Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1

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Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1 Page 26

by Camden Mays

  He saw the long couch and side chairs directly in front. To his left, a closed door to perhaps the bedroom. To his right, he had a partial view of the large dining table, and McCune taped and gaged in the chair at the end of the table. She appeared unconscious. What the hell went down here?

  The rest of the dining area was a blind spot sitting out of Cameron’s view behind a wall. He quickly moved to get to McCune, when he cleared the wall and saw the man he had watched enter the room on the monitors back in the security office. He too was strapped to a dining chair. Blood covered the wood table where the man’s right eye had been cut out.

  Cameron felt for a pulse on McCune. It was faint. Then he checked the man, he had none. He went back to McCune and cut her free, checking her over for wounds. He looked for a room phone to call for help knowing the cell signals were jammed. As his eyes bounced around the room, he saw the bedroom door that had been closed was open.

  He started to clear the rest of the suite when he heard from the open door the elevator ding and what sounded like an army of footsteps. He quickly laid down his Glock and put his hands over his head wincing at the pain in his left shoulder.

  “Freeze! Police! Move, and you're dead!”

  They had him pinned to the floor, he felt the full weight of the person over him driving their knee into his back. The cop pulled both arms back to cuff him. The jerking motion felt like it pulled his left shoulder out.

  It was mass confusion until someone removed all of the non-essential personnel, realizing they had a crime scene. Cameron tried to explain the situation, but in all the chaos no one was listening.

  “Check Nancy McCune by the table, she needs medical attention immediately. She’s an Associate Director at CIA. She needs help!”

  Finally, Hector arrived with someone in authority and pointed Cameron out.

  “How’s Mike doing?” He yelled to him, Hector just shrugged.

  “You the guy that sent him down the elevator?” The man in authority asked.

  “Yeah, is he alright?”

  “Doesn't look good, but he told us you were up here and needed help.” The officer uncuffed Cameron.

  “What the hell went down in here?”

  “I’m not sure. I just knew something was going down and we needed to get here. Did you guys get anyone else? There was a least one more.”

  “No, it was a shit show with the guests leaving, everyone trying to get out with the alarm. Sorry man looks like you were too late.”

  Cameron nodded and hoped it was not too late for McCune.

  “FBI and DC police are down in the lobby they're going to want to talk to you. Someone get that damn alarm turned off!” he shouted turning away from Cameron.

  When Cameron arrived at the hotel lobby, he saw a madhouse of hotel employees, police, firefighters, and the FBI windbreakers everywhere. He searched the hotel entrance for the girls. The guests and Gala attendees had all spilled out of the hotel, he could see outside the lobby doors that both sides of 16th street were packed with people, and the street was blocked off with response vehicles.

  “Cole!” he somehow heard over all the noise. It was Hannah pulling her ID out of her small black purse to get past police. She and Kincaid dragged Jess and Brittany by the hand. He saw the concern on their faces and realized that his white shirt was bloody.

  “It’s not mine. I’m fine.” They all gathered and hugged.

  “Let’s get inside,” Cameron said. He noticed Jess seemed a little shaken up but was holding it together. Brittany, however, continued to sob.

  “Look, I’m going to have to be here for a while. You all should go home.”

  “I’ll see to it, sir,” Kincaid said.

  After tonight’s events, Cameron was in a hyper-protective mode for his daughter. “Agent Kincaid, I think it would be best if someone else escorted them home.”

  “Dad!” Jessica said knowing her Dad’s motivation.

  “Cole,” Hannah reached out putting her hand on his arm.

  “Sir, can I speak with you privately,”Kincaid asked.

  They stepped away from the girls. “What’s on your mind agent?” Cameron asked.

  “Sir, we all know what happened in the bathroom earlier. I’m not like that, sir,” he paused. “My younger sister is the same age as your daughter, Jess…” he corrected himself, “…Jessica is a lot like her. If a couple jerks acted like that with my sister, I would…well, let’s just say I completely understand and I am damn proud to be of service to you and your family.”

  The girls watched the conversation from a few feet away. Jess continued to try to comfort Brittany.

  “Hannah will you stay with us tonight,” she said nodding her head toward Brittany. “Brittany’s folks are out of town, and I think she should stay with us. Would you mind convincing Dad to let her stay over?”

  Hannah nodded in agreement.

  They saw the two men shaking hands and returning.

  “Agent Kincaid is going to take you two, now. I’ll be along as soon as I can. Hannah, I’m sorry, why don’t you take the car service, and I’ll catch up later.”

  “Nah, we’ve got a better plan,” Hannah said, surprising Cameron.

  “The girls asked me to stay with them tonight, we’re going to have Brittany stay as well.”

  Cameron saw Jess nodding in agreement.

  “David, can you take us by my place first so I can pick up a few things.” Just like that, she was in control.

  Cameron’s world had become a landslide of intensity and high-strung emotions, but standing before him were two of the most refreshing and soul healing forces he could ever imagine. Well, three if you count Brittany.

  Cameron looked at his cell phone.

  “It’s Capps, I’ve got to give him a call.”

  He said his goodbyes with regret, and they left. The perfect evening had spiraled out of control. He had imagined enjoying his time with Hannah, fully appreciating her captivating beauty and their undeniable connection, but for now, he would have to wait.

  He was happy to know she would be waiting at his house, but he knew it would not be same. There was a tug on his coat sleeve as he walked away. He turned to see her standing in the long black gown, looking into his eyes and somehow in the midst of everything, smiling at him.

  “Cole Cameron…” she said with a deep sigh and tearful eyes. She wanted to say ‘I love you’ so badly. He looked back into her eyes and read her mind.

  “Me too,” he said and kissed her. They held each other for a moment.

  He whispered in her ear, “I’ve been thinking all night about how nice it was going to be to help you out of this beautiful dress. I’m sorry the evening was ruined.”

  “Well, what’s underneath will still be there,” she whispered back with a seductive smile.

  Jess cleared her throat.

  “Shit!” Hannah hissed covering her mouth as her face turned pale. “Please, tell me she didn’t hear that?”

  Cameron shook his head.

  “Nah, she didn’t hear that,” he said unconvincingly. “Bye.” He kissed her again as she drummed up courage, spun around and joined the others.


  McLean Virginia (Cameron's House Earlier that Evening)

  Abu Al Himyari had patiently waited for the opportunity to exact Hasni’s vengeance. His nephew failed to deliver Allah’s judgment upon Cameron’s seed. Allah had willed instead for Abu himself to be that instrument. By Allah’s providence, the Cameron daughter was at her father’s home. Now he would be able to show Cole Cameron firsthand how suffering and loss truly felt.

  The Cameron house sat in a newer fifty home neighborhood with the homes ranging from three to seven thousand square feet. The homes were well placed blending in with the natural topography of a small creek and woods that coiled its way around the neighborhood providing the large lots with ample privacy, uncommon of similar communities in the area.

  Cameron’s five-year-old, thirty-eight hundred square foot
craftsman style, two-story home was on the smaller side for the neighborhood, but it was well designed with its large open floor plan and a great patio area with a fire pit and built-in BBQ. It was more room than they needed, but they felt like they were buying at a good time and building something new allowed them to put their own flavor on it.

  Grace and Jess had both argued for a pool, but Cole stood firm, not wanting the extra expense. He tried to carefully manage his investment proceeds from the business he had sold.

  One of the things Cameron liked most about his home was its location in the neighborhood. They were early enough in the development to grab a premiere spot. The lot was situated with a natural buffer of thick woods in the back and along the left side of the house as you enter it and it was raised with about a ten-foot incline above the street. They had a neighbor thirty feet to their right and another that sat to the right corner of the backyard where well-placed landscaping provided privacy there as well.

  The thick woods behind Cameron’s home provided Abu al-Himyari with cover as he waited for the FBI agents to escort the girls to the event. He knew from his previous reconnaissance that the rear of the home was equipped with bright motion sensor LED lights and the Russians, who had their own plans for the evening, had provided the necessary information on the home security.

  The Russians also allowed al-Himyari to look at the dossier they had on Cameron. He was impressed with the plethora of intel compiled and the details not only about his past but his current interests, habits, and record of operations at the CIA that he was believed to have been involved with.

  Abu recognized in his profile the impact of his brother Jack’s death as well as a much earlier agony when they had lost their second child at birth. The write up suggested that was the starting point of the deterioration of his marriage. It did not escape Abu that perhaps Cole Cameron had tasted pain and suffering after all, but what the CIA Officer had experienced in the past would pale in comparison to the sorrow and misery he would face before the sun rose upon his house.

  In return, for the additional resources and intel provided, al-Himyari committed to lead the former Hasni network and continue the alliance formed with Gavriil Medvedm. With the failed VX attacks, he was convinced Hasni had been right, after all, they did need a partner with sophisticated capabilities such as the Russians. Abu knew the Russians had their own plan and his network would be called upon and play a significant role.

  Outside the home, two agents remained on watch seated in their car. But with the house set high above the street level, it put them at a disadvantage to view the backyard. Even so, the watchful agents had positioned the car up the street as far back to the left as possible to gain a better view.

  As he waited, al-Himyari reflected on the fact that his mission had failed. The VX and key cell members, including his nephew had been captured, and Cameron and his daughter remained alive. For Abu to have any remaining dignity and an opportunity to assume Hasni’s leadership role, he would need to eliminate the Camerons in the dramatic fashion that Hasni had envisioned.

  He planned to catch them in their sleep. First, he would take the daughter and secure her, then he would surprise Cameron, have him sit bound and watching, as he slowly and grotesquely takes his daughter’s life. It was important for Cole Cameron to know what that loss feels like. Even if he would only know it for a short time.

  Al-Himyari drew satisfaction from knowing in Cameron’s last state of consciousness, he would be forced to face the reality that he was alone and helpless to save who he loved most.

  Finally, the agents had left with the daughter. Al-Himyari made his way from the woods up the lawn, and he did indeed trip the floodlight at the rear of the home, so he moved quickly to work the lock.

  Outside in the car, Agent Sanchez caught the light and asked his partner, “Did you see anything?”

  “No. It’s probably the damn cat from next door,” the older agent in the driver’s seat responded.

  “You mean ‘Mr. Strawman’?” The agents had learned Jessica’s nickname for the neighbor’s cat that seemed to prefer Cameron’s landscaping straw for his litter box.

  “I’ll go check it out.”

  “Nah, let it ride, the neighbors are already giving us shit about being here, and it doesn’t help if we keep poking around with flashlights. I heard we’re being pulled off tomorrow anyway.”

  “Really, man Kincaid’s going to be pissed.”

  “That kid better watch himself.”

  “Still, I’ll go check it out, anyway. Be right back.”

  Al-Himyari finally had the back-patio door free and quickly jumped in pressing the keypad on the wall. The outside light flicked off, and he breathed a little easier. He started to step forward when the light flicked on again.

  Abu pressed himself against the wall next to the door. The agent had come around from the right side of the home, between the neighbors looking for Mr. Strawman, the cat. He walked to the back patio shining his bright flashlight beam through the glass patio doors. The light searched the kitchen area to the left, breakfast table straight ahead and large living area to the right finding nothing disturbed.

  To the right of Abu, the living area had four large windows to the backyard side. The windows were covered with plantation shutters, tilted open from earlier in the day. At the end of the living area, the gas fireplace sat in porcelain tiled floor to ceiling, without a mantle. A large screen TV was fixed to the wall above the fireplace.

  In most homes, the cutouts next to the fireplace were great places for built-in bookshelves and storage. But because their house was positioned with woods on the side as well as the back, Cameron had large forty-inch-wide windows placed there instead.

  As with the other windows, the plantation shutters were tilted open allowing a clear view. This presented a severe problem for al-Himyari, he would be in clear sight if the Agent looked through those windows. He quickly dove to the floor near the table pushed against the back of the large sofa. He laid there still watching the light shine from the other angles. He stayed there until he was sure the agent had left.

  Al-Himyari carefully searched the home, finding Cameron’s gun safe in the master bedroom closet but it was of no concern. Cameron would not be given the opportunity to access it. He recognized the daughter’s room and a guest room, each with their own bathroom. Al-Himyari thought the best option was to hide in the guest room and wait for the Camerons to come home. First the girl, then him, he considered as he sat in the dark room on the floor.

  He placed his small backpack in his lap and removed its items. A roll of duct tape, rags, bottle of chloroform, and a GoPro camera for his production and his faithful companion, the black bladed Kizlyar knife. Once the recording is posted, he will be a hero to millions. He thought.


  Washington, DC

  Cameron was being pulled in multiple directions as everyone wanted answers. Finally, the Director sequestered Cameron in a small room that the CIA brass took over. Charlie, McCune’s assistant, was there but heading to the hospital to check on McCune. He had heard that she was in stable condition. Capps also came by to see how he could assist and brought Cameron a clean shirt to wear as the police bagged the other. Cameron was glad to see a friend.

  “How’s Jess doing?” Capps asked.

  “She’s holding up better than expected.”

  “She’s stronger than you think, I’m telling you she’s got some fight in her,” Darryl said referring to the week he had spent training with her.

  “Yeah, I think you’ve got a new buddy there.”

  Capps offered to stay and take Cameron home when they were finished.

  At the Warf District, the FBI suburban with Agents Kincaid and Yarbrough sat outside Hannah’s condo. Inside, Hannah quickly tossed a change of clothes and her travel essentials into a small bag. She was unsure how long Cameron would be, but thought she might surprise him in the dress. She used her thumbprint to open her gun safe and pulled out
her compact Glock 23, holster and two extra mags and zipped them in the outside compartment of her bag.

  By the time she got back to the suburban, Brittany was asleep leaning against her taller friend, Jess. Hannah tried to squeeze in without waking her, but she stirred when the door closed.

  “That was quick,” Jess said.

  “I thought I would just change at your Dad’s. You think that’s OK?”

  “I think whatever you do is going to be fine with my Dad,” Jessica said with a tired yawn.

  Hannah caught Yarbrough’s look in the mirror, and she wanted to be careful with her words, but she wasn’t sure how to take what Jess was saying.

  “Jess, are you alright?” she asked anyway.

  “Oh, I mean, I’ve never seen my dad so happy,” Jess said realizing she may have been misunderstood.

  They sat quietly as the SUV made its way to the Cameron house. When they were near the house, Yarbrough flicked his lights to signal to the other car out front that their relief had arrived. The vehicle pulled off as the SUV turned into the sloped driveway. Both agents exited and opened the doors for the women.

  From the window of the upstairs guest bedroom facing the front of the house, al-Himyari watched the two agents and gasped when he saw two additional women accompanying the Cameron girl. He had planned for Cameron and his daughter, but it hadn’t occurred to him that the guest room may be used. He had closed the door to the room but remembered that it had been opened when he entered.

  He ran and opened the door and grabbed his bag as he heard the alarm beep signal entry into the home. Their voices carried over the hardwood floors as he eased his way to the walk-in closet next to the bathroom to hide.

  “Ma’am let us clear the house first,” Yarbrough said.

  The girls shuffled around the dining area and Cameron’s study that sat to the front of the house. They each were holding their shoes in their hands giving their feet much-needed relief. Yarbrough walked upstairs to clear the second floor while Kincaid and Hannah stayed on the main floor.


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