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What Happens During the Holidays: A Holiday Anthology

Page 3

by Lucy Gage

  “What about you?”

  I blinked. “Huh?”

  “Are you ready for Christmas?”

  “No, not really.”

  I wasn’t even sure how I’d answered him since my brain was now in a fog of fantasy. He smiled, and the change of expression on his face snapped me out of it.

  “You have any plans for the day?”

  I shook my head. “None.”

  “Good. Then, you’re coming with me.”

  Dominic and I had spent the afternoon fighting the crowds and shopping for gifts for his sister and nephew.

  He’d told me his nephew was the real reason he’d come back to Tennessee. His sister was the only person he’d kept in contact with after running away, and when he’d found out she was pregnant and alone, he’d made the decision to move back and help her. He’d been there when his nephew was born and for every other important moment since. I could see the pride in his eyes when he spoke about the little boy who had clearly stolen his heart.

  “I just want him to have a better life than we did,” Dominic had said as we searched the toy aisle for a gift.

  He’d make a great father one day.

  It hurt my heart to know the things Dominic had gone through as a kid. I could only imagine the instability and negligence he must’ve endured. He hadn’t spoken of it, but we’d lived in a small town, and news had gotten around.

  I’d found myself wanting to reach for his hand or give him a hug, touch him in some way to show him I cared.

  He’d treated me to lunch, and after we’d finished, we had gone back to his place. That was how we ended up sitting on the leather couch in Dominic’s small living room on the night of Christmas Eve.

  “Thanks for letting me tag along today. I had fun.”

  He leaned forward to look me in the eye, and I felt a million little sparks igniting around us. He had to feel them, too.

  “I’m glad you came.”

  I nervously bit my bottom lip, wondering if I was overstaying my welcome. I wasn’t ready to leave though. “I’m not keeping you from anything, am I? I’d hate to impose. I just—”

  “You aren’t imposing, Sam. Stay as long as you’d like. It’s nice to have some company.”

  I grinned, my cheeks growing warm as our eyes met for a long moment. I’d never known a man like Dominic before. He was quiet and mysterious but also carried an air of confidence that I admired. I wanted to know him, and I wanted him to know me, too.

  “Have you ever been in love, Dominic?” The question slipped from my lips before I had a chance to pull it back. I wanted—no, I needed to know, and I wasn’t even sure why.

  He seemed to consider it for a minute, which made me hopeful.

  “I think so.”

  “You don’t know?”

  “I thought I was in love once, but I never told her.”

  I lowered my gaze to my lap, feeling irrationally jealous, before meeting his eyes again. “Well, that’s tragic. Why didn’t you tell her?”

  He shrugged. “I was afraid she’d break my heart.”

  I couldn’t think of a response that would match his level of vulnerability. Every thought that came to mind seemed too trite, too shallow.

  “What about you? Have you ever been in love?” he asked, his eyes studying my face as I contemplated my answer.

  “I wish I could say yes. I’m in love with the idea of love, but I don’t think I’ve been brave enough to try it yet.”

  Dominic nodded, as if he understood. “It’s scary shit—love.”

  I laughed, and so did he.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Dominic’s mood seemed to shift from playful to contemplative in a span of seconds. He reached over and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, and my eyes lingered on his mouth as he licked his bottom lip. My palms grew sweaty, my body screaming at me to act.

  Just go for it! Just do it, Sam! Stop being such a pussy!

  I bit the inside of my cheek as fear and hormones battled inside me.

  Fuck it.

  Before I could change my mind, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. They were warm and soft, just as I’d suspected, only better. Without hesitation, Dominic’s hands went to my jaw, holding me in place as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss. His tongue slid into my mouth, and I met it with mine, melting into his touch.

  Yes! Thank God.

  I inched closer, my hands going to his sides, exploring the planes of his chest and abs, as we tasted each other for the first time. His movements were assured but also pliant and patient. He was the perfect mix of strong and gentle—exactly what I needed.

  My hands slowly dropped to his lap where my fingers grazed the bulge in his jeans. Dominic growled, and his teeth clamped around my bottom lip, which only encouraged me to explore further. He broke our kiss and panted, his breath fluttering against my cheek, as I started unbuttoning his pants.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes. Very sure.” I pulled back to look him in the eyes. “Are you?”

  “Fuck yes.”

  I smiled, and he surprised me, pushing me backward onto the couch. A moan escaped my lips as he pulled my sweater and bra down to expose my breasts and took a nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the tip, and my back arched, seeking more.

  “Damn, you’re so sexy. You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this.”

  “Me, too,” I murmured between breaths, my head tilting back, as he reached down and rubbed his hand between my legs.

  Yes. Fuck, it’s been too long.

  I was already sopping wet, and I wasn’t even naked yet. My body was hungry, craving to feel every inch of him. I’d probably come the instant he was inside me.

  “Do you have protection?” I asked, only halfway aware of what I was saying.


  My eyes popped open when he pulled away and stopped touching me. I already felt so empty without him.

  Dominic went down the hallway and returned with a few condoms in his hand. My eyes raked over his body as he approached me. I couldn’t wait to see him naked.

  “Take your clothes off,” I said, feeling more brazen.

  Dominic smirked, and I nearly whimpered from the sight. He lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. His body was even better than I’d imagined—toned arms, strong chest, six-pack abs. He looked like he’d come straight out of a fitness magazine. I’d never been with a man that fit before, and I couldn’t wait to enjoy the kind of stamina that would come with it.

  It wasn’t until he unzipped his jeans and dropped them to the floor that my jaw fell open.

  Holy shit. Congratulations, Sam! You’ve just won the jackpot.

  To be honest, I hadn’t expected much below the belt since he was so hot. From what I’d heard, the guys with the best bodies were usually lacking in the cock department. I’d been lied to. Or Dominic was a freak of nature, an enigma that science and my promiscuous friends couldn’t explain. Either way, I was ecstatic.

  “Your turn.”

  My mouth snapped shut.


  The room suddenly felt too bright.

  How many lights does he have on in here?

  Before I had a chance to argue, he was at my side, slipping his hands under my sweater. The feel of his rough skin against mine gave me the courage to comply, and before long, I was lying naked in front of him. I fought the urge to cover myself and stared at his face, hoping he looked pleased with what he saw.

  But, in true Dominic fashion, he didn’t say a word. He kissed me instead, and his mouth told me things his voice never could.

  For the first time, I felt protected and cared for. I felt appreciated and connected to the man I was about to let inside me. It made me wish I’d demanded that same feeling in the past. It might’ve saved me a lot of heartache.

  Dominic moved on top of me, and I welcomed the weig
ht and warmth of his body. He kissed his way down my chest, and I closed my eyes, soaking in every touch and caress of his mouth. I wanted it all.

  I combed my fingers through his thick hair as his mouth made its way down my stomach and between my legs. I gasped, my entire body shuddering, as he opened me up with his fingers and flicked my clit with his tongue. My grip tightened in his hair as a moan escaped from deep inside my chest. Dominic’s big hands held tightly to my thighs as his tongue began to move faster. It was so much but still not enough. I needed to be filled. I needed him inside me.

  He knew what I wanted, but he took his time. One of his hands released its grip on my leg and moved lower until his callous finger was circling my opening. My hips instinctively pressed down, begging for more. I was so wet, so ready, I could barely stand it.

  “I need more,” I told him as his tongue continued its assault on my clit.

  He gave me what I needed and slipped two fingers inside me. My body eagerly took them, my hips rolling for more friction. Dominic sucked my clit into his mouth and curled his fingers into my G-spot. My eyes and mouth both opened as the overwhelming sensations took over my body. My muscles seized, my legs shook, and my breath left my lungs in a frenzy of pleasure and ecstasy so strong, I thought I might faint.

  Dominic didn’t let up until I was satiated and limp beneath him.

  “That was the hottest thing I’d ever seen,” he said, kissing his way back up my torso. His hard cock settled between my legs, reawakening my desire, as he braced himself over me. “Will you put the condom on?”

  He handed me a condom, and I opened it, anxious to feel him in my hands. He lifted himself up onto his knees, his impressive length rock hard and protruding from his body. I took a moment to savor the feel of him, wrapping my hand around him and squeezing. He hissed out a breath, his abs flexing, as my grip moved up and down his warm, soft skin. I stared, mesmerized by the sight in front of me.

  A minute later, Dominic grabbed my wrist. “If you aren’t careful, this will be over before it even has a chance to start.”

  My eyes went to his, and a sly grin lifted my lips. His pupils were dilated, and all his muscles were coiled tight, as if he were ready to pounce. I carefully rolled the condom onto him, and the instant I was finished, Dominic was lying on top of me, his mouth claiming mine for a punishing kiss.

  With the slightest adjustment, the tip of him was at my opening, waiting to enter. I gasped as our eyes connected while his hips inched forward, and he stretched me in the most exquisite way.

  He caught my moans with another kiss as I put my arms around him, my fingers digging into his back. His hips thrust forward, sinking himself deep inside me, and we broke our kiss, both of us adjusting to the feeling. We watched each other as his hips began a steady, rough rhythm. My head hit the armrest of his couch as he drove his hips deeper and faster, but I couldn’t care less. I’d take the pain with a pleasure this intense.

  “God, Samantha, you feel so fucking amazing. You have no idea how many times I’ve fantasized about this. How many times I’ve pictured you naked beneath me, dreamed of burying my cock deep inside you.”

  I smiled against his shoulder as I listened to his confession and felt him growing even harder inside me. His rhythm grew faster, and I knew he was close. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he rolled his hips, igniting another spark. I sucked in a breath, and he did it again before pounding himself deeper.

  The smile fell from my lips as my body convulsed into another orgasm, shocking me. I’d never come more than once during sex. I hadn’t known I was capable.

  “That’s right, Sam. Come all over my cock. I want to feel you.”

  Hearing those dirty words in Dominic’s voice was my undoing. His body grew rigid on top of me, and he lifted himself onto his fists, giving me a perfect view of his face as he slammed himself into me. He growled so deep, I felt the vibration move through me, my body clamping tightly around him, greedily milking him for everything he had.

  “Why don’t you have any Christmas decorations up?”

  Dominic chuckled, and I lifted my cheek from his chest to face him.


  “Do you know many single guys?”

  “Yeah. I know some.”

  “And do they have Christmas decorations up in their houses?”

  I smiled, realizing he was right. “I guess not.”

  “Decorations are something women do.”

  “Well, why don’t you have one of those?” I asked, tracing circles on his chest with the tip of my finger.

  Dominic lifted his arm over his head and used it to prop up his head to see me better. “I haven’t really been looking.”

  “Yeah, but you must have admirers. You’re super hot, you own your own business, and you’re sweet and smart and really good in the sack.”

  Dominic smiled, and it sent a tingle down my spine. If he wasn’t careful, I’d be all over him again before we could finish this conversation.

  “You think I’m super hot?”

  I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. “Uh, duh. Have you seen yourself in the mirror?”

  “Not really, no.”

  My eyebrows furrowed. “What?”

  “I mean, I look in the mirror to wash my face and trim my beard, but it’s not like I spend much time looking at myself.”

  “Well, you should. I would if I were you.”

  Dominic laughed as he ran his fingers through my hair, pulling it away from my shoulder. “I’d much rather stare at you.”

  I pursed my lips. “Whatever.”

  “You don’t think you’re sexy?”

  I scoffed, “Funny maybe but sexy? No, not sexy. I’m too clumsy to be sexy.”

  “Bullshit. You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever been with. You’re funny, too. I don’t think anyone has made me laugh as much as you do.”

  I pursed my lips. “Really?” There was no way I was the sexiest, and I’d always thought I was the only one to find my jokes funny.

  “I have no reason to lie to you.”


  I put my cheek back on his chest and listened to the sound of his heart beating. I thought I could stay like that forever—in Dominic’s bed and in his arms—but I knew that wasn’t possible. All good things came to an end.

  “It’s after midnight. Are you sure your family isn’t worried about you?”


  The room fell silent as Dominic continued brushing my hair with his fingers.

  “Merry Christmas,” he murmured just as I faded into sleep.

  I woke up on Christmas morning in an unfamiliar bed. Soft sheets covered my naked skin, and I was surrounded by the smell of Dominic. I grinned before peeking my eyes open and taking in the room. A large dresser sat against the wall across from me with a glass of water resting on top.

  Rolling over, I found the other side of the bed empty. I sat up and looked around for my clothes. They’d been folded and placed on a small chair in the corner. Just as I mustered the energy to get dressed, Dominic walked into the room with a plate of hot food. He smiled when he saw me.

  “Good morning. I made you some breakfast.”

  I tucked the sheets under my arms to hold them over my naked chest as he handed me the plate and a fork. He’d made scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns. It was the nicest thing a man had ever done for me.

  “That’s so sweet. Thank you.”

  “Your phone has been ringing in your purse. I set it over there in case you wanted to answer it.”

  I glanced at the nightstand where my purse sat like an ugly reminder. It was Christmas, and I was supposed to be spending it with my family.

  “Right. It’s Christmas.”

  Dominic laughed at my unenthusiastic tone. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “You can stay here with me if you want.”

  I peered up at him and realized he was serious. “I
wish I could, but I promised my sister.”

  He shrugged. “Well, you can always come back tomorrow.”

  I swallowed the bite I’d just taken as my heart sank a little in my chest. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”

  Dominic’s green eyes met mine, and I could feel the disappointment as it darkened his gaze.

  “Oh, right.”

  “I could come back later today though. If that’s okay.”

  “Of course it is. You’re always welcome here, Sam.”

  In true Whitman fashion, our Christmas was the epitome of materialism and pretense. My father had spent a fortune on Regina—most likely on gifts she had purchased herself. Regina had spoiled Sabrina with the latest designer clothes, shoes, and purses. And Jamie and I had bought each other thoughtful gifts while handing out gift certificates to the rest of them. It had become a running joke between us—trying to find the most ridiculous activities we could.

  Jamie had given Regina and Sabrina gift certificates to pole dancing classes, and I’d gotten them two hour-long sessions of laser tag.

  It wasn’t until the gift exchange was over that my father asked me to speak with him in his office. I was prepared for a lecture about my life and my behavior with his wife, but by the look on his face, I realized this conversation would be different.

  My father sat down behind his desk and pulled out a small box from the bottom drawer. He slid it toward me, and I took it.

  “These were your mother’s things that I saved. I think it’s time I passed them on to you.”

  I was shocked. I never knew he’d held on to any of her things. Lifting the top, I let my fingers linger over the stack of photos inside. The one on top was of my mother holding Jamie in her arms and me standing beside her, smiling down at my little sister.

  Tears welled in my eyes, and I glanced up at my father.

  “I know I wasn’t the best father to you girls. The truth is, a part of me died with her. But I want you to know, I’ve never forgotten her. She’d be proud of you.”

  I lowered my chin as the tears fell down my cheeks. “Thanks.”


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