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No Where to Run

Page 6

by Raven K. Asher

  She nods and rushes out to retrieve the bag and the jeans.

  “Here Lex, wipe her face. Try to keep her calm if she wakes up, while Mel and I clean the rest of her up.” Duncan holds out a wet wash cloth.

  I take it and start wiping away the dried blood on Lucy’s pale face.

  I hold back a sob as silent tears fell down my face.

  I had never seen her look so tiny and frail.

  Duncan and Mel make quick work of getting things cleaned up and when Katie comes back with a handful of clothes that will fit Lucy, Duncan leaves to let us girls change her.

  “She stopped bleeding.” I state quietly.

  “That’s a good sign, I hope.” Mel states and Katie nods.

  We sit quietly together for a few minutes before Kale, Kane, Lucca and Duncan all walk back in.

  Kale kneels down reaching for Lucy and I gently hand her back to him.

  She hadn’t responded at all since he left.

  I stand and walk over to where Lucca and Duncan stand, both wrap me in a giant hug. Duncan steps away and I turn into Lucca’s arms.

  Kane stands holding Katie in his arms.

  He looks over to Mel “Can you take Katie home for me?” He asks her.

  She nods. “I don’t have my car though.”

  “You can use our car. I can have Duncan drive me over to pick it up later.” He hands his keys over to Katie, kisses her then gives her a hug before letting her go.

  Mel takes her hand and they leave quietly together.

  Once we hear the car leave Kane turns his attention to Kale and Lucy.

  Lucy is deathly pale.

  He kneels down and reaches for her wrist. “Her pulse is really faint.”

  “We have to get her to the hospital. We can’t just let her die. I don’t care what that lady on the phone said we have to at least try.” Kale pleads looking at each of us.

  “Your right, let’s use my truck and head to the hospital. They can’t turn us away. We won’t let them even if they try. Anyway, her mom should be able to help us in some way when we get there.” Duncan states.

  They all rush into action, Kale carries Lucy, and we all file out to Duncan’s truck. “Be careful and hurry back.” I tell Duncan as he jumps into the driver’s seat.

  “I’ll be back before you know it, sis.” He promises.

  His attention turns to Lucca who is standing behind me. “Look after her, while I’m gone.”

  “You know I will.” Lucca promises.

  Duncan smiles a sad smile and shuts his door.

  I watch as they drive off.

  When I can’t see them any longer I turn into Lucca’s open arms, all the tears I had been holding back come out in forceful sobs. “She’s not going to make it, Lucca. Did you see her? She already looked dead.”

  He sighs and strokes my back. “Let’s go inside and see if we can find any information on the news about what’s going on.” He pauses. “Hopefully the guys can get Lucy to the hospital in time to get her help. There still might be hope, Lexi. We can’t just give up on her. She’s a fighter.”

  I nod. “Your right, Lucca, but I can’t help feeling like I’m never going to see her again.”

  “Everything will work out the way it should, pumpkin’.” He kisses my forehead, and then takes my hand, tugging me towards the house.

  We walk hand- in-hand into the house silently, and make our way to the living room.

  I sit down on the edge of the soft brown suede couch as Lucca reaches for the remote to turn on the TV as he sits down.

  Once he turns it on, nothing could have prepared us for the mayhem we see.

  Every channel is reporting about the people who have gotten “violently ill” after they had had the flu vaccination.

  From the local news to the national news stations, they are all reporting the same things.

  I had no idea it was a national problem.

  I gulp and look to Lucca.

  He doesn’t take his eyes off the screen.

  I look back to the screen as he turns the channel to the local station. The reporter is standing in front of the hospital. The same one Duncan and the others are heading towards right at this moment.

  It’s so completely overrun with people, just like the lady on the phone with Kane had said.

  It’s so packed that they have had to set up makeshift areas for patients in the parking lot.

  Right behind the reporter a man suddenly falls to his knees and starts vomiting up blood.

  I cover my mouth and close my eyes tightly.

  Oh, my god.

  This couldn’t possibly be happening.

  “........the hospital is asking if there is anyone that’s watching this report has any experience in the medical field, to please report in at the hospital, they are in need of any help they can get. Furthermore, anyone who does not require medical attention is being advised by local authorities to stay in your homes.....” The reporter continues as the man is drug off camera by a nurse whose light blue scrubs are already covered in someone else’s blood.

  “I can’t watch anymore.” I state as I stand and walk off toward the kitchen.

  I take a seat at the table and stare absently out the window toward the pasture where the horses are grazing.

  It too hard to process everything in my mind, it’s just too much.

  Lucca walks in a few minutes later holding my phone out to me.

  “Duncan just called. They made it to the hospital. Lucy’s mom took over and got her in. Kale and Kane decided to stay and help out in any way they can at the hospital. I guess they have some experience that’s useful from helping their dad, since he’s a veterinarian and all.”

  Lucca sighs before going on. “I’m guessing if they are staying, then the hospital is really desperate for help. Duncan also told me to tell you that he was going to find out where your mom is. He said he would hurry back as soon as he found her.”

  I let out a sigh of relief and take my phone from his outstretched hand.

  “Come on lets go watch a movie, or something.” Lucca says with a smirk.

  I laugh out loudly at his “or something” comment, and grab his hand to drag him to the living room couch.

  He quickly puts in a movie into the DVD player as I lay down on my side facing the screen.

  As the movie starts he snuggles in behind me, with his arm around my waist.

  My eyes quickly get heavy, and I find myself unable to stay awake.

  The last thing I hear is Lucca’s promise to wake me when my mom and brother got home.

  Chapter 4

  Thursday, August 29th

  I abruptly open my eyes to a dark room.

  It takes me a few minutes to clear my head, and to realize that I’m lying on the couch in the living room.

  I wiggle a little and feel a warm body behind me, “Lucca”, I smile to myself.

  The room is dark and the TV screen is blank.

  Lucca must have turned it off.

  How long had we been asleep?

  “Lucca.” I softly shake him, but he doesn’t move.

  “Lucca.” I shake him harder this time, and he moans.

  “Mom, go away.” I giggle at his response, and then shake him harder.

  “Lucca, come on, get up.” He abruptly rolls over to his other side and I find myself falling off the couch and onto my butt.

  I should have figured that was going to happen.

  I decide to change my tactic, this time I roll him so he’s on his back, while I kneel on the floor. I slowly lift his shirt, brushing my ice cold hands across his abs.

  I lick my lips wanting to kiss him.

  I look up at his face.

  He’s still not moving and I sigh.

  He was always hard to wake up, but I knew just what would work.

  I smile mischievously as I lower my head to lick and kiss around his chest and abs.

  Finally I get a reaction, and he moans as I nibble at his hip bone.

denly I feel his fingers thread through my hair, I look up toward his face and smile as I lick his abs slowly and seductively so he can watch.

  His eyes are hooded with want, and as I continue, he licks his own lips not taking his eyes off the trail I’m making with my tongue.

  “God babe, if you keep that up I won’t be able to stop myself from taking you right here on this couch.” He pants out as I give one last slowly lick, trailing up his abs to his chest.

  I climb on top of him and let’s go of his hold on my hair as I make my way up his neck, slowly nipping and kissing.

  He lets out another moan, before letting out a growl as he grabs my face with both hands and kisses me with such force that I gasp.

  His hands trail down my body, and I can’t help but let out a moan of my own at his touch.

  He lets out another growl, and flips us over so he’s on top of me, his body presses against mine. His hands and kisses get even more demanding, grabbing at my shirt and pulling it over my head.

  With both of us panting, I grab for his shirt and tug it off of him quickly. He plants kisses all over my body and cups my breasts in each of his hands, running his thumbs over the thin fabric, teasing me. My back arches and I let out a loud moan.

  Just as Lucca starts to quickly unbutton my jeans I realize what led to this.

  I stop his hands.

  “Wait. Lucca. Did my mom and Duncan ever come home while I was asleep?” I ask him, breathing heavy.

  He shakes his head, his eyes still glazed with lust. “I don’t know pumpkin’, I fell asleep after the movie was over.”

  He stands up quickly and hands me my shirt.

  The moment was over, and I try to regain my composure.

  He adjusts himself and looks down on me with heavy lidded eyes. “I’ll check to see if Duncan’s truck is in the driveway.” He lets out a shaky sigh and runs a hand through his hair, before turning to walk away.

  I throw my shirt back on the floor and grab his to put on instead.

  It smells like him, like the outdoors and pumpkin spice, I take a deep breath in and groan, still wanting him.

  As he slides on his boots I grab my phone to check for any messages from Duncan. There’s one new message, but it’s from Kale, my heart instantly drops as I read it.

  I fall to my knees on the floor gasping for air and Lucca swiftly makes his way over, kneels, and wraps his arms around my waist.

  I hold the phone so he can read the text from Kale.

  Kale: Lucy didn’t make it. She’s gone.

  I can’t believe she’s really gone.

  It’s too much for me to take and I begin to sob loudly.

  Lucca picks me up and carries me back to the couch to sit.

  He places me in his lap and rocks me till the tears stop falling.

  “Babe, I’m so sorry.” He softly kisses my forehead.

  I don’t respond, I can’t, and I just feel numb. Why did I always lose the ones I cared about?

  None of it feels real, I feel as if I’m stuck in another one of my nightmares.

  I bury my head into Lucca’s chest until my sobbing slows.

  “I’ve got to go see if your brother and mom made it home. Are you going to be ok here by yourself while I check?” Lucca asks softly with his hands cupping my face, his thumbs wiping away the last of my tears.

  I nod yes, and slide off his lap.

  I watch his back, not really seeing him, as he steps out the front door.

  My phone suddenly ringing in my hand scares me out of my trance and I let out a small yelp. I look at the screen, its Kane. I answer it quickly wondering what could he want this late at night?

  “Lexi, is your brother home with you?” Kane asks quickly, I can hear something smashing in the background on his end.

  “I don’t know Kane, Lucca just went out to check. We fell asleep a little while after you guys left. Is everything ok?” I ask him as I hear a muffled scream on his end.

  “Shit.” He grounds out. “I need someone to come get me and Kale. Things have gotten worse, Lexi, much worse than anyone could have ever imagined.”

  “What’s going on, Kane you’re not.............” My words cut off as I hear Kale yell out in the background.

  “Kane, I can’t hold them back any longer we have to run.”

  “Kane, what is going on?” I yell into the phone.

  “Lex, I’m sorry.” He says just before ending the call.

  I stare at the screen on my phone willing him to call me back.

  I panic and try calling him instead.

  It rings once and goes to voicemail.

  “God damn it Kane, what the hell is going on?” I yell into the phone.

  I hit end and quickly call my brother.

  It too goes to voicemail. Shit.

  I’m pacing frantically when Lucca steps back inside. I stop and he shakes his head. “His truck isn’t here, Lex. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have fallen asleep.”

  “Something bad is happening, Lucca. Kane just called, saying something about needing a ride. Then there were crashing sounds and screams in the background.......” I look at him.

  “Kale yelled that they needed to run.......” I trail off trying to figure out what’s going on in my own head.

  “Did he say anything else?” Lucca asks while pulling me into a hug.

  My heart feels as if it’s going to beat straight out of my chest.

  “Yeah, he said that things are much worse than anyone could have imagined.” I sigh and pull back from his embrace. “What does that even mean?”

  “I don’t have a clue, pumpkin’.” He grabs the remote for the TV and pulls me to the couch and we sit as he turns it on.

  There is nothing on, he flips through the channels, still nothing just blank screens.

  I grab the remote from his hand and try myself.

  “What could possibly be going on, Lucca?” I ask before handing the remote back.

  “I should go and pick up Kale and Kane, so I can find out.” Lucca states while still flipping through the blank channels.

  “I’m scared, Lucca. I don’t want to be alone.” My voice is shaky with fear.

  Lucca cups my face in his hands. “Babe, I need you to be strong, I need you to stay here in case someone shows up. We need to figure out what’s going on.” I nod as he continues.

  “If Duncan comes home and you’re not here he’s going to freak out, especially if things are really bad out there. More than likely it’s nothing to be worried about.”

  “Ok, I’ll stay here as long as you promise to hurry back. I don’t want to be alone for too long. I hate not knowing if everyone is ok.” I say quietly.

  “I promise, sweetheart, I’ll be back as fast as I can.” He stands and grabs his keys.

  “Do you want your shirt back before you go?” I ask quickly, forgetting that I was still wearing it.

  “Nah, you can keep it for now, I’ll stop by my house on my way to get Kane and Kale.” He gives me a naughty grin. “It looks better on you anyway, pumpkin’.” I stand and grab him in a hug.

  “I love you, Lucca.” I whisper into his ear.

  He holds me at arm’s length, smiling before replying.

  “I love you too, Alexis. I love you, too.” He leans in for a kiss, and all too soon he steps back and heads out the door.

  I watch out the window as he pulls away in his car.

  The sky is starting to lighten with the sun starting to come up.

  I walk back through the house absently.

  I end up in the kitchen staring out at the barn. I sigh and decide that I’ll head out and start Duncan’s chores for the morning, hoping that it will help the time pass faster.

  Before I go out I grab a glass of orange juice and a piece of toast.

  Then I grab my boots and head out to the barn.

  I walk through the heavy dew on the ground and take in deep breaths of the fresh air.

  The smell of hay and the last of the wildflowers left in the pastu
res linger in the air.

  Pulling open the heavy barn doors the smell of the hay comes rushing towards me. It’s not a pleasant smell, but for someone like me who loves the farm life, it’s welcome.

  “Good morning, Tornado.” I pat his nose as he comes to the door of his stall to great me.

  “Good morning, Cutter.” I quickly pat his nose too as I head to the back and grab a few slices of hay and a bucket of grain.

  I take my time feeding and cleaning out the stalls for the day.

  Before heading back inside the house, I head to the water trough and pump in fresh water for the horses to drink, since it’s quite warm even though it’s still early in the morning.

  It was more than likely going to be one hell of a hot day.

  I pump the old fashioned hand pump and even though it works smoothly, it takes a good fifteen pumps to get the water flowing. As soon as the water trough is full I head back inside to wait for someone, anyone, to come home.


  Hours pass by and no one has come back to the house, let alone tried to call me.

  It doesn’t help that the phones are all going straight to voicemail.

  I try not to dwell on the bad thoughts that keep invading my mind. There is probably a good reason they hadn’t made it back yet.

  I just wish I knew what was going on out there.

  By late afternoon, I’m almost in a panic. I still haven’t heard from anyone and when I try to call, the cell phone service is no longer working.

  I decide that I just need to keep myself busy.

  I tell myself over and over that they will show up before dark, and that everything will be ok.

  Turning on my iPod to my favorite’s song list, I get to work cleaning the entire house.

  I wash laundry, scrub floors and even clean out both bathroom toilets. I even put fresh sheets and blankets on all the beds and when I finish with that, I head down to the living room to vacuum.

  I’m halfway done vacuuming, when the vacuum suddenly stops as the power flickers. It turns back on quickly so I finish the room.

  I shrug it off and look around the room and smile, I did a great job and the house looked fantastic.

  Lastly, I manage to put away all the cleaning supplies and take out the last of the laundry to fold and put away.


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