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Rescue Inc Collection Vol 4: Mine for Eternity & Mine to Love

Page 19

by Pritchard, Megs

  “Carter.” He nudged him with his knee.


  “Come on, Carter. Wake up.”

  “I am awake. Stop shouting, my head hurts. I think my brain is trying to leak out of my ears. Fuckers didn’t need to hit me that hard.”

  “What? How bad is it?”

  “My head really hurts, Wyatt.”

  “I’m going to contact Dean.”

  “Yeah,” Carter mumbled.


  Wyatt! Thank fuck. I’ve been trying to reach you.

  Hit on the head. Really hurts. Still in the car moving over bumpy ground.

  Carter has a tracker. We’re behind you. Keep calm.

  “They know where we are.”

  “Yeah. My bracelet has a tracker.”

  “Thank god for that.”

  “It was a trap, and I fell right in it. I knew it was too easy, but I carried on. Fucking stupid mistake. I’m sorry, Wyatt.”

  “Don’t apologize, Carter. It’s not your fault and we needed that information. You need to be more careful next time.”

  Carter snorted, then groaned. “Next time Hunter can do it.”

  “What do you think they’ll do to us?” Wyatt moved his wrists, trying to loosen the knots, but they weren’t budging.

  “Question us, torture us, and then kill us I suspect. You know what they did to Spencer.”

  “What, no drink first?” Shit, shit, shit. He was too young to die. He’d just accepted his mate. Wyatt closed his eyes, taking a shaky breath in.


  We’re close. Don’t worry and stay calm.

  I love you.

  Wyatt, I love you too, and I am going to save you.

  Before Wyatt could respond, the car stopped, and he inhaled sharply.

  “Let’s hope it’s a red light,” Carter muttered in a shaky voice.

  “Yeah,” Wyatt whispered in response.

  They both held their breaths when they heard the car doors open and slam shut. Footsteps approached, and Wyatt twisted his hands, trying desperately to get to the knots. He heard Carter whine, and he doubled his efforts.

  “Fuck. Come on,” he muttered.

  The trunk opened, and Wyatt stared up at one of the vampires who had taken them. He reached in and grabbed Carter, pulling him out and dumping him on the ground. He did the same to Wyatt, who grunted at the impact.

  We’ve stopped.

  Look around. What do you see? How’s Carter?

  Carter took a hit to the head. Says his head hurts.

  I’ll let Hunter know.

  Wait a sec.

  Wyatt lifted his head and blinked. The light stung his eyes, and he grunted when he was suddenly pulled up. He tried to get his feet under him but struggled as he was dragged along a dirt track. He looked around, seeing farmland and a barn in front of them which they were walking towards.

  Fields, a rundown barn.

  We’re ten minutes away. Keep calm and answer their questions. Don’t do anything to provoke an attack.

  Yeah, wasn’t thinking of annoying them.

  Wyatt. I’m coming for you. Stay strong for me.

  I’m scared.

  I know. Me too, but I’ll be there.

  The vampire who was dragging him pushed the barn door open and Wyatt coughed when he breathed in the stale, musty air. He was dragged a few more feet, then dropped to the ground. He looked up and saw he was in front of a table. When he saw what was on the table he bit his lip, his eyes widening in horror. He felt the blood drain from his face when he saw the scalpels and pliers.

  They’re going to torture us! He shouted through the connection to Dean.

  Stay calm, Wyatt. I’m coming for you.

  He looked over his shoulder at Carter, seeing the fear etched on his face too, and knew he had the same look on his.

  He was grabbed by the hair and dragged over to a chair and Wyatt grabbed the hand, digging his nails in. The vampire grunted, and Wyatt cried out when he was punched in the face. Pain exploded over his jaw and he moaned, swallowing rapidly.

  He was shoved into the chair and he didn’t fight them when they untied the rope around his wrists. His arms were stretched out along the arms of the chair and he was buckled in. He jerked his arms trying to get free, but all that did was earn him another punch to the face.

  He squeezed his eyes shut when he saw one of the vampires pick up a pair of pliers and walk over to him.

  “Now, we need to ask you some questions and I’m going to enjoy getting the answers.”


  * * *

  “Hurry the fuck up!” Dean screamed in the car. “They’re going to torture my mate!”

  Chester grabbed Dean’s arm and pulled him to a stop. “Listen,” he growled. “You will do more harm than good if you go charging in there. I know how you feel but you won’t help Wyatt if we don’t follow the plan.”

  “They haven’t done anything yet. They’re threatening him. We have time.”

  Dean spun around and glared at Hunter. “How the fuck can you be so calm?”

  “I’m anything but calm, but the last thing I want is for my mate to feel it. Calm that shit down. Wyatt doesn’t need to feel you panicking.”

  Dean glared, gritting his teeth, then nodded. Shit, Hunter was right. He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. He clenched his hands, then released them and tried to let the tension flow away.

  He opened his eyes and nodded at Chester and Hunter. “Sorry, guys.”

  “Don’t apologize,” Chester said. “Let’s get your mates. Follow the plan.”

  They split up into teams, one going around the back of the barn and the other two in the front. Jared stayed out of sight with his rifle ready. If anyone got out, he’d deal with them.

  Dean was at the rear of the building, and before entering, contacted Wyatt.

  Outside now. Where is everyone inside?

  I’m in a chair with dickhead walking around in front of me. He has pliers in his hands. Carter’s kneeling on the floor. The other dickhead is stood next to him.


  The guy with Carter has a gun, but it’s pointing to the floor. The one by me has a gun, but he has the pliers.

  Dean passed the information to Chester who nodded in response.

  “They don’t think we know where they are. We take care of the one with Carter and try to keep the other one alive. If he fights, we put him down. Don’t take any chances. Silas is telling the other team now.” Chester paused then said, “Tell him five seconds.”

  Five seconds, Wyatt.

  Dean waited and when Chester moved, they all did. Dean charged at the door. Jensen kicked it open and stepped aside, so they could all rush in. At the same time, Hunter, Silas and the others entered from the front.

  The two vampires didn’t stand a chance. The one by Carter went down immediately, a bullet to the head killing him. The one by Wyatt reacted, going for his gun, but Donnie was there, ready to disarm him. He grabbed the vampire’s arm, and without hesitating, snapped it. The vampire screamed and dropped the gun as Donnie kicked him in his knee.

  Dean went straight to Wyatt, knowing the team had his back. He quickly unbuckled him and hauled him up and into his arms. Wyatt’s body trembled, and Dean held him tight.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispered into Wyatt’s hair. “You’re safe.”

  “Don’t let me go.”

  “I won’t. I’m never letting you go. You’re mine to love.”

  Wyatt sobbed. “I love you too.”

  * * *

  Wyatt’s body trembled. He’d been so scared even though he knew Dean was coming. He’d seen the vampire pacing in front of him, telling him what he was going to do to him, how he was going to make him suffer, then keep him alive so he could watch Carter go through the same thing.

  I’ve got you. Let it all out.


  Dean’s arms tightened around him and Wyatt buried his head in Dean’s shoulder. His eyes burned, and he let t
he tears fall. He didn’t care if everyone knew he was crying. As long as his mate was with him, he knew he’d be alright.

  He could hear movement around him, the others talking. He heard a shout of pain and lifted his face. He stared at the injured vampire and watched as Donnie grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out of the barn.

  I hope it hurts.

  Donnie broke his arm and I’m pretty sure his knee is fucked too.


  Donnie was pissed. Brings back bad memories for him.



  Wyatt stood in Dean’s arms, ignoring everything and everyone around him. He needed to feel his mate. Dean didn’t let go. He knew what Wyatt needed, he could feel it through their bond, and Wyatt was forever grateful he’d taken that chance and bonded with his mate.

  He could feel Dean’s emotions, feel his love, and he squeezed Dean, needing a closer physical connection. Dean held on to him and Wyatt knew this was what he needed.

  Sometime later, Chester came over. “We’re heading back to mine for a debriefing. Niles is going to treat our prisoner before we’ll question him.”

  Want to go? Dean asked.

  Yeah, I do.

  Dean leaned back, a puzzled expression on his face. You do?

  “Yeah. I want to know who ordered it.”

  Dean slowly nodded, then turned to Chester. Chester slapped him on the back, then nodded to the door. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dean held Wyatt’s hand as Niles examined him. “Mild concussion. General contusions, but no fractures or breaks.”

  Wyatt nodded, and Dean squeezed his hand. “So, we good to go?”

  “Follow the normal procedure in regard to concussions, Dean. I know you’re eager to get in there.”

  “How is he?” Wyatt asked.

  Niles arched a brow. “He has a broken arm and a shattered patella, or kneecap. I’ve stabilized them, but he’ll need surgery.”

  “Not until we’ve questioned him first,” Dean practically growled.

  “You won’t have long before I’ll need to operate. In fact, you should all wait until after surgery, but I know why you want to speak to him and Tank has told me what was in the barn. He can wait a few minutes.”

  “What about your oath?” Wyatt asked.

  Niles grunted. “I’ll treat him, don’t worry about that. Ask your questions because I’ll be in soon and all questions stop then.”

  Dean pulled Wyatt along as they walked through Silas and Chester’s house, or HQ as they were now calling in. Outside, they walked over to the barn and Wyatt slowed down. Dean stopped and glanced at him over his shoulder, then turned to face him.

  “It’s safe,” Dean assured him.

  Wyatt nodded jerkily. “I know. It’s just...”

  “Want to go back inside the house?”

  “Yes, but I should be in there.” Wyatt jerked a thumb over his shoulder at the barn.

  “I know,” Dean murmured. “I can feel it.” Wyatt straightened his shoulders and Dean felt his resolve through the bond. Grabbing Wyatt’s shoulders, he said, “You don’t have to go in there. I can tell you what’s happening.”

  Wyatt sagged and nodded. “You’re sure?”

  Nodding, Dean muttered, “Go. Wait inside.”

  Dean watched Wyatt walk back towards the house and once he was inside he went into the barn. Their prisoner sat on a chair but wasn’t restrained due to his injuries.

  Hunter was leaning against the barn wall with a grumpy look on his face as Chester asked questions. Dean walked over to him and asked, “He not talking?”

  “Yes, the lovely Mario is. I sat down with my needles and a lighter and he hasn’t stopped talking since. I really wanted to hurt him.”

  “Anything useful?”

  “No, not really. Garrick ordered the hit. Apparently, there’s one on a few of us now. Chester, Silas, Ale and Troy for certain.”

  Dean rubbed his face with his hand. “We’re getting too close.”

  Hunter snorted. “Not like we’re gonna stop, is it?”

  “No. We’re not.”

  Jared stood next to them and muttered, “Sacha and Alessio are bumping up security.”

  “Shit. Them too?” Dean asked.

  “Alessio knows the council members, so we were expecting it. I want Sacha kept safe. No one is going near my mate again.”

  “What is it with them and our mates?” Hunter mused. “I’ll give them a real fight if they want one.”

  “Yeah, they’re not stupid enough to come after one of us direct. We need to get moving on our plans. The sooner the better.”

  “You’re right, Jared.” Hunter pushed away from the wall. “I’m going back inside to my mate. Fucker’s no fun.”

  Dean saw Niles touch Chester and Chester nodded. Standing, he said, “Surgery time.” To Niles, he said in a cheery voice, “Make sure he wakes up part way through. Let him suffer.”

  Niles sighed, and with Tank’s help, carried Mario out of the barn. Chester crossed his arms over his chest and looked at everyone.

  “We need to do this quickly. There’s too much at stake now. We take out the food stores now and plan for the weapons and slaves.”

  “And after that?”

  Chester looked at them all again. “After that, we destroy them all.”

  * * *

  Garrick walked to the abandoned barn. It was quiet. Too quiet. He stared at the ground, seeing the multiple impressions and bared his teeth. He knew something had gone wrong.

  The door to the barn stood open, and he walked in, pausing a couple of feet inside and stared... at nothing. The place had been thoroughly cleaned.

  There was a faint scent of blood in the air but nothing to tell him what had happened here. The hostages were gone. He clenched his fists and screamed in rage again and again and again.

  He pulled his cell from his jacket and called Lincoln. “Find everything you can on Rescue Inc. They’re getting too close.”

  “Are you sure it’s them?”

  “It can only be them after Graham fucked up. He had to have his grandson.”

  “I’ll get everything to you as soon as possible.”

  Garrick hung up, and with a final dismissive glance, left the barn behind. He would have his enemies screaming at his feet if it was the last thing he did.

  * * *

  Wyatt leaned back against Dean, the warm water soothing his muscles. When Dean had suggested a bath, Wyatt had jumped at the idea. Neither of them spoke. They simply enjoyed the quiet time together.

  At some point, Wyatt became aware of Dean carrying him to bed and he rolled over, watching Dean potter around the bedroom.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  Dean smiled at him and crawled on the bed, leaning over him. “I love you too.”

  “I want to feel you.” Wyatt pulled the covers back and spread his legs.

  Dean settled between them and they kissed slowly. Their tongues danced together, and Wyatt moaned. His hands smoothed over Dean’s back, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath his palms.

  Dean broke the kiss and moved down Wyatt’s body. His licked his nipple and teased it with his teeth then carried on down until he was above Wyatt’s dick. Wyatt watched, his lip between his teeth, his body screaming for Dean to touch it.

  Dean grinned up at him then licked the head, teasing the rim of his dick. Wyatt moaned, his head dropping back onto the pillow, and he arched up when Dean sucked the head in.

  He worked the head with his tongue as he stroked his dick and Wyatt’s eyes rolled back. “Fuck, Dean.”

  “I think I will.” Dean kissed the head then moved down, licking and sucking Wyatt’s balls. Wyatt felt Dean’s wet fingers circle his hole and had a second to wonder where he’d got the lube from before keening when two fingers pushed in.

  “Dean,” he wailed when Dean rubbed his prostate. “Now! Please, now!”

  Dean arched up over Wyatt
and Wyatt moaned when Dean’s dick pushed in. Dean didn’t stop until he was in all the way and then he lay on Wyatt and kissed him. Wyatt’s hands tunneled into Dean’s hair and he wrapped his legs around his waist.

  Dean pulled out slowly then slammed back in, hitting Wyatt just right. “Ah fuck, just there.”

  Wyatt rode the waves of bliss that flowed through his body and when he felt Dean’s hand stroke his dick, he cried out. Dean knew exactly what Wyatt needed and turned his head. Wyatt struck quick, his fangs biting deep, and his balls exploded. Come shot from his dick, coating Dean’s hand and Wyatt’s abs.

  Dean trembled above him and Wyatt felt him come, heat filling his ass. Dean lay on top of him and Wyatt took small sips from Dean before sealing the wound closed. He dropped his head back onto the pillow next to Dean’s and they both looked at each other.

  “I love you,” Dean whispered as he slid his lips across Wyatt’s.

  I can feel it. I love you too. Out loud, he said, “Thank you.”

  Dean frowned. “What for?”

  “For waiting. For letting me get used to this, to us. I’ve not been easy.”

  “You’re my mate, Wyatt. Of course I’d wait for you.”

  “You’re too good to me.” Wyatt smiled. “I’ll have to bring you some chocolate cake home tomorrow.”

  Dean waggled his eyebrows. “My favorite. Can I cover you in it and lick it off?”

  Wyatt’s breath caught, and he licked his lips. He could feel his dick perk up and knew his eyes were glowing by the look on Dean’s face. “Yeah,” he breathed out.

  “I think we should practice first.” Dean moved over Wyatt and bent down to kiss him.



  Jensen stood back watching the buildings burn, the flames shooting high into the night sky. Donnie and Hunter stood next to him. The explosions had been spectacular. Who kept gas tanks next to food stores? Jensen shook his head, then glanced down at the vampire by his feet.

  “You’re sure he said mate?” he asked Hunter.


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