Book Read Free

Hate Thy Neighbor

Page 21

by S. M. Soto

  Someone was in my house. It hasn’t really hit me until now.

  “Did you…did you see anyone?” I’m afraid of the answer to that question, but I need to know. Did Roman catch this person running off? What would’ve happened if he wasn’t awake and didn’t run over here?

  A cold chill travels down my spine at the thought.

  He shakes his head, still glancing around. His nostrils flare, and he looks angry. I take in his stiff posture and suddenly feel bad. I’m ruining his sleep over this, and after how badly our last conversation went, I’m sure this is the last place he wants to be.

  “I’m sorry about all this. I’m sure you have to get up early, and I hate to be the reason you lose sleep.”

  Roman shoots a glare my way. “I’m not leaving you here by yourself, Olivia,” he snaps.

  I raise my brows. Okaaay.

  “How did you know something was wrong?”

  Rome sighs. “Max kept barking. He doesn’t usually bark for any reason. Took him out to use the restroom, and he was still barking. He did the same last night. When I heard the crash next door, I knew something was wrong. I turned on the light in the bedroom, hoping I’d be able to see whatever was going on over there, and when I saw you in your bedroom, the look on your face, I knew something was wrong.”

  My stomach cramps. “You can see in my bedroom? Even in the dark?”

  Something enters Roman’s eyes, and the muscle in his jaw clenches. “You’d be surprised what I can see from my bedroom, Olivia.”

  I cough, heat blazing my cheeks and neck in embarrassment.

  Well, holy shit. It’s one thing to strip and touch myself for him with the light on, but all those other times in the dark that I didn’t think he could see—obviously, I was wrong.

  He clears his throat. “Anyway, I ran over. I let Max out, and by the time I got inside, there was no one here. Didn’t see anyone outside either.”

  I deflate at his words. How can someone get in and out that quickly without being seen?

  When flashing lights shine through the window, our conversation gets cut short. We step outside, meeting with the officers, and relay the events of the night. I tell them everything I heard, what I was able to see, and what I wasn’t. Roman tells his side of events, and I make myself comfortable on his front porch. Sadness engulfs me, as I watch my house get walked through by police officers.

  I glance down at my dead tulips and back up to the shattered window above, my brows crinkling.

  “I didn’t touch your flowers,” Roman says, walking up his porch steps. He leans his strong body against the rocky column of his house. I crane my neck to glance up at him, my brows furrowed. I take in his expression, the sincerity in his eyes, and I suddenly feel like the biggest shithead because I just assumed it was him.

  “You didn’t…?”

  Roman shakes his head, looking away from me, back toward my house. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  A groan tears from my chest, and I drop my head in my hands. “I’m so sorry, Roman. I was just…I was so upset. I shouldn’t have assumed it was you.”

  Our gazes collide, and suddenly, a thought enters my mind. “Do you think the person who broke in tonight was here last night?”

  Rome’s lips thin, and I can tell, just from the expression on his face, that he was thinking the same thing.

  “Let’s wait to hear what the police have to say, yeah?”

  I nod, forcing a smile, but it feels hollow.

  “American Money”—BORNS

  I keep a firm eye on Olivia, as she finishes speaking to the police. They’ve promised to look into any other break-ins around the area, and they’re going to see if their team can find any fingerprints in the database, but chances are, they won’t.

  An unsettling sensation builds in my gut. I was so close to going out with the rest of the guys tonight for drinks. Just the thought of not being here, while someone broke into Olivia’s home, doesn’t sit right with me. What if I hadn’t come running up those steps in time? What would’ve happened?

  Once the last patrol car pulls away, I stuff my hands into my pockets and close the distance between our lawns. Olivia glances up at me with a weary smile on her face. She’s tired and scared, that much is obvious.

  “Thanks again. For everything, Roman. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here tonight.”

  I was thinking much of the same.

  She pushes off the porch step, shifting awkwardly on her feet. “I guess I should probably head inside now. I have to get up early for work and try to explain the situation to my boss.”

  A glare steals over my face. “You’re not going back home, Olivia.”

  Her brows draw in together, and she crosses her arms over her chest. “And where am I supposed to go, Roman?”

  “You’ll stay at my place tonight. It’s safer.”

  Her mouth drops open, as shock steals over her features. “You’re serious. You of all people?”

  I roll my eyes. “Are you really that surprised?”

  “Actually, yes, I am.”

  I bite back a smirk and jerk my head over my shoulder, toward my house. “C’mon. You can take my bed. I’ll take the couch.” I don’t bother waiting for a response. Instead, I cross our lawns and unlock my front door. She follows me, looking wary but bone-tired.

  “No. No, you should take your bed. I’ll take the couch. This is your house, after all.”

  Heaving a deep sigh, I toss my keys onto the table and lock up behind us. Olivia is still standing near the front door, taking in the living room and kitchen. She’s been in here once before, but by the way she’s looking around, it’s obvious she forgot what my place looked like.

  “Take my bedroom, Olivia. The spare bedroom doesn’t have any furniture yet. It felt a little premature, considering I don’t know if they’ll allow Ryder to stay with me. I’m already taking the couch. It’s fine.”

  Leaving her standing there, I head back into my bedroom, fixing the sheets up for her, as best as I can. I was lying in bed when I heard the crash, so it’s not like I was doing anything she should be grossed out over. I hear her soft footfalls across the hardwood floors, and they pause at the threshold.

  “At the risk of sounding like a total and complete ungrateful asshole, are your sheets…well, are they…?”

  I turn around, crossing my arms over my chest, unable to hide my smirk. “Are they what, babe?”

  Her eyes widen, and that flush, that I’m beginning to love, spreads from her neck up to her cheeks. She licks her lips and glances from me, to the bed, then back.

  “I’m asking if the sheets are clean. There. I said it.” She drops her hands down at her sides, letting them slap against her thighs. “And don’t call me that.”

  Taking a step toward her, I cock my head to the side, assessing her. “Call you what?”

  She frowns, her eyes narrowing, ever so slightly. “You know what.”

  Unable to help it, a full-blown smile spreads across my face. “You make it too easy, Olivia. I’ll be out here. Let me know if you need anything.”

  I leave the door cracked behind me and grab extra pillows and blankets from the hall closet for the couch. It won’t be comfortable, but fuck it. I’ve slept on much worse in my life. Grabbing the remote for the TV, I turn it on, keeping the volume low, as I settle back on the cushions. It’s quiet back toward the bedroom. With how tired Olivia looked, I’m sure once she crawled into bed, she conked out.

  A while later, I’m scrolling through my phone, when I hear the creak of a door and soft footfalls. I’m not surprised when I hear Olivia’s soft voice, as she hovers on the other side of the couch.

  “Mind if I sit? Can’t sleep.”

  Pushing upright, I make room for her on the couch next to me. She takes the opposite side, keeping a safe distance. Olivia keeps her gaze glued to the television, on the sports highlights that I know she cannot be interested in. She seems uncomfortable sitting here next to me. Her shoulders are
stiff, and she keeps fidgeting ever so slightly.

  Blowing out a sigh, I shift toward her. “Problem?”

  “Hmm?” She turns to me, brows raised. “Nope. No problem. Just couldn’t sleep. I hope I’m not bothering you.”

  “It’s fine—”

  “You know what? This was dumb. I’m going to leave you to your own devices and head back to bed.”

  She starts getting up from the couch, but I halt her with a hand on her arm. She freezes, her eyes growing round, as she glances down at my hand on her bare skin. An awareness of sorts sparks through the air, crackling in the space between us with tension. Slowly, I let go of her, watching, as her slender throat works a swallow. Olivia drops back down onto the couch, and we sit in a semi-awkward silence, until she breaks it.

  “How are things going with your little brother?”

  “My probation is over in a month. The social worker has offered to give me another chance. I just have to keep doing what I’m doing until then, then I’ll have Ryder back here. Hopefully.”

  “How is that going to work exactly?” My brows dip into a frown at her question. She must notice, because she shifts, angling her body toward mine, giving me her full attention. “Well, I just mean, you work a full-time job. I’m sure your little brother, Ryder, is going to need someone to pick him up and take him to school.”

  “I’ve already discussed it with my boss. He’s willing to work with me. He’ll let me come in after I get Ryder to school and leave when I need to pick him up from school.”

  Olivia smiles, and I feel the effect of it hit me square in the chest. “That’s good. I’m happy for you. And you know, if you ever need anything from me, I’m glad to help.”

  Uncomfortable with her praise and generosity, I flip through the channels, looking for something both of us can watch, while keeping my mouth shut.

  “Oh, this! I love this movie.”

  I refrain from rolling my eyes, but I still stop on The Notebook for her. We watch the movie in silence. Me, completely bored out of my mind, and her, glued to the television. She still keeps fidgeting, though.

  “You doing all right? After everything that happened?”

  She shrugs. “I think so. I’m a little shaken up, worried about the window and the person who got away. What am I going to do if they try to come back? I live alone, Rome. I don’t have anything or anyone to protect me. I mean, I would consider getting a gun, but can you just imagine me with that thing? I’d shoot my own face off.”

  A spark ignites in my chest. “No one is going to come back and hurt you, Olivia.”

  “You don’t know that,” she whispers, fear bleeding through her tone.

  “I do. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Olivia gasps, her gaze swinging to mine. I feel the depth of her stare, the bright multitude of colors swirling there, along with emotions I can’t pin down to just one. I have to fight the sudden urge to reach for her and slam my mouth over hers. I drop my gaze down to her pink bee-stung lips. Lips I’ve tasted before and haven’t been able to erase from my mind since then.

  She tasted like everything I’ve ever wanted, and everything I’ll never be able to have.

  Olivia licks her lips, and my abs clench, my body tightening with need. It’s a driving force, percolating in the air around us. She clears her throat, glancing down at her lap, severing the connection.

  “You make it seem like you’re not scared of anything,” she replies, trying to keep it light with a forced laugh.

  “I’m not.”

  “Is it because of your childhood?” she asks quietly. Those doe eyes search mine, and I feel her gaze drilling holes into me, as if she’s trying to peer into my soul.

  I shrug, angling my body toward her. With the movement, she shifts toward me a little more, her knee grazing mine. We glance down at the point of contact, heat surging through my body, at the way her body feels against mine.

  “Maybe,” I answer her question noncommittally.

  “How long were you in juvie again?”

  “Too long for a kid my age.”

  Sadness clouds her hazel eyes. The color is a strange blend of green and honey right now. “What about jail?”

  “Did a couple of stints here and there. Probably something like two years combined.”

  “Were you afraid?”

  My face shutters, her question bringing back memories I’ve tried to suppress. “In the beginning I was, but it was mostly because of Ryder. Without me there, I worried about what would happen. Who would take care of him? How would he eat? Then I started to worry about when he got older. How would he get to school? I knew my mother wouldn’t do any of those things. I spent that first month worried he’d starve, but at least one positive thing came from me being gone. It made the state look into our home life and our mother. They took Ryder, soon after, and he’s been in the system ever since.”

  “God.” She sighs. “I can’t imagine what that was like for you, Rome. I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s a part of life. You do what you have to do to survive. To take care of the people you love.”

  She smiles at me sadly. Much to my surprise, she reaches over, covering my hand with hers. “That’s not life, Roman. That’s not a life any child deserves. Least of all you.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to say thank you, but as I stare at her, I can’t seem to get the words past my lips. I can’t seem to say what I really want to say, because I’m enraptured in everything that is Olivia. With no makeup on her face, she looks softer, a lot more innocent than she is. Whereas most women can’t pull off the no makeup look, Olivia certainly can. There’s a smattering of light freckles across the bridge of her nose. I’ve never noticed them before, but I find I’m unable to look away from them now. Her hair is a blend of brown and honey highlights that make me want to tug the strands around my fist and bring her lips to mine.

  When I drop my gaze down to those lips, heat courses through my system, as her pink tongue juts out, wetting her plump lower lip. A growl gets caught in my chest, and before I can think better of it, I take her hand, tugging her into me. Fire engulfs my body from head to toe, and like the bastard I am, I kiss her. Hard and hungry. Sealing my lips over hers, I take her mouth with mine. She’s soft and pliant in my arms.

  Olivia moans into my mouth, her slender hand sliding behind my neck and tugging me toward her. I tease my tongue with hers, toying with her, tasting her, getting lost in the way she feels. Electricity crackles between us, the potency so strong, it’s as if we’ve tapped into a livewire. I can’t say which one of us torments and teases the other more as our kisses, our scathing caresses catch fire. All I know is this woman is setting me ablaze. She’s making me mindless with passion, and fuck me, I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want her at this moment.

  We both jerk away, our eyes heavy-lidded and at half-mast. Desire swirls through the air between us.

  “I should probably go to bed,” she whispers, huskily, her lips twice their size now. I drop my gaze down to her chest and stifle my groan, when I spot the two hardened points.

  Jesus Christ.

  “Yes, you should.” My voice is like gravel, as I force the words past my lips. Olivia hurries from the couch and runs back to the bedroom. When the door shuts behind her, I drop my head back on the cushions and release a heavy sigh, staring up at the ceiling.

  This woman is going to be the death of me. If I go another day with blue balls, I just might die.

  Sometime during the night, after I’ve shut the TV off and fallen asleep, I feel the couch dip and peel my eyes open.


  “Shhh,” she shushes, crawling next to me, tugging on the blanket. “I can’t sleep in there after what happened tonight. Just give me this and don’t say a goddamn word about it tomorrow.”

  I chuckle, closing my eyes, and letting sleep pull me back under.

  “Hold Me While You Wait”—Lewis Capaldi

  I stiffen at the warm, so
lid body of heat, emanating behind me. Peeling my eyes open, I glance around, my heart stalling when I realize where I am. Last night comes back to me. The break-in, staying at Roman’s, crawling onto the couch with him in the middle of the night.

  My eyes widen when I realize, exactly where I am and what that heat is.

  Peeking over my shoulder, I find Rome behind me, still asleep. His face is soft, more youthful looking now that he’s sleeping. During the day, he looks like a rebellious troublemaker, but, right now, he just looks like a guy who went out of his way to help a girl.

  “You gonna make this awkward and keep staring?” Roman suddenly says, voice gruff with sleep. I jolt off the couch, shooting away from him and stumbling onto the floor.

  “Roman, Jesus! I thought you were still asleep!” I gasp, clasping a hand over my heart.

  “I was.” His lip inches into a smirk, and I have to fight to keep mine from spreading across my face. Staring down at him, his face and hair still sleep mussed, I get bombarded with images from last night. The feel of his hands on my skin. His mouth on mine. His fingers tugging at my hair. A zing of heat zaps me straight between my legs, and heat rises to my cheeks. My core is throbbing, at just the memory of having his lips on mine. At my silence, he must realize what I’m thinking about because Rome pushes himself upright, gripping the cushions of the couch, his heated gaze raking across my flesh in my pajamas.

  “I need to get ready for work. I, um…thank you. For last night.” At his quirked brow, I’m quick to rush away, realizing how that might have sounded. “Not for that. I just mean for offering me your bed. Not that that wasn’t great. Because it was. But that…we don’t have to talk about that. Ever. Unless you want to.”

  I realize I’m rambling, and the blank expression that’s on his face would normally make me sick to my stomach, but there’s a glimmer of amusement in his eyes that doesn’t make me feel like a complete idiot.

  Before I can make an even bigger fool of myself, I whirl around, running back into his bedroom, to use the restroom and make myself look somewhat presentable, before I head back home. I expect to be disgusted by the state of his bathroom, but I’m surprised that his cleanliness extends even there. Looking as presentable as I’m going to get, I slide my shoes on and brave going out there and facing Roman, again, before I start my day.


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