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No Where to Run

Page 10

by Raven K. Asher

  Hunter holds out his hand. “Sorry about earlier, and she’s probably right about you wanting to kick both our asses when she tells you the story of how we met.”

  Kane takes his hand and gives it a quick hard shake. “It’s alright man I should have just listened to you when you told me she was ok.” He looks to me and continues. “She’s been like a sister to me, and to even think she was hurt just drove me over the edge.” I smile at him.

  Grabbing both of their hands I quickly drag them inside.

  “Let’s go talk more inside. Are you hungry, Kane?”

  “Yeah, I’m hungry Lex.” Kane responds.

  The guys sit at the table while I search for some beef soup and a pot to cook it in.

  “Where have you been, Kane?”I ask while pulling out a pot and heading to the cupboard for a can of soup.

  “I’ve been stuck at a military compound until two days ago. Kale, Lucca and I were taken there when we were trying to get back here.” He shakes his head.

  “The military hauled out anyone and everyone they could. We all fought to get back here but when they knocked Lucca out, me and Kale stopped fighting.”

  “Where’s Lucca and Kale now?” I ask. My full attention on him now, Hunter stands and pushes me into a chair and takes my place cooking.

  “I don’t know where they are now. We got separated when the military compound was overrun with the dead.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “Katie and Mel where taken to the compound, too. We only saw them a few times, but they were doing well.” He pauses to look me in the eye. “Everyone was worried about you.”

  I nod in understanding. “I was worried about you guys, too. At least I know now that you guys made it out of the town alive. Do you have any idea where Lucca and the others will go?” I ask hopeful.

  “We all planned to meet up here if we were ever able to get away from the compound. Hopefully they got away from the compound and the dead, alive.” He looks toward Hunter.

  “We may want to up the rounds you’re doing to a few times a day in case one of the others shows up.” Hunter nods as he brings Kane his bowl of soup.

  “We can take turns making rounds and keeping an eye out. Hopefully they show up within the next few days.” Hunter puts his hand on my shoulder.

  Kane watches us closely as he eats his soup. “So, tell me this story.” He points his spoon at Hunter and me.

  I sigh, might as well get this over with now.

  I tell him the first part of the story about my leaving the gate unlocked. Hunter chimes in with his, breaking in.

  “You did what?” Kane yells at me. “Didn’t your dad teach you anything? He’d kick your ass if he were here right now.” He glances to Hunter. “Tell me you at least taught her a lesson.”

  “Let me finish. He did teach me a lesson, but you’re going to want to kick his ass next because of what he did.” I laugh out.

  “He’s not going to want to kick my ass, Lexi. He’s more than likely to want to kill me.” Hunter laughs.

  I continue on with the story. Leaving out a few details, but Kane easily fills in the blanks. He looks angry and ready to kill Hunter, until I tell him of the day we found my mom and brother.

  Then I tell him the about the days that followed and how much Hunter helped me. His anger turns into sadness and he grabs me into yet another hug.

  Kane points to Hunter over my shoulder. “I really should kick your ass, but if it wasn’t for you our girl here wouldn’t have made it, and for that I have to thank you.”

  Kane then pulls back to look me in the eyes, his eyes twinkle with unshed emotion. “You better be nice to that one. He’s been good for you.” I nod and he turns back to Hunter. “You know about her boyfriend Lucca, right? He will be back for her. He would do anything for this girl.” He puts extra emphasis on the word boyfriend.

  “I would do anything for her, too.” Hunter looks to me. “I already promised her that I’d keep her safe no matter if Lucca comes back or not. I won’t leave her. When Lucca comes back he’s just going to have to deal, because I’m not about to break my promises.”

  Kane smiles “Good, that’s what I want to hear.” He rubs his face and sighs with exhaustion. He looks worn down with dark circles under his eyes.

  His eyes are heavy and I can tell he’s fighting to keep them open. “I’m beat. Where do you want me to sleep?”

  “You can take over Duncan’s room.” I smile sadly.

  He stands and pulls me to my feet and gives me one last hug before letting me go and heading upstairs on his own.

  “Lexi, you ok sweetheart?” Hunter questions as he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. I lean back into him and sigh.

  “Yeah, I’m ok. Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.” I say with a yawn.

  He grabs my hand then tugs me toward the stairs and to my bedroom.

  I quickly change while he strips down to his boxers, and as he lies down on the bed next to me I snuggle into his warm body.

  As he wraps his arms around me I let out a soft sigh.

  We had been sleeping like this since the night that my brother and mom died.

  I haven’t been able to sleep without his comfort, and he had kept his word about trying to go any farther than just holding me at night.

  I’m thankful for him being with me.

  Kane was right I would have never made it through this without him.

  I smile as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Day 13

  Snuggling against the warm body next to me, I slowly wake up.

  I smile and sigh until a deep laugh that’s clearly not Hunter’s, shakes me. “Geez Lex, you must be driving Hunter crazy, snuggling to him like that.”

  I glance up at Kane’s face. He has a huge grin.

  I pinch his side and he yelps. “Damn it, Lexi.”

  “That’s what you get for being a pain in my ass, Kane.” I yawn.

  He puts his hands up in surrender. “Sorry Lex. Hunter told me you don’t sleep well without someone next to you, so I took his place while he did the rounds.” He runs a hand through his hair.

  “Lex, in all seriousness, what are you going to do about Hunter when Lucca comes back?”

  I think for a few minutes.

  “I don’t really know, Kane, so much has changed. I still love Lucca and Hunter knows that.” I sigh. “But I’m starting to fall for Hunter. God, this is just so messed up. I finally get Lucca back only to lose him again, and this time I don’t even know if he’s even alive or if he will ever come back to me.” I look up to Kane as he pulls me into a hug.

  He rests his chin on my head. “Lex, I can only imagine how hard all of this has been for you. You have got to be the strongest girl I know. Not many can go through losing their entire family and still want to go on. I love you like a sister and that’s why I’m going to give you a little advice.” He sighs and lifts my chin so I have to look at his face.

  “I know you don’t want to hurt Lucca, but it may be time to let him go. He can survive loosing you. He should have fought to see you when you pushed him away the first time. He should never have left you alone then, and he definitely shouldn’t have left you to come get me and Kale.” I try to speak, but he places a finger over my lips.

  “If I were you, I’d give Hunter a chance. I can already see how much he cares about you.” He laughs shaking his head. “I know I’m breaking some kind of bro code with Lucca, but he’s not good enough for you anymore.”

  He gives me another brief hug and then scoots off the bed, just as he gets up Hunter rushes in.

  “Shit, Kane get a gun and get downstairs now. Someone’s surrounded by the dead in the woods near the fence. He’s up in a damn tree.”Hunter pants.

  Kane and Hunter rush out of the room, and I rush out of bed and slip on jeans and a shirt of Hunters.

  Rushing downstairs, I grab my pistol and run outside just as Hunter and Kane ride pas
t on the horses.

  “Hunter, wait!” I yell. He stops and I run toward him. He holds out a hand to lift me up. Once I’m behind him I wrap my arms around his middle. We bolt into action as Tornado runs to catch up to Cutter and Kane.

  When we reach the fence, Cookie is growling and snapping at the dead on the other side. Kane dismounts and heads to the fence pulling out his gun. I pull mine and Hunter pulls his.

  We all take aim at the dead.

  With silencers on the guns the air is only filled with quiet pops and growls.

  The bodies drop fast, and soon they are all finally dead. I holster my gun and Hunter hands me his to slide into his holster for him as he calms Tornado down.

  “You can come down now, man. I don’t see any more dead on your side.” Hunter yells out.

  “I can’t spot any here, either. I’m coming down.” A familiar voice yells back.

  Kane and I share a look. It’s Lucca. “Shit.” I mutter. Hunter turns his head, his eyes questioning. “I’m pretty sure that’s Lucca.” I point to the trees.

  “Oh, I thought you wanted him to come back, sweetheart.” Hunter whispers. I tighten my arms around his middle and lean my head on his back.

  “Shit.” He sighs. He knows exactly what I’m trying to tell him.

  “Lucca, is that you?” Kane asks as we watch the man scale down the last few feet of the tree.

  “Kane, you’re here?” Lucca turns around wide eyed and rushes to the fence and starts climbing.

  I close my eyes and Hunter places a hand over mine.

  As Lucca climbs over the fence he laughs. “Kane, you are one tough bastard.” He jumps down and grabs Kane in a brotherly hug. “I never thought I’d see your ugly mug again.”

  Cookie runs over to him and he wraps her in a hug. “Cookie, how the hell did you get here girl?” He looks to Hunter.

  “Hey man, thanks for the help.” He walks closer holding out his hand, and that’s when he finally notices my hand wrapped around Hunter. He stops walking and I peek out.

  “Holy, shit. Lexi, you’re alive?” He asks in disbelief.

  I nod and tuck my head back behind Hunter.

  Hunter’s body tenses as Lucca turn his attention back to him. “What the hell are you doing with my girlfriend?” He demands. I flinch.

  He turns to Kane when no one answers. “What the hell is going on, Kane?” He waves his hands toward Hunter and me.

  “Dude, just calm down, walk to the house with me and I’ll explain everything to you.” Kane commands as he puts his hand on Lucca’s shoulder.

  Lucca nods and pats Cookies head.

  Kane looks to us. “Here, take Cutter and head home, I’ll talk to him.” Hunter nods and grabs the reins from Kane’s hand.

  We ride back in silence, and when we dismount near the house I quietly take the reins for Cutter and lead him into the barn. Hunter keeps looking to me as if he wants to say something but he keeps quiet.

  I wish he would tell me what he’s thinking.

  Once we are done brushing and feeding the horses we walk to the house side by side. My hand brushes his. He watches me closely as he slips his fingers through mine. I smile.

  “Want help making dinner, sweetheart?” I nod. When we enter the kitchen I head straight to the cupboard.

  I stare at the cans trying to come up with an idea of what to make.

  I’m clueless.

  My mind is clogged with so many other thoughts.

  Hunter comes up behind me seeing my state of cluelessness and laughs over my shoulder. “What’s wrong?” He whispers.

  I turn to look at his face, and he smiles sadly.

  I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I look down not knowing how to say what I’m trying to say.

  But then it all becomes clear.

  My biggest fear comes out. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re not going to lose me. I promised that no matter what, I’d be here for you.” He places his hand on my cheek. “There isn’t anything on this planet that will keep me away.” He laughs. I smile and grab him into a hug.

  “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Hunter.” I step back and turn back to the cupboard. He wraps his arms around my waist and I lean back into him as he nuzzles my neck.

  “Why don’t you make that casserole again?” He whispers in my ear then kisses my neck.

  “That sounds good. See, I told you that you’d want it again.” I don’t move. My body tingles all over from his touch. His lips feel too good against my skin. He kisses my neck again and I moan.

  “Sweetheart, you’re killing me.” He growls out then slowly lets me go.

  I laugh and grab the cans I need and get to work making the casserole.

  Hunter is standing by my side mixing the corn and soup when Lucca, Cookie and Kane walk in.

  Hunter kisses me on the cheek. “I’m going to get a shower. Yell if you need me, ok?” I nod.

  Lucca watches Hunter leave and then turns to look at me with sad eyes.

  “I’m so sorry pumpkin’. I was being an ass out there. Forgive me?” He holds his arms out for a hug.

  “I forgive you, but I’m not the only one you owe an apology to.” I whisper, but don’t move toward him.

  I continue making the casserole.

  He drops his arms in defeat. “I missed you, Lexi.” He states sadly.

  “I’ll leave you two alone for a few. Come on Cookie.” Kane walks out of the room with Cookie following close behind.

  Lucca moves closer to me. “Please say something, Lex.” He begs.

  “What do you want me to say, Lucca? You left me alone. You never came back.” I pause as I look at him with tears streaming down my face. “I didn’t even know if you were dead or alive and then........” I choke. “I lost my brother, Lucca, and I didn’t have you.” I laugh out sadly. “I wanted to die, Lucca, my heart hurt so badly and you were all I wanted, but you weren’t there.” I sob as he pulls me into him.

  “I’m sorry, pumpkin’. You’re right I shouldn’t’ have left you. I should have been the one who held you and made the pain go away. But I’m glad you didn’t have to go through it all alone. Kane told me what Hunter has done for you.” He steps back and places his hands on my face.

  He wipes my tears away with his thumbs and dips his head. “I think he loves you, you know. The way he looks at you, is the same way I look at you.” He sighs sadly. “I still love you, Lex.”

  “I still love you, too, Lucca.”I state.

  “But you’re falling for him too, right?” He asks reluctantly, looking deep into my eyes.

  I bow my head and nod.

  He wipes my tears again as he lifts my chin back up and whispers. “Kiss me.” He leans in watching my eyes. I close them and he gently presses his lips to mine. He places his hands on my hips and pushes his lips harder against mine.

  Hunter clears his throat from the doorway, and Lucca backs away from me.

  I turn back around and place the casserole into the oven to bake, and when I turn back around Lucca and Hunter are watching each other silently.

  Both of them are tense and look like they both want to fight.

  I step toward Hunter and place my hand on his arm.

  He looks down to me and smiles.

  Lucca clears his throat, looks to me then dips his head. “Dude, I’m sorry for being a bit of an ass out there. I really owe you for taking care of her.”

  He smiles at me. “Pumpkin’, can you give us a minute?” He asks gesturing between himself and Hunter. I look to Hunter and he nods that it’s ok.

  I walk out slowly.

  I meet Kane in the living room and he laughs and points to the doorway. “Are they having a heart-to-heart in there?” I laugh and nod.

  “I think so.” I whisper.

  Kane grabs my arm and we tiptoe toward the door, hiding so Lucca and Hunter can’t see us.

  We listen closely.

  “........You can’t tell me you don’t love her.
I see how you look at her.” Lucca says sadly.

  “Fine, yes, I do love her. She has been the only good thing that’s happened to me.” Hunter’s voice cracks as he continues. “I lost my sister just before I found Lexi.....I was this close to throwing myself to the dead.” He pauses again. “And when I saw her leave that damn gate unlocked and I watched her be so careless, something inside of me screamed and told me that I had to keep her safe.”

  He sighs. “I owe her my life, if it wasn’t for her I’d have nothing left to live for. I never meant to fall for her. But seriously, you can’t blame me for falling so hard.” He laughs out.

  “That’s true.” Lucca laughs. “I can’t blame you. She told me she loves you too, you know. It shocked me, but honestly I can see why she does. You helped her through her family’s deaths better than I ever did.” He sighs loudly. “I’m so afraid of losing her.”

  “I’m not going to take her from you.” Hunter states quietly.

  It’s quiet for a few minutes.

  “How about we work together to keep her safe. I know I can’t take her away from you, and I don’t want to lose her myself.” Lucca pauses. “If she decides she wants you and doesn’t want me, I won’t fight it. I know you would make her happy, and I’d rather be around as a friend than nothing at all.”

  “I feel the same way, Lucca. She really does love you and if it’s you that makes her happy, I’ll be happy. I promised her I’d never leave, and I won’t break that promise for anything.” Hunter states.

  The oven beeps and Kane jumps up and rushes into the kitchen to get the casserole out.

  I walk to my room.

  I need a moment to process what I just heard.

  Kane had said Hunter loved me, but to actually hear it come from him........It throws me for a loop.

  How could I be in love with them both?

  God how did things get so crazy? Too bad I just can’t be with both.

  That would be a nice dream.

  I laugh a little and jump when someone lightly knocks at my door.

  “Come in.” I lay back on my bed as Lucca enters and shuts the door behind him.


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