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Barbara Blomberg — Complete

Page 13

by Georg Ebers


  Shortly after sunset Appenzelder received the order to have the boychoir sing before the Emperor.

  During the noon hour, which the monarch had spent alone, thoughts sosad, bordering upon melancholy, had visited him, although for severalhours he had been free from pain, that he relinquished his resentfulintention of showing his undutiful sister how little he cared for hersurprise and how slight was his desire to enjoy music.

  In fact, he, too, regarded it as medicine, and hoped especially fora favourable effect from the exquisite soprano voice in the motet "Tupulchra es."

  He still had some things to look over with Granvelle, but the orchestraand the boy choir must be ready by ten o'clock.

  Would it not have been foolish to bear this intolerable, alarming mooduntil the midnight meal? It must be dispelled, for he himself perceivedhow groundless it was. The pain had passed away, the despatchescontained no bad news, and Dr. Mathys had permitted him to go out thenext day. When Adrian already had his hand on the door knob, he calledafter him, "And Appenzelder must see that the exquisite new voice--heknows--is heard."

  Soon after, when Granvelle had just left him, the steward, Malfalconnet,entered, and, in spite of the late hour--the Nuremberg clock on thewriting table had struck nine some time before--asked an audience forSir Wolf Hartschwert, one of her Highness the regent's household,to whom she committed the most noiseless and the most noisy affairs,namely, the secret correspondence and the music.

  "The German?" asked Charles, and as the baron, with a low bow, assented,the Emperor continued: "Then it is scarcely an intrigue, at any rate asuccessful one, unless he is unlike the usual stamp. But no! I noticedthe man. There is something visionary about him, like most of theGermans. But I have never seen him intoxicated."

  "Although he is of knightly lineage, and, as I heard, at home inthe neighbourhood of the Main, where good wine matures," remarkedMalfalconnet, with another bow. "At this moment he looks more thansober, rather as though some great fright had roused him from a carouse.Poor knight!"

  "Ay, poor knight!" the Emperor assented emphatically. "To serve mysister of Hungary in one position may be difficult for a man who is nosportsman, and now in two! God's death! These torments on earth willshorten his stay in purgatory."

  The Emperor Charles had spoken of his sister in a very different tonethe day before, but now she remained away from him and kept with her afriend whom he greatly needed, so he repaid her for it.

  Therefore, with a shrug of the shoulders expressive of regret, he added,"However badly off we may be ourselves, there is always some one withwhom we would not change places."

  "Were I, the humblest of the humble, lucky enough to be in yourMajesty's skin," cried the baron gaily, "I wouldn't either. But sinceI am only poor Malfalconnet, I know of nobody--and I'm well acquaintedwith Sir Wolf--who seems to me more enviable than your Majesty."

  "Jest, or earnest?" asked the Emperor.

  "Earnest, deep, well-founded earnest," replied the other with an upwardglance whose solemn devotion showed the sovereign that mischief wasconcealed behind it. "Let your Majesty judge for yourself. He is aknight of good family, and looks like a plain burgher. His name is WolfHartschwert, and he is as gentle as a lamb and as pliant as a youngwillow. He appears like the meek, whom our Lord calls blessed, and yethe is one of the wisest of the wise, and, moreover, a master in hisart. Wherever he shows himself, delusion follows delusion, and every oneredounds to his advantage, for whoever took him for an insignificant manmust doff his hat when he utters his name. If a shrewd fellow supposedthat this sheep would not know A from B, he'll soon give him nuts tocrack which are far too hard for many a learned master of arts. Nobodyexpects chivalric virtues and the accompanying expenditure from thissimple fellow; yet he practises them, and, when he once opens his hand,people stare at him as they do at flying fish and the hen that lays agolden egg. Appreciative surprise gazes at him, beseeching forgiveness,wherever he is known, as surely as happy faces welcome your Majesty'sentry into any Netherland city. Fortune, lavish when she once departsfrom her wonted niggardliness, guards this her favourite child fromdisappointment and misconstruction."

  "The blessing of those who are more than they seem," replied theEmperor.

  "That is his also," sighed Malfalconnet. "That man, your Majesty, and Ithe poorest of the poor! I was born a baron, and, as the greatest pieceof good fortune, obtained the favour of my illustrious master. Noweverybody expects from me magnificence worthy of my ancient name, anda style of living in keeping with the much-envied grace that renders mehappy. But if your Majesty's divine goodness did not sometimes pay mydebts, which are now a part of me as the tail belongs to the comet--"

  "Oho!" cried the Emperor here. "If that is what is coming--"

  "Do I look so stupid," interrupted the baron humbly, "as to repeatto-day things which yesterday did not wholly fail to make an impressionupon your Majesty?"

  "They would find deaf cars," Charles replied. "You are certainly lessdestitute of brains than of money, because you lack system. One proceedsin a contrary direction from the other. Besides, your ancient name,though worthy of all honour, does not inspire the most favourableimpression. Malfalconnet! Mal is evil, and falconnet--or is itfalconnelle?--is a cruel, greedy bird of prey. So whoever encountersno evil from you, whoever escapes you unplucked, also enjoys a pleasantsurprise. As for not being plucked, I, at least, unfortunately have notexperienced this. But we will not cloud by too long waiting the goodfortune of the gentleman outside who was born under such lucky stars.What brings the Wolf in sheep's clothing to us?"

  "One would almost suppose," replied the baron with a crafty smile, "thathe was coming to-day on a useless errand, and meant to apply to yourMajesty for the payment of his debts."

  Here the Emperor interrupted him with an angry gesture; but Malfalconnetwent on soothingly: "However, there is nothing to be feared from lambsin sheep's clothing. Just think, your Majesty, how warm they must bein their double dress! No; he comes from the musicians, and apparentlybrings an important message."

  "Admit him, then," the Emperor commanded. A few minutes later Wolf stoodbefore the sovereign, and, in Appenzelder's name, informed him in atone of sincere regret, yet with a certain degree of reserve, that theperformance of the choir boys that day would leave much to be desired,for two of the best singers had not yet recovered.

  "But the substitute, the admirable substitute?" Charles impatientlyinterrupted.

  "That is just what troubles us," Wolf replied uneasily. "The magnificentnew voice wishes to desert the maestro to-night."

  "Desert?" cried the Emperor angrily. "A choir boy in the service of herMajesty the Queen of Hungary! So there is still something new under thesun."

  "Certainly," replied Wolf with a low bow, still striving, in obedienceto the regent's strict command, not to reveal the sex of the new memberof the choir. "And this case is especially unusual. This voice is not inher Majesty's service. It belongs to a volunteer, as it were, a nativeof this city, whose wonderful instrument and rare ability we discovered.But, begging your Majesty's pardon, the soul of such an artist is astrange thing, inflammable and enthusiastic, but just as easily woundedand disheartened."

  "The soul of a boy!" cried Charles contemptuously. "Appenzelder does notlook like a man who would permit such whims."

  "Not in his choir, certainly," said the young nobleman. "But thisvoice--allow me to repeat it--is not at his disposal. It was no easymatter to obtain it at all, and, keenly as the maestro disapproves ofthe caprices of this beautiful power, he can not force it--the power, Imean--to the obedience which his boys----"

  Here the Emperor laughed shrilly. "The power, the voice! The songstress,you should say. This whimsical volunteer with the voice of an angel,who is so tenderly treated by rough Appenzelder, is a woman, not arefractory choir boy. How you are blushing! You have proved a very inaptpupil in the art of dissimulation and disguise in my royal sister'sservice. Really and truly, I am right!"

ere another bow from Wolf confirmed the Emperor's conjecture; butthe latter, highly pleased with his own penetration, laughed softly,exclaiming to the baron: "Where were our ears? This masquerade is surelythe work of the Queen, who so dearly loves the chase. And she forbadeyou too, Malfalconnet, to give me your confidence?" Again a silent bowassented.

  The Emperor bent his eyes on the ground a short time, and then said,half in soliloquy: "It was not possible otherwise. Whence could a boylearn the ardent, yearning longing of which that 'Quia amore langueo'was so full? And the second, less powerful voice, which accompanied her,was that a girl's too? No? Yet that also, I remember, had a suggestionof feminine tenderness. But only the marvellously beautiful melody ofone haunted me. I can hear it still. The irresistible magic of this'Amore langueo' mingled even in my conversation with Granvelle."

  Then he passed his hand across his lofty brow, and in a different toneasked Wolf, "So it is a girl, and a native of this city?"

  "Yes, your Majesty," was the reply.

  "And, in spite of the praise of the gracious mother of God, aProtestant, like the other fools in this country?"

  "No, my lord," replied the nobleman firmly; "a pious CatholicChristian."

  "Of what rank?"

  "She belongs, through both parents, to a family of knightly lineage,entitled to bear a coat-of-arms and appear in the lists at tournaments.Her father has drawn his sword more than once in battle against theinfidels--at the capture of Tunis, under your own eyes, your Majesty,and in doing so he unfortunately ruined the prosperity of his good,ancient house."

  "What is his name?"

  "Wolfgang Blomberg."

  "A big, broad-shouldered German fighter, with a huge mustache andpointed beard. Shot in the leg and wounded in the shoulder. Pious,reckless, with the courage of a lion. Afterward honoured with the titleof captain."

  Full of honest amazement at such strength of memory, Wolf endeavouredto express his admiration; but the imperial general interrupted him withanother question, "And the daughter? Does her appearance harmonize withher voice?"

  "I think so," replied Wolf in an embarrassed tone.

  "Wonderfully beautiful and very aristocratic," said the baron,completing the sentence, and raising the tips of his slender fingers tohis lips.

  But this gesture seemed to displease his master, for he turned fromhim, and, looking the young Ratisbon knight keenly in the face, askedsuspiciously, "She is full of caprices--I am probably right therealso--and consequently refuses to sing?"

  "Pardon me, your Majesty," replied Wolf eagerly. "If I understand herfeelings, she had hoped to earn your Majesty's approval, and when shereceived no other summons, nay, when your Majesty for the second timecountermanded your wish to hear the boy choir, she feared that her arthad found no favour in your Majesty's trained ears, and, wounded anddisheartened--"

  "Nonsense!" the Emperor broke in wrathfully. "The contrary is true.The Queen of Hungary was commissioned to assure the supposed boy of myapproval. Tell her this, Sir Wolf Hartschwert, and do so at once. Tellher--"

  "She rode to the forest with some friends," Wolf timidly ventured tointerpose to save himself other orders impossible to execute. "If shehas not returned home, it might be difficult--"

  "Whether difficult or easy, you will find her," Charles interrupted."Then, with a greeting from her warmest admirer, Charles, the musiclover, announce that he does not command, but entreats her to let himhear again this evening the voice whose melody so powerfully moved hisheart.--You, Baron, will accompany the gentleman, and not return withoutthe young lady!--What is her name?"

  "Barbara Blomberg."

  "Barbara," repeated the sovereign, as if the name evoked an oldmemory; and, as though he saw before him the form of the woman he wasdescribing, he added in a low tone: "She is blue-eyed, fairskinned androsy, slender yet well-rounded. A haughty, almost repellent bearing.Thick, waving locks of golden hair."

  "That is witchcraft!" the baron exclaimed. "Your Majesty is painting herportrait in words exactly, feature by feature. Her hair is like that ofTitian's daughter."

  "Apparently you have not failed to scrutinize her closely," remarked theEmperor sharply. "Has she already associated with the gentlemen of thecourt?"

  Both promptly answered in the negative, but the Emperor continuedimpatiently: "Then hasten! As soon as she is here, inform me.--The meal,Malfalconnet, must be short-four courses, or five at the utmost, and nodessert. The boy choir is not to be stationed in the chapel, but in thedining hall, opposite to me.--We leave the arrangement to you, Sir Wolf.Of course, a chair must be placed for the lady.--Have the larger tableset in another room, baron, and, for ought I care, serve with all twentycourses and a dessert. Old Marquise de Leria will remain here. She willoccupy Queen Mary's seat at my side. On account of the singer, I mean.Besides, it will please the marquise's vanity."

  His eyes sparkled with youthful fire as he gave these orders. When theambassadors were already on the threshold, he called after them:

  "Wherever she may be, however late it may become, you will bringher. And," he added eagerly, as the others with reverential bows wereretiring, "and don't forget, I do not command--I entreat her."

  When he was alone, Charles drew a long breath, and, resting his headon his hand, his thoughts returned to the past. Half-vanished picturesunconsciously blended with the present, which had so unexpectedlyassumed a bright colouring.

  "Barbara," he murmured, almost inaudibly. Then he continued insoliloquy: "The beautiful Jungfrau Groen in Brussels was also calledBarbara, and she was the first. Another of this name, and perhaps thelast. How can this ardent yearning take root in my seared soul and growso vigorously?"

  Meanwhile he fancied that the "Quia amore langueo" again greeted himyearningly in the sweet melody of her voice.

  "How powerfully the ear affects the heart!" he continued, pursuing thesame train of thought. "Slender, well-rounded, golden-haired. Ifshe should really resemble the Brussels Barbara! Malfalconnet is aconnoisseur. Perhaps, after these gloomy days and years, a semblanceof sunlight may return. It is long enough since politics and warhave granted me even the slightest refreshment of the heart. And yet,methinks Heaven might feel under obligation to do something for the manwho has made it his life-task to hold its enemies in check."

  He rose quickly as he spoke, and, while moving forward to ring thelittle bell whose peal summoned the valet, not the slightest trace ofthe gouty pain in his foot was perceptible.

  Adrian saw with joyful surprise that his master approached without acrutch the door through which he had come, and the faithful servantexpressed his astonishment in terms as eager as his position permitted.

  On reaching his sleeping-room, the Emperor interrupted him. He wished tobe dressed for dinner.

  Master Adrian would not believe his own ears. He was to bring one of thenew reception robes, and yet to-day not even the Queen of Hungary was toshare his Majesty's repast. One of the costliest new costumes! What hadcome over his lord, who for months, when no distinguished guests werepresent, had worn only the most comfortable and often very shabbyclothes at table, saving the better new garments like an economicalhousekeeper?

  But Charles was not satisfied even with these, for, when Adrian hungover the back of a chair a handsome black court dress, slashed withsatin, his master signed to him to take it away, and asked for one ofthe newest works of art of his Brussels tailor, a violet velvet garment,with slashes of golden yellow sill: on the breast, in the puffed sleevesand short plush breeches. With this were silk stockings tightly incasingthe feet and limbs, as well as a ruff and cuffs of Mechlin lace.

  Shaking his head, the valet took these articles of dress from the chest;but before he put them on his master, the latter sat down to have hishair and beard carefully arranged.

  For weeks he had performed this slight task himself, though with veryill success, for his hair and beard had seemed to his visitors roughand unkempt. This time, on the contrary, mirror in hand, he directedthe work of the skilful servant with man
y an objection, showing as muchvanity as in his youth.

  After Adrian had put on the new costume, the Emperor shook off thelarge, warm boot, and held out his gouty foot to the valet.

  The faithful fellow gazed beseechingly into his master's face, andmodestly entreated him to remember the pain from which he had scarcelyrecovered; but the Emperor imperiously commanded, "The shoes!" and theservant brought them and cautiously, with grave anxiety, fitted thelow-cut violet satin shoes on his feet.

  Lastly, the sovereign ordered the Golden Fleece, which he usually woreon a hook below his neck, to be put on the gold chain which, as the headof the order, he had a right to wear with it, and took from the jewelcase several especially handsome rings and a very costly star ofdiamonds and rubies, which he had fastened in the knot of the bow of hisruff. The state sword and sheath, which Adrian handed to him unasked,were rejected.

  He needed no steel weapons to-day; the victory he sought must be won byhis person.

  When the servant held the Venetian mirror before him, he was satisfied.The elderly, half-broken-down man of the day before had become a tall,stately noble in the prime of life; nay, in spite of his forty-sixyears, his eyes sparkled far more brightly and proudly than many a youngknight's in his train.

  His features, even now, did not show beautiful symmetry, but they borethe stamp of a strong, energetic mind. The majestic dignity which heknew how to bestow upon it, made his figure, though it did not exceedmiddle height, appear taller; and the self-confident smile which restedon his full lips, as he was sure of a speedy triumph, well beseemed ageneral whose sword and brain had gained the most brilliant victories.

  Adrian had seen him thus more than once after battles had been won orwhen he had unhorsed some strong antagonist in the tournament, but itwas many a long year ago. He felt as though a miracle was wrought beforehis eyes, and, deeply loved, kissed his master's sleeve.

  Charles noticed it, and, as if in token of gratitude, patted him lightlyon the shoulder. This was not much, but it made the faithful fellowhappy. How long it was since the last time his imperial aster hadgladdened him by so friendly a sign of satisfaction!

  Were the days to return when, in the Netherlands, Charles hadcondescended to treat even humble folk with blunt familiarity?

  Adrian did not doubt that he should learn speedily enough what hadcaused this unexpected change; but the discovery of the real reason wasnow far from his alert mind, because he was still confident that theEmperor's heart had for years been closed against the charms of woman.Nevertheless, the experienced man told himself that some woman must beconnected with this amazing rejuvenation. Otherwise it would surely havebeen one of the wonders which he knew only from legends.

  And lo! Chamberlain de Praet was already announcing a lady--the Marquisede Leria.

  If Master Adrian had ever permitted himself to laugh in his master'spresence, it would certainly have happened this time, for the curtseyingold woman in velvet, silk, and plumes, whose visit his Majesty did notrefuse, was probably the last person for whose sake Charles endured thesatin shoe on his sensitive foot.

  How oddly her round, catlike head, with its prominent cheek bones, andthe white wig combed high on the top, contrasted with the rouged, sunkencheeks and eyebrows dyed coal black!

  Adrian hastily calculated that she was not far from seventy. But howtightly she laced, how erect was her bearing, how sweet the smile onher sunken mouth! And how did her aged limbs, which must have losttheir flexibility long ago, accomplish with such faultless grace the lowcurtseys, in which she almost touched the floor?

  But the valet, who had grown gray in Charles's service, had witnessedstill more surprising things, and beheld the presence of royalty bestowstrength for performances which even now seemed incomprehensible. Thelame had leaped before his eyes, and feeble invalids had stood erectlong hours when the duties of the court, etiquette, the command ofroyalty, compelled them to do so.

  What a mistress in ruling herself the marquise had become during herlong service at the French and Netherland courts! for not a featurebetrayed her surprise at the Emperor's altered appearance while she wasthanking him fervently for the favour of being permitted to share themeal with the august sovereign, which had bestowed so much happinessupon her.

  Charles cut this speech short, and curtly requested her to take underher charge, in his royal sister's place, a young lady of a noble family.

  The marquise cast a swift glance of understanding at the Emperor, andthen, walking backward with a series of low bows, obeyed the sovereign'ssignal to leave him.

  Without any attempt to conceal from the valet the strong excitementthat mastered him, Charles at last impatiently approached the window andlooked down into the Haidplatz.

  When his master had turned his back upon him, Adrian allowed himself tosmile contentedly. Now he knew all, and therefore thought, for the firsttime, that a genuine miracle had been wrought in the monarch. Yet itgave him pleasure; surely it was a piece of good fortune that thiswithering trunk was again putting forth such fresh buds.


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