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Rapture Advent of the Last Days

Page 27

by Jocolby Phillips

  * * *

  Gemma arrived at the table to find a glass full of Merlot and a tempting antipasto platter awaiting her. “This looks divine, Gabriella. It’s like you read my mind,” she said as she picked up her glass.

  Gabriella smiled. “It’s good to be able to bond with the only other woman on the senior staff. Draven Cross doesn’t seem like a man who’s too in touch with women-equality issues,” she said, testing the waters.

  “If you only knew the half of it, Gabriella. Mr. Cross puts on this air that he is dedicated only to the service of others, but he is by far the most selfish and egotistical person you will ever meet,” Gemma said, refilling her wineglass.

  “I am sure you have seen a lot in your years of service to Mr. Cross. He seems a bit rough in the way he handles matters sometimes,” Gabriella remarked, striving for an informal tone.

  “That’s an understatement. Mr. Cross forced his father out of Cross Industries, the chemical company started by his grandfather. Draven felt his father’s business model was too narrow and lacked significant political influence, so he convinced the board of directors to fire his father as CEO and place him in charge instead.”

  “Wow, his technique was harsh, I guess, but it’s hard to argue with the results. Cross Industries is a multibillion-dollar biotech company with branches into seemingly every sector of business,” Gabriella responded as she reached over to fill Gemma’s glass for the third time.

  “It’s due only to his ruthless business practices. Mr. Cross has forced the closing of more business deals through extortion or violence than I can even recount. Those that have crossed him and dared stand up for themselves have lost everything, sometimes including their lives. His only goal has been to get to where he is now, ruling the world no matter the cost. I even heard a rumor that he killed someone close to him as a child because of some perceived slight,” Gemma reported, red in the face. She added, “I think this needs to be my last glass. The stress of this job has me feeling a little light in spirit tonight.”

  “I just have to ask…why have you stayed? I mean, you’re smart, beautiful, you could have a different path in life.” Gabriella left the question hanging. To her shock and horror, Gemma’s face crumpled and tears flowed, followed by deep, quiet sobs. “Gemma, get ahold of yourself. What’s wrong? What did I say?”

  “I loved him, Gabriella. That’s why I stayed around Draven for so long at first. I thought that if I gave myself to Draven and did what he said, he would love me. I saw myself becoming his wife. The reality is, Draven just used me, and I grew too scared or proud or something to leave him. My family thought he was the devil himself. I grew up in a Christian home. My parents tried several times to get me to stop working for him. They gave up after I responded rudely to them after skipping a family function to be with Draven as he closed out yet another business deal.”

  “I’m sorry, Gemma. I thought there might have been a personal reason you stayed around for such harsh treatment, but I had no idea it was that personal,” Gabriella said apologetically.

  “Ah, look at me…a sobbing, drunk mess. It’s okay, Gabriella. I realized after seeing Draven with several women that he saw me only as a plaything. I’ve pushed my revulsion for him deep inside. I get paid well and don’t have to endure half of what you and the others go through. My only regret is, I never got a chance…” She trailed off, crying bitterly.

  “You never got a chance to make up with your parents before the disappearances,” Gabriella finished for her.

  Gemma simply nodded.

  “Let me ask you one more question. Do you think it’s possible that Draven is the biblical Antichrist? I am sure you’ve heard those rumors,” Gabriella queried.

  “I would say he is the leading candidate, if not the devil himself. Gabriella, you have no idea how evil Draven can be when he wants something.”

  “That’s an interesting way to describe the man,” Gabriella remarked as she signaled the waiter for the bill.

  “We only accept cash. The credit card system is still messed up since the disappearances,” the waiter told her.

  “That’s fine,” Gabriella answered, paying in cash.

  As the two women departed the restaurant and stood in silence on the street, waiting for their respective rideshares to arrive, Gabriella could tell Gemma wanted to say something.

  “I hope you’ll forgive me for losing my head a bit tonight. I’ll blame it on the wine. It’s just that I don’t have anyone to talk to anymore. My family is gone, and I lost my friends years ago due to Draven. Thanks for just listening,” Gemma said timidly.

  Gabriella felt a little guilty for exploiting Gemma’s weakness just to get information that would help with her own decision-making process. “It’s okay, Gemma. I will always be here for you. Remember, misery loves company,” she quipped with a laugh as Gemma’s rideshare pulled up.

  “Take care,” Gemma called over her shoulder. “I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Yep, I’ll be there,” Gabriella said, waving as Gemma drove off into the night.

  God, thank you for hearing me and giving me the answers I need to make a decision to believe in You. I just need some help on the process, but I know just the person I need to talk to…Jackson Williams, Gabriella thought as she pulled out her quantum communicator and stepped into her rideshare.


  As the buzz of a Monday morning began around the Israeli capital, Draven Cross reflected upon the lavish attention the Israeli government had showered upon him since his arrival. The weekend had been a nonstop tour of parties and fawning from politicians and his favorite indulgence, licentious men and women. He attributed his festive weekend to an emerging aspect of Israel’s increasingly secular business and political culture after its windfall in energy wealth. The blue skies of a crisp early winter day only added to Draven’s optimism as his convoy made the short two-kilometer drive from the King David Hotel to the Knesset for a speech before the Plenum.

  Draven was glad for reports of a promising start to the World Religious Leaders Conference in Rome. However, he was troubled by the increasing number of stories about the two mysterious older men who had been appearing all over Israel since the Wailing Wall incident. No one knew where they were staying, how they moved around, or when and where they would appear next.

  As Draven’s door opened in front of the Knesset, he was greeted by not only the usual political luminaries but also a boisterous Israeli public, many of whom had brought signage proclaiming Draven to be the savior of Israel. He stood at the top of the steps leading into the historic Knesset to bask in the crowd’s apparent adoration. He waved animatedly, which sent the people into an elated frenzy before he disappeared into the building.

  Cross moved quickly toward the Plenum Hall, greeted by clapping and cheering the entire way. When he entered the hall, the whole assembly rose and applauded. As he prepared to speak, one thought was uppermost in his mind: I am Israel’s Messiah.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” he began. “I am nearly overcome by the warm and heartfelt welcome you’ve provided me over the last few days. I hope it didn’t cost too much to round up that crowd outside.” Laughter spread across the hall. “I assure you I jest, my dear friends. Sincerely, I am very appreciative of the welcome I’ve received. Today is not just another historic moment. No, today is a moment without historical comparison, for today marks the first of many steps toward real peace on Earth.

  “Since the inception of the Jewish state in the early twentieth century, Israel has faced numerous trials and tribulations, all of which you’ve overcome. The latest threat to Israel’s existence occurred only three and a half years ago in the form of a savage and unwarranted attack. Those days, however, are no more. Today I stand as the spokesman for the entire world, echoing a sentiment from Red Square to the White House, from the West Bank to Tiananmen Square, and all points in between. The message is that the world wants to be a friend to Israel and not a foe.”

  The Plenum Ha
ll reverberated with shouts of praise and applause in response. Draven stepped back from the lectern and joined in the applause, motioning for the Israeli leader to join him on the dais, and the cheers grew even louder. It was as if the building itself had come alive and was cheering.

  Draven Cross raised his hands as he prepared to conclude his remarks and join the Israeli president and prime minister for the official signing of a peace treaty between Israel and the U.E., ensuring Israel’s security for the next seven years.

  “Yes, this is a moment for celebration. While the document I am preparing to sign outlines only seven years of guaranteed security, let me say now that Israel’s safety will extend far beyond the boundaries of this treaty. Thank you, and may peace reign on Earth,” Draven finished.

  The Israeli president and prime minister waited for Draven Cross to join them at a table with a blue velvet covering that had the Star of David emblazoned on one end and the U.E. symbol in front of Draven’s seat on the other end. The treaty was placed before each leader for a signature one at a time. Once the signing was completed, the men stood in unison as cameras flashed and cheers rose like the crashing of waves, but only Draven heard the words of the Prince of This World in his mind. “I am well pleased in you. All your enemies will bow before you. Today I give you the world.”

  Christopher, Jackson, and General Havid had departed Jerusalem early to avoid the crowds descending on the city in hopes of seeing Draven Cross sign the peace agreement and dedicate the new temple. While Christopher was focused on the upcoming meeting with the Israeli intelligence services and President Rodgers’s request of them to discover Draven Cross’s new U.E. headquarters, the sergeant major and the general were completely enthralled by the significance of the secretary-general’s visit.

  “This is really something. I mean, to be in Israel watching the signing of the temporary peace treaty between Israel and the Antichrist is amazing. Praise God for allowing me to see His holy Word come to pass,” Jackson said, watching the televised signing of the peace accord on a small television in General Havid’s SUV.

  “I love your enthusiasm, Jackson, but I feel today is also a sad day in Israel’s history. We have aligned ourselves not with Yahweh, but with His sworn enemy,” General Havid remarked with a sad smile as he watched Draven Cross stand with Israel’s president and prime minister, their joined hands raised high in the air in triumph.

  “You know, sir,” Jackson said, “it’s funny how once I understood just how much God loves me, He was no longer some distant, angry grandfather playing whack-a-mole with my entire life. My entire outlook changed. Rev’s journal and my experience over the last couple of months have opened my eyes to see just how real God is. As the Bible says in John 14:17: ‘The Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.’ It was not until I saw my need for Christ through the Holy Spirit that I was able to realize how real and good God has been in my life.”

  “Ah, yes, I feel the same way. I could not see all that Yahweh had already done for Israel and me until I accepted the truth of His Word and Holy Spirit. However, what is this whack-a-mole analogy?” General Havid asked. “I am not familiar with this.” Laughing, Christopher replied, “It’s a game involving a rubber mallet hitting the heads of moles that pop up through a game board. Jackson is saying he thought God was always punishing us through diseases, crime, and all the bad things of this world—like He was playing a game.”

  “Oh, I understand now,” the general said. “We’re here, gentlemen. Welcome to the Israeli Ministry of Defense. The objective is for you to hear our assessments on Cross’s Middle East activities and then for you to head out to Iraq tonight to observe for yourselves why we believe a particular area near ancient Babylon will be his headquarters. Before we get out, please leave all your electronic devices in the vehicle. They are not allowed inside the Ministry of Defense.”

  Christopher and Jackson had powered off their communicators when they entered Israel, so they just placed them in their backpacks and left them behind in the SUV.

  “I am sure this recon will go a lot better than Christopher’s last one did because I am going this time,” Jackson teased as the men walked into the building.

  “We will see,” Christopher replied.

  * * *

  After a long day of waiting for the peace accord and temple ceremonies to begin, due to the time difference, Gabriella sat contemplating what the eternal ramifications of the peace treaty between Israel and world would be, if any. God, I’m grateful that You responded to my questions about Your existence. Now I just need confirmation that Draven Cross is the Antichrist before I make a decision to accept Jesus as my Savior. She caught herself and smiled. Even in accepting Jesus Christ as a real part of life, I am using a rigorous analytical plan—I really do need some help.

  “Why are you still here watching this event?” Gemma asked as she entered the U.E. executive conference room.

  “Primarily because it’s my job, but also because it is a very historic moment. I guess I could ask you the same. How was the rest of your weekend? I haven’t seen you around the office today,” Gabriella said.

  “I’m curious, too, truth be told, despite my abhorrence for the man. My weekend was good. In many ways I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders after our dinner. I actually dug out my old Bible and read a little.”

  “That is interesting, but hold that thought,” Gabriella said as John Barnes entered the conference room.

  “Good evening, ladies. I see the boss is out there winning the hearts and minds of the world,” John Barnes observed happily.

  “In a manner of speaking, he is. What brings you to the office so late? I figured you’d be painting the town red with your new larger salary,” Gabriella replied sarcastically.

  “The night is still young, but business brought me here, mainly to find you. Where is Omega right now and have you finished identifying the locations of the U.S. secret command and control sites?” Barnes asked.

  “You have no shame, do you? I mean, one day you’re working for your country, and the next you’re aiming to destroy it,” Gabriella mused.

  “That’s funny, considering who’s providing me with the intel. In any case, boss’s orders. So do you have the information or do I need to report to the secretary-general that you’re late?” Barnes queried snidely.

  Gabriella tossed a manila folder across the table, which contained legacy command and control sites, all of which she knew would never be used, and the one identified by the public due to its annual “Santa tracking” outreach activity. Gabriella hoped she could get away with providing only the partial truth in delivering what Draven Cross had asked of her.

  “I don’t see any information on Omega’s location. Where is Omega?” Barnes insisted.

  “The last information I had through intelligence channels—as you know, I don’t work for the U.S. government anymore—was that Omega was likely in the Middle East,” Gabriella replied.

  “Really? The Middle East is the best you can come up with?” Barnes asked skeptically.

  “Look, that’s why they’re Omega Group, okay? You should appreciate the unpredictability of tracking Omega personnel,” Gabriella answered, keeping her tone conciliatory.

  “Well, if you get details of their location, shoot me a message. They’re likely in Israel for the peace treaty ceremony. I am flying out later today to check the security around the new headquarters project near Babylon, and then to Rome to meet up with the boss and Evan for the last few days of the preacher conference, or whatever they called it. I will catch you, pretty ladies, later,” Barnes said in farewell before leaving the conference room.

  “He’s is such a vile pig, and none too bright, I might add,” Gemma observed with obvious disgust.

  “Yes, he’s the sneaky, always-taking-care-of-number-one type of guy,” Gabriella agreed, pulling out her quantum communicator, which
appeared to the casual observer to be a cell phone, thinking to herself, It’s two thirty in the morning here, so it should be nine thirty in the morning in Israel. I am sure the guys are moving around. I wonder why Jackson hasn’t responded to my last message. She typed a short communication: “Draven has Barnes and his new team of mercenaries searching the globe for you. Please be careful. As for his intent when he finds you, I can only guess. He is heading to Babylon, Iraq. I can confirm that as the new U.E. headquarters. Don’t go to Babylon, as Barnes’s team will be there. Please confirm receipt of this message.”

  Once she sent the message, Gabriella continued watching the coverage of Draven Cross in Israel.

  “You okay, Gabriella? You look like something is bothering you,” Gemma commented.

  “I’m fine. Just worried about some old friends,” Gabriella replied.

  “I’m sure they’re okay. You do know it’s late, right? I’m heading out soon,” Gemma said with a smile.

  “Yeah, they’re most likely fine…I hope,” Gabriella replied pensively.

  * * *

  Draven’s procession was thronged by his fans as they made their way to the Temple Mount in the Old City. He read sign after sign calling him a hero and the champion of Israel, but his favorite thus far was the numerous signs with the Star of David above his name followed by “Messiah” and a question mark. Draven Cross was nearly bursting with pride as the vehicles rolled to a stop.

  Flanked by Israeli Defense Forces, dignitaries, and a huge press corps, Draven walked from an access road toward the Temple Mount, which had been excavated. The wooden frame on the new construction soared skyward above the masses below.


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