Book Read Free

Dr. Dan

Page 7

by Webster, K

  She scowls at someone passing by until they look away. “I’ll walk.”

  I take her hand and give it a squeeze. We’ve barely made it fifty steps before she blows up.

  “Do you have a problem?” she demands of a couple walking by.

  The snooty woman huffs. “You don’t have to flaunt it.”

  “Flaunt what?” I growl.

  Her husband has the sense to start pulling the woman away.

  “That,” the woman says, waving a manicured hand at us. “The sugar daddy nonsense.”

  Anger boils in my gut, but it’s Lauren who blows a gasket first.

  “How in the hell is this any of your business, lady?” Lauren bellows. “I swear to God people like you are what’s wrong with the world today. Maybe you should be more concerned over the fact your husband’s eyes haven’t left my cleavage the whole time we’ve been here!”

  The woman gapes at her and then smacks her husband. I take my cue to grab the girl and go. Lauren curses as I all but drag her toward the restaurant away from the couple. Once we’re outside the restaurant, I stop and place my hands on her shoulders.

  “Calm down,” I state, leaning my forehead against hers.

  “Calm down? These assholes need to get a fucking life.” Her face is red and her chest heaves with her furious rant.

  I caress her cheek and kiss her softly, hoping to quell the rage. It works because she relaxes and gives in to the kiss.

  “You ready to eat?” I ask, my lips grazing hers.

  “Yeah,” she grumbles. “I didn’t mean to explode. They just kept staring at us like we’re some kind of freak show. You don’t look that old and I’m freaking eighteen. It’s stupid. I wanted to slap the looks off every single face that walked by.”

  “I should have warned you,” I say, pulling away.

  “That everyone’s an asshole?”

  “Well, that too.” I chuckle and tuck a golden strand of hair behind her ear. “Morris warned me that being with a much younger woman would come at a price.” I motion from the way we came. “Stares. Disgust.”

  “Fuck them,” she growls.

  “I agree, angel. I’m sorry they’re looking at us like we’re doing something wrong.”

  “We’re not doing anything wrong.” The haughtiness in her tone makes me smile.

  “Nothing wrong at all.” I wink at her. “All the wrong stuff we’ll save for later when I have you in my bed.”

  “It’s breathtaking up here,” Lauren says, the grin never leaving her face.

  Morris did me a solid by suggesting this place. The rooftop dining has a charming but trendy feel to it. The view is amazing and our timing is perfect with the sun beginning to set. But it’s the view right in front of me that steals the show.

  Fuck, she’s so gorgeous.

  There’s an innocence to her that has the inner beast inside me craving to defile and mark and own. But that innocence also begs me to protect and nurture. The innocence gets long forgotten each time her sweet laugh dances through the air or the way her pink lips pout when she’s unhappy about something. I’m fixated on the pale column of her throat that would look good painted red from my mouth and scruff. The valley between her breasts, though, is what calls to my dick. A light sheen of sweat glistens there and I’d give up my car just to run my tongue there, lapping at her salty sweetness.

  “I’m not on the menu,” she teases, her brown eyes alight with mischief as she watches me.

  “Not yet. Later.”

  I’m still admiring her when a man approaches our table. Much younger. He seems familiar, though I can’t place him.

  “Dr. Venable?” he asks, sticking out his hand for me to shake.

  I return the gesture to shake his hand. “That I am. I feel like I know you.”

  “Aiden,” he says with a wide grin. “I broke my wrist a while back. You were the ER doctor on duty.”

  “Ahhh, Aiden with the broody twin? Right?”

  He laughs. “That’s us. So cool to have you here. Although, I was warned. Vaughn told me you’d be here for dinner and to save the best seat for you.”

  “You work here?” I ask.

  “Own it along with my partners.” He gives me a devilish wink that I’m unsure how to interpret. “What can I get you two lovebirds?”

  “A bottle of your house wine will be great to start,” I say with a smile. “And your best appetizer.”

  “I’m afraid I’ll need to see some ID.” His features grow stern. Then, he starts to laugh. “Man, I couldn’t even say that with a straight face. You guys are cool. Don’t tell anyone you’re getting special treatment.”

  He saunters off and I meet Lauren’s amused stare.

  “Fancy doctor gets spoiled around here,” she teases.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I grunt out.

  “So what made you decide to be a doctor?” She sips on her water as she stares off in the sunset. I could stare at her delicate, feminine profile forever.

  “Oh God,” I groan. “It’s kind of embarrassing.”

  “Now I really need to know.”

  “I was in college, living my best life, when my roommate Dale got me hooked on this new show called ER. I didn’t even want to watch the show, but he lured me in by name dropping Michael Crichton as the creator of the show. Since I was already a fan of his work, I sat down with Dale and quickly got hooked on it.” I rub at my neck and chuckle. “All the guys our age were living the typical bachelor college life, but not Dale and me. We both brainstormed on changing our majors from business to medicine.”

  “He sounds like a good friend,” she says, her brown eyes twinkling.

  “He was.”

  Aiden brings the bottle of wine, two glasses, and some cheese fries with bacon all over them. He gives me a nod and thankfully leaves to let me chat with my date.


  “Yeah,” I reply with a sigh. “Cancer took him about ten years ago.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I hated how ironic it was for the doctor to die from an illness he couldn’t treat. I still have lunch with his wife and son from time to time to catch up. He’d want me to check in on them, you know?”

  “That’s awfully sweet of you. And here I didn’t think the good doctor could get any better?”

  “Oh,” I tease with a smirk. “It gets much better.”

  She laughs as she pulls some cheese fries onto a plate. We both get engrossed in talking about how delicious the food is. Aiden stops by to ask for our order before making himself absent again. The sky goes through its daily change from bright blue, to orange and pink and purple, to dark navy as evening falls. I’m thankful the view was so breathtaking and we got to admire the sunset.

  The steak is great, but the company is even better. When we finally finish, Aiden brings out a molten chocolate lava cake that’s “on the house.” Hearing Lauren moan in such an enticing way makes me want to throw all the money in my wallet at Aiden.

  “Want a bite?” she asks, licking her plump lips.


  Based on the wicked gleam in her eyes, I think she knows we’re both talking about something other than the dessert. When she holds out a fork, I take the bait and sample the cake. Rich and sweet and gooey.

  “Good, huh?”

  “Absolutely.” I sit back and sip my wine. “Now what? Do you want to go somewhere after this?”

  “Your house,” she murmurs.

  As much as my dick convinces us that it’s because she wants to fuck, I can see the fatigue wearing on her. It worries the hell out of me.

  “Sure thing, angel. Let me get the check.”

  She smiles and puts on a brave face for me, but something is wrong. And if I didn’t think she’d run, I’d take her to the ER right now. Have them do every test imaginable so we can find out what lurks within her and fix it.

  But she’d hate me.

  And I can’t have that when I haven’t even given her a chance to love me.


  Holy shit.

  I expected his house to be nice, being a doctor and all, but I didn’t expect it to be this nice. When we arrived twenty minutes ago, he gave me the grand tour. We bypassed where Jenna stays and I’m glad. It feels a little awkward to meet my new boyfriend’s daughter who’s my age only to disappear with him to his bedroom. No one wants to imagine their dad fucking, no matter how hot he is to everyone else. I’d feel grossed out if someone was to do that with my dad.

  So, when we snuck off to his bedroom and he shut us safely inside, I was finally able to breathe easier.

  But now that we’re alone, I can feel my nerves fraying. Last night was so easy. We’d practically fucked on my bed. Until this moment, I’d been ready to go.

  “You okay?” Daniel asks, his green eyes assessing me.

  “Yep,” I squeak out, forcing a smile.

  He walks over to me and cups my cheek. “You know if you don’t want to do anything, we don’t have to. I’m perfectly happy with going into the living room and watching a movie with you. As long as I get to hold your hand and kiss you, I’m happy.”

  I melt a little at his words. “I’m just nervous.”

  “You don’t have to be with me,” he assures me. “You set the pace. I’m just here for the ride.” He winks at me, setting my insides on fire.

  “Maybe we could take a bath.” I bite on my bottom lip, frowning at him. “Is that okay?”

  He laughs. “Relax, angel. If you want to bathe with me, that’s what we’ll do. I wanted to make this date perfect and your opinion weighs heavily on that.”

  God, why does he have to be so damn wonderful?

  “A bath,” I tell him. “And bubbles if you have any.” I tap my chin in thought. “Candles?”

  “Anything else, your highness?” He smirks at me.

  “Yeah, smartass, maybe you can fan me and feed me grapes too.”

  His green eyes twinkle with amusement before he disappears into his large bathroom. I kick off my cowgirl boots and peel off my socks. The water begins running and a few minutes later, he exits the bathroom as I’m tying my hair up in a bun.

  “Need help?” he asks, gesturing at my dress.

  I could manage the zipper myself, but a thrill shoots through me with the thought of him doing it for me. Turning away from him, I offer my back to him.

  His heat scorches me as he steps close. When his lips press against the back of my neck, I smile.

  “You’re beautiful, Lauren. I can honestly say, I’ve never seen anyone more fucking pretty than you.”

  “You’re pretty hot yourself, Dr. Dan.”

  He chuckles as he grips the zipper and eases it down its path. The cool air kisses my flesh as it’s exposed. His palms caress my bare back and then he pushes the fabric over my shoulders. The dress hits the floor with a soft sound, pooling at my feet. He expertly unhooks my strapless bra, allowing that too to fall to the floor. My nipples harden in anticipation.

  “A thong looks good on you,” he rumbles, his hands gripping each ass cheek and squeezing. “A perfect ass should always be on display.” His thumbs hook into the top of my panties and he slides them off me. They drop to the floor with the rest of my clothes.

  “Seems unfair I’m naked and you’re not,” I say with a breathless pout.

  “I’ll rectify that soon, angel. Besides, I still have some unmet demands to fulfil.” He swats my ass, leaving a stinging handprint on my skin. “Get in the bath and wait for me.”

  “Bossy,” I grumble.

  “You like it.” He swats me again, sending me on my way.

  It’s true. I do like it. I like him. Us together. The feeling of normalcy and hope threaded together. I hadn’t realized just how hopeless I’d been since Mom died that it seems so unique and beautiful staring me in the face.

  His bathroom is fit for a king. Giant. Fancy as hell. The scent of lavender fills my nostrils and he already has several candles burning on the tub ledge. Bubbles are growing as the water fills. I haven’t taken a bath in ages. Never with a man. I’m eager and nervous all at once.

  The water is nice and warm but not too hot. When I sit down, the bath is already filled enough for two people, so I turn off the water. It’s quiet as I wait for him. My side throbs with pain and I wince. It started up at dinner, but I sure as hell wasn’t about to admit that to Daniel. I don’t know if I hurt myself with all the walking or what.

  I lean back and close my eyes, breathing slowly in hopes that the pain passes. Footsteps pad into the bathroom and I peek out from beneath my lashes.

  God, he’s so gorgeous.

  He’s missing his shirt and I’m shocked to find tattoos on one side of his ribs. It looks like black stitches and staples holding his side together. Words are written in cursive on his side. I’m curious until my eyes slide to the prominent V-shaped muscles that are his lower abdomen. I feel embarrassed of my small pooch of a stomach—that I blame on lack of exercise from not feeling well all the time—because he seems as though he’s etched in stone.

  “You need me to hold still so you can get your fill?” he asks, an amused grin tugging at his lips.

  With a body like his, a playful smile, and a full head of dark hair, he doesn’t look a day over twenty-five. Damn, he looks good.

  “I’m waiting for the grand finale,” I tease, dipping my stare to his boxers.

  Beneath the fabric, his cock is thick inside. And he’s not even hard. Just boxers filled with a gigantic penis that I’ve had the pleasure of rubbing on.

  “I wouldn’t be a gracious host if I left you waiting,” he says with a teasing lilt in his voice. He sets down a bowl of grapes and a bottle of wine beside the tub before disappearing. A few minutes later he returns with some glasses. He fills the wineglasses up and then, with his eyes on me, he pulls off his boxers.

  Now he’s hard.

  His cock is impressive to look at. Long. Thick. Veiny. I’d seen it for just a bit last night, but in the bright lights of the bathroom, I am able to inspect every fine detail.

  “Don’t forget the lights,” I remind him.

  As much as I want to look at him, I’d rather not compare bodies. Mine needs work and his is too perfect for words. His brow lifts in that way that makes me think he’s watching my every move and focusing on every detail. He hits the lights and returns to the tub. The water rises with his weight as he sinks in with me. His arm hooks around my waist and he pulls me between his legs with my back resting against his chest.

  I’m wound tight with nerves, but the moment he hands me my wine, I relax. I don’t know what I was expecting. Maybe for him to launch into fucking me or turn filthy. It would have been fine but…

  I need this more.


  His nurturing nature.

  Gentle caresses and the way he inhales my hair when he doesn’t think I notice.

  It’s been so long since I’ve been held and cared for.

  When a grape probes at my lips, I laugh before accepting it. “You know we just ate, right?”

  “You looked hungry,” he says with a chuckle.

  “For cock,” I tease.

  His palm splays over my stomach. “I’ll feed you that later.”

  With his hand on my swollen stomach, I fidget. When I fidget, it makes the pain worsen. I breathe through my nose, fighting tears.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Perfect,” I breathe, forcing my emotion out of my date and back into the dark corner where it belongs.

  “What does your tattoo mean?” I ask, gently pushing his hand away from my stomach.

  He stiffens from behind me before gulping down his wine. His hand settles on my thigh this time. I give it a squeeze. Much better there.

  “I didn’t realize how hard I was searching for happiness. Like I knew there was something I wanted out of life, I just didn’t know what exactly. It was like part of my soul was gone and I needed to find it.” He rubs my thigh in a gentle way. “When I got into medical school, I
felt it. The pull toward medicine. It was like my body and mind woke up, but we were still missing something. When I helped my first real patient—brought them back from the brink of death—I knew. I was put on this earth to heal people. It completed a part of me. My tattoo represents the finding of my soul out there and pulling it back into my body that’s stitched back together, holding it in.”

  “You’re a good doctor,” I whisper.

  I wonder if he had known my mom, would it have made any difference.

  “Lauren,” he says softly, his mouth against my ear. “Talk to me. Something’s wrong.”

  “I’m scared,” I choke out. Not of him or our date or our bath. “Of the unknown.”

  “Sometimes not knowing is worse,” he utters. “Knowledge gives you some semblance of power. The unknown can be something you can eradicate.”

  “But what happens when the unknown becomes a horrific reality? Then what?”

  He inhales my hair before kissing my head. “Then you lean on the ones who care about you. You face that reality with others, never alone, angel.”

  I turn my head to find his mouth. Our kiss tastes like wine and understanding. His tongue is firm and powerful, but he holds on to me like he can protect me from anything. I want so badly for that to be true. I know if it were in his power, he’d protect me from whatever threw itself at me.

  “I want you to make love to me, Daniel,” I murmur, brushing my lips on his. “And then…”

  “And then what?”

  “And then I need you to take care of me.”

  Before the words have left my lips, he scoops me in his arms, lifting me from the tub. Water splashes everywhere as he steps out and sets me to my feet. He’s intense and thorough as he dries off every part of me. Once he’s sure I’m dry, he wraps me in a dry towel before quickly drying himself off. His towel falls to the floor and then this god of a naked man scoops me up again. He’s gentle and caring as he totes me into his bedroom.

  “If anything hurts, tell me,” he says as he sets me on the bed. The covers have been drawn down and the sheets are soft.

  “I will,” I vow.

  He presses a kiss to my lips before turning off the lights. The glow from the candles in the bathroom gives the bedroom a dark, but romantic feel. I toss away the towel as he prowls into bed with me. At first, his body warms mine from beside me as he kisses me unrushed. Heat rushes just beneath the surface of my skin, the ache to be touched overwhelming me. He must sense my need because he touches my breasts, one at a time, tweaking each nipple.


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