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What Happens During the Holidays: A Holiday Anthology

Page 17

by Lucy Gage

  “After you,” he said, holding the door.

  “Thanks.” I scanned the crowd for June. I walked over to our table—no sign of her there. She wasn’t at the bar, either. Where the hell are you? I kept looking until I found her on the dance floor, arm in arm with Stephan. So much for getting her keys and getting out of here. Forget it; I’d call a cab. I headed towards the door and once again bumped into Armand. “Sorry,” I muttered.

  “We have to stop meeting like this.”

  I smiled and made to move around him, but he blocked me. “Excuse me,” I said.

  “Have a drink with me?”


  “You’re the most beautiful woman in this room, and I would be remiss to let the opportunity to buy you a drink pass without chasing it.” The twinkle in his eyes, the smirk on his lips accented by the piercing, fuck he was hot. What was waiting for me at home? Nothing, that’s what.

  “Sure, why not.”

  He smiled, the tip of his tongue darting out to touch his lip ring. Fuck, I was so screwed. We made our way to the bar and took two empty stools near the end. The bartender this time was a woman who was blatantly checking out Armand. “What can I get you?” she purred.

  “I’d like a brandy on the rocks,” Armand said then turned to me, “and you?”

  “I’ll take the same,” I said.

  He smiled, escalating his good looks. “A woman after my own heart.” Yes, I blushed. Our bartender rolled her eyes and set off to making our drinks.

  “All right, not to sound cliché, but what’s a guy like you doing at a party like this?” I asked.

  He smirked. He actually smirked before clasping his hands and resting his elbows on the bar top. “What do you mean?”

  I looked him over. Seriously, it should be illegal to be this good-looking. He rocked the tall, dark and handsome look. “Come on there’s no way you’re a … a,” —I motioned up and down to him— “a lawyer.”

  He cocked his head to the side, studying me. His leather jacket rustled with every movement, straining against his muscled arms. “What does a lawyer look like?”

  My eyes immediately went to his bottom lip and the piercing that he was currently biting between his lips. “Um.” What was I saying? He released it. My eyes met his. “I guess…not you?”

  He laughed. “All right, you got me, I’m not a lawyer, but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. I mean, I could be an entertainment lawyer, in which case, I’d rock this look, and it would fit.”

  “You look too hot to be a lawyer.” I slapped my hand over my mouth. I did not say that out loud. Kill me now.

  He leaned in. “You think I’m hot?”

  “I—I—” Those green eyes stared into mine. He playfully bit at his lip ring, his breath was rich, and his cologne… I leaned in too. “Are you kidding? You’re like sex on a stick. I mean …” My face was on fire. Shut-up, Desi.

  He leaned closer. Fuck, that leather jacket was so tight against those amazing arms of his. He could easily pick me up. I wanted to feel his arms wrapped around me as his mouth devoured me. He leaned in even closer, the ghost of his touch against my cheek. I held my breath as he whispered, “I have a confession.” His breath tickled against my skin. My entire being was overwhelmed by him.

  I tilted my head to feel the prickle of his stubble against my cheek. “I’m all ears.”

  He inhaled. “I crashed this party to find you.”

  I leaned back. “What?”

  “I want you. I have a room upstairs.” The lust in his eyes was my undoing.

  I raised my hand. “Check, please.”

  Hand in hand, Armand led us out of the party and into the hall. He pushed me up against a wall. “I’ve wanted to do this since I first laid eyes on you.”

  My chest heaved. “Then don’t let me stop you.”

  He ran a hand along the side of my face as he leaned in. “Are you sure?”

  His mouth was an inch from mine. There was no going back. I was under his spell. I closed the gap between us, wrapping my hands around his neck. I licked my lips. “Definitely.” He groaned. It was the sexiest sound. Music to my ears. I let go. He pulled back staring into my eyes. His mouth crashed against mine as his body pressed against me, allowing me to feel his desire. When we pulled apart we were breathless.

  “Wow,” he said, “even better than I imagined.”

  Wow was right. Maybe I was in over my head. Maybe I—

  The doors to the ballroom opened. Out came Mark and Charlotte. The happy couple. They were leaving arm in arm. Her ring caught in the lights, sparkling on her hand, which she was holding out in front of her as they walked. Mark squeezed her close.

  I turned to Armand. “Where’s your room?”

  Oh, that smile. He looked me over. “Seventh floor.”

  “Let’s go.”

  On our way to the elevator I sent June a text.

  Desi: Hey I left

  June: What? I’m on my way out, I’m sorry I got sidetracked.

  Desi: No need heading out for a drink.

  June: With who?

  Desi: Someone you don’t know.

  June: Do not leave.

  Desi: no worries, trust me.

  June: What the hell?!

  Desi: His name is Armand and he’s gorgeous and he asked me for a drink and …

  June: Armand? And you just met him?

  Desi: Yes. Trust me you’d be proud.

  June: I want a picture in case you go missing.

  Desi: OMG! NO!!!!!!!

  June: I’m calling the police right now.

  I stared at the text. She couldn’t be serious.

  “Everything okay?” Armand asked. He gave my hand a squeeze, trying to pull me close but I didn’t move.

  “There might be a hiccup.”

  “A what?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  “Try me.”

  “My friend wants a picture of you in case something happens to me or else she’s going to call the police.” This night would be over before it even started. And if that kiss in the hallway was any indication, it would've been a great night.

  To my surprise Armand started laughing. “You have a really good friend.” With a smile he stood beside me so I could take a selfie with him in the elevator. I sent it to June. “Would she also like my address and birthday too?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I said, “Trust me all June needs is a photo. I’m sorry, she’s an overprotective friend who happens to be a lawyer so …”

  “I get it.” He smiled as the doors to the elevator opened. “After my lady.” I stepped in. Once the doors shut I was enveloped in the smell of sandalwood, musk and oranges. It was heavenly. My phone beeped with a text from June.

  June: Holy hotness Batman. Have all the fun!!!!!! Wink wink. You totally should have listened to my advice about the underwear.

  I laughed.

  Desi: Slow down tiger

  Though she was totally right. I was basically wearing dental floss. A picture of Armand pulling them off with his teeth flooded my thoughts. I squeezed my thighs together. Could this elevator move faster?

  June: I will be over first thing tomorrow and I WANT all the DEETS

  “We good?” Armand asked once the elevator started its ascent.

  “Yep just really really embarrassed.”

  “Everyone should be so lucky to have a friend like yours. Besides,” —He looked me over. The want was clear in his expression— “She has a right to be concerned.” He licked his bottom lip. Man, watching him play with that lip piercing was doing weird things to my insides.

  I tucked my phone into my clutch. Excitement and nerves rushed through me. My hands rested at my sides, and I kept squeezing them into fists.

  “So—” I started, but Armand was on me. My back pressed into cold metal as his skillful mouth assaulted mine. He fisted a hand in my hair, yanking my head ba
ck and giving him access to my neck.

  “I want you so bad,” he whispered against my skin as his mouth continued its assault.

  There was a ding. “Hold that thought,” Armand said. He reluctantly pulled away as the elevator doors opened. We were squished into the corner when a group of people got on. It took forever for the elevator to climb those last three floors. Finally, floor sixteen dinged. Armand grabbed my hand and pushed us through the crowd. We stopped outside room 1634.

  Armand paused, key card hovering at the lock. He turned his head towards me. “You haven’t changed your mind, have you? If you have, say so now, because once we go through this door—”

  “Did you change your mind?”

  He stood fully, those green eyes narrowing. “I want you.”

  I swallowed back the excitement. A chill ran up my spine at his words. I wanted to be his. I pushed the key card into the lock, and as soon as the door closed, he was on me. His mouth explored mine while his hands worked the zipper at the back of my dress. My body was all want as my dress pooled at my feet and I stood in nothing but my black lace thong.

  Armand let out a groan. “Holy shit.” His voice was husky and sexy as hell. It lit every one of my nerve endings on fire. He was fully dressed.

  “My turn,” I said. I couldn’t wait to unwrap him. I slid his leather jacket off. Then came his sweater. He lifted his arms as I pulled it over his head. His chest was magnificent, perfectly sculpted. And the ink. Wow.

  On the right side of his chest at the crest of his hip bone was a gigantic tree, the roots of which disappeared beneath his pants. The branches went up across his chest. There were birds—some were flying, and some were sitting on the branches. The work was amazing.

  My fingers trailed along a branch. I looked up into those incredible green eyes. His jaw was tight, his gaze intense as he scrutinized me. In the next second, he grabbed my wrist and spun me. His chest pressed against my back—the feel of his skin against mine—and he brushed my hair over my shoulder. His fingertips trailed along my skin as his lips followed his fingers across my shoulder and up my neck. Desire and want pulsed through me as his other hand splayed across my stomach, pulling me back.

  He whispered, “So beautiful,” before nibbling my ear. The brush of his jeans against my skin reminded me he was still partially dressed. I reached my hands behind me. It was tricky undoing the button on his jeans from this angle. Finally, they gave. I eased down the zipper as his mouth continued its assault on my neck and ear, and I tilted my head, giving him better access. The hand on my stomach slid to the hem of my panties and slipped inside. His fingers brushed over my folds, gripping lightly.

  I moaned as his fingers played with my clit. “I think that’s my new favorite sound,” he said. His hand continued working me into a frenzy of need. I was lightheaded. My legs were shaky. I was close. His hand paused, and I whined, “Don’t stop.”

  His voice was husky. “Don’t worry. We’re just getting started.” He flipped me back around. The desire in his eyes made me free. Released a woman in me who wanted to make this man quiver. When I pulled his jeans down, I could see how turned on he was, and I felt his eyes on me. I licked my lips and dropped to my knees in front of him. Slowly, I slid his boxer briefs toward his feet. He was long, thick, and perfect.

  First, I sucked the tip, caressing it with my lips. He grunted, and it pushed me on. I engulfed him all the way down to the base of his cock. He moaned and fisted his hands in my hair. With his palms, he guided my movements. I looked up to see those eyes watching me, and they fueled me on. I took him all the way back, practically gagging. His eyes closed, and he grunted. Before I could finish him off, he yanked my hair, not hard enough to hurt, only enough to make me stop.

  He pulled me to my feet and lifted me into his arms, walked us back to the bed, threw me down, then climbed on top of me. “You are incredible,” he said. In a blink, his mouth was everywhere. He bit my chest and licked between my breasts before taking my nipple into his mouth. He sucked and bit, pleasure mixed with pain. In a word, it was magnificent. I was climbing that ridge all over again. He stopped playing with my breast and started kissing a trail down my stomach. He playfully bit my tummy, my hip. His tongue licked a trail down farther. At my thigh, he took another little bite, this time, harder. It sent a zip of want straight to my core.

  My hips bucked; I wanted his mouth there. As if reading my mind, he was at my apex. His mouth was magic. My eyes rolled back into my head, and I gripped the sheets. He licked and sucked, bit and did this thing with his tongue that had me screaming in ecstasy. I squeezed my knees together, pinning his head between my thighs. My body shook as my orgasm overtook me, and he bit my thigh. In seconds, his body was pressed against mine. “I want you.” His breath was heavy, his voice gruff.

  I curled my hands into his hair, pulling that glorious mouth closer. “I want you…now.” Then I pressed my mouth to his, and we devoured each other.

  I wanted to feel him inside me right this minute. “Take me Armand,” I panted out.

  “Give me—”

  “I’m on the pill,” I said.

  “Are you sure?”

  I was never more sure of anything. I placed my hands on his ass pulling him in. He pushed inside me, and I moaned. He groaned as he pumped in and out of me. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head, then he kissed me before sucking on one of my nipples. His hips ground against mine. With another thrust I was spent, and he stifled my scream with his mouth. My body shook as he made one last push. His growl was music to my ears. He let go of my hands, his forehead pressed against mine.

  “That was incredible,” he said before placing another soft kiss on my lips. “Now, for round two.” I laughed, then he rolled us over so I was on top. “It’s your turn.”

  The rest of the night we spent in a blur of limbs and wanton kisses. Every part of my body was sore, but sated. Finally, after too many orgasms to count, I fell asleep.

  Buzzing awoke me. I cracked open an eye, then blinked a few times until the room came into focus. I sat and rubbed my head. There was soft snoring beside me. I looked over to find Armand, sound asleep. I smiled as I remembered last night. It was magnificent, glorious. Beyond words.

  The buzzing continued. It wasn’t my phone because I’d turned it off. The source was his phone. It was lit up on the floor beside his discarded pants. I bent over the edge of the bed to silence it when I caught a name on the screen.


  Tina could have been anyone from a sister to a wife, who knew. The phone stopped before he could answer it. Before I could find out who Tina was. I didn’t want a great night to turn into an awkward morning. Which it would if Tina was anyone other than a friend.

  His phone started buzzing again, with Tina’s name flashing on the screen. I crept from the bed, taking care not to make a sound as I collected my things. Armand was on his side facing me, still asleep. He was beautiful. He didn’t move, and the phone stopped buzzing. I didn’t want to leave him, but I had to. Last night was perfect and should stay that way.

  The incessant buzz returned, but I didn’t even look at his phone. Instead, I shimmied into my dress as a hundred horrible ideas rushed through my head.

  What if, when he woke up, he saw me here, regretted last night, and asked me what I was doing there? Or worse Tina turned out to be his wife. I had to get out with my dignity. I clutched my purse to my side and dashed from the room, making sure to quietly close the door behind me. I dashed down the hall as if I was being chased, though I wasn’t. As if Armand would wake up, realize I wasn’t there, and chase me or something.

  It was ridiculous. This wasn’t a fairytale. This was real life, and in the real world, I’m pretty sure I was a home-wrecker. Once the elevator doors closed, I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

  I looked over at June and shrugged. We were inside my favorite cafe. They had the best coffee and sweets menu. Which was why it was wall to
wall people inside. Once we were seated and our waiter came by, June ordered us Mimosas. “I know it’s early, but I feel we should celebrate.”

  I gave her a quizzical look. “Celebrate what?”

  Once our waiter was gone, June said, “To Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome, of course. I’m sure he’s the reason you’re walking and sitting funny.” She waggled her brow. I laughed. I’d checked my phone for the hundredth time, though I had no idea why. Like anyone would be calling me on a Sunday. My parents were on a cruise. My brother was, well who knew, probably out on an adventure with his newest girlfriend. And I was with my best friend.

  June snapped her finger. "Hello, are you there?"

  “Sorry. I was lost in my thoughts.”

  “Thinking about Mr—”

  “Please don’t say it. His name’s Armand, and it was a one-time thing, nothing more.”

  “Was it good? If his looks rated his love making skills, then he’s like, a hundred.”

  “He was amazing, actually.”

  “Oh really?”

  Our waiter returned with our drinks. We ordered, and then he left. June held up her drink. “To getting some great sex with a hot-as-sin stranger.”

  “I’ll toast to that.”

  We clinked glasses before drinking. I wanted to be happy. I should be happy. I mean, I started my new job tomorrow. I’d slept with a sexy man. I should have felt on top of the world, but instead, I felt sick.

  I looked around at the small gatherings of people. I couldn't help but stare at the older couple sitting to my right and notice the ease with which they interacted. He must have told a joke, because the woman started laughing. Watching them made me sad, like I would be alone forever. Then the name Tina flashed through my head. Why I couldn’t let it go, I didn’t know. By the time I’d arrived home, I had run through a million scenarios involving Tina, and they were all bad. I didn’t want to be a Charlotte. What if I had unwittingly become the catalyst for a nasty divorce?


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