to me.” He walked out of the room and Garrick followed at a slower pace.

  He went to his private quarters, and once inside with the door closed, his shoulders dropped. He breathed deeply for a minute and straightened them, standing tall. Grabbing his cell, he called IT.

  “Well?” he asked as soon as someone answered.

  “There is definitely someone monitoring us. They’re good, but I’m better. Forty-eight hours and I’ll have their location.”

  “See that you do, or you can have a meeting with our King.”

  He heard the sharp intake of breath and smiled.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He ended the call and growled, “I will have you.”

  * * *

  Dean walked behind Wyatt, his eyes glued to Wyatt’s ass. His jeans hugged it just right and Dean licked his lips in anticipation. One day he would be able to touch, hold, bite and lick him. One day Wyatt would be his mate and he longed for that day to occur, but he knew Wyatt was nowhere near ready for it.

  Dean knew he was attracted to him. He’d seen the red come and go in his eyes several times during the night, but just as quickly, he’d notice Wyatt turn away, his chest moving rapidly as he controlled his need.

  What had surprised Dean was how his body pulsed with need every single time he caught a glimpse of Wyatt’s fangs. Usually around the same time Wyatt’s eyes glowed. He wanted to feel them sink into his neck, wanted to feel Wyatt drink his blood as their bodies moved together. He didn’t give a damn who fucked who, he just wanted to feel Wyatt’s body against his own.

  He discreetly adjusted his raging hard on and continued to follow Wyatt over to his car. Dean recognized it as Jeremy’s and nodded in approval. He didn’t want his mate walking anywhere on his own. Considering what was going on around them, he didn’t want Wyatt to be at greater risk than he already was.


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