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Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle

Page 29

by Daniella Wright

  Chapter 5

  Surrounded by such opulence, I just couldn’t restrain myself. It was like I was living inside a girl’s childhood fantasy. I was a princess, trapped in a tower, waiting for her Prince Charming to save her.

  As I tried on one of the dresses, I thought about the man from my dream. His piercing blue eyes kept popping up in my mind, making my heart skip a beat. I could almost reach out and touch his face. I could nearly feel his fingers, lips, and body on mine.

  As I stood in front of the mirror, twirling in a gorgeous ivory dress, my body got covered in goosebumps. I ran my hands over the bodice, noticing how my waist was tapered because of the corset. It also pushed my chest up and out, my breasts threatening to spill out of the square-cut neckline.

  I grinned to myself, feeling unbelievably sexy. The necklace I wore only added more emphasis to my chest, nestled suggestively between my cleavage.

  For the second time, I ran my fingertips along the smooth surface, once again noticing the heat that radiated from it. In the mirror, I thought I saw it glow. I must be imagining things…

  Eventually, I settled on the dress that had been picked out for me. In truth, it was the one that fit me the best, hugging my curves in all the right places. The short puffy sleeves showed off my toned arms. I was happy for them to be on display, having spent countless hours at the gym trying to sculpt them to perfection.

  Slowly, I twirled around in front of the mirror, admiring myself, a bright smile on my face. I had never felt this beautiful in my entire life.

  I let out a laugh filled with glee.

  I completely forgot about the fact that I was being kept prisoner here as I eased in front of the vanity. Again, I noticed the makeup and decided to enhance my look, adding a bit of eyeshadow and blush.

  I was just finishing with the eyeliner when I heard someone behind me. I whipped around quickly to see the same man from before standing there. He bowed, his body bending in half, his sword nearly slipping out from its sheath. “You look lovely, milady. Will you be joining Lord Titus for dinner?”

  “Do I have a choice?” I asked, my fingers shaking. While I was all alone in the room, I forgot about the danger of my situation, but now that this man was once again in my presence, I remembered the fact that I had been kidnapped and held here against my will.

  “Lord Titus is patient, he will wait until you are ready, but until then, you will not receive any food.”

  At the mention of food, my stomach immediately started to growl and grumble. I hadn’t even realized how hungry I truly was, so caught up in my fantasy. I bit my lip, wondering what I should do.

  So far, this man didn’t seem to be violent. Maybe if I played along, I would have a better chance of getting out of here unscathed. “And all I have to do is have dinner with this guy?” I asked, still a little hesitant.

  “Lord Titus has invited you to dinner, what occurs after that is between the Lord and Lady.”

  “O-Okay.” I finally agreed, knowing I didn’t really have a choice. If I said no, I would just be kept in this room until my hunger forced me to relent.

  The man nodded, putting on his gloves before offering me a hand. “This way, milady.”

  I found it kind of strange how dedicated this man was to his medieval mannerisms, but I wasn’t about to comment on it. Better to keep my mouth shut and just see where this whole fiasco took me.

  Gulping down my fears, I placed my hand in his. In an instant, he whisked me out of the room, navigating through a maze of corridors. As we approached the heart of the castle, the sound of music filled my ears.

  It was identical to the melody in my dream.

  This whole thing was just getting stranger and stranger.

  We stopped in front of a door, decorated with the bust of a dragon. I was starting to sense a theme here.

  I couldn’t figure out whether it was the same dragon from my dream because all too quickly, the door was pushed open, revealing a cozy den, the same phonograph playing in the corner. It was almost as if dream and reality were melding together, making it hard to tell what was real and what was not.

  “Lord Titus will join you in just a moment.” With a nod of his head, the man left, the doors slamming shut behind him.

  I stood there in silence, gnawing on the inside of my lip.

  What was going on?

  Trying to distract myself, I walked up to the fire, noticing its peculiar green color.

  I pinched myself.

  Chapter 6

  But, I didn’t wake up. As crazy as this all was, I wasn’t dreaming. Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady my shaking hands, but this was becoming too much to accept.

  Where was I? Why was everything so strange? Who was Lord Titus?

  I didn’t have to wonder very long because just as I was about to sit down, the doors opened, a tall, handsome man stepping out of the darkness.

  It was him. The man from my dream!

  My heart skipped a beat as I saw his piercing blue eyes. He was real. My breath caught in my throat, making it hard to breathe.

  His gaze fell on me and a wide smile painted his face. “You have joined me at last.” With long, powerful strides, he crossed the room, standing before me in an instant. Without hesitation, he pinned a strand of my hair behind my ear. “And even more beautiful than I could’ve imagined…” His hand cupped my cheek, his thumb rubbing against my skin like I was a lover he hadn’t seen in a very long time.

  “I –”

  “Shh, don’t speak. We mustn’t ruin the moment.” He flashed a set of pearly white teeth, causing my legs to tremble. “Tell me, what is your name?”

  I gazed into his gorgeous blue eyes, my mind in a jumble. I knew I should be demanding answers, but in his presence, I could do little more than stare at him, mesmerized by his unbelievably good looks. He truly did look like a prince out of a fairy tale.


  “Pearl?” He asked, raising a well-groomed eyebrow in question. Fine lines appeared on his forehead, half-hidden by the sea of hair toppling his head. “A fitting name for a jewel of a woman.” He grabbed my hand in that moment, clasping it in his before he brought it to his lips, kissing it ever so softly.

  My heart was racing at his intimacy, my cheeks turning rosy in color. “I… I don’t understand.”

  “There’s nothing to understand. You have been brought here to be my lover. Don’t you see, dear Pearl? We were destined to be.” His finger trailed along my neck, outlining the necklace I was wearing. His finger followed the chain all the way down to the pendant, making me shiver with desire.

  I wanted nothing more than to feel his hand caress one of my breasts.

  What was I thinking?

  This man had kidnapped me. I was supposed to be looking for a way to escape, rather than surrendering to his little game.

  But, I just couldn’t help myself.

  “W-What do you mean?”

  “Come. There’s something I must show you before we can have our fun.” He squeezed my hand and turned on his heels, dragging me out of the room.

  My dress flowed behind me as I struggled to keep up with his rapid pace. He seemed to be in a hurry. My heart started to thunder even louder, a million crazy possibilities rushing through my head.

  Where was he taking me?

  What would he do with me?

  Soon enough, we arrived at the end of a hall. “Here we are.” He breathed, his voice low and suggestive. He pushed open the heavy wooden door, revealing a large bedchamber, decorated with gothic style furniture and a massive four-poster bed, each one adorned with the head of a dragon. The sheets were made of a fine black satin.

  I stood in the doorway, gaping at the luxury of it. I had no doubt this was his bedroom.

  Were we really going to have sex?

  The thought both excited and terrified me. I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, but at the same time, I couldn’t forget the sheer bliss I had experienced in my dream. If he could make me feel that good
in the dream world, I could only imagine what he would be capable of in reality.

  “Now, before we can begin, I must make sure that you’re the one.”

  I tilted my head, wondering what he was talking about. “The one?”

  “The one I’ve been waiting for these past hundred years.” His eyes took in my body, roaming over it, almost like a hungry predator. A shiver ran through my spine as I saw the lust dancing behind his bright blue irises.

  To my confusion, he stepped toward a large window. It was open, the wind playing with the curtains, causing them to sway back and forth. He drew them back, tying them off so they wouldn’t get in the way before he climbed up, tottering on the edge.

  “What are you doing?” I rushed forward, about to grab him and pull him back inside, but before I could even reach him, he jumped.

  My heart stopped, thinking the worst. It took me a minute to edge toward the window, looking out.

  I expected to see his splattered body on the ground, but to my surprise, there was no sign of him. It was like he had disappeared.

  Craning my neck further out the window, I looked all over, but he was nowhere to be seen.

  Where did he go?

  I was just about to climb back inside when I spotted something high up in the nighttime sky. At first, it was nothing more than a shadow, but then, it flew across the moonlight, its silhouette coming into view.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  It was a dragon!

  The creature swept down, its wings beating with such force that it caused tree branches to crack and fall. Its belly nearly touched the forest floor before it shot into the air once again, its enormous body defying the laws of physics.

  I had to be dreaming.

  But I didn’t bother to pinch myself this time around. Deep down, I knew this was real.

  The dragon approached, colliding with the castle, its talons digging into the stonework, causing large chunks of rock to fall off. It lowered its head, its giant eye nearly as big as the window I was desperately holding on to.

  As this large eye locked with my own, I knew, almost instinctually that this beast was in fact, Lord Titus.

  This was the mysterious man of my dreams.

  I had fallen for a dragon.

  Chapter 7

  After a moment, he moved his head and placed his paw on the window ledge, his palm upturned.

  I understood, almost immediately, that it was an invitation.

  I bit my lip, hesitating.

  This was crazy.

  I stared at the dragon, my heart palpitating, but at the same time, a surge of adrenaline shot through my veins. As crazy as all this was, I wanted it. I wanted to run rampant with this fantasy, to see how far it would go.

  Taking a deep breath, I grabbed onto the ledge and hoisted myself up. With a newfound courage, I reached out, touching the dragon for the first time. The soft skin of his palm almost felt human as I crawled into it.

  I knew all the beast had to do was close his hand and he would crush the life right out of me, but for some reason, I trusted him.

  Gently, in a manner I didn’t expect from a creature so large, he helped me climb on his back. I settled myself between two enormous scales that lined his spine, using them as a seat.

  Anticipating what was to come, I held on tightly to the scale, my hands sweating and my heart going into overdrive.

  And then, it happened.

  We shot into the air with such speed that I was nearly knocked off his back. I held on so tight that I couldn’t feel my fingers. The initial shock of it forced me to close my eyes tight.

  Eventually, the dragon leveled, his wings clipping the air, letting him glide effortlessly. I opened my eyes to see that we were soaring high above the clouds, the castle barely visible beneath us.

  “Wow…” I whispered in awe.

  The dragon circled his lair, his powerful wings moving like a well-oiled machine.

  I ran my hand along his shiny scales, admiring their iridescent color that shifted between different shades of blue. He truly was breathtaking.

  Titus looked back at me, his large eye sending a shiver running through my spine. He roared in victory, swooping downward until we almost crashed against the forest floor.

  I felt the air rustle through my hair.

  I had never felt so alive.

  Eventually, the dragon circled back to the castle, once again crashing into the tower. Carefully, he picked me up, placing me back at the window.

  I jumped inside, turning around to watch him fly off, but he was already gone. I frowned, thinking that was it, but a moment later, Lord Titus appeared at the door, a brilliant smile on his face. “How did you enjoy the ride, my dear Pearl?”

  “I…” Titus had walked into the bedroom shirtless and I struggled to find the words to respond as I stared at his chiseled body. He had a perfect set of six-pack abs, a scandalous V that disappeared into his pants, and bronze-colored skin that was absolutely flawless. My jaw nearly hung agape at the sight.

  “I’ll take your awed silence as confirmation.” He grinned as he walked up to me, tilting my head upwards with his finger under my chin.

  I was trapped in his gaze, my cheeks burning with blush as I instinctually leaned into him, my lips pursed.

  He closed the distance between us.

  Our lips collided and in that moment, I thought my heart would explode. His lips were at once gentle and sweet against my own.

  His hand moved to the small of my back, pulling me closer until our hips pressed so close together that I could feel his bulge even through the thick tulle of my dress.

  My hormones came alive as a fire erupted inside my stomach.

  I wanted him.

  I needed him.

  He grinned, seeming to know my desires without me ever saying a word. Before I could understand what was happening, he scooped me into his powerful arms, cradling me against his chest.

  Ever so gently, he placed me on the bed. He hovered over me, his shaggy black hair falling into his eyes, making him look wild. The sight only excited me further.

  “I’m going to show you a night you’ll never forget.” He whispered, his voice husky as he leaned down, kissing the side of my neck.

  I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips. It was like my whole body was overloaded with stimulus, making every inch sensitive.

  “Do you like that, my precious Pearl?” His honey-like voice wrapped around my mind, turning it to mush.

  Desperate to be with this man, I wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers tangling in his thick, slightly curly hair. “T-Titus…” It was the first time I had uttered his name and it seemed to get his attention.

  He looked at me with a burning in his eyes, his lips dancing with a mischievous grin. “So sweet… I’m going to have such fun with you…” He growled, his lips once again brushing against my neck, sucking on my delicate flesh.

  I shivered, pulling on his hair, my back arching in my body’s attempt to get closer to him, but he seemed hell-bent on teasing me.

  His eyes burned brightly as he moved onto my collarbone, nipping at the skin.

  I moaned softly, trying to pull him closer, to hook my legs around his waist, but my dress kept getting in the way.

  “Patience, my dear.” He said, his lips exploring my cleavage. I could tell what his intentions were and it filled me with such a surge of excitement that my head spun.

  Ever so slowly, he started to undo the cords that kept the corset tight against my midsection. I held my breath before he loosened it all the way. All he had to do was slip the dress over my head and I would be his for the taking, but he seemed to have other plans for me.

  With a devilish grin, he looked at me one more time before he disappeared underneath my gown.

  I felt his hands on my thighs, spreading my legs as far as my dress allowed. His hands started to rub my milky white flesh, teasing me.

  I bit my lip and stared at the ceiling, my lust growing to unfathom
able levels. I had never wanted someone so badly. I thrust my hips into the air, hoping to convince him to hurry, but he just continued to tease me, rubbing my thighs closer and closer to my pussy, but never actually touching it.

  Just when I thought I would lose my mind, he started to plant kisses along my skin, getting higher and higher. I quivered in anticipation, my juices already flowing like a river.

  Suddenly, his teeth locked around the sheer fabric of my panties. I could almost imagine the smirk on his face as he whipped his head back, ripping my underwear right off my body.


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