Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1

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Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1 Page 27

by Camden Mays

  Kincaid and Hannah opened every door and examined every entry and went out to the garage and checked out the back of the house. Yarbrough was tired of the night shift and knew this assignment was scheduled to end at 06:00. He was counting down the minutes. He did a quick peek into each room.

  Abu stood in the guest bedroom closet, his knife in hand ready for the agent to open the closet door. The light protruded from the gap at the door. He heard the steps on the hardwood floor as the agent walked to the bathroom. He flicked on another light.

  Then Abu heard the sound of the man pissing in the toilet. He thought perhaps he should take advantage of the opportunity. Instead, he stayed ready.

  “You good up there,” yelled Kincaid up the stairs.

  Yarbrough flushed the toilet and yelled, “We’re all good!”

  Al-Himyari saw his good fortune as a sign that Allah would be with him tonight as he carried out his will.

  As the agents left the house, Kincaid gave Jess a smile.

  “Goodnight,” Jess said, smiling back and locked the front door.

  All three headed upstairs. Hannah was having second thoughts about her special dress for Cameron. She wondered if she had taken too much liberty in the situation. She had been to Cole’s house a couple of times, but she had never gone upstairs.

  She saw Jess and Brittany head into Jess’ room as she stood in the doorway to the guest room.

  “Jess is it OK if I use the guest room?”

  “What? No, I think Brittany may go in there later,” she said enjoying the torture she was putting Hannah through.

  Hannah stood there for a second, truly conflicted, she wanted to be respectful and was also struggling with interpreting Jess’ motives. Jess decided to let her off the hook, walked over and took her bag.

  “This way Agent Jacobs,” leading her to the double doors of the master bedroom.

  Jess tossed the bag on a chaise that sat near the window. She saw Hannah looking around at the room.

  “Don’t worry, he changed everything.”

  “You mean the sheets?” Hannah asked.

  Jess laughed. “No, I mean the décor, well everything really, a few months back once when the divorce was done.”


  “Meet you downstairs in ten? I’m going to see if I can’t revive Brittany so we can watch a movie and wait for Dad.”

  Definitely changing now. So much for the dress, Hannah thought.

  “Sure, see you in a few… Oh, where’s your Dad’s phone charger? I’m almost dead, and I want to charge up in case he tries to reach us.”

  “I think he’s got one by the nightstand and there's one down in the kitchen.”

  Hannah plugged the phone in, and Jess closed the door to give Hannah privacy. Hannah shot a text to Cameron, Miss you! “Oh my gosh, hanging around these girls has me acting like a school kid,” she said to herself. Then she smiled as her phone vibrated with the return message, Miss you more!

  Then a second message, hope to be able to leave in a few minutes. I’m getting a ride home with Capps. Will get my car tomorrow.

  A few minutes later Hannah was downstairs and saw Jess alone on the couch working on her phone.

  “There’s wine in the fridge, I’m assuming Dad bought it for you, because he doesn’t drink very much, but when he does it’s usually light beer.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that. I think I’m OK though, thank you.” She joined Jess on the couch and hoped she could stay up and awake for Cole.

  Soon Jess laid her phone down, and they sat there in quietness.

  “Oh, your Dad texted and said that he hoped to be home soon,” Hannah said trying to get a conversation started.

  “Really? How long do you think? Wait, did you hear that?

  “Hear what?”

  “I thought I heard something, anyway it’s probably Brittany. So how long?”

  Hannah laughed, “I don’t know. I’m learning your Dad isn’t the best with details.”

  There was another wave of quietness, Jess rechecked her phone then put it back down. Hannah yawned and noticed Jess looking at her.

  “Jess is everything alright. I mean you’ve been through a lot.”

  “You know, I have my flight home tomorrow afternoon, but with everything going on I feel like maybe I should stay.”

  Hannah thought Jess may be feeling protective of her father, but said, “I’m sure your Dad would love it if you stayed longer.” Jess remained quiet, so Hannah continued, “I see how he is with you, and it reminds me of my father, and that really tells me the kind of man he is.”

  “Is that why you like him?”

  “Oh Jess, I like your father for many reasons.”

  “Do you love him?”


  “I mean, if he is in love with you, how do I know you will love him back?”

  Hannah thought. I should have grabbed a whole bottle of wine.


  “I mean how do I know that you won't hurt him? He’s like what ten years older than you, and you are this amazingly beautiful woman.”

  “Thanks, but…”

  “Not that my Dad is bad looking or anything, but you could probably have any guy you want. Why do you want my Dad?”

  “Jess, Jess.” Hannah held up her hands. “Where’s is this coming from?”

  Jess’ head dropped, “Why did those guys say what they said about you in the bathroom?”

  Hannah took a deep breath.

  “Guys say stupid shit like that all the time. Yes, I’ve made some bad choices with guys before, and I got married a few years ago. It only lasted for a brief six months. Biggest mistake of my life. Wish I would have listened to my Dad. Anyway, when it ended, he posted some revealing photos and spread hellacious rumors to protect his delicate ego.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Girl, unfortunately, yes. Anyway, he is a close friend with a congressman who was in attendance at the event. It was his crew that egged on your Dad. So, I feel horrible, because I feel like it was my fault. And no, I am not a walking ‘petri dish,’ thank you.”

  “I’m sorry. Those guys were jerks! I’m so sorry. I know I can be up and down. I was just starting to learn to be the daughter of a single Dad, and now you’re here.”

  “Look, I know things have moved fast…”

  “No, no, you’re here, and it’s a good thing. It’s a great thing for my Dad. I’ve not seen him this happy since I was a little kid. I just need be open.” She wiped a tear away.

  “Well, you’re doing a hell of a job at it, if you ask me. I know you make your Dad very proud and I promise you I’ll do my best to take good care of him.”

  “Shh! Did you hear that?” Jess asked again.

  Hannah shook her head, no.

  “I’m going to go check on Brittany,” Jess got up and wiped her eyes again. Hannah stood and gave her a hug. She sat back down and blew out her cheeks as Jess went upstairs. Maybe Cole was right, this could be complicated, she thought.

  Jess opened the door to her bedroom and froze seeing Brittany lying unconscious on the bed tied and gagged with duct tape. She began to scream but was pulled from behind by a hand with a cloth covering her mouth.

  She instinctively reacted with a sharp elbow in the ribs of her assailant grabbing the hand away from her face. But the chloroform was already working. She felt light-headed as she attempted the second move, a hard knee to the groin. She grew dizzy and unsure of how hard she had connected on the hit. She fell out of the doorway screaming.

  “Hannah! Hannah!” She struggled toward the stairway.

  Downstairs Hannah heard a faint scream, then a couple of thumping sounds, she jumped through the barrel archway leading to the foyer where the stairs were. She heard Jess’ screams, as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked up to see Abu al-Himyari holding Jessica by her long blond hair with Hannah’s Glock 23 pointed to her head.

  “Stay there!” he screamed at her.

  She fro
ze, she knew the score. Jess would die if she made a move. She put her hands up and prayed that Cameron and Capps would arrive.

  Soon, al-Himyari had both women gagged and duct taped to the chairs at the kitchen table. Blood ran down Jess’ head from where Abu had smashed it against the banister during her attempt to escape.

  Hannah’s face was still red from the hard slap of al-Himyari. Before he had gagged her, she attempted to reason with Abu, so he slapped her. Then she began to tell him what would happen if he hurt Jessica. He punched her in the stomach. Then used the chloroform to put her out.

  Jessica screamed through the gag telling him to leave her alone. Al-Himyari had enough from the disrespectful woman, so he took his knife and pushed it into her waist. She screamed through the gag in horror, tears of pain streamed down her face. He drove in about an inch and pulled it out. Her white tee shirt now had blood soaking through.

  “Keep screaming little girl, and I will do this all over your body until no one can recognize you,”

  The fighter in her would not sit for it. She screamed again through the gag. Abu recognized the muffled ‘fuck you’ being repeated so put a second cut into her left side. There were more horrific screams, crying, and tears. Another wound to her back, she cried out in pain and shook her head violently trying to will herself out of the chair. Then another stab. Abu was careful with the cuts, he wanted her alive, but she had been so disrespectful. Now he was concerned she may bleed to death before Cameron arrived. At least I have the other one, he thought.

  Then a calmness came over Jess. She resigned herself to the fate that awaited her. Blood dripped on her bare legs that were taped to the chair. She slowed her breathing, closed her eyes and remembered her Dad putting his arm around her at the Lincoln Memorial. She felt herself drifting away and forced one last thought, she visualized her father killing the evil man.

  Capps drove his car up next to the FBI car, and Cameron waved at the two agents to let him know he was home. Capps pulled up the driveway.

  “Tell little girly, I’ll see her next time she’s in town, and she better be ready to kick some ass.”

  “Will do,” the weary Cameron said.

  “Call me if you need me.”

  Cameron was checking his phone for text and messages and shot a quick thanks to Capps, as he opened the front door. It was dark except for a light coming through the barrel archway to the kitchen and living area. He thought perhaps they had all called it a night and were asleep upstairs. He took his Jacket off and folded it over his right arm with his phone still in his hand as he walked toward the kitchen.

  He entered the room and nearly collapsed. Directly in front of him, Hannah and Jess were strapped to the kitchen chairs pulled close to the kitchen island. Jess appeared unconscious, and Abu al-Himyari stood behind Hannah with a knife in his left hand resting on her throat and the Glock 23 in his right hand. Hannah’s face was red, but she seemed to be regaining consciousness.

  Tears ran down his face, and he gasped for air as he saw Jess with a blood-soaked shirt and blood dripping down her legs. He was uncertain if she was alive or dead.

  “Put your jacket down,” Abu said pointing to the chair he had positioned for the camera angle.

  Cameron pressed keys on his phone under his coat. He hoped to God his attempt to redial Capps was successful. He laid the coat down on the table against the back of the couch keeping the phone between the fold of the jacket.

  “Now put your gun on the table as well.” Cameron wished he had kept his jacket on. He needed to change it up on Abu.

  “I don’t think so,” Cameron said with all the calmness he could muster.

  “I don’t think I want to be the star in your sick little fantasy flick where you kill Americans for a PR reel.”

  Cameron was calculating the odds of successfully nailing a headshot without casualty to Hannah. The odds weren’t strong enough for him. All of the training drills he had worked on for holster drawing had been with hip or thigh holsters. He had never imagined needing to quick draw from the shoulder holster he seldom wore.

  Al-Himyari began a wild rant about American policy and the countless deaths through drone strikes and military operations. Good, keep talking asshole, Cameron thought. Then speaking directly to his camera, he made accusations against Cameron, citing the specific operations he had helped plan. Where did he get this intel? He hoped to God Capps was on his way.

  A few blocks away Darryl Capps’ car audio system showed an incoming call from Cole Cameron. He pushed the accept call button.

  “I said to call if you need anything, but I really didn’t mean it,” Capps said jostling with his friend.

  Capps heard muffled sounds and yelled, “Cameron! Cameron! You old fart, you butt dialed me!”

  He was about to end the call when he heard Cole’s voice, ‘sick little fantasy flick where you kill Americans for a PR reel.’ Capps whipped a hundred and eighty-degree turn at the next intersection and floored the accelerator.

  “Keep him talking.” He said hoping his friend could hear him.

  “Where’s the other one?”

  “Oh, she’s upstairs. She was the easy one. Unlike these two that do not know their place.”

  “What did you do to my daughter?” Cameron asked and saw Hannah coming to her senses.

  “She was too disrespectful. She must take after you. An arrogant American.”

  “If anyone here dies…”

  “Well,” Abu said nodding toward Jessica, “Maybe she’s already dead, I’m not sure. Shall I make sure for you.”

  Capps was still two blocks away and slammed his fist against the steering wheel when he heard al-Himyari talk about Jess.

  “You fight, little girly! You fight!” His eyes teared up.

  As Hannah became more aware, she was relieved to see that Cameron had not relinquished his weapon, but saw that it was still holstered and suspected that cold blade against her neck kept Cole from drawing. She looked through the corner of her eyes and saw all of the blood on Jess, and tears began to flow. She prayed she was still alive but knew they did not have much time.

  Mr. Strawman, the calico cat that lived next door to the Cameron’s, was out on his nightly prowl. He loved the straw area over near the Cameron patio. He found it very interesting that light would shine just for him as he took care of his business at his neighbor’s place. Mr. Strawman swayed his way up from the woods to his favorite spot and Voilà!

  Al-Himyari was growing weary of the debate and decided it was time to end the matter. He had wanted more theatrics, but the cast was just not cooperating. He was set to run his knife across the throat of Hannah, and the bright LED motion light lit up the outside. He turned to look out the patio door, and one second later the .40 caliber slug from Cameron’s Glock was exploding in his skull.


  McLean Virginia

  The bright light from the June morning sun fought to break through the plantation shutters in Cameron’s bedroom. It peaked through the cracks and boldly summoned him from his rest. His mind wrestled with the unwelcome call from nature.

  There was indeed much to do even though it was a Saturday. He knew he had to tackle some chores before the summer heat and humidity made it unbearable. Just one glance at the lovely figure of Hannah next to him was all he needed to procrastinate climbing out of the sheets.

  She gently moved, and briefly caressed his leg with her foot. He ran his fingers through her hair and softly across her shoulder as he gazed at her curved body. She laid there in effortless beauty with her back to him, facing the window. She moaned, “Good morning,” to which Cameron responded with a kiss upon her bare back.

  He looked upon her in amazement. Amazed at her beauty. Amazed at how badly he had fallen for her. Amazed that after all of the challenges they faced and all of the losses they experienced, there she was, lying in his bed.

  He rehearsed their love-making over and over in his head and found himself aroused by the thoughts. He moved his b
ody closer to hers, pushing his groin against her as if to telegraph his intentions. She pushed back against him, teasing him with her movements as she took his hand from her hips and brought it to her breast. He whispered something naughty in her ear, and she laughed. Soon their bodies were again moving as one.

  A few minutes later they each looked as if they had just finished a grueling workout with sweat now dripping off Cameron. They gasped for air to replenish their oxygen levels.

  “Oh my God!” Cameron shouted, falling backward on the bed. His lover repositioned herself to see his face and offered him an equally gratified look.

  “How old did you say you were?” she jokingly asked him.

  “Still young enough!” he replied as his breathing stabilized. “We’ve got to crank up that air conditioner!”

  Cameron stepped out of bed and threw on some shorts.

  “Can I bring you some coffee?”

  She pulled at the sheets, moving to sit up in the bed.

  “Oh yes! Please! You are amazing!”

  “Be right back,” Cameron said heading out the door to the stairway.

  “Take your time, Cole,” Hannah shouted from the bedroom, as she headed to the bathroom.

  “I’m just going to jump in the shower really quick while you get that ready.”

  Cameron searched through the coffee flavors he had bought along with the one cup dispenser machine. He did not drink coffee but had purchased the gadget in an attempt to be hospitable to his guest. Cole hoped it would get frequent use. He found Hannah’s favorite and popped it in.

  As he waited for the fresh brew, he stared across to the kitchen island where two months earlier he had come home to find Hannah and his daughter tied to chairs. He tried to push away the images of his Jess’ blood-soaked shirt and blood dried hair from his mind, but they reappeared. The bastard got off too easy, he thought to himself remembering how he had quickly drawn and shot Abu al-Himyari dead.

  Soon her cup was poured, he fixed the way she liked and carried it upstairs to the bedroom and placed it on the end table.

  “How about some breakfast?” He stepped into the large bathroom and handed her a towel as she stepped out of the shower.


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