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Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle

Page 79

by Daniella Wright

  Thomas stood there, fuming silently. He wasn’t used to an opponent who could stand up to him.

  “I will not tell you again, Thomas. You will release us or else I will see you humiliated, tarnishing your name publicly and decimating any hope you have of furthering your political interests.”

  “And you will release the money left to Catalina by her parents, Thomas, or I shall join in their rebellion,” Aunt Gwendolyn spoke up from behind them, and then turned to her and Brandon. “There is also property I believe would suit you both handsomely. Your uncle would have you believe your parents left you virtually penniless, Catalina, but that is not so.”

  “Gwendolyn, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Uncle Thomas had turned red and she waited for steam to billow from his balding head.

  “Precisely what I should have done many years ago.”

  “And how do you suppose I explain to Lord Grafton and Alice what has transpired here?” he asked after a moment, perhaps finally realizing he’d been bested.

  She had an idea. “We will paint you the victim in all this, Uncle Thomas, if you but agree to what Aunt Gwendolyn has said. Beyond that, all I require is your promise not to meddle in Evelyn’s life. She will marry a man of her own choosing.”

  “Go on,” he ground out between gritted teeth.

  “Brandon and I will away to Gretna Green this very day.” She turned to Brandon for his approval and he nodded without hesitancy. She smiled up at the man she loved before turning back to Uncle Thomas. “You will claim you had no idea where we have gone, that your wayward, willful niece gave you no notice. We will return married, and Lord Grafton will have no choice but to accept his defeat. He will not be pleased, but I doubt he will blame you.”

  Uncle Thomas mulled over the idea quietly. He did not look pleased, but he’d accepted his defeat as well as one could hope. “Fine, but you will not return here. I do not wish to see either one of you so long as I live.”

  “Agreed,” both of them replied in unison, but what about Aunt Gwendolyn?

  “I will come to visit you often,” her aunt replied as if she’d read her thoughts. “Won’t I, Thomas?”

  He nodded, though it looked as if his forced acquiescence made his skin crawl.

  And all at once, it was over; all the heartache and misery living under Uncle Thomas’s roof had come to an end. And she was about to become wife to the man she loved with all her heart. Her life couldn’t possibly get any better.

  “By the way, my dear,” Aunt Gwendolyn spoke to her as they left Uncle Thomas’s study. “The property left to you by your father is Anglesey Manor, set on eighty thousand acres of property.”

  Her jaw dropped open once more. She’d forgotten about the property—a place her parents had visited only a few times when she was a child. It was beautiful though, she remembered that much.

  The perfect place for her and Brandon to start their new life together.

  Too Wrong For Each Other

  ~Bonus Story~

  A Historical Arranged Marriage Victorian Romance

  Unlike the proper Victorian women in her town, Vivienne Amor isn't interested in marriage. She'd much rather be in her inventing studio, covered in oil and playing with gears, but her reality doesn't align with her wishes and against those wishes her father has arranged a marriage for her to a piggish socialite named Edmund Dickens. He'd rather be out courting prostitutes and ladies of distinction.

  Vivienne is not his cup of tea by any stretch. The two are as wrong for each other as two people can be. It is Edmund's younger brother, George Dickens, with his stammer and brilliant mechanical mind that catches Vivienne's eye. Edmund sees this as an opportunity to free himself of the outspoken, independent woman. But will his plan work or will he be forced to follow through with the arrangement laid out by his father?

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  Vivienne Amor sighs and pushes her chestnut brown hair back from her face. Her eyes are furrowed and sweat drips down her brow as she leans forward to inspect the small contraption in her hands. A rudimentary light is aimed at her project casting its meager rays over the metal object in her hand, but still Vivienne grumbles. This damned contraption, she thinks to herself, nothing I ever do seems to work. I try and I try and all it does is fall apart. She tightens the screw once more and hears a faint popping sound.

  In a panic Vivienne tries to loosen the screw, but it is too late. The small contraption creaks loudly before falling apart in her hands. “First you’re too loose, now you’re too tight. What do I have to do to get you to work? Or at least stay together.” She growls under her breath.

  A gentle hand touches her shoulder causing her to jump out of her chair. Harry Amor chuckles looking down at his daughter. “Relax Vivienne. You must be calm. Invention is a work of love. Your machines need your time and your patience if you ever hope to make them work. This is but a minor setback. Come. It is late and you have not had your supper. Your mother would strike me down if she knew I had let you starve for so long.”

  Vivienne sighs and turns around setting the hunk of metal on her work desk. She has been in the workshop for the last five hours slaving away at her newest project. The sun has long since gone down and Harry has been debating going to get her for the last hour or so. Once Vivienne sets her mind to a task it is nearly impossible to stop her, but Harry could not let his only child spend the night in the workshop, surrounded by oil, tools, metal, materials and the sounds of whistles and gears. This was no place for anyone to stay the night, and especially not the lady of the house.

  “You are right Father. That blasted machine is not going to get any closer to being built with the mood I am in. I have half a mind to just scrap the whole project.” Harry chuckles,

  “You always say that. Come, you just need some food and rest. Besides, there are other matters to discuss beyond the walls of this workshop.” Vivienne stands and rubs the grease and oil from her hands onto her apron. She removes the apron with one fluid motion leaving it draped at her work chair before throwing her long brown burls over her shoulder. She looks at her father with a humph, green eyes narrowing,

  “This had better not be another marriage proposal Father, I told you, I am just not interested in any of these local boys. They are all so droll, and expect me to be some sort of flower for them to plant at their side. It’s such a waste.”

  Harry merely shakes his head and leads his strong-willed daughter out of the workshop and into their villa. Harry Amor is the owner of a large company which manufactures and engineers his various inventions. He has been hailed a genius, with an innovative mind and a gentle touch, and has accumulated a vast fortune. All of which will go to his only living relative, and sole child, Vivienne Amor. It is for this reason that many suitors have come calling. Each time they tried to win her over with compliments and gifts and each time they left fuming and insulted. At the rate that she is going there will be no more suitable gentlemen in town for her to choose from.

  This fact greatly distresses Harry who wishes for nothing but happiness for his daughter. Perhaps he should not have encouraged her when she first showed interest in mechanics, perhaps he should have stressed embroidery or cooking or some other more feminine past time. Regardless, it is too late now.

  “Vivienne my dear, you really do need to think of your future. The family line cannot end here with you. We have much to live up to and to live on for. I merely want you to expand your horizons. Consider the possibility that you are being, perhaps, a bit too judgmental. Temperamental even. I have a lovely man who is dying to meet you, and it would just please me so much if you would grace him with a few hours of your time.“ Vivienne opens her mouth to interject, but Harry holds his hand up to silence her. “Not just for me Vivienne, but for your mother. She wouldn’t like the idea of you spending all your days tucked away in a workshop.”

  He continues to walk towards the dining room impressed that his daughter hasn’t spoken yet. It could be that she is ponde
ring how to refuse the proposal or it could be that she is actually considering it. Harry can never tell what is going through her avid mind. They sit down at a large mahogany table and Vivienne has still not uttered a word. Vivienne picks at the tablecloth’s a delicate lace, and looks down at her silver plate focusing on the lovely meal of chicken and potatoes in front of her.

  She takes a bite of the chicken and swallows slowly as her eyes rise to meet her fathers, “It is unfair of you to use Mother that way.” She whispers softly, but her voice normalizing immediately after as she says, “I will meet with him and try to reserve judgment until after the meeting. “ Harry sighs and leans back in his chair as his gaze raises to the ceiling. A smile breaks a crossed his face and he looks over at Vivienne,

  “Thank you. I just know you will like him. He is the heir to a mill. Lots of machines. Certainly the two of you will have common interests.” Vivienne smiles politely and pushes her food around on her plate. She very much doubted that would be true.

  Chapter 2

  Edmund looks at his family estate and nibbles at his bottom lip. He was supposed to be home hours ago, some family meeting or other triviality, but he decided he preferred the company of a young lady instead. Now, standing at the gate surrounding his home, he is beginning to regret that decision. His father, Regis Dickens, is a very strict man. He has high aspirations for his life and for the lives of both of his sons, but lately Edmund has become somewhat of a disappointment to the old man. Instead of studying the business he is out courting women, instead of asking for a rich heiress’ hand in marriage he is focusing on women he finds attractive, and worst of all instead of earning money he is spending Regis’ hard earned fortune on gifts for these lowborn women.

  Edmund sighs and pushes the gate opened making his way to the large double doored entrance. He looks up at the third story windows and wonders, not for the first time, if he should just try to scale the wall to his bedroom. However, he knows he would never make the climb, and he would still have to face his father’s wrath in the morning. No use delaying the inevitable. He pushes the door open and begins his cautious entry into the house. No one is in the hallway and for a moment he thinks just maybe he will make it to his room unseen when he hears someone clear their voice.

  Regis Dickens is sitting in his chair inside the sitting room just a crossed the stairwell, “it is about time you have returned home Edmund. Come, sit down, and let me tell you what you missed tonight at the meeting. The meeting I held, by the way, purely for your benefit.” Cursing inwardly Edmund makes his way over and slides into the seat a crossed from his father. Edmund is a tall man, standing at about 6’4”, but his father is even taller. Regis Dickens built his fortune on intimidation and hard work. From a glance any stranger understood this from the man’s tall and rigid form to his hard and calloused hands. You do not mess with Regis Dickens, that is, unless you are Edmund Dickens.

  Edmund grins at his father bashfully and runs his fingers through his long black hair pushing it behind his ears. “You see Regis, I just, I am only young once and there are so many lovely ladies out there who need my attention. I just couldn’t bear to take that from them tonight.” Edmund has long since given up lying to his father, Regis would just know, it would only make matters worse.

  “Do not address me so informally Edmund. You are still a child and until you can show proper request you will call me Mr. Dickens or Father.” He says stiffly and looks at his son with disgust, “Edmund, you are an embarrassment. With the rabble you choose to surround yourself with, we will be lucky if we can marry you into some class. We need this as a family. No more frivolous meetings. From this point on you will see the women I chose. Starting tomorrow.”

  Edmund’s eyes widen and he shakes his head swiftly, “you are being ridiculous father. I can’t have you picking my bride! I want something grander, not some plain woman, but someone whose beauty makes my jaw drop!” Regis tsks and hits his hand against the table, and as the sound reverberates throughout the house Edmund stiffens and quiets. Regis clears his throat and looks at his son directly in the eyes,

  “Edmund Regis Dickens, I am your father, and in high class society the father chooses the bride for their child. It is in your best interest to do as I say. Unless you wish to lose your inheritance and learn how much hard work stings for yourself. Not that you’d survive having to build yourself up the way I did. Toughen up boy, it is time you grew up. Be more like your brother George for God’s sake. He is always so dutiful, hard at work at the mill, and he listens. You are lucky you were born first otherwise I would happily will the whole fortune to him.” Edmund gulps and looks down at his hands suddenly quiet. If he is poor no one will want to be with him, and he is not cut out for hard work.

  “Yes Father.” Regis nods approvingly and leans back watching his son look dejectedly at the ground,

  “Do not sulk boy, I have arranged for you to meet one of the wealthiest heiresses in the whole town. She is said to be spirited, but brilliant. With a mind like her fathers. A marriage between our families will only strengthen our company and our wallets.” Edmund looks up at his father and nods. He cannot help but notice his father said spirited and smart not beautiful. His jaw tightens,

  “Who is she?” Regis grins widely,

  “Vivienne Amor, the famous inventors daughter, and you will be courteous to her. Do everything in your power to make this woman like you Edmund. This is our big ticket to upper class. They don’t let rabble like us in, not even if we have the money, unless we marry up. So straighten your back, shave, put on your best smile and woo the girl. Your pretty boy nature has to count for something.”

  Edmunds eyes widen again, “but father she is said to be filthy! Always covered in oil and dirt. And the other men say she is rude and doesn’t want to be married. You are setting me up to fail, surely we can find a better suited candidate.”

  Regis waives his hand dismissively, “do not argue with me boy, it is decided, go. You must rest. Tomorrow you meet your wife.” Edmund’s fists tighten as he grips his pant leg and nods. Tomorrow he meets his wife.

  Chapter 3

  “Vivienne would it kill you to wear something nice just this once?” Harry says as he throws his hands above his head and raises his eyes to the heavens. Vivienne turns and looks at him wearing her typical uniform which consisted of a pair of pants, a blouse, knee high boots, and a pair of gloves. Her long hair is pulled back into a messy bun and she does not appear to be wearing any make up or jewelry.

  “Father I have told you time and time again that if you wish for me to take a gentleman seriously then he will have to like me as I am, and not as some pretty little doll he can just push aside. How can I be sure if he is worth my time if I spend hours getting ready? You know I won’t be bothered to do that every day, even married. I will not do so for a date.” Vivienne retorts and places her hands on her hips. “Besides, you went and arranged this whole thing without my consent. You are fortunate that I have agreed to meet him at all.” She adds ad clicks her tongue irritably.

  Harry can only shake his head. It is best to allow Vivienne her way. He leads her to the carriage and she folds her hands in her lap and looks out the window pulling a silver pocket watch from her pocket. “This won’t take long will it? I would hate to waste the day.” She asks as she shuts the watch and taps her nail against the metal. Harry looks at her and shakes his head before resting his face in his hand, “Vivienne you promised to give him a chance. To reserve judgment. Please.” The brunette huffs but nods and watches the countryside until they arrive at the Dickens estate. The carriage stops outside a gate and the door is opened by the footman. She takes his hand and allows herself to be led onto the grounds.

  Harry smiles and nods following after her. He catches sight of Regis and smiles giving him a half waive. He pauses when he sees Vivienne. She is certainly not dressed like any of his sons other romantic interests, but she does stand up to the rumors. A very odd girl indeed. Shaking his head Regis turns gri
ns at the smaller man as he waives the pair over. “My son is just outside. He is very excited to meet you young lady. We have only heard good things about you.”

  Vivienne smiles and nods at him politely but thinks to herself with an inward scoff, I am sure he is so excited to meet me. Did you even speak to him about this? She allows herself to be led to a backyard garden where she sees a lone table. A man in a nice suit is sitting with his back to her with his back hunched over, and his face in his hand. Oh yes, he seems so thrilled to see me. Vivienne thinks to herself, but only smiles when Regis clears his throat making the young man jump to attention. He turns around and his brilliant blue eyes widen seeing Vivienne. Not what you expected am I? Vivienne chuckles but bows her head as Regis announces her,

  “Lady Vivienne Amor has arrived to see you Edmund. Vivienne, my dear, this is my eldest son.” He looks over at his dazed son and coughs, “pull a chair out for the lady boy, where are your manners?” His head snaps over to his father’s face and life returns to his eyes. He nods hurriedly and pulls a chair out for Vivienne. She sits down and looks at Edmund with a catlike smile,

  “Charmed I am sure.” She smiles and looks at her father, “well, don’t dawdle.” Harry flushes and looks at Regis with a shrug. Regis arches a brow but laughs, “

  “Strong-willed! Maybe she will whip you into shape my boy.” He turns and leaves with Harry leaving the pair alone together. Edmund returns to his seat and turns his eyes back to Vivienne. Vivienne, in turn, is looking at him. By all accounts he is a rather handsome man, but if the last few minutes were any indication, he is a mite fidgety.

  “So, let us not play games. Are you actually interested in me or is your father as desperate for a match as mine?” Vivienne picks up a the glass of tea besides her and presses the cup to her lips, green eyes looking at Edmund calculatingly as she sizes him up.


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