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Barbara Blomberg — Complete

Page 33

by Georg Ebers


  Progress was very slow, for many peasants and hogs were coming towardthem from the Schweinemarkt at their right.

  The gate was on the second bridge, and here the carriage was compelledto stop on account of paying the toll. But it could not have advanced inany case; a considerable number of vehicles and human beings chokedthe space before and beyond the gate. Horsemen of all sorts, wagons ofregiments marching in and out, freight vans and country carts, soldiers,male and female citizens, peasants and peasant women, monks, travellingjourneymen, and vagrants impeded their progress, and it required a longtime ere the travelling carriage could finally pass the gate and reachthe end of the bridge.

  There the crowd between it, the Hospital of the Holy Ghost, and thechurch belonging to it seemed absolutely impenetrable. The vehicle wasforced to stop, and Gombert stood up and overlooked the motley throngsurrounding it.

  Barbara had also risen from her seat, pointed out to her companion onenoteworthy object after another, and finally a handsome sedan chairwhich rested on the ground beside the hospital.

  "His Majesty's property," she said eagerly; "I know it well."

  Here she hesitated and turned pale, for she had just noticed whatGombert now called to her attention.

  Don Luis Quijada, with the haughty precision of the Castilian grandee,was passing through the humble folk around him and advancing directlytoward her.

  All who separated him from the carriage submissively made way for thecommander of the Lombard regiment; but Barbara looked toward the rightand the left, and longed to spring from the vehicle and hide herselfamid the throng.

  But it was too late for that.

  She could do nothing except wait to learn what he desired, and yet sheknew perfectly well that Don Luis was not coming to the musician, butto her, and that he was bringing some startling, nay, probably someterrible news.

  She had not met him since she had poured forth the indignation of herheart. Now he was standing close beside the carriage, but his grave facelooked less stern than it did at that time.

  After he had bent his head slightly to her and held out his hand toGombert with friendly condescension, he thanked him for the kindnesswith which he had made room for his travelling companion, and then,with quiet courtesy, informed Barbara that he had come on behalf ofhis Majesty, who feared that she might not find suitable lodgings inovercrowded Landshut. The sedan chair stood ready over there by thehospital.

  The longing to escape this fresh outrage from the mighty despot seizedupon Barbara more fiercely than ever, but flight in this crowd wasimpossible, and as she met Quijada's grave glance she forced herself tokeep silence. She could not endure to make the Netherland maestro, whowas kindly disposed toward her, and whom she honoured, a witness of herhumiliation. So she was compelled to reserve what she wished to say tothe Spaniard until later, and therefore only bade her friend farewelland, scarcely able to control her voice, expressed her regret that shecould not take him to the Lorberers, since his Majesty was making otherarrangements for her.

  Another clasp of the Netherlander's hand, a questioning glance intothe Castilian's calm face, and she was forced to consider herself theEmperor Charles's prisoner.

  True, her captor studiously showed her every attention; he helped herout of the carriage with the utmost care, and then led her through themoving throng of people to the sedan chair, behind which a mounted groomwas holding Quijada's noble steed by the bridle.

  While Don Luis was helping Barbara into the chair, she asked in a lowtone what she was to think of this act of violence, and where she wasbeing taken.

  "His Majesty's command," was the reply. "I think you will be satisfiedwith your lodgings here." The girl shrugged her shoulders indignantly,and asked if she might only know how it had been discovered that she wason her way to Landshut; but Don Luis, in a gayer manner than his usualone, answered, "A little bird sang it to us, and I waited for you justhere because, at the end of the bridge, we are most certain to meetwhoever is obliged to cross either branch of the river." Then, in atone so grave as to exclude any idea of mockery, he added, "You see howkindly his Majesty has provided for your welfare."

  Closing the sedan chair as he spoke, he rode on before her.

  Meanwhile contradictory emotions were seething and surging in Barbara'sbreast.

  Where were they taking her?

  Did the Emperor intend to make her a prisoner? He certainly possessedthe power. Who would dare to resist him?

  She could attain no clearness of thought, for, while giving free courseto the indignation of her soul, she was gazing out at the open sides ofthe sedan chair.

  Every house, every paving stone here was familiar and awakened somememory. A crowd of people surrounded her, and among them appeared manya foreign soldier on foot and on horseback, who would have been wellworthy of an attentive glance. But what did she care for the Italiansin helmets and coats of mail who filled the Altstadt--the main businessstreet of Landshut--through which she was being carried? She doubtlesscast a glance toward the Town Hall, where her uncle was now devisingmeans to provide shelter for this legion of soldiers and steeds,doubtless put her head a little out of the window as she approached thehouses and arcades in the lower stories, and the Lorberer mansion, withthe blunt gable, where she had spent such happy days, appeared. But shequickly drew it back again; if any of her relatives should see her, whatanswer could she make to questions?

  But no one perceived her, and who knows whether they would nothave supposed the delicate, troubled face, short locks of hair, andunnaturally large eyes to be those of another girl who only resembledthe blooming, healthful Barbara of former days?

  She also glanced toward the richly decorated portal of St. Martin'sChurch, standing diagonally opposite to the sedan chair, and tried tolook up to the steeple, which was higher than almost any other in theworld.

  Even in Ratisbon there was not a handsomer, wider street than thisAltstadt, with its stately gable-roofed houses, and certainly not inMunich, where her uncle had once taken her, and the Bavarian dukes nowresided.

  But where, in Heaven's name, would she be borne?

  The sedan chair was now swaying past the place where the "short cut" forpedestrians led up to the Trausnitzburg, the proud citadel of the dukesof Bavarian Landshut. She leaned forward again to look up at it as ittowered far above her head on the opposite side of the way; the powerfulruler whose captive she was probably lodged there.

  But now!

  What did this mean?

  The sedan chair was set down, and it was just at the place where theroad at her left, leading to the citadel, climbed the height where rosethe proud Trausnitz fortress.

  Perhaps she might now find an opportunity to escape.

  Barbara hastily opened the door, but one of her attendants closed itagain, and in doing so pressed her gently back into the chair. At thesame time he shook his head, and, while his little black eyes twinkledslyly at her, his broad, smiling mouth, over which hung a long blackmustache, uttered a good-natured "No, no."

  Now the ascent of the mountain began. A wall bordered the greaterportion of the road, which often led through a ravine overgrown withbrushwood and past bastions and other solid masonry.

  The bearers had already mounted to a considerable height, yet there wasno view of the city and the neighbouring country. But even the loveliestprospect would not have induced Barbara to open her eyes, for theindignation which overpowered her had increased to fierce rage, blendedwith a fear usually alien to her courageous soul.

  In the one tower of the citadel there were prisons of tolerably pleasantaspect, but she had heard whispers of terrible subterranean dungeonsconnected with the secret tribunal.

  Suppose the Emperor Charles intended to lock her in one of thesedungeons and withdraw her from the eyes of the world? Who could guardher from this horrible fate? who could prevent him from keeping herburied alive during her life?

  Shuddering, she looked out again. If she was not mistaken, they were
nearing the end of the road, and she would soon learn what was beforeher. Perhaps the Emperor Charles himself was awaiting her up there. Butif he asked her whether she intended always to defy him, she would showhim that Barbara Blomberg was not to be intimidated; that she knew howto defend herself and, if necessary, to suffer; that she would be readyto risk everything to baffle his design and carry out her own resolve.Then he should see that nations and kings, nay, even the Holy Fatherin Rome-as Charles had once sacrilegiously done--may be vanquished andhumbled; that the hard, precious stone may be crushed and solid metalmelted, but the steadfast will of a woman battling for what she holdsdearest can not be broken.

  The sedan chair had already passed through half a dozen citadel gatesand left one solid wall behind it, but now a second rose, with a loftydoor set in its strong masonry.

  When Barbara had formerly ascended the Trausnitz, with what pleasureshe had gazed at the deep moat at her left, the pheasants, the statelypeacocks, and other feathered creatures, as well as a whole troop oflively monkeys; but this time she saw nothing except that the heavyiron-bound portals of the entrance opened before her, that thedrawbridge, though the sun was close to the western horizon, was stilllowered, and that Quijada stood at the end, motioning to the bearers toset the sedan chair on the ground.

  Now the major-domo opened the door, and this time he was not alone;Barbara saw behind him a woman whose appearance, spite of her angryexcitement, inspired confidence.

  The questions which, without heeding his companion, she now with crimsoncheeks poured upon Don Luis as if fairly frantic, he answered in brief,businesslike words.

  The Emperor Charles wished to place her in safe quarters up here, whilehe himself had taken lodgings in the modest house of a Schwaiger--asmall farmer who tilled his own garden and land in the valley below.

  For the present, some of the most distinguished officers were here inthe citadel as guests of the Duke of Bavaria. Barbara was to live in theladies' apartments of the fortress, under the care of the worthy womanat his side.

  "His Majesty could not have provided for you more kindly," he concluded.

  "Then may the Virgin preserve every one from such kindness!" sheimpetuously exclaimed. "I am dragged to this citadel against my will---"

  "And that irritates your strong feeling of independence, which we know,"replied the Spaniard quietly. "But when you listen to reason, fairestlady, you will soon be reconciled to this wise regulation of hisMajesty. If not, it will be your own loss. But," he added in a loweredtone, "this is no fitting place for a conversation which might easilydegenerate into a quarrel. It can be completed better in your ownapartments."

  While speaking he led the way, and Barbara followed without anotherword of remonstrance, for soldiers of all ages and other gentlemen werewalking in the large, beautiful courtyard which she overlooked; a groupof lovers of horseflesh were examining some specially fine steeds,and from several of the broad windows which surrounded the Trausnitzcourtyard on all sides men's faces were looking down at her.

  This courtyard had always seemed to her a stage specially suitable forthe display of royal magnificence, and yet, in spite of its statelysize, it would be difficult to imagine anything more pleasant, morethoroughly secluded.

  It had formerly witnessed many brilliant knightly games and festalscenes, but even now it was the favourite gathering place for theinhabitants of the citadel and the guests of the ducal owner, though thelatter, it is true, had ceased to live here since Landshut had becomethe heritage of the Munich branch of the Wittelsbach family, and theBavarian dukes resided in Munich, the upper city on the Isar.

  Just as Barbara entered the castle the vesper bell rang, and Quijadapaused with bared head, his companions with clasped hands.

  The girl prisoner felt little inclination to pray; she was probablythinking of a dance given here by torchlight, in which, as her uncle'sguest, she had taken part until morning began to dawn.

  While they were walking on again, she also remembered the riding atthe ring in the Trausnitz courtyard, which she had been permitted towitness.

  The varied, magnificent spectacle had made her almost wild with delight.The dance in this square had been one of her fairest memories. And withwhat feelings she looked down into this courtyard again! What couldsuch an amusement be to her now? Yet it roused a bitter feeling that, inspite of her youth, such scenes should be closed to her forever.

  She silently followed the others into an airy room in the third story,whose windows afforded a beautiful view extending to the Bohemianforests.

  But Barbara was too weary to bestow more than a fleeting glance upon it.

  Paying no heed to the others, she sank down upon the bench near one ofthe walls of the room, and while she was still talking with Don Luisher new companion, of whose name she was still ignorant, brought severalcushions and silently placed them behind her back.

  This chamber, Quijada explained, he had selected for her by hisMajesty's permission. The adjoining room would be occupied by this goodlady--he motioned to his companion--the wife of Herr Adrian Dubois, hisMajesty's valet. Being a native of Cologne, she understood German, andhad offered to bear her company. If Barbara desired, she could alsosummon the garde-robiere Lamperi from Ratisbon to the Trausnitz.

  Here she interrupted him with the question how long the Emperor intendedto detain her here.

  "As long as it suits his imperial pleasure and the physician deemsadvisable," was the reply. Barbara merely shrugged her shoulders again;she felt utterly exhausted. But when Quijada, who perceived that sheneeded rest, was about to leave her, she remembered the cause of herdrive to Landshut, and asked whether she might speak to her father'stravelling companion, who could give her information about the health ofthe old man who, after the Emperor had sent him out into the world, hadfallen ill in Antwerp.

  This was willingly granted, and Don Luis even undertook to send SirPyramus Kogel, whom he knew by sight, to her. Then commending her to thecare of Fran Dubois, who was directed to gratify every reasonable wish,he left the room. Meanwhile Barbara desired nothing except rest, but shestudiously refrained from addressing even a word to her new companion.Besides, there was little time to do so, she was soon sound asleep.

  When at the end of two hours she awoke, she found herself lying at fulllength upon the bench, while a careful hand had removed her shoes, andthe pillows which had supported her weary back were now under her head.

  During her slumber it had grown dark, and a small lamp, whose rays ahandkerchief shielded from her eyes, was standing on the stove in onecorner of the room.

  Yet she was alone; but she had scarcely stirred when Frau Duboisappeared with a maid-servant bearing a candelabrum with lighted candles.The careful nurse asked in brief but pleasant words whether she feltstronger, if it would be agreeable to her to have supper served infifteen minutes, and if she would allow her to help her.

  "Willingly," replied Barbara, very pleasantly surprised. Her companion,as it were, anticipated her strongest wishes--to satisfy her hunger andto change her dress.

  She must be capable and, moreover, a woman of kindly, delicate feelings,and it certainly was no fault of hers that she was intrusted with herguardianship and that she belonged to no higher station in life. She wasonly punishing herself by persisting in her silence and, as Frau Duboistended her like a watchful mother, though without addressing a singleword to her unasked, Barbara's grateful heart and the satisfaction whichthe valet's wife inspired silenced her arrogance.

  When an attendant laid the table for only one person, the girl kindlyinvited Frau Dubois to dine with her; the former, however, had alreadyhad her meal, but she said that she would be very glad to bear the younglady company if she desired.

  The first long conversation between the two took place at the table.

  The pretty face of the native of the Rhine country, with its littlesnub nose, which in youth must have lent a touch of gay pertness tothe well-formed features, was still unwrinkled, though Frau Dubois wasnearer fifty than
forty. Her gray, nearly white hair, though ill-suitedto her almost youthful features, lent them a peculiar charm, and howbrightly her round, brown eyes still sparkled! The plain gown of fineBrabant stuff fitted as if moulded to her figure, and it was difficultto imagine anything neater than her whole appearance.

  Adrian had certainly attained an exceptional position among his class,yet Barbara wondered how he had won this woman, who apparently belongedto a far higher station. And then what had brought her to this place andher companionship?

  She was to learn during the meal, for Frau Dubois not only answered herquestions kindly, but in a manner which showed Barbara sincere sympathyfor her position.

  She was the daughter of a captain who had fallen in the EmperorCharles's service before Padua. The pension granted to his widow had notbeen paid, and when, with her daughter, she sought an audience with thecommander in chief, the influential valet had seen the blooming girl,and did not seek her hand in vain. Maternal joys had been denied her;besides, Frau Dubois thought it hard that her husband was obliged toaccompany the Emperor, who could not spare him for a single day, on hislong and numerous journeys. Even the very comfortable life secured toher by the distinguished valet, who was respected by men of the highestrank, by no means consoled her for it.

  The Emperor Charles knew this, and had given Adrian a pretty house inthe park of the Brussels palace, besides favouring him in other ways.Now he had allowed him, before setting out for the war, to send for hiswife. On reaching Landshut, she had shared during a few hours the littlehouse which the monarch and general had chosen for his lodgings. Theimperial commander had not gone up to the citadel because he wished toremain among his troops.

  True, the little farmhouse on the "hohen Gred" which he occupied wasanything but a suitable abode for a powerful sovereign, for above theground floor it had only a single story with five small windows andan unusually high roof. But, on the other hand, the regiments lyingencamped near it could be quickly reached. Another reason for making thechoice was that he could obtain rest here better than on the Trausnitz,for his health was as bad as his appearance and his mood. He intendedto break up the headquarters on the day after to-morrow, so anotherseparation awaited the valet and his wife.

  When the mounted messenger sent by Frau Lamperi reached Landshut, andit was necessary to find a suitable companion for Barbara, the Emperorhimself had thought of Fran Dubois.

  There had been no opposition to his wish. Besides, she said, his Majestymeant kindly by Barbara and, so far as her power extended, everythingshould be done to soften her hard destiny.

  She knew the whole history of the girl intrusted to her care, yet shewould scarcely have undertaken the task committed to her had she notbeen aware that every determination of the Emperor was immovable.Besides, she could also strive to render the hard fate imposed upon thepoor girl more endurable.

  Barbara had listened eagerly to the story without interrupting her; thenshe desired to learn further particulars concerning the health of theman from whom even now her soul could not be sundered and, finally, sheurged her to talk about herself.

  So time passed with the speed of the wind. The candles in thecandelabrum were already half burned down when Fran Dubois at last urgedgoing to rest.

  Barbara felt that she was fortunate to have found so kind and sensible acompanion and, while the Rhinelander was helping her undress, she beggedher in future to call her by her Christian name "Gertrud," or, as peopleliked to address her, "Frau Traut."


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