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No Where to Run

Page 3

by Raven K. Asher

  The day has been so terribly long.

  At times it had felt as if time had stopped.

  It took all my will not to sit and watch the time tick by on the clocks in each classroom.

  As I hurry through the halls to my locker, I notice that the halls aren’t as packed as they normally are. There must be a lot of kids out sick, or their parents were being cautious and keeping them home.

  I shrug it off and stop by my locker. Kale is already there waiting patiently for me.

  I decide not to tell him about Kane stopping me after class.

  "Duncan said he'd meet us out by his truck."Kale states and I nod as I grab my bag and shut my locker.

  Kale grabs my hand and we set off to meet Duncan.

  As we approach the truck we hear Becka ranting.

  I roll my eyes and so does Kale as we stop beside the truck to listen.

  She was always causing some sort of drama.

  "Come on Duncan baby, you can let your sister go by herself. She's a big girl." She whines.

  "No Becka, I already told her I'd go and I'm going for Kale, too. He's my friend." He clenches his hands into fists at his sides.

  I can tell he is in no mood for her games.

  "Fine, Duncan.” She huffs. “I can see what’s more important to you. I guess I’ll just have to go find someone else to take care of my needs." She stomps her foot on the ground like a two year old, and I quickly slap my hand over my mouth to hold in a giggle.

  It’s too funny to watch her have a little dramatic meltdown.

  "My family is my first priority, Becka, always, and if you can't realize that, then I don’t need you around." Duncan snarls.

  It’s brutal, but I’m glad that it’s finally coming to this. He didn’t need her drama anymore. He was far too good for her.

  "Fine!" she wails throwing her hands dramatically in the air. "You’re nothing but a waste of my time anyway. Connor has been giving me what you haven't for months anyway!"

  She storms around the truck and I step into her path. She gasps with surprise, and then glares at me as she tries to shove me out of her way, but Kale holds me up.

  I point at her and look her over with an angry glare of my own."Look Becka, my brother has always been too good for you. You are nothing but a selfish, ungrateful little twat. I hope you’re happy with Connor.” I smile sweetly and continue. “Last I heard he was with Brittany, too. Hope you like sharing."

  I could have said so much more, but I bite my tongue and move out of her way.

  “You are a stupid bitch and your brother’s an asshole. I'll get you both back for this." She mutters as she storms passed.

  "Crap." I look up at Kale.

  We both knew she would try to get some sort of revenge.

  She played dirty and always tried to have the last laugh.

  Kale just shakes his head as we walk around the truck, just in time to see my brother punch and dent in the side of his door panel.

  My brother is strong, but it shows just how angry he truly is.

  Rushing over to him I take his bloody hand in mine, inspecting it closely for broken bones, but thankfully I can't find any. It had started to swell though.

  “That wasn’t very smart was it?” I ask him with a frown.

  “Not now, sis.” He winces in pain as I push gently against his bleeding knuckles.

  I grab his keys from his good hand as I point to the back of truck.

  “Why don’t you ride in the back of the truck and try to calm down a bit?” He nods stiffly, and then carefully climbs in the bed of the truck.

  I watch as he sits down and cradles his hand to his chest, leaning his head against the window. I can tell that he’s in a good bit of pain, so I grab the first aid kit out of the trucks glove compartment.

  “Here, patch yourself up.” I throw it to him and watch as he gently pulls out what he needs.

  "Want me to drive?" Kale inquires from behind me.

  I nod, still watching my brother bandage his hand and absently hand Kale the keys. I close my eyes then take a deep breath and slowly make my way to the passenger side of the truck.

  I jump in and turn to look at Kale who has a mischievous gleam in his eye.

  Oh no, I could only imagine what he was thinking, I laugh loudly when he shrugs his eyebrows up and down a few times.

  Kale knew Duncan never let anyone drive his truck and he was going to take advantage of his one chance to drive it while he could.

  I try to hold back my laughter, but it only makes me want to laugh harder. I’m grateful for him wanting to lighten the mood.

  At hearing my laughter, Duncan knocks on the window.

  Both Kale and I glance back to see him staring at us with a stern but playful look on his face, he lifts his now bandaged hand and points his finger to Kale, shaking his head.

  "Dude, do not even think about it. I will come up there and kick your ass." He bellows, with a growing smile on his face.

  He knew it was useless to threaten Kale.

  Kale’s grin widens as he turns the key and peels out of the parking lot.

  Duncan slides around in the back laughing and cursing like a sailor, yelling out all the ways he was going to kick Kale's ass.

  Kale of course keeps taking sharp turns, egging him on.

  I can’t help but laugh out hysterically at the two of them.

  We all quiet down as we finally pull up to Lucy's house which is a one story, two bedroom home. It’s just enough for Lucy and her mother to share.

  It’s a cute little house with white siding, a dark wooden door and red shutters. The yard looked freshly trimmed and I could smell the scent of fresh cut grass in the faint breeze coming through the trucks rolled down windows.

  "Are you sure she's home?" I inquire, studying the small house.

  My anxiety quickly notches back up.

  No lights are on, and there are no cars parked in the small driveway.

  It looks completely empty of life.

  Kale looks to his phone then back to me, nodding his head, even though his eyebrows pinch forward, deep in thought.

  "Yeah, she texted me around lunch time today." He replies as he opens the truck door and gets out. “She would have told me if she was going somewhere.”

  I follow suit, getting out of the truck and rushing around to the other side with Kale. Duncan jumps out of the back, but doesn’t make a move toward Kale.

  You can easily see the worry on his face.

  Something about this just feels wrong.

  We rush to the door. Kale knocks and we wait for a few moments, but there is no answer. He knocks again this time harder, but still no answer.

  He mutters a few curses then tries the door handle. Thankfully it turns. We all step in closing the door behind us. It is quiet....too quiet.

  "Lucy, babe, are you home?" Kale shouts, again there’s no answer.

  "Maybe she left, went to the hospital or something." I say absently while looking around for some clue as to if someone was home.

  "She would have told me if it had gotten worse though." Kale proclaims.

  He’s getting more upset, and begins to pace back and forth staring down at his phone, willing it to tell him where Lucy is.

  "Maybe we should just search the house first, she might just be somewhere asleep." Duncan recommends.

  Kale and I nod, and we all go off in search of Lucy.

  Five minutes later we meet back by the front door empty-handed.

  "I didn't find her, or any kind of note. My guess is that she probably went to the hospital." I state, biting my lip.

  I hoped I was right.

  Kale nods, his eyes filled with apprehension.

  Just then, his phone beeps with an incoming message. Kale lets out a loud sigh of relief, and his shoulders relax as he reveals to us what it says.

  "Lucy’s at the hospital. She got a call from her mom to hurry. They have a limited dose of the new vaccine that will cure the flu.” Kale looks at us with a hope
ful grin. “Her mom got her on a list to receive the shot."

  “She’s going to be ok.” He smiles.

  “That’s great news, Kale.” I exclaim as I wrap my arms around him in a hug. Kale lifts me up and twirls me in a circle before putting me back on my feet.

  She was going to be ok.

  "We should just go home then, sis. She's in good hands. Kale, you coming with us or do you want a ride home?" Duncan inquires coming up behind me.

  "Nah man, I can walk from here. Thanks for coming with me today.”We walk out of the house and Kale strolls off down the road with a small wave. “I'll see you guys later."

  Luckily he only had a ten minute walk to his house.

  I wave back to him and turn my attention back to Duncan.

  “Let’s go home, Dunc.” I say as I walk to the passenger side of the truck.

  I stop and look through my opened door to Duncan who has already climbed into the driver’s seat. “Can you even drive like that?” I point to his injured hand.

  “Yeah, I can drive with just the one hand. We don’t have far to drive anyway.” I nod and climb up into my seat as he starts up the truck and awkwardly closes his door.

  I close mine and watch as we pull away from Lucy’s house.

  I anxiously tap my feet on the floor.

  I was still worried, and things still felt… off.

  With the whole sickness and all the sudden they have a cure?

  It just seems weird to me.

  I look over to Duncan, his eyebrows are scrunched up and he’s muttering to himself so I wait a few moments before breaking the silence.

  "Hey Dunc, things feel “off” to you?" I ask quietly.

  He glances over at me, then back to the road. He shakes his head.

  "No, things are alright sis, there’s nothing to worry about."

  I can tell that he is lying to me but decide not to say anything, at least for now.

  I sigh and watch the trees and houses fly by as we drive down the road.


  We arrive home quickly and find mom’s SUV parked on the front lawn.

  Duncan shakes his head and groans, pinching the bridge of his nose.

  Mom must be drunk.

  “I’ve got to take care of the horses, Lex. I’ll be in as soon as I can to take care of mom. Just try to avoid her. Ok?” He watches me with concern.

  “I’ll be fine. She’s probably already passed out somewhere.” I state with a hint of hope.

  Was that wrong of me? Probably, but if you had to deal with her mood swings you’d probably hope she was too.

  “You’re probably right. In any case it shouldn’t take me too long with the horses.” I nod and step out of the truck.

  I take a deep breath and let it out, as I plaster on a fake smile for Duncan.

  Reluctantly I walk to the house, while Duncan runs off to tend to the horses.

  I step in and shut the door behind me, taking a deep breath hoping my mom is asleep.

  I knew all too well what would happen if she wasn’t.

  "Duncan, is that you?" My mom slurs as she stumbles into the living room.

  I groan to myself.

  I swear I have the worst luck.

  "No mama, it’s just me. Dunc went to tend to the horses." I answer as nicely as I can.

  "Well shit, I need him to run me back down to the bar. I can't find my damn keys.” She hiccups.

  She moves forward and almost falls, and I grab for her arm to steady her, but she shoves me away.

  I grit my teeth, forcing myself not to lash out at her.

  "I don't need you, you damn brat.” She growls out and sways on her feet again.

  “I'd have you drive me but you'd only kill me." She cruelly laughs out as she stumbles and pushes past me.

  I didn’t want to hear anymore of her cruelty, so I bite my tongue and run upstairs to my room. I really didn’t want to fight with her.

  I only wished she could stay sober long enough to see how much she was hurting me and Duncan.

  "Yeah, you better run you little brat, I don't want to see your face no more." Mom yells after me.

  Sitting down on my bed I let out a sad little laugh as tears form in my eyes. I wipe them away with shaky hands.

  I wasn't going to ever get my mom back, she hated me.

  I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, willing myself not to cry. I was determined not to let her break me.

  The accident was never my fault.

  It was just that, an accident.

  I had to stop blaming myself.

  Standing up, I walk to my mirror, forcing myself to smile.

  "Hey, are you ok?” Duncan asks from my doorway a few minutes later. “I overheard what mom said to you."

  "Yes." I turn to him with a genuine grin and a good dose of renewed determination. "I’m great, actually."

  I think I shock myself as much as him with those words.

  He smiles and nods.

  "Good. That’s good to hear, sis." He sighs and throws his thumb over his shoulder. "I'm going to take mom back to the bar. Do you need anything while I'm out?"

  "Hurry your ass up, boy!!" Mom yells up the stairs.

  “I’m coming, mother!" He forces out, rolling his eyes to me.

  "Do you need anything?" He asks again.

  I shake my head no, so he heads off.

  I turn on my radio and lay back on my bed staring up at my ceiling.

  I can’t help but think about everything that had happened today, I shake away any bad thoughts as shut my eyes and will myself to relax.

  Humming to the music I feel my body melt into the bed.


  I’m in my new red Mustang driving slowly down Main Street in the small farm town not far from home.

  The sky is dark and heavy with clouds ready and waiting to let their rain pour down.

  Dad’s in the passenger seat and we’re both singing to our favorite country song on the radio.

  We were on our way back home from getting ice cream at the local shop. They had the best homemade ice cream around and I had begged daddy to let us get some.

  It was out of the way but so worth it.

  I had begged him to let me drive, too, since I had just gotten the car and I really wanted to show him how fast I was learning to drive a stick shift.

  He kept telling me how proud he was.

  It was something he had said to me every day, but I had never gotten tired of hearing his praises.

  I was truly a daddy's girl.

  We continue singing off key until the song ends, and we laugh as another song we both love comes on.

  The clouds continued to grow darker the longer we were gone.

  It had been raining on and off all day so the roadways were already wet.

  As I drive along the sky opens up, and it suddenly starts to rain, lightning flashes and the thunder booms, it comes down harder and harder.

  Dad turns off the radio so I can concentrate on the road. I’m thankful that he does because I can barely see the road in front of me.

  “You’re doing great pumpkin’ just take it slow.”He encourages.

  Slowing my speed to an almost crawl he pats my arm reassuring me.

  As I continue down the road, to my right I suddenly see bright lights coming at us.

  It’s too late for me to react.

  The truck slams into the side of the Mustang and I scream as the sound of metal crunching and glass shattering is all I can hear.

  The car flips over and over, and I feel the blood rush to my head.

  As the car finally stops, I scream for help but hear nothing, I blink a few times, my eyes blurring around the edges, and then everything fades to black.

  When I come to, I hear sirens, I try to move, but I’m stuck upside down in the car. My legs are pinned by the dashboard.

  The car is lying on its roof.

  I panic when I can't get my arms to move to get myself out of the seatbelt.

lowly, the feeling returns to my body, it hurts so much.

  I close my eyes as tears pour out.

  God help me.

  I glance over to where the passenger seat should be, but the car is so badly crushed that I can’t see dad.

  Oh God, where is he?

  "Daddy... Daddy...Are you ok daddy?" I silently beg him to answer, but I hear nothing other than sirens growing closer.

  "Please, daddy.... Please just answer me daddy!" I cry out.

  "Lexi!" someone is yelling, it sounds so far away.

  "Daddy is that you?" I whisper.

  "Lexi.....Please wake up!" The panicked voice yells.

  I cry harder "Daddy please answer me, I need you!" I plead.

  "Alexis...... please come back to me. It's Duncan......please...." The voice cries out.

  I feel the pain in my heart all over again, and the horrible scene slips from my mind as I scream out the most terrifying cry.

  I swiftly open my puffy eyes, I’m crushed in Duncan’s arms, and he’s rocking back and forth.

  I can hear him crying into my hair. “Please Lexi, wake up.”

  "Duncan." I whisper roughly. My throat is raw. I must have been screaming.

  I didn’t even realize I had fallen asleep.

  I hadn't had a dream that bad in three months.

  "Oh, thank God, Lexi." He breathes out, and takes my face in his hands. He uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears.

  “Are you ok?" He chokes out on a sob.

  "Yeah, I'm ok." I whisper looking at his tear stained face.

  I had never seen him cry. Even after dad’s death he had never cried in front of me.

  I must have really scared him.

  "I’m so sorry Dunc, it was another nightmare. I haven’t had one that bad lately. I was really hoping that they were gone, but I guess I was wrong." My throat hurts as I strain myself to talk.

  Duncan grabs me into another embrace and after a few moments he lets me go, gets up off the bed, and wipes his eyes, and then walks out of the room, all without saying another word.

  I wipe at my eyes again my tears are all gone, but I can still feel where they had dried on my cheeks.

  I feel horrible, so I make my way to the bathroom down the hall in hopes that a hot shower would help.


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