Wars & Wings (Enlighten Series Book 3)
Page 25
“Yes, I can.” I try pulling the dagger out.
“Zoe,” Shay urges. “Come on. We have to finish this. Aiden made his choice. It’s time to make yours.”
I turn my head back and gaze into Shay’s aqua eyes, then into all my friends’ solemn faces. They’re right. Aiden did make his choice, and we need to send the King of Hell back.
It’s like the world is frozen in time. I see the Archangels struggling to keep up with the sheer number of Marqs they are attempting to kill. Swords are motionless, stalled mid-strike. I have no idea how many angels are no longer in existence, but I suspect lots.
The area is spotted with wolves still attacking and some lifeless on the ground.
Both Summer and Winter fairies are petrified in their positions, ready to strike down Knights. Wings of every shade cast a rainbow of color on the field, the only bright spots in this dark battle.
Blackness surrounds the Void with the black cloaks of the Marquises demons, all the spilled blood from them, and the icky feeling of dread that lingers.
I know what I must do, but I’m still in shock that Aiden sacrificed himself and helped us. Me. He wasn’t entirely evil, after all. It reminds me of the prophecy:
First and last.
Heaven and unto Earth.
Receives the highest in jubilation.
Enlightens will unite; they shall band.
Triumph be if darkness is driven back.
Help found who love; the world will stand.
I always thought that last line was about my love for Shay, that we would prevail and stop the darkness. But now I know it isn’t about me at all.
It’s about Aiden. This whole thing is about him. Nowhere in the prophesy is there a mention that the babe would be a girl. That was pure speculation. Aiden was still, and always has been, an angel, a fallen angel, but still an angel. And he’s of the highest Order. He’s a Seraph Angel like me.
Yes, I joined the Enlightens, but it was Aiden who had to stab me for my full Light to come. If I hadn’t asked the Orders, we wouldn’t be here for him to kill me.
And ultimately, it’s him who found love—to make the ultimate act of love—to die for all of us, so we can live.
The world snaps back to life.
“Zoe.” Aiden nudges my leg. “End this. Don’t make my death for nothing.”
“I’m sorry, Aiden.”
“Don’t be.” He removes the dagger, letting the Light discharge out faster. “Let me do this—for you. Step back and let me give you my Light. It’ll be enough.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. It’ll be more than you need. We are the only Seraph Angels on earth. I am the first, and you are the last. You cannot let Sammael through the Veil. He’s also a Seraph and once he’s through, you alone will not have enough Light to stop him. Now, go.” He coughs. “Please.”
“I will see you again, Aiden—my brother.”
“Until we meet again, Zoe—my sister.” He sucks in a breath. “Tell my son that I’m sorry.”
The last of Aiden’s Light pours out of his chest and seeps into me. Aiden draws his last breath and his eyes close. I stand, rejoining my friends in the circle.
I can feel Aiden’s essence inside of me, his red Light. It merges with mine and we become one. I feel kinda strange about that, but I can’t dwell on it. We don’t have any more time.
My attention goes back on the orb and notice that it’s smaller. It’s still wavering and shimmering. Sam’s hand is still holding on for all it’s worth.
A blast of Light shoots out of me; it’s a mauve color, mixing my power and Aiden’s. It’s powerful, and I tighten my grip on Shay’s and Kieran’s hands, so I don’t break the connection.
Everyone’s tattoo burns brighter to the point it’s all I can see and feel. I direct all the Light to encompass the orb, forcing it to close. The rip opens a bit more and an arm extends outward. A ball of black Fire Light is on the ready to be launched at me. I have no idea if Sammael can aim without seeing, or maybe he can see us.
I can’t take that chance. He cannot come through. I think about everything I’ve done these past months. About everything I’ve had to learn to prepare myself for this very moment, of the people who supported me. The friends I’ve made. And of those who have lost their lives.
Anger courses through my body, making me see red. I’m about to lose control when there is a slight pressure on my soul. It brings me back to the present, and I hone in on that feeling. I can’t be sure it’s Aiden, but I like to think it is. He’s still with me.
My anger converts to love. The swirling Light compresses around the orb, and I wish the Light would extinguish the slice of the Veil forever.
With an explosion of power, the Veil leading to this world closes, trapping Sammael behind it.
The battle is over. We won.
I have mixed feelings about all of this, though. A little more than three months ago, my whole existence turned upside down. I met the love of my life in a warehouse. Found out my best friend has watched over me since I was born and has been by my side ever since. Fairies and wolves befriended me. Demons roam the earth, creating havoc in their wake.
And all is never what it appears to be.
Aiden taught me that. It’s his memory that makes me sad.
Yes, we managed to send Sammael back to Hell to stew in his anger, regroup, and plan for a later attack, probably wondering how an eighteen-year-old girl defeated him.
The Void is now clear of all demons. Either they have been sent back to Hell or they are dead. The ground is still speckled with black blood, but the Archangels are cleaning that up. It’s easy for them. With Light protruding from their palms, they wipe it away as if it never happened—a life altering battle.
The fairies claim their own wounded and take them back to Fairyland. King Oberon and Queen Mab managed to survive after all. Green and blue glamour shoots like lightening all over the field, as fairies disappear.
Guardian angels assist the wolves, who have turned back into their human form, to gather their dead. They lay in a central location near their leaders.
I watch as Vash kneels by one of his own, saying a prayer for his brethren. Cali watches him for a brief moment and does the same on the other side. With a hand on the fallen’s shoulder, each leader takes their free hand and holds it over the wolf’s chest. I don’t want to intrude on their sorrow. It seems very personal. Tears stream down both of their faces. They move on down the line until the final one has had its last rites.
The last body is familiar. They linger a bit longer over him.
Is that—?
“I’m sorry, Vash.” I run to him for an embrace. “You, too, Cali. If there is anything I can do to help, ask.” I look down at the face. The blank eyes of Jackson stare back at me. “No.”
“He didn’t suffer,” Vash says. “I watched him fight bravely, and he died for all of us to live. Thank you, Zoe. It’s because of you that earth has survived. As a pack, we’ll mourn our loss, especially for my brother. It’ll take time, but we are strong. We will survive.”
Shay must have heard my cry. His arm drapes around my shoulders. “I’m sorry, Vash,” he says.
“Thank you, Shay.”
Kieran and Sidelle join us.
“Oh,” Sidelle gasps. “I have no words.”
Through my tears, Sidelle and Finn are holding hands. I’ll have to ask about that later. Everyone needs comforting now.
“Both of you are amazing.” I step out of Shay’s protection and squeeze Cali’s shoulders. “Take care of him.”
“You know I will,” Cali says. “Don’t be a stranger. Minnetonka isn’t that far away. You need to visit us, or we will come visit you.”
“Love you both.” I reach out to take Vash’s and Cali’s hands and squeeze, pouring all the love and sympathy I can offer them.
I watch them as they load Jackson’s body into the bed of a truck and head to their home. They will continue
to be a great couple and lead the Spiritus Pack.
“I guess that’s our cue to leave, for now.” Sidelle looks over the field. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Why?” I ask. “I don’t need protection anymore.”
“No, I guess you don’t.” Her wings droop. “I’ve been on earth for so long I don’t know what to do with myself. You kinda have grown on me, Buttercup.”
“Thanks, Sid. I love you, too. I hope you can come visit me once in a while. I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too. Adventure is my middle name. And the walls of Aestas Castle cannot hold me in. Not anymore.”
“Plus, you need a co-conspirator,” Finn says.
“No, I don’t.” Sidelle glares at him.
“As I recall, I you said that you’d discuss that with me later. It’s later.”
“I think you heard wrong.” Sidelle lightly punches him in the shoulder. “I would never say anything like that to you.”
“I’ll have to keep reminding you every sundown for all eternity.”
“Um, Sidelle?” I ask.
“And how do you think you’re going to do that?” She ignores my question.
“With this.” Finn takes her face between his hands and kisses her. It wasn’t just any kiss. Both of their wings glow with bright glamour. They rise off the ground as their bodies also light up.
Someone clears their throat, but they still are lip-locked.
Finally, they descend and Finn steps back. “I plan to do that to you and much, much more. You’ll be swept off your wings in no time.”
“Mmm.” Sidelle touches her lips. Her eyes are a bit glossy.
“I love you, Delle. I always have. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. All I can ask is that you find a way to accept me as I am now. Before you, I wasn’t anything but a Winter Prince. You made me yours the day you saved my soul on the beach. We will always be a part of each other, and I don’t want to have a single sundown go by where I can’t gaze at your beautiful face. Every day will be my mission to make you the happiest Queen of Spring in all of Fairyland. This is my solemn vow to you.”
“Finn,” Sidelle says. “I’ve never stopped loving you, too. You broke my heart, but I guess I’ll have to find a way to forgive you because we will have to work together, along with your Queen and my Father. He told me that we now have our own lands. Castles are being constructed for each of us.”
“Sidelle.” I nudge her. “You must to forgive him after that declaration.”
“We have responsibilities now, Zoe,” Sidelle say calmly. “Sometimes, we can’t always get what we want. As rulers—”
“Rulers?” I ask.
“I am the Queen of Spring, and Finn is the King of Autumn. When I saved him from death, I merged some of my magic with his and since then neither one of us are one hundred percent Summer or Winter.”
“You can run, Delle, but you can’t hide from me ever again,” Finn chuckles. “Castle, Queen, and everything in-between will not stop me from finding you. If I recall, I have a death wish. I’ll have to chance it by crossing the Mist for you.” He looks behind him. Many of the Winter Fairies have disappeared. “It’s time for us to part, Zoe. It’s been a pleasure meeting you.” He bows to me, extending his hand to Sidelle. With his free hand, he conjures a pale blue light. It widens into an archway. “Ready?”
“Yes,” Sidelle say. “Wait.” She rushes back to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “Until we meet again.”
“It’s not good-bye forever,” I say.
We watch Sidelle and Finn step through the porta and return to Fairyland.
That leaves Kieran and Shay.
“Come on.” I take each of their hands and walk away, leading us out of the Void.
I don’t have to say good-bye to Kieran. He’ll be hanging around since he still lives down the street. We have all summer to goof off before I start my senior year.
I stop.
He doesn’t need to protect me anymore. He won’t be my guardian angel.
“Are you leaving, too?” I ask him.
“I was wondering when you’d make that leap,” Kieran says. “Yes, I can’t stay here.” He shakes his head. “I don’t have another assignment yet; it might be a couple of days or years before I get one.”
“Is there any way you can stay with me and not have an assignment?”
“Not likely.”
“What am I going to do without you?” My eyes start to blur. “I’ve known you since I was born. You can’t leave me.”
“You have Shay,” he reminds me.
“But I need you, too. Will I have an assignment?”
“No. You’re not a guardian angel.”
“That’s it? We save the world and you move on? And I go back to my life as if nothing happened?”
“Yes, basically.”
“Well, that bites and is not acceptable.”
“I have a feeling that you’ll find a way to keep me here with you,” Kieran says.
“You know I will.” I hug my best friend.
Shay squeezes my hand.
Shay and me.
SHAY HAS ASKED ME TO marry him. It isn’t a huge ordeal because I know that we would be married someday, and his proposal was still romantic.
We flew to Minnehaha Creek in St. Paul, near where he grew up. There was a waterfall in the city park that many locals knew about that’s surrounded by trails. It’s always busy on warm, summer evenings, so we had to go after the park closed. Tiki torches lit an area next to the falls. When we came upon it, my mind immediately went back to my second date with him. That was five months ago already.
Twinkling lights sparkle in the trees, but after closer inspection, the flickering spheres were lightening bugs. They danced around us as we landed. The water glowed with angelic Light. Soft instrumental music played.
I hadn’t expected a proposal that night. Shay took my hands in his, gave me his trademark smirk, and bent down on one knee. My heart leapt from my chest, beating rapidly.
He produced a small, blue box and lifted it toward me. The box itself also lit when he opened it. Inside sat the most beautiful three-stone diamond ring I could ever dreamed up. Smaller purple stones surrounded the center ones.
“Each diamond represents the past, present, and our future,” Shay said. “And I know you must have purple. I promise to love you until my dying breath.” For a split second, the moment made me sad. I knew he wasn’t going to live forever like me. Someday, my soul mate would die, and I’d be the one to carry his soul to the heavens. I dismissed those unhappy thoughts, hoping that his death would be years away.
Of course, I said yes, but only after I graduate college. We have a huge list of places I want to see before I settle down.
I am still raw about finding out about being a Seraph Angel, having Light, and that my friends have stopped Sammael from destroying the world. I still grieve for everyone who died during the battle, over all the evil in the world, and how I couldn’t save all of them.
Apparently, Quinn had died sometime when she was taken to the hospital. The Archangels covered it up before Aiden’s first visit. The angels knew something wasn’t as it appeared to be with him, so they kept a watch over her. By Aiden’s third visit, they were convinced that he was up to something and decided to have Gabriel disguise himself as Quinn. Which was the reason why Shay never had any contact with his father in person.
Now that I knew the truth about Quinn, Morgan, and Aiden, my heart flitters from all my grief. Kieran finds me curled into a ball on my bed since I stopped taking texts from him and Shay. Both try to understand what I am upset about. I think they know, but they also give me space to sort everything in my head and heart.
After the battle, there had been days when I locked myself in my room, refusing to see anyone.
My sister consoled me as much as she could. Sometimes, she would sit on my bed and touch my shoulder, not saying anything. Other t
imes, she’d tell me about her day, how soccer practice went, how camp was, and on rare occasions, how it isn’t healthy to be so withdrawn. She’d never had a single vision since Sammael has been locked back in Hell.
After a couple more weeks of that behavior, Kieran couldn’t take it any longer. He relented and told me about an accident that happened when I was a toddler. A vehicle had broad-sided the minivan my parents drove on our way to the cabin. My real parents died right in front of Coffee Grind. Both were dead upon impact. Since I had been born, I had shown great potential at being more than an Ordinary. It was because of that budding possibility, Kieran decided to take drastic measures. He summoned help from Finn, who owed Kieran a favor.
They performed a spell and replaced my parents with changelings. Finn warned Kieran that it was a risk to use changelings for adults. Their odd behavior started to surface when I became a teenager. They didn’t know how to deal with all my raging hormones. Neither one of them ever could have guessed or prepared for their child being kidnapped. There wasn’t a script for them to follow. But their love for their child was true.
Looking back at all the times my mom and dad said strange things, I always thought they were weird and out of touch. They have always been a bit odd in their thinking. And now I know why. So what about Stella? If my parents were swapped out and changelings were in their place ... the answer is fairies. Stella’s a Vate because of them. She’s half-fairy and half-human.
My real parents’ deaths add to my mound of grief.
No more secrets between us. Everything is laid out on the table between Kieran and me.
My “parents” are throwing Shay and I a small engagement party. Today is a supposed to be a joyous moment, so I can’t dwell on sadness too long.
I’ll finally get to meet Shay’s mom, Lindy. I had hoped to meet her sooner, but things didn’t work out. I was too busy stopping Armageddon. And she was grieving from her own loss—Shay’s father.
Shay asked that she meet us early in my backyard for introductions and for some privacy before she meets my folks. We sit on the patio chairs in my backyard; it’s still an hour before the guests will arrive to our engagement party.