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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

Page 31

by L M Lacee

  ‘Yes, Madam, we have interviewed several families who will come with us. I, Rata and Jarrod vetted them.’

  She nodded. ‘Thank you, I leave them in your hands then and thank you for a job well done. You also have been invaluable.’

  Kenera smiled and said. ‘I thank you Madam.’

  Charlotte stood. ‘Madam, what can we do to help?’

  ‘Pease Ladies, I know you are not all well yet, so help where you can. Now I know some of you will wish to go to the ship today or tonight. Under normal circumstances, that would be what would happen. Unfortunately we cannot be assured of your safety, so tomorrow while the city is wrapped up in the Grand Meeting you will be taken to the ship. We will discuss that at the morn meeting tomorrow.’ Peyton shook her head and rubbed her chest above her heart. Marlo guided her to Kardan, who took her hand in his and led her from the restaurant.

  Marlo said in his gravelly voice. ‘We are done here, tomorrow morn will be our last meeting before we leave.’


  Two thirty in the morn is an ugly hour to be woken, unless it is because your friend has decided she will go into labor.

  ‘What do you mean she is having the babies?’ Peyton demanded of Kardan as she hurriedly dressed.

  Kardan pulled a sweater over his head, saying. ‘Just what Jax has informed me?’

  ‘Jax, what do you mean?’

  Peyton: I think I was clear, Trina is in labor.

  ‘But why now?’

  Both males remained quiet, unable to answer.

  Finally, Jax said. I am unsure what you are asking?

  Peyton shoved her feet into her shoes and growled. ‘It’s just, I am not ready.’


  ‘No! She said they would have them at home, I made lists.’

  Grinning, Kardan tried to pacify her. ‘Peyton my heart, I have found babies come when they come.’

  ‘Well, that seems like a disorganized way to do it.’

  Kardan shook his head and opened the door. ‘We should go.’

  ‘Fine, but just know I am not pleased.’

  ‘You can tell Trina and Jarrod that if you like.’

  Peyton stormed from her bedroom and snarled. ‘Oh, I will.’

  When they arrived outside the birthing room, it was to be met by a crowd of people. Jarrod’s family were there as well as hers. Kenera and Esther were absent, and Peyton bet they were with Heather and Patty inside the room.

  Brenda and Helen sat together whispering while Larson and Marlo leaned against the wall with Cemeru and Klune sipping tea. Everyone else sort of stood around or lounged on the couches that Wolf and Reeve, Coraan and Hawk had brought with them.

  Helen murmured to Brenda. ‘We need a waiting room.’

  Brenda agreed. ‘We do. We will have Kolin design one when we get home. It is something the committee overlooked.’

  ‘Well, who knew we were to have babies delivered on board.’

  Brenda shrugged. ‘True, but with the amount of pregnant females we have, we should have anticipated it.’

  ‘That is true as well.’

  Darby grinned. ‘Isn’t it exciting our first babies?’

  Both ladies smiled at her excitement. ‘Yes dearle it is. Very exciting.’

  Peyton looked around to see if anyone else was as concerned as her at the twin’s arrival. She was confused to see they were not. Feeling alone in her worries, she decided to remind everyone these babies were early, and she was not ready. So in what she considered her reasonable voice, which unfortunately sounded high, she stated.

  ‘This is not right. She said she would wait until we got home. She is having them way to early.’

  Melody hummed, then said. ‘How do we know she is?’

  Flustered Peyton wrung her hands and said. ‘Because… because, I said so.’

  Everyone stared at her then at Kardan who spread his hands in a, what can I say gesture. Netta drawled. ‘Why don’t you go on in there and tell her that.’

  ‘Kay, will that stop it?’


  She took a step toward the room and halted when Melody stood in front of her and growled. ‘Netta stop it.’ And as Peyton went to walk around her, she grabbed her arm and said. ‘Peyton, stop right there.’

  ‘But Melody, she is early.’

  ‘Is she?’

  ‘Yes dayam it. I am not ready.’

  Coraan asked, as again everyone stared at her. ‘You… are not ready!’

  ‘Exactly, I have a list… dayam it!’

  Zenerra told them. ‘She’s been working on it for wekens.’

  Lucerra asked. ‘What is on it?’

  ‘Oh, you know the usual stuff, what she should wear. Should she wear boots or shoes? Will it be necessary for her to wear her star crystal, things like that?’

  ‘Oh okay.’

  Before Peyton could protest that there was more than that on her list. Jarrod walked out from the birthing room and spying Peyton scooped her up in a joyous hug. ‘We are having our babies.’

  ‘I know, but Jarrod…’

  He cut her off by placing her on her feet and saying. ‘She wants to see you.’

  Peyton’s mouth dropped open, and she wheezed as she pointed to the room. ‘What… in there?’


  ‘But, I’m not ready.’

  She could feel all their eyes on her as she remained where she was. Finally Melody growled. ‘For star’s sake female, get your ass in there already!’

  ‘I’m going… I’m going.’ And still she did not move.

  Darby asked. ‘Well, what are you waiting for?’


  Jarrod laughed as he drew her with him. She looked back at Kardan and her family, who stood there with gleeful expressions on their faces. She opened her mouth to once more say she was not ready when they all said together.

  ‘We know, you are not ready.’

  ‘Oh shut up!’


  Peyton reluctantly entered the room and urged forward by Jarrod’s arm around her waist. She edged closer to the bed and Trina, who had her eyes closed and was smiling.

  Peyton did a quick scan to check that she still had her baby bump and was not sure she was relieved she did. Heather and Patty stood on the opposite side of the bed, and she noticed they were smiling as well. Peyton looked at Jarrod, then Kenera and finally at Esther.

  Swallowing, she hesitantly asked. ‘Is she… is she alright?’

  Trina’s eyes snapped open, and she snarled. ‘Where the flaming hayda have you been. I could have popped these two out and you would have missed it.’

  ‘Who said I wanted to see it.’

  All eyes were on her once more, accompanied by frowns this time. She smiled weakly as Trina asked with a voice that instantly put Peyton on guard for tears. ‘What did you say?’

  Thinking the tone was not because she was in pain but because of her, Peyton hurriedly said. ‘Nothing! Ahh… nothing, I am here now.’

  ‘So where have you been?’

  ‘I just woke up, unlike you who have obviously been awake for hours. Normal people sleep at night.’

  Trina smirked as she asked in what Peyton thought of as a patronizing voice. ‘Are you normal though?’

  ‘Shut up!’

  ‘No, you shut up.’

  ‘Why am I here?’

  ‘That is what we all want to know.’ Heather murmured just loud enough for Peyton to hear.

  Trina waved her hand around as she asked the old question. ‘Here, here or here, here?’

  Peyton laughed and kissed her forehead as she whispered. ‘You okay now?’

  Trina sighed. ‘Yes, thank you. I was scared.’

  ‘I know, everything will be alright.’

  ‘Because you say so.’

  ‘Of course. I love you Trina, and not just because you are Jarrod’s mate. You have always been my Kailee, even before you were ordained.’

  ‘Oh Peyton, that is so sweet. I kn
ow you aren’t ready.’

  Peyton backed away from her and stated seriously. ‘I have a list.’

  Smiling, Trina said imperiously as she waved her hand in a shooing motion. ‘You may leave now!’

  ‘Why thank you.’ Peyton snarked back as she started for the door. ‘Just don’t take all night to get this done.’

  ‘I’m not planning on it.’

  ‘That’s what you say.’

  Trina laughed then said. ‘You amuse me, female.’

  Laughing herself, Peyton left Trina to join her family, who waited to welcome the newest members of her family to the Universe.

  At four-thirty in the morn, Heather summoned everyone into the room to meet Jarrod and Trina’s babies. Jarrod held a baby wrapped in a blue blanket with intricate designs woven into the fabric.

  Kenera whispered to Peyton before she asked. ‘Script for wellbeing.’

  Looking down with an expression none had ever seen from him before, Jarrod said softly. ‘Our son Rumii. His name means spirit in the old language.’

  Trina held a pink bundle and again the blanket was covered in script. She smiled and said. ‘Our daughter Ione. Her name means Earth in the old language.’

  Darby asked quietly. ‘Who named them?’

  Trina grinned as she looked at Peyton. ‘We just knew their names. It was amazing, as each one was born, their names appeared in our minds.’

  Peyton smiled as she kissed first one baby, then the other. No one missed the spark of starlight that lightly kissed the babies skin. Stepping back, she said softly. ‘I am so happy for you both. Congratulations.’

  Everyone said the same and cooed over the babies. After a few minutes, Peyton moved out of the room with Kardan. She motioned Heather and Cemeru to join them in the corridor.

  ‘Heather, I want them removed to the Prowler, when can that happen?’

  ‘Now, Trina is well, she only needed a little time in the regen, so everything is back to normal. I think she just wanted to stay in bed for the effect.’ She said that with a smile.

  Peyton snorted, then said. ‘Drama queen.’

  Grinning, she looked at Cemeru. ‘So your first grandchildren are you happy?’

  ‘I think I am more in shock...’

  ‘I know I wasn’t ready as well.’

  ‘That is…’

  ‘I bet you had lists too.’

  Heather recognized the glazed look in both male’s eyes and said in exasperation. ‘Peyton, why did you ask to see Cemeru?’

  ‘Oh yeah, could you oversee their departure? Kardan will assign you Warriors.’

  Kardan agreed. ‘I will and Jarrmeru has said he and all the Mystics will travel with you. To assure you all arrive unharmed.’

  Rage said as he stepped up beside Peyton with Midnight. The Prowlers will also guard the Kail and Kailee’s babies.

  Peyton spun around. ‘Oh, Rage, Midnight, I am sorry, I never saw you. Have you been here all the time?’

  Rage inclined his head and chuffed at Midnight, who said. We have, we understand, you seemed… unsettled.

  ‘Well I…’

  Rage interrupted her. Yes, we know, you were not ready, and you had lists.

  Peyton mumbled. ‘Rude.’

  Cemeru hurriedly said, bringing her back to what they were talking about. ‘I am sure Kenera will want to go as well.’

  Peyton said. ‘Good, I will feel better with them on the ship.’

  Cemeru nodded. ‘So will Kenera and I?’

  Kardan agreed. ‘As will we all.’

  Heather said. ‘I know I will feel better.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Kay, so Heather, you get to tell them.’

  ‘What… no! I’m not ready.’

  Everyone laughed, including the Prowlers as Peyton said. ‘So funny.’

  ‘I know, right?’


  ‘Was that whining?’

  ‘Yes… yes, it was.’

  ‘Oh alright, the drama of it.’


  Later that morn, Peyton was once more standing on the small podium in the restaurant. When she was sure everyone who needed to be there was in the room, she opened the meeting.

  ‘Greetings, okay, so this is our last meeting as we are leaving today. I hope you are all packed and ready to go, I know I am.’

  There was a smattering of laughter at this and a few murmurs.

  ‘Now we have a lot to get through before we are due at the Grand Meeting.’ Then she smiled and said. ‘I almost forgot, Jarrod and Trina had their babies a boy and a girl earlier this morn. Everything went well and they are all healthy and happy. We thought they would feel more comfortable on board the Prowler, so they were transported there a few hours ago. If you needed to see either Trina or Jarrod, Malchol is now taking over for Jarrod and Avana is taking over for Trina, so see them.’

  There were several ooh’s and ahh’s accompanied by smiles at the news.

  ‘Alright, that was my news. Now Marlo will take over, and will talk you through what is happening today.’

  She stood down and took her seat next to Kardan as Marlo took over her position on the podium. ‘Greetings, first order of business. As you know, we said we were to transport everyone during the Meeting. Since then we have revised our plans. As you can see the nannies and support staff are not here, they are packing to get us ready for departure. So as of now all children and kits are to go to the ship within the hour. Be aware when the meeting is in progress, we may be attacked again. We feel it is unlikely, although rational says it is the opportune time.’

  Carrick stood, arms crossed. ‘If they try, they will die.’

  Kardan said from where he sat. ‘It is their choice, as is their death.’

  Unsurprisingly, everyone agreed with them both.

  Reeve stated. ‘For those that are coming with me, weapons compulsory and formal uniforms. Melody, will you take a Command?’

  ‘I will be there and armed.’


  ‘As will I.’

  Reeve ordered. ‘We leave immediately after this meeting.’

  Hawk asked. ‘Coraan are you and your flies ready.’

  ‘We are.’

  ‘Rage, have you selected your unit?’

  I have, we will meet at the parking level.

  Marlo once again issued his orders. ‘Briark, Leiark, you will remain with Madam. The rest of the Prowlers who are not going with Rage will divide between here and escorting personnel to the Warship. Commander Larson with Commander Harm and Scouts are to be responsible for all the pregnant females. Please make sure they are all on board by second-meal. Healer’s Heather and Patty, you will go to the Warship.’

  Heather stated clearly. ‘No, I will not!’

  Marlo returned. ‘It was decided, you will be needed on board the Prowler. Pack what you can now. We will do the rest later.’

  ‘Respectfully Commander that is bullshit!’ Heather turned to Peyton. ‘And you know that sister, total bullshit.’ She held her hand up as Kardan went to speak and seared Peyton with angry eyes. ‘Peyton, I am your sister and you will not shut me out today. How dare you think I would stand for that?’

  Harm took her hand as Kardan sighed. He felt her anger and exclusion. Remorsefully, he stated. ‘It was not Peyton who placed that order Heather, it was me. I should have spoken to… well, any of your sisters. I am sure they would have told me I was wrong. I apologize and I rescind the order. Sister Heather, you and Harm will be with us, forgive me.’

  No one said anything as she stared ahead of her, anger in every line of her body, Peyton like everyone else said nothing. They just waited. Heather never got angry as she had done. Finally they could see her body soften as she said. ‘Okay Kardan, I am sorry as well. You probably had good reasons for issuing the order, but I am still going.’

  Kardan looked at her and Harm but said nothing. Heather sighed and lowered her head, from the corner of her eye she saw Peyton wipe her eyes and felt bad. She had not me
ant to be so hard on her. She should have known that she had not issued that order.

  She mind-sent. I am sorry, Peyton, I was shocked that you would exclude me.

  I know, I am sorry too, I have missed you.

  Me too, we need a vacation to just talk together like we used to.

  We are going to that moon for some loving time.

  Heather almost spluttered out loud. Oh my stars, you did not just say that?



  Quickly Peyton asked. Are you proud of yourself, standing up to the big bad Elite?

  Yep, I was not scared as I told you once. I can get drugs.

  Peyton said. Hadee-ha-ha, so funny.

  Heather grinned as she said. Bet he never pulls something like that again.

  Nope, once was enough.

  Thought so, he seems smart.

  Again I say ha-ha.

  Abby stood and said. ‘It’s okay Commander Marlo, we will make sure everyone is taken care of.’

  Marlo said. ‘Thank you.’

  He then signaled Kardan, who stood and said. ‘Everyone, you know what you are to do. Domard Jerthem and Commander Gunner, you have your orders?’

  ‘We do.’

  Reeve said from where he stood just inside the doorway. ‘People who are coming with me, we leave now.’ With Darby and Draykin by his side, he left for the foyer.

  Netta called out. ‘Captains Hue, Iaan, Sarn and Kent, kit up and meet us underground. Zen and Lucca, you are with Commander Jorge, who is guarding Madam. Guard well Draygons.’

  Lucerra and Zenerra saluted her and said together. ‘We will.’


  In the foyer Netta kissed Bendrix, and when they drew apart, he told her. ‘Stay safe, my Suula.’

  ‘I will. Stay with her please.’

  ‘You know I will.’

  She moved to Peyton and Kardan. ‘This is going to be fun. I get to kick a lot of entitled olesho’s butts.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Keep safe, Knife Girl. I need you. And if you have to, kick them hard so they remember it.’

  Netta laughed. ‘Of course you do, and I will. I am after all an Elite.’

  Reeve laughed. ‘See, I am not the only one who knows this.’ He kissed Darby and hugged Draykin, telling him he would see him on the ship. Draykin nodded as Reeve gave him back to Darby.


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