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William's Blood

Page 32

by S S Bazinet

  When Rolphe attacked and began feasting, Arel’s body had its own ideas about such a violation. Arel found himself thrashing around, trying to get free of the great bear of a man who held him down and consumed his blood. Yet, as Arel grew weaker, as his body began to go limp, he knew that Rolphe wasn’t the only one who made a decision earlier. In that moment when Rolphe chose to attack, Arel saw his opportunity, his chance to leave the earth. After all his mistakes with those he loved, including Justina and William, he was being given a way to go home. Once he died and was safely on the other side, he wouldn’t be a mortal being who was always making terrible mistakes. He wouldn’t have to feel guilty anymore.

  At long last, I can leave this world behind.

  But his decision didn’t go unchallenged. He could feel Michael trying to get through to him. Arel knew the angel was making a last ditch effort to counter Arel’s death wish. Michael’s energy was intense as he bolstered the idea of finding happiness in being alive, but Arel ignored him.

  Sorry, Michael, thank you for all the ways you’ve tried to help me, but this life is finally over for me.

  As Arel began to relax into the darkness that was closing in, he felt a second attempt to change his mind. This one had none of the loving, peaceful elements of Michael’s energy.

  Dammit Arel, don’t you dare think you’re going to leave this easily!

  It was William’s insistent voice that yelled out in Arel’s mind. Arel opened his eyes just enough to see William a few feet away. His form was wispy and glowing. Arel realized that William had learned astral travel too.

  Will! I’m surprised!

  William’s form solidified a little as he continued with his threats.

  After all that I’ve been through because of you, don’t you dare take the coward’s way out.

  Arel gasped in a shallow breath. A very small quantity of air was all that his lungs could take in. Rolphe was insatiable in his feeding, and Arel’s body was barely able to maintain consciousness. But William deserved an explanation.

  I’m sorry, Will. I’m so sorry for everything. But you don’t have to worry about anything now. Rolphe took the bait. With my blood doing its job, I don’t think he’ll be hunting for you anymore. As for me, I’m doing as I promised, leaving you in peace. You’ll finally have your life back.

  As he worded his message to William, Arel felt his heart soar a little. At least William was safe now. It was a brief moment that was interrupted by William. He didn’t seem to share Arel’s viewpoint.

  That’s the biggest bunch of crap I’ve ever heard, Arel. If you consider me a brother, you’ll stop being a victim and do what I’m telling you.

  Arel sighed contentedly.

  Too late, I’m dying.

  William’s tone changed.

  Please, Arel, don’t do this. I saved you long ago because I believed in you. Don’t squander that gift.

  William’s plea sent a discordant ping through Arel’s heart. No matter how happy he was to leave a painful, guilt-ridden life behind, he knew William had a point. The man’s intention, just like Michael’s intention, was to give Arel a chance to find a way beyond his narrow, hellish path.

  But I don’t know how to be brave like you, Will. I wish I did. Even with your strength to help me, I’m hopeless.

  William’s voice was even louder when he responded.

  Hopeless? Is that what you call your need to suffer? If it is, you have to get off that wheel of woe. It doesn’t serve you or me.

  Arel’s eyes opened wider as he felt his own anger surfacing.

  There is no you and me, William! You hate me, remember?

  William’s form brightened even more.

  Maybe I do hate you, and that hatred prompted me to contact Rolphe, but it’s not what I want now.

  Arel felt so weak, he could barely think, but William was determined to keep him earthbound.

  What do you want from me, Will? Why won’t you let me die in peace?

  William’s glaring eyes softened.

  I suppose I’m admitting that I’m happy you snatched me out of heaven. I can see that now.

  William’s confession brought an unexpected surge of joy to Arel’s entire body. He had resigned himself to William despising him forever. After all, he had behaved unforgivably when William was on the other side.

  William continued to plead his case.

  Listen to me, Arel, I want to return the favor. I never thought I’d have that power, but I think I was wrong about that too.

  Arel blinked back with more relief when he realized what William meant. Michael’s blood had done its job a second time. Enough darkness had been cleared, and now William was coming into his own power. After a moment of initial relief, Arel wanted to respond with a huge, “I told you so, Will.” Instead, he sent out a short congratulations.

  I’m happy for you, Will.

  William sighed.

  I know I can help you. Say the word and give me that chance.

  Arel tried to smile, but his body was out of energy.

  Really, do you mean that?

  There was a loud explosion of William’s laughter inside of Arel’s head.

  Heaven help us both, Arel, but yes, you idiot, I mean it.

  Arel managed a weak nod of acceptance. As soon as he did, Rolphe was dislodged from his feasting. Somehow he was thrown backwards, and ended up sprawled out on the ground. His eyes were dark and bewildered as he got to his feet and started to run. After that, Arel knew he couldn’t hold on any longer. The last thing he registered before blacking out was Rolphe disappearing into the night.

  * * * * *

  William had had an out-of-body experience when he died, but he’d never had one while he was alive. It was a new and wondrous feeling to travel to Arel’s side via his astral body. With Raphael as his teacher and guide, it was a quick and dizzying trip. He didn’t know how to control his movements or what was happening to him. It was only the sight of Arel lying so still on the bench that brought him out of trying to understand what he was experiencing. But he did succeed in having a conversation with his old friend. After that, Arel gave William permission to intercede. That was just before Rolphe stopped feeding and Arel blacked out.

  “Oh hell, Raphael, is he dead?” William asked as he tried to touch Arel. His hand passed through Arel’s body.

  “Not quite,” Raphael replied. As he spoke, the tall angel focused intently on Arel. “He still has a chance if you can connect with him on an energetic level.”

  “But I haven’t a clue about such things.”

  Raphael pointed to William’s chest. “If you love this man, connect your heart to his.”

  “Love?” William felt his energy body diminish a little. “I don’t know if I love him or not. After what I’ve been through—”

  Raphael’s voice was soft but stern. “Make up your mind quickly or he’ll die.”

  “Dammit! I can’t believe he’s put me in this spot. I—”

  Raphael’s glowing form moved closer. “I know this seems unfair, dear friend, but his spirit is leaving his body.”

  William responded at once. “Oh no it’s not!” On some level, he refused to allow Arel to give up. “He’s going to stay here and learn how to be responsible, once and for all!” As soon as he made the statement, he felt a small explosion in his chest. A bright stream of energy burst out of his heart, reminding him of a laser. The brilliant ray immediately attached itself to Arel’s heart. As soon as it did, William felt a shudder go through his astral body. He could feel his own life force weakening.

  Raphael put a glowing hand on William’s shoulder. “It’s okay, William. What you’re feeling is Arel’s energy state, not yours. As long as you stay out of fear, you’ll be fine.”

  Michael suddenly appeared and joined them. “Arel’s shields are down. I’ll be able to help too.”

  William had to protect his eyes when he tried to stare directly at Michael. He’d seen the angel in physical form on many occasions, but he’
d never witnessed Michael in his true splendor. Biblical descriptions of magnificence applied. Tall, commanding and encased in the most dazzling aura of blue and white light, Michael could truly be called a warrior of sorts, one who seemed intent on engulfing Arel with his impressive glowing radiance.

  Raphael smiled at William. “Sorry if he’s a little too bright, but he needs to stabilize Arel’s energy field.”

  Gazing out of half-closed eyes, William continued to be amazed at both his own contribution and that of the angels who were helping out. He was watching a very impressive and otherworldly spectacle. “All of this because Arel is being an obstinate bastard, right?”

  Raphael let out a hearty laugh. “From our perspective, this is quite common. Every human is loved deeply and every one of our kind is dedicated to helping whenever we can. The problem arises when we’re shut out by the negative attitudes that humans hold onto. Happily, in Arel’s case, you were able to convince him to choose life instead of death. With that change of heart, we are allowed to assist him.”

  * * * * *

  Rolphe had never known true terror before. He’d thought he’d been scared as a young soldier going into battle, but this was so much worse. Some unseen force was at work. First it had thrown the man known as Arel out of the path of a lethal bullet. Then it had dislodged Rolphe’s gun from his hand. Afterwards, he’d come under the spell of the man, Arel.

  Once the man's golden eyes grabbed hold of him, Rolphe felt trapped. His mind wasn't his own. It belonged to the man. Yet the man had later given him a choice. When temptation got the better of him, Rolphe chose to drink the man's blood. Once he started, he couldn't stop. He felt like he was in control until he was thrown aside like a child's plaything. That’s when his fear grabbed hold, and he started running. He had to get away from whatever it was that could wield so much power. As he ran, he remembered what Chessa had told him.

  “Be careful, Rolphe! The men you’re looking for can hurt you! Be especially aware of the one with golden eyes!”

  When she spoke to him, he’d felt more than her fear for him. He’d felt something much more ominous, an impending doom. He’d quickly pushed it away, thinking he knew enough to survive whatever came his way. He always had managed to best those around him. Now, as pain began to spread throughout his body, he knew he’d made a fatal mistake.


  WILLIAM WOKE UP with a groan. When he opened his eyes, he realized he was in his bed.

  “Just lie still,” Annabel said in a quiet voice. She was sitting next to his bed. “Give your body time to recuperate.”

  “Don’t worry, with my pounding head ready to explode, I have no intention of moving.”

  Annabel got up and kissed his cheek. “Be proud of yourself. Because of you, Arel is alive.”

  “Arel, I forgot about him. So he’s alright?”

  “Not quite.”

  William sighed and mumbled the first words that came to mind. “He’s the reason I’m in this condition.”

  Annabel nodded. “I guess that’s true. You did a wonderful job tonight.”

  William blinked back at her. “How do you know what I did?”

  Annabel blushed. “Michael is here with Arel in the guest bedroom. Michael brought him here and explained that you helped in some way. Afterwards, you must have been so upset about it all that you passed out. I was afraid you’d had a relapse after your recent illness.”

  William shut his eyes tight as he remembered what he’d been through to help Arel out of another mess. “I don’t want you mixed up in what’s going on here, Annabel. It would be much better for you to pack your bags and leave.”

  Annabel laughed. “You’ve given me that speech before, remember? I’m happy here.”

  William blinked open his eyes and stared back. “Really, I couldn’t tell. Ever since I came back from Chicago, you seemed rather aloof.”

  Annabel took a step back. “That’s because I’ve been trying to shut you out.”

  William slowly sat up. “Why is that? Did I do something?”

  “No, that’s not it. I tried to shut you out because I was afraid I might love you.”

  William scowled. “I guess the thought of loving someone with my track record would scare you, but thank you for being so honest.”

  “You don’t scare me, William. I just never expected to feel the way I feel. It was a bit of a shock to think I could want to be in a relationship that was so personal.”

  “What other kind of relationship is there between a man and a woman.”

  “That’s just it,” Annabel said as she clasped her hands. “I’m not just a woman.”

  William laid his head back against the headboard to steady himself. “What do you mean by that?”

  Annabel stiffened and started for the door. “You don’t want to know the answer, really you don’t. So I’ll go pack my bag and get out of your life before this goes any further.”

  “Annabel, wait!”

  Annabel looked back briefly and then continued to the door. “I can’t, William. I love you too much now. I don’t think I could stand it if you hated me.”

  “Annabel, please, why would I ever hate you?”

  Annabel hesitated at the doorway, but she didn’t reply.

  William blinked back, trying to remain as still as possible. “Listen, I’m barely able to think right now. Do me one last favor. Stay put for just a little while, okay?”

  “I’ll be in my room until you’re better,” she said.

  William thought about the sadness in Annabel’s voice when she voiced her concerns. “I’m losing her,” he mumbled. As soon as the words were spoken, he knew he had a choice. He could let Annabel leave, or he could face whatever she thought would make him hate her. Something in his gut told him that either decision would change his world forever. Knowing he was in no shape to face that situation, he’d check on Arel instead. Forcing himself out of bed, he made the short journey to the guest room. When he opened the door, he saw Michael sitting next to Arel’s bed.

  “William, come in,” Michael said with a welcoming smile.

  William walked over to join him and looked at Arel. The man was white as chalk and still as a corpse. In fact, Arel’s inanimate body would have looked perfectly natural if it were lying in a casket at a funeral viewing. It was only when William noticed Arel’s chest rising ever so slightly that he took a breath himself. “Annabel said that Arel will live.”

  “Yes, but he’s lost so much blood.”

  William smiled. “I can help with that. I have a couple of frozen pints in the lab freezer. It wasn’t easy convincing Arel to donate them for research, but as usual, I was right to insist that he did.”

  “They’ll definitely help.”

  William let out a sigh of disgust. “I hope he’s not brain damaged after this. He was barely able to function when he had all his faculties. If his mind’s worse than before—”

  “No, his mind will be fine,” Michael said. “But I understand how hard this situation has been in your case, William. I’m sorry.”

  William noted the kindness in Michael’s face. “You and Raphael have a lot in common. I hope Arel appreciates what a friend you are.”

  Michael put his hand on Arel’s chest. “He’s done his best. I can’t ask for more than that.”

  “At least he hasn’t killed you. Thank your lucky stars that you’re an angel.”

  Michael’s blue eyes sparkled playfully. “Being what I am does have its perks. On the other hand—”

  “Yes, I know. Raphael has explained the limitations your kind face when dealing with humans.”

  Michael turned to William and hesitated. “Arel didn’t mean for so many things to go wrong between the two of you. His heart is in the right place most of the time.”

  William went over to a chair and sat down. “You better get that blood out of the freezer downstairs. It’s labeled with a capital ‘I’ for idiot.”

  Michael stood up and returned a puzzled look.
r />   William laughed and had to grab his head again. “I’m kidding. Arel is Subject B.”

  * * * * *

  Annabel sat on a chair in her room and stared at the little suitcase that lay on her bed. Finally, she glanced up at Raphael. He stood a few feet away. “Oh Raphael, I don’t know why I told William that I love him. It just seemed so natural when I said it. Now I don’t know what to do about it. I’ve failed him, and I don’t know how to undo the damage I’ve done. Do you have any suggestions?”

  Raphael approached Annabel and put his hand on her shoulder. “You could stay with him.”

  “No, I can’t.” Annabel tried to make the statement in a calm, relaxed tone, but she couldn’t get her bearings. Nothing felt stable. She’d always been an angel, yet it was so easy to slip into the world of humans when she thought about being with William. Still, that world was unfamiliar and filled her with a sense of inadequacy. She didn’t know how to navigate in an environment where emotions could quickly override all sense of wellbeing.

  Raphael’s hand tightened a little on her shoulder. When she looked up at him, she saw how much he wanted to help.

  “My dear friend, why can’t you do what your heart wants?” he asked.

  Annabel stood up and went to the window. She was determined to maintain her normal perception of who she was. “My heart isn’t important. I was given this assignment because Michael had faith in me. He felt like I could assist William as he went through the difficult challenges he’d have to face.”

  Raphael sat down in the chair Annabel had occupied. “Mission accomplished. From what I’ve observed, William is doing very well with everything. He’s proven himself with both the internal and external difficulties that tested him.”

  Annabel turned to face him. She could feel herself crossing some invisible line. It was a line that an angel never crossed. She felt her emotions taking over, making her voice louder than usual. “Yes, and I’m very pleased about that, but I know him, Raphael. William will never accept me as a partner once he finds out I’m an angel.”

  The door to the bedroom opened before Raphael replied. William looked in from the hallway. His face was expressionless, as if he’d just witnessed a crime and was in shock. “I thought I wanted to talk to you, Annabel, but you’ll have to excuse me. I don’t feel very well.” He backed up a step and closed the door behind him.


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