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Disarming My Destiny: Sulfur Springs Book 5

Page 14

by Taylor Rylan

  Once I was through, I actually dried and styled my hair before I got dressed and went back downstairs. I’d probably go crazy waiting for clinic hours to be over and Xander to call about dinner. Oreo was curled up on her bed in the living room, chewing on a bone. She wasn’t interested in playing, so I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV.

  “You did your hair,” Xander said as I opened the door later that evening.

  “I did. Would you like to come in for a few?”

  I stepped back to allow Xander room to walk into my house. Oreo came running, her hair flopping. She danced at Xander’s feet, waiting to be picked up. She was so spoiled because he readily reached down, and then she was in his arms. She kissed his chin, and I smiled at the pair.

  “You know, I think I should be jealous. My dog got a kiss before I did,” I teased. Xander laughed, and after a few more ear rubs and doggie kisses, he put Oreo down on the floor.

  “Come here, you,” Xander said as he pulled me into his arms. I’ll admit the kiss was worth the wait, though, because Xander explored my mouth with his and his hands fisted in my hair, positioning me exactly where and how he wanted me. When we pulled apart, we both had wet lips and Xander’s eyes had gone dark. I loved that about his eyes. They gave him away, and that was certainly something to remember.

  “So, Doc, where are you taking me?” I asked after I cleared my throat. I discreetly readjusted myself as I walked over to my coat and removed it from the hook on the wall.

  “We had pizza last night. I thought we’d have steak tonight? You eat red meat, right?”

  “I do. And being a Texas boy, I’ve had my fair share of both good and bad.” I pulled my coat on and zipped it before I turned back to find Xander staring at my ass.

  “Eyes up here, Doc.” I chuckled when Xander’s eyes flew to mine and he smiled.

  “I have to ask. Do you do squats or something?”

  “Or something, yes. I do squats as well. I don’t have an overly physical job like you sometimes do, so I try to hit the gym three days a week during my lunch break.”

  “Three days? That’s it?”

  “Yep. I’m not a big gym rat like most people assume. Maybe I should be, but I’m happy with how I look and I’m able to hold my own when we have an aggressive person in custody.” I watched as Xander shuddered, and I decided it was certainly time to change the subject. “So, dinner?”

  “Yes. Dinner. The Range is what I had in mind.”

  “That works.” I pulled out my keys, and when Oreo heard them, she came running back to us and started dancing at our feet.

  “Sorry, girl. We’ll be back later though, and I’ll take you out tomorrow,” I told her as Xander opened and went through the door. I squeezed out and quickly locked it behind me.

  “You know, that’s got to be difficult at times.”

  “What?” I asked as we walked to Xander’s truck.

  “Leaving her. Maybe it’s just me because I don’t live with her full time.” Xander opened my door for me, and I offered a smile and nod of thanks as I climbed in. He quickly rounded the front of the truck before he too climbed in and settled behind the wheel.

  “It’s always difficult to leave her. I worry something will happen to her while I’m gone, which is why I have her in daycare and don’t just leave her at home. That and I think she’d probably destroy the place if left alone that long.”

  “Any dog can get destructive if bored. That’s why doggy daycares were invented.” Xander glanced at me before he quickly returned his gaze to the road.

  Since the Range wasn’t too far from my place, we were there in no time, the place already busy. It was Saturday night and it didn’t matter where you went in Jackson on Saturday, it was going to be busy.

  “Don’t worry. I called ahead and put our name on the list,” Xander said as he put the truck in park and turned off the ignition.

  “Well then, I guess we’d better go in and get our little vibrating thingy.” Xander’s eyes met mine, and I couldn’t contain the smile I knew was on my face. It was mischievous and I was curious as to how Xander was going to take it.

  “Why is it that I feel I’m going to have my hands full with you?”

  “I sure hope so. I mean, I’m only average sized, but I definitely want your hands to be full.”

  Xander growled—actually growled—before he opened his door and got out. I followed suit and met him at the front of the truck where he took my hand, lacing his fingers with mine.

  “This is okay?”

  “Yeah, Doc, it is. I’m not hiding and I’m not ashamed of who I am or with.”

  I was offered another smile as we walked into the steak house, holding hands. We could smell the grill before we even got inside, but once through the door, the smell was much more concentrated and my stomach growled in anticipation. Thankfully, it was loud enough in there that Xander couldn’t hear it.

  When he approached the hostess station, he gave them his name and then we were actually told our table was ready. I glanced back at several other couples waiting and shrugged before I quickly followed Xander to our table. We were led to the back of the restaurant, our table against the wall of windows with the view of the mountains. I raised an eyebrow at Xander but quickly shed my coat and sat down.

  “I didn’t have anything to do with the table assignment. I just called ahead and reserved a table for two.”

  “I certainly won’t complain. The view is gorgeous,” I said as I looked out the window.

  “Do you ski?” Xander asked. I turned my gaze to him and saw that he too was observing the ski slope that was lit up. We could see little dots moving down it, and I knew that those were skiers enjoying the slopes in the bright lights the lodges had put up.

  “Not really, no. I’ve tried skiing and snowboarding, but I suck at both, so I just don’t bother.”

  Xander’s eyes met mine, and he offered a smile. “It’s not for everyone, that’s for sure. I can ski, but I don’t like snowboarding all that much. I haven’t taken the time to do it in years though. But if you do want to learn, I’m willing to go with you.”

  We were approached by our server then, and once she’d taken our drink orders, she was gone and I was left with the sexy doc again.

  “Do you know what you’re going to get?” I asked, curious to know what type of steak Xander would order.

  “Yeah, I’m getting the porterhouse. It’s my favorite and I haven’t had a bad one from here yet.” Xander peered up at me, and I smiled.

  “Umm, okay. That’s what I was getting.”

  “You still can. There’s nothing that says we can’t get the same thing.”

  “Here’s your Diet Cokes. Do you know what you want, or do you need a few minutes?” the server asked as she set our drinks down on the table.

  In the end, Xander ordered his porterhouse with a loaded baked potato and a Caesar salad. I ordered mine with steamed vegetables and a house salad with ranch. The server smiled at us before she collected the menus and walked off.

  “So, you were in the Marines and now you’re a US Marshal. I assume you always wanted to be in law enforcement, then?”

  “Actually, yes,” I said as I set my drink back down on the table. “I wanted to be a police officer, and my dad was very supportive of that. I ended up joining the Marines right after high school though. What about you? You always want to be a veterinarian?”

  I leaned back as our salads were brought to us. They looked good, and I knew better than to skip meals, but I was both excited and a bit nervous about our date.

  “I knew I wanted to work with animals, yes. My mom actually started Second Chance Sanctuary when I was pre-vet, thinking I’d take over it for her. I help some, and it’s a great thing she’s doing, but I enjoy working in the clinic and going to the various ranches and helping there.” Xander took a bite of his salad, and I nodded and quickly wiped my mouth and swallowed before continuing.

  “I honestly didn’t know you were connected to
the shelter when we called you for the exam on the horses.”

  “It’s okay. At Christmas she officially made me part owner, but the shelter is a full-time job in itself. I don’t have time to give it the attention it needs. I’ve talked to her about it and suggested selling it, but she won’t. She got remarried last year and doesn’t spend the time she needs to with it either, so it’s really frustrating.”

  “I’m sure the two of you will figure it out. I for one am very grateful that you have your clinic and I’m able to leave Oreo there. I knew I didn’t have time for her, but I also couldn’t rehome her.” I went back to eating my salad and watched as it was Xander’s turn to chew and swallow.

  “We love her so much. There are others that are there often, and I need you to know that I’ll always feel like shit about the way I thought about and treated you with regards to her.”

  “Don’t. I honestly have forgiven you. I’ve already said it and I know I’m too busy for a dog, but she meant so much to Dad and got him through several deployments. And when I’m actually home, she brings me a lot of happiness. She’s crazy at times, but I love her.”

  “How could you not?”

  Our steaks were brought out, and we continued talking about various things. I told Xander about my time in the Marines, and he told me about veterinary school. We talked so much that our steaks and then dessert were long gone and we were getting glares from our server.

  “Okay, we’ve been here close to two hours, and we should go,” Xander said as he signed the check. I had insisted on paying for my meal, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He’d asked, he would pay.

  “I hadn’t realized we’ve been here this long.”

  “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment,” Xander said as he got up and pulled on his coat. I did the same, and we both offered the server a huge smile as we walked out hand in hand like we’d come into the restaurant.

  When Xander pulled into my driveaway, he turned off the truck and walked me to the door. I expected him to come in, but he surprised me yet again.

  “I will. Promise. I will. Some other night though. It’s not that I don’t want to because fuck knows I do. I want to take things slow and build a foundation before we move to that step, okay?”

  “All right. Let me know when you want to go out again and we’ll make it work,” I said just before Xander cupped my cheeks and gave me a soft, gentle kiss good night.

  “I will, promise. Now go inside out of the cold,” Xander said with a smile on his face. I shook my head but did as he asked. I closed the door and turned toward a very-happy-to-see-me Oreo.

  “Girl, I’m in trouble.”

  Xander — 18

  My dick was pissed at me, and it was ready to fall off. I’d gone through more lube in the last week than I had the last several months. And all because of Deputy Hunk. Bishop was very easy on the eyes.

  I spent the night with him last Friday, and we both agreed, the timing wasn’t right. We had dinner Saturday, Monday, and again on Wednesday of this week, but each time, I kissed him goodbye on his front steps. Was I crazy? I sure as hell hoped not.

  I was trying to show him that I wanted more than just sex from him. Bishop was likeable, friendly, and I really enjoyed his company. I wanted to get to know him better. We already knew we had explosive chemistry just from the first night on his couch. But still. Was technically a week after we’d officially been seeing each other too fast?

  It may have only been the first day of February, but already the appointment book was filling up. I didn’t mind being busy; it helped break up the monotony of my life. Now I had the possibility of something more than just work, and I was looking forward to seeing where things went.

  I finished up the chart I’d been updating and placed it on the pile on my right. I absently reached for another chart, and when my fingers found nothing but desk, I looked over and saw they were all gone. The pile on my right had grown considerably, and I hoped I hadn’t completely fudged them. Ezra would chew me out if I had. I sighed and pulled the top one back in front of me before opening it and double-checking what I’d written.

  Luckily for me, the charts were all okay and nothing was messed up. Which was a relief because I really didn’t want to have to redo everything. I picked up the stack and carried it out to the front reception area. Our last client had been at four, and we were closing at five thirty tonight.

  “Hey, Doc. How’s work going?” a familiar drawl said as I walked up to the desk. My head flew up and I gave Bishop a warm smile.

  “It’s picking up, but it always does in February. We still on for tonight?”

  “We are if you want to be,” Bishop said as he nervously glanced at Ezra, who was carrying an excited Oreo to her owner.

  I didn’t want Bishop to think I was going to hide the fact that he and I were seeing each other, so I looked at Ezra and handed him the stack of files now that he’d given Oreo up to Bishop’s arms. When he took them with a surprised look on his face, I chuckled and walked over to Bishop.

  “Yeah, I want to be. I’ll pick you up around six thirty. Does that work? It gives me time to go home and shower first. You know…just in case I get asked to spend the night again. Which I hope I do,” I said as I pulled Bishop in for a quick kiss. The sound of dropping medical files had me laughing so hard that I couldn’t continue the kiss and I pulled away. I gave an excited Oreo a pet and kiss before I winked at my stunned deputy.

  “Sounds great. And, Doc…bring an overnight bag.” Bishop smiled a beaming grin before he bit his bottom lip and turned to leave. When I turned back around, Ezra was squatted down, picking up the files he’d dropped. I heard the door chime, signaling Bishop’s departure.

  “You know, you’re the one who kept calling him Deputy Hunk. What did you expect? Me to just pass up an amazing guy like him?”

  I laughed again as Ezra’s eyes widened. I shook my head before I walked off toward my office. I figured I’d only make it to a count of ten before Ezra was right behind me. I was wrong. I only made it to five before my nosy office manager came through the door.

  “You’re boinking Deputy Hunk?”

  I sighed and turned to look at Ezra. “Really? Boinking? Are we in high school?” I asked as I sent a look at Ezra. He didn’t look at all sorry for his question, so I continued. “And my relationship with Deputy Jones is NUNYA,” I told Ezra since we’d obviously reverted to out teens. I fully expected questions, but not quite the way they’d come out of Ezra’s mouth so I shook my head at the younger man.

  “You can’t bait me out front with what you said and then say NUNYA. That’s not fair, Dr. G! He’s hot!”

  I chuckled because I agreed. Bishop was hot. “Yes, he is hot, isn’t he? But I didn’t bait you. I reassured the man I’m seeing that I have no issues with admitting to anyone that we’re together. I also wanted to know if I should pack an overnight bag or not. But I’m still going to say my relationship with Bishop isn’t any of your business. Please remember that.” I walked over to my desk and tidied up the rest of my stuff, trying to distract myself from the subject and hoping Ezra would drop the subject.

  “But, Dr. G. It’s Deputy Hunk!”

  “Yes, he is. Why don’t you finish up inputting the charts you were working on and then call it an early evening? I’m sure you have plans,” I told Ezra as he just stood in my office, whining. He huffed before he turned and left. I had everything ready for tomorrow—thank goodness it was a short day—when Rick came into my office.

  “Dr. G. We don’t have any boarders for the night. Is it okay if I come in closer to opening time? I have everything ready for tomorrow, but I have something I need to do first thing.”

  “That’s fine, Rick. Do you need to come in later?”

  “I just have to get to the post office first thing. I have a package waiting, and I need to pick it up.”

  “I don’t think we’re too busy tomorrow. Double-check the schedule, but you can come in late. I can handle a Saturday morning without
backup for a bit.”

  “Thanks, Dr. G. I really appreciate it,” Rick said as he tapped the doorway and then left. I understood that we all had things come up from time to time, and I tried to be fair. Sometime later, Ezra walked by, calling out good night, and I heard him talking to Rick in the hallway. I was finished for the day, and I needed to get home to shower and change before I came back to Jackson to pick up Bishop for our date, so I shut down my computer and left the office.

  “We’re leaving, Dr. G,” Rick said, and I waved at the two of them.

  I walked to the front and yeah, technically we were supposed to be open for another twenty minutes, but it was Friday evening and everyone was already gone. We didn’t take walk-ins on Friday or Saturday, and I didn’t offer emergency services because I couldn’t compete with the larger animal hospital that did, so why not lock up? The extra time would allow me to get home and shower with plenty of time and not be rushed. I locked the door, set the front alarm, and then did the same for the back before rushing over to my truck.

  Once the truck had warmed up a bit, I left the clinic and headed home to Sulfur Springs. I’d really need to invite Bishop to my place sometime. Oreo would love running around my place. I could easily fence in an area off the back deck for her to…whoa. It had been a week since I kissed Bishop and already I was thinking about fencing in the yard for Oreo? What was wrong with me? Yeah, I was incredibly attracted to Bishop, had been since the first time I’d finally met him six weeks ago, but I had to remember that we were taking things slow and we were seeing how things went.

  “Of course, if you’re taking things slow, why the fuck are you planning on spending the night with him?” I asked myself out loud. I shook my head. I needed something. I wasn’t sure what, but I needed something. I was talking to myself, and I was already thinking about Oreo spending time at my place with her daddy. Yep, definitely needed something.


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