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Rescue Inc Collection Vol 4: Mine for Eternity & Mine to Love

Page 17

by Pritchard, Megs

  Wyatt sat up and Dean changed position so he could wrap his legs around Wyatt’s waist. Wyatt’s hand gripped him under his ass, and he moved Dean, thrusting up harder and deeper into Dean’s ass, causing Dean to cry out.

  “Fuck, yes. Just there!” Dean leaned forward and kissed Wyatt, all wet and messy.

  Wyatt groaned, and his grip tightened. “Dean,” he mumbled against his lips.

  Dean tightened his ass and Wyatt groaned harshly, a sound Dean swallowed as they continued kissing. His hands moved up Wyatt’s back and neck and slid into Wyatt’s damp, curly hair, gripping the strands. He tilted his head further and Dean moved down Wyatt’s jaw, kissing along it until he reached his ear. Once there, he licked around the edge and sucked the lobe into his mouth, gently biting it.

  Wyatt shuddered and his head fell back. Dean took advantage and moved his lips down the long, graceful column of Wyatt’s throat. At the base, he sucked until he was sure he’d marked him. Wyatt’s hand pulled his head back and Dean gasped into the kiss Wyatt gave him.

  As Wyatt continued to fuck Dean, he moved a hand between their bodies and grabbed his dick. Dean shuddered, crying out as Wyatt played with the spongy wet head, wiping his juices around it. His head fell back, and he closed his eyes as intense bliss radiated through him. It was almost too much for him to take.

  Wyatt stroked him slowly but kept the grip firm, and with every thrust, he hit Dean’s spot. Dean felt his balls pull up as the tingling sensation built in his groin.

  “Close,” he cried out when Wyatt suddenly picked up the speed of his strokes. Wyatt let go and grabbed the base of his dick causing Dean to cry out. “No!”

  “A little longer,” Wyatt whispered against his skin.

  Wyatt’s hand returned, and Dean groaned, his body jerking. Every move Wyatt made ratcheted up his pleasure and the tingling intensified. “Please,” he begged. He was desperate to come.

  Wyatt’s thrusts increased along with his hand and Dean cried out, his body jerking uncontrollably as come shot from his dick, coating both him and Wyatt. Sweat ran down his hot skin and he struggled to breathe as his orgasm took over.

  He heard Wyatt call his name, but it was a distant sound barely heard over the harsh pounding of his heart ringing in his ears. His head fell onto Wyatt’s shoulders and he was barely aware of Wyatt’s hands soothing him.

  He opened his eyes when he felt Wyatt move them and he lay on the bed. Wyatt rested his head on Dean’s shoulder and Dean rolled onto his side to kiss Wyatt’s cheek.

  “Damn,” he croaked.


  Dean swallowed and lay still, content to have Wyatt in his arms as they both came down from their orgasmic highs. His hand stroked up and down Wyatt’s arm. He needed to be touching him, keeping contact with his skin.

  “I’ve never...” He started and trailed off. He couldn’t find the words to explain what he’d just experienced. Dean had never experienced anything close to what he had when he was with Wyatt. The sex just kept getting better and better.

  “Me either.”

  “Is it because we’re mates?” The sex was phenomenal, off the chart amazing.

  “In part.” Wyatt leaned up on his arm, resting his head on his hand. “We haven’t completed the bond, but I think because we’re spending time together, it’s allowing it to deepen. Once we mate, well, if, it’ll get better.”

  Dean somehow managed to hide his wince when Wyatt used the word if. Dean wanted them to mate, he wanted them to complete the bond and have the same connection he saw the other mated couples have. He was jealous of them and what they shared, but he knew their relationship would only move when Wyatt wanted it to and he wasn’t going to rush him before he was ready. That would do more harm than good.

  “Well.” Dean smiled at Wyatt, hiding his feelings.”When we do, I’ll need a vacation after.”

  Wyatt giggled, then slapped a hand over his mouth, his eyes widening in surprise. “What the fuck was that?”

  Dean chuckled and went to answer as Wyatt placed his finger on his lips. Dean grinned, then sucked it in, licking the tip with his tongue. He watched Wyatt’s eyes darken with lust and the red glow which hadn’t entirely disappeared, become stronger.

  “Again?” Wyatt asked.

  “Yeah. Again.”

  * * *

  Wyatt followed behind Dean as they drove to Jeremy and Donnie’s home. He’d taken Jeremy’s car the night before, so he had to return it.

  When they arrived, Dean pulled to the side, giving Wyatt the space to park, and he waited for Dean to reach him before they walked in. The house smelled heavenly and Wyatt moaned, appreciating the scent. Jeremy was cooking something that would be absolutely delicious. He should have opened a restaurant and not a bakery, but Jeremy loved pastries and Donnie did too.

  They were truly a perfect match.

  He wasn’t aware he was chuckling until he felt Dean poke him in the ribs. “What?” he asked.

  “What’s funny?”

  Wyatt grinned. “Just thinking how perfect they are.” He nodded towards the kitchen. “Jeremy likes to cook and Donnie likes to eat.”

  Dean nodded, a grin on his face too. “He can certainly cook.”

  “Come on, you two. We’re in the kitchen!” Donnie shouted.

  Wyatt walked into the kitchen with Dean behind him and both Jeremy and Donnie looked up at them with grins on their faces. Dean must have done something because those grins lessened. Jeremy coughed and turned around back to the oven and Donnie pointed to the chairs.

  “Come on, sit down.”

  Dean stepped past Wyatt and pulled out a chair, sitting down. Wyatt glanced at Donnie and said, “I’m heading upstairs. I’ll be down in a minute.”

  He quickly left the room and jogged up the stairs to his bedroom. Once he was inside, he slid down the wall next to the door and listened in. He wanted to know what Dean had done to make their smiles fade.

  “No, he hasn’t.”

  “But you two...”

  “Yeah, we did, but we didn’t mate. It has to be at Wyatt’s pace. I don’t want to rush him.”

  “Are you okay with that?” Jeremy asked.

  “I don’t know.” Wyatt could hear how sad Dean was, and he bit his lip, staring at the carpet.

  “Like you said, go at his pace. Small steps, Dean.”

  “I know, D, and thanks. I hoped when he turned up last night that he was ready, but we haven’t really spent a great deal of time together, so I shouldn’t rush him.”

  “But you want to?”

  “Yeah, D, I do. I want what you all have... I need to give him more time. I know that he’s been through so much and he needs to trust me first. He’s seen me here and I’ve been to the shop a few times, but I have kept my distance.”

  “It’s a huge adjustment,” Jeremy said. “He was a prisoner for months and then the person who rescues him turns out to be his mate. Sounds a little familiar.”

  “Yeah, babe.”

  “What sounds familiar?” Dean asked.

  “There were heavy rains, and I was caught up in the resulting flood. Donnie saved me.”

  “Oh, saved by your mate, what were the chances of that?”

  Wyatt tuned them out. He hadn’t realized how deeply his decision not to mate Dean had affected him. He was only seeing it from his own point of view. He hadn’t even tried to see it from Dean’s. His decision was affecting him too, probably hurting him, but Dean was right. They didn’t really know each other because Wyatt had been avoiding him whenever he could.

  Wyatt thumped his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, sighing deeply. What should he do? He honestly didn’t know. He felt things for Dean, felt emotions he hadn’t felt for anyone before, but he was scared. Like really fucking scared. He’d just been freed from one prison, so how did he know this wouldn’t turn out to be another?

  Wyatt snorted. “Stupid,” he muttered at his own thoughts.

  He’d seen enough mated couples to know th
at they truly loved each other and would do whatever they could to help the other. He’d seen it all the time with Jeremy and Donnie. How much they helped each other, how they gravitated to the other when they were close, how they gave each other small touches.

  The love and support were evident on all the mated couples he’d spent time with recently, and from what he knew of Dean, and what he’d been told, he believed, deep down, their relationship would be the same.

  So why was he holding him back? He knew the answer to that question. His past, his parents and how they’d treated him. What he knew about the Tierney Corporation. How did he know that Dean wouldn’t at some point in the future do the same to him? Cast him aside like trash. Refuse to see him or speak to him again.

  His eyes itched and burned as he inhaled shakily, blinking as the tears fell. He let them trail down his cheek before scrubbing them away. He’d cried enough to last him a hundred lifetimes, and he wasn’t going to start again.

  He had a future, he had a mate, and he had to find the strength and courage to grab it with both hands. Fight for what was his. He shouldn’t miss out on a single day of happiness because of what his parents had done to him.

  Jumping up, he grabbed his bag from under the bed and pulled out a sheet of paper. Paper he’d kept with him for years. He rushed downstairs and into the kitchen to find that Dean had left. He looked at Jeremy and Donnie. “Where is he?”

  “He thought you’d gone to bed, so he left. Said he’d call you later,” Jeremy told him, then turned back to the oven.

  Wyatt nodded distracted that his mate had left and not said a word. He winced and slumped in the chair at the table. “I’m doing this all wrong,” he muttered brokenly.

  “You’re doing it the way that feels best for you. Dean understands.”

  Wyatt looked up at Donnie and shook his head. “I don’t know what to do.” He stared down at the table. “I’m... I don’t know.”

  He heard the chair scrape next to him and looked up to see Jeremy smiling at him as he sat down. He reached out and patted Wyatt’s hand. “The choice you’re making is difficult. People think it should be an easy one, you’ve found your mate, so you should naturally want to complete the mate bond, but what they forget is that you’re also tying yourself to him. Get to know him first and then decide. It doesn’t have to be done right now.”

  Wyatt nodded, but he wasn’t sure he agreed with Jeremy. He missed Dean in a way he’d never missed his parents. It was too quick, but that was how it was when mates found each other.

  He needed to sort his head out and soon, but first he needed to be honest. “Here. You need this and don’t ask me any questions about it. Please.”

  He dropped the paper on the table and watched Donnie’s eyes widen when they scanned it. “You’re sure?”

  “Took it from his office before he threw me out.”

  “I need to let the guys know.”

  Wyatt nodded. “It’ll help?”

  “Yeah, Wyatt. It’ll help.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “So we have three items to discuss: the blood slaves, the weapons, and the food stores. We want to hit all three at the same time.” Silas looked around the table at everyone gathered.

  “Maybe not, Chester,” Dean murmured. “We could take out the food stores by making it look like an accident. That would give us more time to plan.”

  “But if they suspect anything then we lose what edge we have,” Chester countered.

  “Me and my friends will see to the slaves,” Euan told them. “All we need to worry about here is the food and the weapons. It needs to be a highly orchestrated attack.”

  “Wait,” Donnie interrupted. “You need to see this.” He placed a sheet of paper on the table. “Wyatt had it. Took it from his family home before they kicked him out.” Looking at Dean, Donnie said, “I think he wanted to give it you, but you’d left.”

  “What is it?”

  Donnie grinned. “Tunnels.”

  “You can confirm this is legit?” Chester asked.

  “No. They’ll have upgraded their security after Carter’s virus,” Hunter said.

  “We’ve tried hacking, and it is far better than what they used before, but I might have tweaked with it.” Carter shrugged. “Give us a few days and we’ll be in and then we can search for a tunnel system.”

  “Just make sure to cover your tracks. They caught on to you the other day,” Chester reminded them, staring at the piece of paper before giving it to Ale.

  Hunter nodded. “We were sloppy. It won’t happen again.”

  “Euan. You’re sure your friends can help us?”

  “Positive. I’ve already spoken to them and they’re ready whenever we need them.”

  “How many?”

  “Up to two hundred.”

  Ale whistled. “Two hundred men available when we need them?”

  “Men and women. We have multiple locations where the slaves are being held and the same for the weapons. We need all the help we can get.”

  “I’m not arguing that, Euan. I’m just surprised that many would be willing to help us.”

  “I told you why,” Euan muttered, holding Ale’s gaze.

  Ale nodded once. “Right. Food stores first. Hit them sooner rather than later so while they are scrambling around to restock their stores they’ll hopefully be distracted enough that we can come in and hit the weapons depots and retrieve the slaves.”

  Silas pushed the papers and maps towards the middle of the table. “The two largest stores are in these two locations.” Silas pointed to two circles on the map. “If we can take the largest one out, it will push their plans back.”

  “If only they were closer, then we could have done both of them.” Chester shook his head. “Going after both will let them know that we managed to gain access to their records and they will move their stores.”

  “We’ll take out the larger of the two, make it look like an accidental fire.” Hunter stood and pointed to the nearest location. “The food will go out quickly. It’s mainly grains in that one.”

  “A two-man team,” Donnie muttered.

  “Three,” Jensen countered. “I’ll stay as back up and you and, I presume, Hunter will go in. Ale and Chester can monitor us remotely.”

  Donnie and Hunter shared a look then nodded. “Three it is.” Looking between Chester and Ale, Hunter asked, “What do you think?”

  Before they could answer, Euan said, “I can get access to a satellite.”

  All heads turned to him and Dean spluttered, “A satellite? A real fucking sat?”

  Euan grinned. “It’s surprisingly easy to buy one now. It’s the launching that causes issues. My friends have one.”

  “I really want to meet them,” Jared said.

  “All in good time.”

  “I hate it when you know something I don’t.” Jared pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. Silas reached over and slapped the back of his head. “Hey!”

  “Get over it.” Silas grinned. “Some good news.” He glanced over at Miguel. “We found Jacques’ siblings.” Everyone started speaking and Silas held up a hand. “They’re with Jacques. Turns out his parents did a number on them too, but they will recover.”

  Miguel leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “They’re staying with us for now at the cabin. They need time to recover and Jacques wants them close by.”

  “Any help you need, let us know,” Sacha said, and the others echoed the sentiment.

  Miguel nodded, giving them a small smile. “Thanks, guys. I think for now they just need some time to themselves and Troy’s been over at the weekends.”

  Ale nodded. “He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “And it’s helped them having someone their age around.”

  Ale snorted. “Thanks.”

  “What about Etienne?” Mich asked. “Fucker needs his balls removing with a rusty knife.” More than a few winces showed on their faces and Mich shrugged. “Don’t tell me he doesn�
�t deserve it.”

  “Oh, he does, Mich,” Silas agreed. “And if he escapes again, I’ll personally hand him over to you.”

  Mich grinned. “I’ll have fun too.”

  “So, back to the question.” Chester coughed, glancing at Mich. “He is and isn’t cooperating.”

  “The fucker’s being a cunt.” Miguel grunted. “Only answers questions he wants to.”

  “You should send me in. I’m sure I could convince him,” Mich told them.

  “I wish we could, but we have to play by the rules. All interviews are recorded, and we are learning information I don’t think he’s aware he’s telling us.” Chester grinned. “He isn’t too smart. He forgets what he’s told us from one interview to the next.”

  “So, let’s recap.” Silas leaned forward. “Good news, Jacques has his family back and Etienne is talking to us in a roundabout way. Now, we need to plan our raid on this food store.” Silas pointed to the map.

  “We need to do a recon then. Assess security, guard rotations, weapons, other security measures, motion detectors.” Euan also leaned forward. “I’ll get my friends to watch the location once their sat’s in position. Get a few days of info, and with the recon, we can move ahead with our mission.”

  “Hunter, Donnie and Dean will focus on this mission, with me as back up,” Ale said. “If we’re called in, we’ll need Chester out in the field. Silas can run back up for him.”

  “I can keep trying to track down more information,” Carter muttered. “And we need to plan the recon on the other locations.”

  “I’ll be the lead on that with Carter,” Jensen said. “It’s not like I can go out in the field with this.” Jensen held up his plaster cast.

  “How much longer?”

  “Two weeks. Bitch itches.”

  “Next time, ask for help,” Mich told him. “Seriously what did you expect trying to fix the roof on your own?”

  “Not to fall off?” Jensen said with a straight face.

  Mich grinned. “Poor Jensen.”


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