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The Wizard

Page 2

by Whiskey Flowers

  “Because he has to do something with his life,” Martha said. “I didn't know that is what Geflin had planned for you. I thought he was teaching you smithing.”

  “He has been,” Geflin said. “I am happy we haven't smithed in a few days or I would be smelling like smoke. He has been making me more rounded and showing me how to fix different things.”

  “For what?” Troy asked. “Just hire someone.”

  “I don't have a grandfather to see about me,” Devin said. “I have our Da and he is showing me the best he can. Hard work but it is kinda fun once you get used to it.”

  “Well have fun then,” Troy said. “I am not going to be out there learning whatever with a sword. Damon could go but I am staying inside.”

  “I don't want to either,” Damon said. “I don't even want to go to this party. You should have just asked Devin to go with you and left me at home.”

  “Do not be ridiculous,” Martha said. “You two do not appreciate the things your grandfather has been trying to teach you. You could be out there working hard like Devin and having no fun.”

  “I have fun,” Devin said. “I am learning a lot when it comes to making things. Da said that me and him are going to make a small cabin from scratch starting this month.”

  “Why make a cabin?” Troy said disgustedly. “I would never do something like that. You need to learn how to make real money and then you could pay others to do it for you. Just look at your hands compared to mine. Your hands look like they have been pounded on with a hammer.”

  “They have,” Devin said and admired his hands. “You don't get callouses like these from being in the house. Da says they are man’s hands.”

  “What girl would want those rough things touching her?” Troy asked. “It takes time to get your hand as soft as mine.”

  “Not looking for a girl,” Devin said. “But I am looking to gain knowledge while I am here.”

  “Knights are all taller than you are,” Martha said. “They only take real big men.”

  “That is why Da has had me breaking my back out there Miss Martha,” Devin said. “And eating so much. I don't have the height but Da says I am plenty strong and I got a good grip.”

  “How long are we going to have to stay?” Damon asked.

  “As long as it takes!” Martha snapped. “A lot of strings were pulled just to get you invited. How often is it when Wizards and Knights are both someplace? They have their own money but they know many people who have coin to spend.”

  “So what is this party about?” Devin asked. “I know some important people are supposed to be there but Knights and Wizards?”

  “Something about a war,” Troy said. “The kingdom is trying to secure help and keep our army all volunteer. My grandfather was invited because he sells a bit of everything and some of the nobles want to secure his help.”

  “A war?” Devin said nervously. “As in men going into battle?”

  “There is only one kind of war,” Martha said. “The Savians want to fight and the Wizards are here to smooth things over. Nothing to be worried about.”

  “Miss Martha,” Devin said as he was surprised he had to explain things to her. “If war comes, all three of us are leaving. We can be pressed into battle and we will be pressed into battle.”

  “Stop being so dramatic,” Troy said “I am not fighting in any war.”

  “I don't want to fight in a war,” Damon said. “What is he talking about mother?”

  “Devin doesn't know what he is talking about,” Martha said and rolled her eyes. “If there was going to be a war then it doesn't concern us. We aren't poor people.”

  “Miss Martha, no one in here is a noble,” Devin said. “It doesn't matter how much money you have. There are many people that would see to it that we go. Commoners get sent to the front line in the thick of it unless they have a commission and then even still.”

  “You are scaring me,” Damon said. “You are lying, you have to be.”

  “All I have been doing is studying the three paths laid out for me,” Devin said. “I could become a Squire, that is outside of my control. I could get a smithing job somewhere, I think I have a good chance of that happening. Or I can join the army, I have looked into doing it as a regular enlisted man. They have need for a smith and always will. I also thought of doing it with a commission. I have read any book I can on what to expect during training. Troy, you and Damon need to read up on it before you get a nasty surprise.”

  “He sounds serious mother,” Troy said. “I don't want to fight in any war.”

  “I don't want to fight in any war either,” Damon said. “Can we buy our way out of it?”

  “Devin you are getting everyone riled up,” Martha said. “No one is going to any war.”

  “Miss Martha, who exactly is going to be at this party?” Devin asked.

  “Some military people and those other people or something,” Martha said, waving him away. “They are not important, all of the merchants and nobles are the reason we are going.”

  “Miss Martha,” Devin said. “You barely mention a war and glaze over who is going to be present. How often does this group get together? Wizards and Knights and army people and nobles and such?”

  “Who cares,” Martha said. “I only care about the gathering of nobles. I am meeting my father there and we can make decent coin from this.”

  “I hope this doesn't blow back on you Miss Martha,” Devin said. “I am trying to help us all out but it seems that you are either not interested or annoyed by me bringing it up.”

  “Hear him out mother,” Damon said. “I don't even want to be in here or going to the party. You could have just taken Troy and let me be.”

  “There is no reason to,” Martha said. “You both should be focused on making coin for your grandfather instead of some stupid war.”

  “Devin what do you think is happening?” Damon asked.

  “I think Miss Martha, no matter what, would not be called to war so it does not affect her,” Devin said. “But you two, rich or not, would be. Noblemen would also be called up since they are expected to lead their commoners in war. There are Wizards there, why would they be at a party with Knights? Why would military people be there unless it was serious? These are groups that do not really like each other or get along.”

  “Mother,” Damon asked. “Is this true? Please do not tell me anything about money or coin or anything else. If there is a war, would nobles be pressed to fight in it?”

  “Well maybe,” Martha said annoyed.

  “So both of your sons could be dead in a year and you are worried about money?” Damon asked.

  “That is not it at all,” Martha said. “I should have left you with your father Devin.”

  “Miss Martha,” Devin replied. “The Wizards are a group who enforce the law in all of the five kingdoms. They are not beholden to any Kingdom and can chase criminals through different borders. The City Watch do not like them but often they are outclassed depending on the criminal.”

  “What does this have to do with whatever war you have everyone spun up on?” Martha asked impatiently.

  “Our Kingdom wanted our own elite peacekeeping force and came up with the Knights,” Devin replied. “Although Wizards are still allowed in our borders, the Knights handle most of our criminals that the various City Watch cannot deal with. We do not send as much money to the Wizards for their help as other Kingdoms which is why both groups hate each other. The Knights have been trained in military tactics and know how to command men. Lifelong military people hate that they can be replaced by people who never served. They do not get along with the Knights and you are telling me that all three of these groups decided to get together to make merchants money?”

  “I don't expect you to know how coin is made, unlike your brothers,” Martha said, sounding less sure of herself.

  “And how many parties have you all been to that has all three of these groups?” Devin asked.

  “I have never been to a part
y like this,” Damon said.

  “Because you never pay attention to whoever is there anyway,” Troy said. “But I have never been to a party with Knights or Wizards before.”

  “And there are going to be nobles there,” Devin said.

  “Well there is nothing that can be done even if he is right,” Martha said.

  “Yes there is,” Devin said. “Get your plan together. I always planned to join either the Knights or the Royal Army anyway. Your first plan should be seeing if there is anyway out of it unless you want to go. See if there is a monetary gift that could excuse the twins. Troy could possibly be saved because he is Mr. Darcy’s eventual heir since he came out first. I am not sure about you Damon if there is nothing monetary that can be given.”

  “Well what do you plan on doing?” Damon asked worried.

  “I plan on trying to become a Squire,” Devin replied. “If that doesn't work out I planned on asking your grandfather for enough money to buy me a commission in the army. If he will not then I will enlist and try to become a smith for some unit in the army. My plans do not change either way, I just wish it wasn't so close to happening.”

  “Mother this sounds like something that needs to be addressed,” Damon said. “Are you sending us to our doom unprepared?”

  “I am not sending you to your doom,” Martha said nervously. “Devin you are scaring them and you are scaring me.”

  “I don't mean to Miss Martha,” Devin said. “The only issue that I have is that you said Squires will be there. There has to be a reason people think this is some type of party. I say have a plan when you get there and talk to Mr. Darcy about my worries. I could be overreacting and I hope I am. I just wanted to come so I can pick the brains of some of the Squires on what I could do to become one of them.”


  Devin didn't know what he expected when he got here but this was not it. The adults, or at least older people, the movers and the shakers in the Kingdom were hidden away in some other area of Lord Paramount’s home. A lot of their children who came were out in a big room but hardly any of them were talking. The groups were separated into their own corners. Most of the girls that came to rich people parties, the name Devin called them, were not there. The only girls in the room were Wizards, it was six of them and they stayed to themselves and the young boy Wizard that was in the room. Devin had found out the young Wizards were known as Acolytes, that was the official name given to young Wizards apprenticed to a Wizard.

  The Squires were on another side and they were easy to pick out. They were huge, Devin didn't think he was small but these boys had the height and the weight behind them. Devin could see that his muscle to body weight ratio was greater than theirs was but none of the Squires looked like someone Devin would willingly want to tangle with. In the third corner were all of the younger army officers. They were around Devin’s age and were at the bottom of the commissioned ranks. They just eyed both the Wizards and the Knights. In the final corner there was much of the normal crowd that came to rich people parties. Both nobles and rich commoner young adults were nervously whispering to themselves.

  Devin knew what they spoke about, he was sure everyone knew. The Kingdom of Savia saw them as weak and insulting and wanted a fight. It was unknown how it started but the Savian King felt insulted and was willing to fight. The Wizards had come to smooth things over between both Kingdoms, in the room with Devin were junior wizards also known as Acolytes. Their masters were willing to try and settle the War peacefully, in return they wanted a bigger part in the Kingdom’s law enforcement and more money coming from the Kingdom. Meetings like this were happening all over the Kingdom, the army was here to see if they could recruit junior officers and to let the nobles know if a war was to start, how many men they would be expected to field and where they should go. This ensured the nervousness that was in the air. Devin felt like he didn't belong to either group and was lost in the middle. He made up his mind to first approach the Squires.

  “What do you want?” a large blond boy said as he looked down on Devin. Devin thought the boy had him by an entire head and was even broader than he was.

  “I have never met Squires before,” Devin replied. “I want to become a Squire and just wondered if you had any tips or could point me in the right direction of what I need to do to separate me from anyone else who wants to become one.”

  “And what makes you think you can become one of us?” the blond boy said as he got into Devin’s face. “We face down criminals, the kind that would send someone like you running to his mother.”

  “I don't run,” Devin said.

  “You some kind of tough guy?” the blond boy said as he shoved Devin hard.

  Devin could feel himself falling but was always light on his feet. Devin rolled backwards into the shove and came up quickly with a punch that landed solidly on the blond boy’s chin. The big blond was caught off guard by the first punch and was off balance due to Devin stepping on his foot. Devin came around with another blow which also landed solidly and lifted his foot. The blond went crashing into the ground and Devin was hit from the side. The blow wobbled him a bit, Devin instinctively ducked and went right at his attacker, a large red headed boy who seemed to be caught off guard by the ferocity and number of punches Devin was throwing. All it took was one to connect for this new foe to go down and Devin started taking blows from everywhere.

  Devin felt someone rip his new shirt and fought with renewed vigor. There was a lot of yelling and Devin noticed the army guys had jumped into the fight against the giants while the Acolytes watched on. Devin wanted to laugh at one girl, she looked bored watching the entire thing until Devin was able to get under one of the smaller Squires and tossed him right at her. Her drink spilled everywhere and the Squire stood up and decked the Acolyte closest to him. Devin was not able to laugh for long as the Acolytes got into the fight. They moved like water flowing around rocks. They were too quick and precise for anyone in the brawl to get a good lick on and they were taking people out. Devin noticed they went after the back of knees, throats, eyes, any soft flesh they could find. The big blond was up but was woozy, two of the female wizards seemed to be hitting him at will and were tearing him apart. A male Acolyte appeared in front of Devin and swung. Devin saw he had his fingers together but outstretched like he was going to drive them through Devin like a blade. Devin moved to the side which surprised his foe as the fingers meant for Devin’s throat passed by harmlessly.

  Devin stepped on the wizard’s foot and crowded him. The wizard gave him blows that were precise and hurt but Devin’s trunk was solid. Devin took the blows and tried to drive a fist through the wizard’s sternum. Devin was happy to see the blow landed and gave him another one. The wizard went down and Devin was looking for another person to fight when he was shoved hard into the wall. It was like he stepped into a tornado and was plastered against the wall and could see more bodies starting to join him. The Acolytes that were still standing had a variety of objects aimed him, the army people and the Squires. Devin thought even some of the nobles were also caught up in the storm. Devin could see the anger on the faces of the Acolytes as Damon came running into the room alongside a Knight and a Wizard. One of the Acolytes noticed them and dropped her spell then bumped the others with her elbow who let their spells drop as well.

  “What is the meaning of this?” a tall Knight with a bushy black beard said as he came into the room. Devin noticed he was blind in one eye and could see a nasty scar that could have been from a sword. The scar was from his forehead to just below his cheek. The blind eye was a milky white color and made him even more intimidating. The Knight looked at his Squires and was disgusted until he saw the Acolytes also had some bruises with one of the Acolytes still being down.

  “They are using magic!” the big blond Squire choked out as he grabbed his throat.

  “I didn't need magic to take care of the likes of you!” a brown haired girl screamed.

  “Settle down,” the Wizard said as sh
e walked into the room. She wasn't very tall and Devin didn't think she was very big either but she commanded attention. She walked over to one of her Acolytes that had a bruise forming on her cheek and sneered.

  “You let these, these Squires do this to you?” the Wizard said as she looked at her Acolyte. Before the girl could speak she jabbed her in the throat and was already looking at the next Acolyte who showed a bruise.

  “They attacked first master when we were not looking for a fight,” the first Acolyte who got punched said. “I may have been rougher with some of them than intended. Two of my victims are still on the ground.”

  “Control your people Knight,” the Wizard said as she kicked the boy Acolyte who was still rolling on the ground from Devin’s punch.

  “How did this happen?” the Knight with the milky eye said as he went up to the blond that had pushed Devin.

  “That one came up looking for a fight,” the blond said as he pointed to Devin and held his jaw and winced.

  “You?” the Knight said with a sneer. “I do not care whose child you are lordling.”

  “I came over to see about becoming a Squire, Sir,” Devin said. “That one told me I was a coward and shoved me so I punched him.”

  “You punched him?” the Knight with the milky eye said. “Is that how you got these bruises?”

  “Partly,” Devin said. “I flattened him good and was blindsided. I dealt with that lad and then the army people saw me getting swarmed by your Squires and jumped in. I got my blows from the big melee and then tossed one of the Squires into that pile of Acolytes to get him off me. He jumped up and decked that one the female Wizard was talking to in the jaw and it was a big jumble after that.”

  “Which one of you put this Wizardling down?” the Knight with the milky eye said as he pointed to the boy the female Wizard kicked.

  “They are called Acolytes, brute,” the female Wizard said. “And just because one of yours blindsided one of mine in the middle of a big battle means nothing.”


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