Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1

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Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1 Page 28

by Camden Mays

  “Do we have time?” she asked. “I mean we have a lot to do.” Hannah knew they had several chores to complete before the afternoon BBQ they were hosting at the house.

  “I think we can squeeze it in. I don’t know about you, but I worked up an appetite.”

  Cameron couldn’t help himself. He had fallen for her so hard, in spite of the chaos, he could not imagine a world without her. He also knew his infatuation was apparent, regardless of how cool he tried to play it.

  She pulled her sundress over her head and took the cup of coffee and began sipping while lifting up her eyes to look at Cameron. Her eyes said so much to him. It was a deep and intimate communication. No games, no pretense, just pure openness to her soul, he loved that connection with her.

  He leaned over and kissed her.

  The doorbell rang.

  “Shit,” Hannah said, as the moment was spoiled.

  There was so much she wanted to tell him, and so much she wanted to experience with him. He was the one that her Dad had hoped for her to find. He was the one that she could love without reservation. It took everything within her to pace herself in the relationship, desperately not wanting to spoil the magic they had together.

  Cameron threw on his tee shirt and turned away, but Hannah grabbed his hand. She pulled him to herself and kissed him. When they released Cameron looked at her in awe of how, from all of the death and suffering, true love had sprung forth in his life.

  Her touch, her kiss, and her eyes said to him ‘I love you’ and he could not contain it any longer.

  “I love you, Hannah.”

  The doorbell rang a second time.

  “I love you, Cole.”

  “I’m coming right back,” he said with a big grin on his face as he headed out of the room.

  Hannah sat down at the chaise by the window and covered her own big grin as she soaked in the moment of joy. She heard him taking the hardwood steps downstairs, and a tear of joy slowly rolled down her cheek as she imagined their happiness together.

  Cole had grabbed his phone and started scrolling through the encrypted text message from Nancy McCune as he approached the door. Multitasking as he usually did, ready to respond to the message with one hand and shoo off the solicitors with the other. Again, the doorbell rang.

  “Cole, are you getting that?” Hannah called from the upstairs banister.

  The encrypted text message read we found Grant Ramsey. Sending a team. Will keep you posted. Cameron knew it was only a matter of time before the Agency would catch up with Ramsey. He still had the key Grant had given him, never learning its purpose.

  He looked through the glass side windows next to the large front door and saw the backside of a tall blond woman. He opened the door, and the woman spun around and lunged toward Cameron.

  Jess gave her Dad a big hug and kiss, and Cameron nearly fell over.

  “Surprise!” Jess yelled.

  “Did you know about this?” Cameron yelled to Hannah now at the bottom of the stairs.

  She nodded, yes, and put down the phone she had used to record the greeting.

  “Jess, I thought you weren’t coming until next week for Father’s Day?” Cameron questioned hugging his girl again.

  “Let me get your bags.”

  “I caught the redeye last night when Hannah told me about the BBQ you are having here today,” Jess said. “And I invited Brittany over.”

  “Yeah, no problem, that’s awesome.” Cameron was happy that Brittany had little memory of the night's events as she had been put out with chloroform quickly.

  “And I invited David as well,” Jess said waiting for the reaction.


  “Yes, Dad, Agent Kincaid.”

  “He’s a hell of a man, he’s welcomed here anytime,” Cameron said with a wink remembering the agent’s help that fateful night at their home. He had applied bandages to her wounds and carried her in his arms to the arriving ambulance.

  “Come on we’re making breakfast,” Hannah said taking Jess’s hand.

  Cameron watched them walk through the barrel vault into the living and kitchen area and thought about how fortunate he was. He had nearly lost them both. He committed to himself to do everything in his power to keep them safe.

  The events they had experienced altered each of their lives and in some way brought all of them so much closer. Cameron was initially worried that Jess would be so emotionally wounded from her experience that she would live her life in fear. Instead, his daughter emerged with a warrior mentality and dedicated herself to fighting injustice.

  She sought advice from Hannah about pursuing a law enforcement career, and specifically the requirements for the FBI academy. As a result, she changed her major at UCLA to criminology and lined up her course track for the next fall. Cameron stood there proud, damn proud.

  “Let me guess scrambled eggs.” Jess teased.


  Private Island resort in the Caribbean

  It had been several weeks since he had been forced to tie up loose ends, now Grant Ramsey sipped on a tropical drink as he stretched out in his lounge chair on a white sandy beach of the private island resort in the Caribbean. He had completed his part of the obligation for the Bear, Gavriil Medvedm. He and Katrina were now free of the glutton’s grasp and enjoying their well-deserved early retirement.

  Ramsey had walked away with roughly five million dollars’ worth of untraceable bearer bonds. A ‘just reward’ for his sacrifices through the years, he reconciled. The new cryptocurrency for the DC hotel job was icing on the cake. It was a quick and dirty job. He thought carefully about ending Nancy McCune’s life when he had the opportunity but thought that by sparing her, he could keep his double agent game in play, buying himself much needed time.

  What had started as a trap to expose a CIA mole had backfired on the Agency. Once Katrina Nikolin had sniffed around Grant Ramsey, the Agency developed a plan for him to play along, even terminating his employment as part of his cover. He was to be a double agent, give to the Russians what the Agency wanted him to offer, and in return help the Agency build the file on the Russian network of Gavriil Medvedm.

  Grant Ramsey, however, did not expect to fall for Katrina or receive such a handsome reward in payment. In the end, it was the money that was most rewarding. The infatuation of Katrina had served to fuel the fire, but he would be a fool to think that would last forever. But the money, well, that would buy everything he really needed, his boat, provisions, privacy and of course women.

  “This is what I’m talking about,” he muttered to himself as he watched a local dark-haired beauty in a bikini stroll by. His stare was interrupted as the brunette lying next to him cleared her throat and mildly chastised him.

  “Now, now, lover boy. Don’t bite off more than you can chew!”

  Katrina Nikolin was the same woman Cole Cameron had seen on the day he met Grant at the coffee shop and failed to recognize her at the Owl’s Club bar in Tucson. She had adeptly tapped into Grant Ramsey’s vulnerabilities and satisfied his cravings, all of them.

  “Sir, your drink,” the server placed the next round for Grant on the table next to the lounge chair.

  “Ma’am, here is yours as well.”

  “Thank you, my good sir,” Grant Ramsey responded with a smile. Life was good now. In his mind, he had paid his dues and was finally getting his share of the booty. Sure, there were causalities along the way, but that goes with any war. Cole Cameron was just another causality, he had to be pulled into the game for Hasni’s revenge.

  “The poor bastard,” Grant Ramsey said audible with a sad grin, as he thought about Cameron and his daughter Jess.

  “What was that dear?” Katrina looked over to her lover. “I’re thinking about your friend at the CIA. You underestimated him, didn’t you? It’s a shame that our friends from Yemen weren’t able to satisfy their blood thirst. We’d worked so hard to give them that opportunity.”

  Grant was growing uncomforta
ble with the conversation.“I still think it was unnecessary to go after the man’s daughter that way.”

  “Hmm...” the brunette mused playfully, “I’m not sure I like this soft side, Mr. Adams,” using his new alias.

  “We Russian women like our men to be strong.” She teased him as she rolled her finger around the rim of her glass and took another sip.

  Grant Ramsey took another sip of his drink that was a unique blend of tropical fruits, alcohol, and a pinch of Batrachotoxin, compliments of the Bear.

  Gavriil Medvedm watched through binoculars from the balcony of the couples’ suite at the resort. The events from the DC hotel had served to accelerate Medvedm’s bold agenda. Not since the Cuba crisis had tensions been so high between the two countries. The murder of the deputy director of SVR for North America in a Washington DC hotel was like ‘the shot heard round the world.’ The political ramifications could not be understated.

  Medvedm knew that his superior had a back-channel relationship with Nancy McCune. A relationship that had been established when she served in the EU office. The Deputy Director had sought to use McCune and the CIA to neutralize his rival, Medvedm. But many within the deputy’s own office were aligned with the Bear’s bold goals. Now the Bear kept the deputy’s eye in a jar of solution as a souvenir and a reminder to others.

  Medvedm had effectively eliminated his roadblocks in the SVR and created the perfect environment to fan the flames of his inspired vision. The clamor for aggressive action intensified. The Kremlin was listening to his advice now.

  Ramsey served his purpose, but with McCune still alive he was no longer useful.

  “You foolish cowboy, the butterfly, and the bonds belong to me,” he mumbled, as he waited for the inevitable.

  Then, there it was. Grant Ramsey grabbed his throat. He looked desperately toward Katrina, and his eyes revealed the panic as he saw her casually gathering her things to leave. As his chest tightened, he reached for his lover but only managed to pull at the Russian spy’s sarong as she wrapped herself. She gave a gentle tug to release his grip. His head slumped forward. He was finished.


  McLean Virginia

  Cole Cameron stood at the grill on his patio and flipped chicken breasts and burgers with one hand and nursed his light beer with the other. To his left he saw Mr. Strawman the cat, coming out of the woods and scooting around the edge of his property before heading to his own house. Damn cat! He muttered to himself.

  Cameron took a sip and reflected on the fact that one of the upsides to the event at his home was that the escrow fell through. As it turns out, shooting and killing a terrorist in your home while it is in escrow is frowned upon. The buyers quickly pulled out of the deal, and the events had frightened off other prospects. Cameron extended his original offer to his ex to buy out her half at the initial appraised market value, and she jumped at it. He smiled. He loved this house.

  The outdoor speakers carried the sounds of a playlist that Jess had put together for the BBQ. The folks gathered were enjoying a relaxing afternoon. The patio misters kept the area cool and large buckets kept the beer ice cold. Cameron saw Darryl Capps ramming his big hand into the ice, finally fishing out his choice.

  Brittany and Jess were chatting with David Kincaid and a friend that he brought. The rookie agent looked toward Cameron. There was a part of Cameron that wanted to shoot over a stern look to remind the young man that Jess’ father was watching him, but instead, he raised his beer bottle and offered a smile.

  Amy Wiggins and her boyfriend Richard or is it Robert were seated with Bridgette Robinson, Sara Wang and Steve Sinha. Cameron had invited his team leads to build rapport. And to his surprise, Raymond Hernandez and his wife had also joined the party.

  Hannah was standing and talking with a couple of her friends as Capps came to give Cameron cooking instructions.

  “Man, you are overdoing ‘em burgers,” he chided.

  “Back off big man!” Cameron said. “Two more minutes.”

  “I don’t want no hockey puck burger.”

  “There’s more raw ground beef in the fridge, why don’t you just go grab that and shove it in your mouth,” Cameron laughed.

  After everyone had eaten, they all gathered around in chairs talking as music softly played in the background. Kincaid’s friend asked the team what they did at the CIA. Sinha said, “We just look at data and write reports all in a place that looks like the bat cave.”

  “I am Batman!” Cameron deadpanned.

  “Can you believe they’re given his boney ass another award and more time off?” Capps hollered out.

  “Two actually,” Cameron corrected, “One for the Hilton, and one for here. Big ceremony. Monday after Father’s Day. You're all invited. I had them wait until Jess would be here.”

  He was set to receive another award for killing al-Himyari and saving the others in the home as well as the rushing to save McCune at the Gala. He and Hannah were both getting more attention than they cared for. Hannah had received the FBI Medal for Meritorious Achievement for saving her fellow agent’s life in the New York bombing, and Cameron was becoming the poster child for the CIA since the events had garnered so much media attention. He knew it was all a PR move, but he would leverage it to get things done.

  “Bullshit! Your boney ass is getting two?” Capps fired back.

  “I wouldn’t call his ass boney,” Hannah laughed.

  “Are you saying my Dad has a big ass?” Jess jumped in the mix.

  “No!” Hannah laughed.

  “I’m just saying I like his ass. It’s a very nice ass.”

  “Hey, would everybody please stop talking about my ass!” Cameron yelled.

  Raymond Hernandez caught everyone off guard when he jumped into the fray.

  “No wait, turn around, let me see that thing. Yep, there’s plenty of room for medals back there!”

  Everyone was rolling in laughter except Cameron.

  After a few minutes, Amy asked Cameron and Hannah what their plans were for the time off. They looked at each with a grin.

  “Well, Jess is here for a week, so I want to spend as much time with her as she and Brittany will let me and then Hannah and I are taking a little road trip to Tennessee to see her parents.”

  “Oh shit.” Hannah was surprised and considered the consequences. Cameron locked eyes with her to let it sink in.

  “Mr. C! Mr. C!” Brittany yelled as the volume of music increased.

  “It’s our song!” she said clapping her hands.

  “Come on,” she said grabbing him by the hand along with Jess.

  The Crowded House chorus lyrics to ‘Don’t Dream It’s Over’ blared yet again, and they danced, sang and laughed.

  Soon, everyone was joining in. Kincaid cut in, taking Jess’ hand. Hannah slid over to her man and danced with him. True to form, Cole made a few of his spaz moves drawing laughter from all. He didn’t mind. He was a happy man.

  The next song shuffled in the playlist and soon the galloping rhythm of ‘Between the Raindrops’ by the alternative band Lifehouse and British singer, Natasha Bedingfield, reverberated across the flagstone patio area. Hannah stood enjoying their moment holding Cole’s hands

  “So, you want to meet my parents?” she said.

  “Hannah, I’d love to meet your parents.”

  She paused, looking into his eyes, then said with a tear falling, “Cole Cameron…”

  With the wink of an eye, he spun her around and sang aloud the chorus of the song.




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