Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7 Page 33

by L M Lacee

  Hawk and Karen came next with Netta and Bendrix, then Reeve and Darby with Melody and Coraan. Harm and Heather, Dinas and a determined Patty followed.

  When Patty had been asked if she should go. She replied, ‘Did you really think I would not come, I am furin family?’ Made her point and no one asked again.

  Jorge and Amelia were next, followed by Telfor and Nina. Bringing up the rear were Malchol and Rose, and behind them were Avana and a proud Gunner, then Jean and Matt. An Armee of Draygons, Warriors and Prowlers followed.

  Peyton had given in, not so graciously when everyone had appeared in the foyer wearing formal dress just before they left. Surprised they were there, she had said. ‘I don’t understand, this is not going to be pleasant, in fact it could be dangerous.’

  Nina had raised an eyebrow and stated clearly. ‘Family sticks together, you taught us that.’

  Jean had growled. ‘Family trumps unpleasant and dangerous. Now let’s go.’

  Kardan had just said. ‘My heart, even you cannot fight love.’

  Now Warriors and Prowlers lined the walls as the doors and windows were locked with Maikonian locks. On the second tier, Draygons lined the walls with their wings partially extended. The Raparthen Pack Leaders and their seconds sat next to Jarrmeru, Jerthem and Lucerra. The Haffee family sat with Ambassador Kassapi and his dangerous sisters. The Patamogol’s Ambassador Parkern and his brother Purtarn. Who according to Peneria was now the Commander of the Emperor’s guards, sat with Willian, Peneria and Ipeara.

  Just behind the Haffee family were Sedeen, Esther, Brenda and Helen who were with Marlo and Larson. Next to them Kenera and Cemeru sat with Rata and Klune, who were next to Rita and Dantara. Salvo and Teelu sat with Frand and Miko, and beside them were Waseo, Sonia.

  Peyton was unaware they were all going to attend. The last she heard, they were to be on board the Prowler. Obviously Reeve had not been surprised, as he had placed them all out of harm’s way. She watched as several of her people who entered with her were escorted to the second level.

  She and Kardan and the others walked to the stage. Which she was aghast to see was decorated distastefully in red, silver and gold and resembled the command deck of a warship.


  A table filled the center of the stage and seated fifty. It was as ostentatious as the stage itself. Obviously the Coalition council ruled from here when they had their Grand Meetings. And enjoyed the symbolism of power and wealth they thought both brought. Today she and her people would sit at the table of power and preside over the meeting.

  Peyton looked every inch the Star Daughter in her floor length long-sleeved, lace over blue silk gown, which showed off her long silver hair and blue eyes. The Star Crystal had morphed into a delicate star-studded head band, emphasizing her status. As she stood behind the chair in the center of the table, not one person doubted the Star Daughter had entered the building.

  Kardan was to her right, next to him was Wolf and Netta. Hawk took the chair to her left and next to him was Reeve and Dinas. The others fanned out on either side of the table. Everyone waited for Peyton to sit while she waited for the appropriate response from the audience.

  Suddenly everyone on the second floor stood bowed then knelt as did every Warrior, Prowler, and Draygon. The people on the ground floor soon realized what was happening and quickly followed suit.

  Peyton acknowledged the respectful gesture with a regal nod of her head. Kardan remained standing as she and her people took their seats.

  His voice carried to the furthest reaches of the auditorium. ‘Rise and take your seats, the Star Daughter is in attendance.’

  He sat as Peyton waited for everyone to retake their seats. She took a breath and stared at the filled auditorium. There was not an empty seat, other than a few around her people on the second tier. The Coalition Governors all sat in the front three rows after being prevented by Wolf from taking the seats at the table.

  ‘As I am sure you are all aware, I am the Star Daughter. The first person to disagree or talk out of turn will be removed and please do not mistake me. I do not mean from just the auditorium. I am not here to listen to you tell me I am a myth or an Impoef. Nor am I here to tell you repeatedly why I have come here today. So I will state it just this once, listen and pay attention, I will not repeat myself.’

  Esther leaned over and whispered to the Waidon Haffee. ‘Our Star Daughter’s brand of politics.’

  ‘Unique.’ Waidon commented as Marlo smothered a laugh while Brenda muttered.

  ‘One could call it that.’

  Peyton did not change her expression as she stated. ‘I am here for judgment. I am the arm of justice for your Star Child. If you have read your histories, you already know this. If not, it is too late now, you should have done so before today. So we will without delay start. Days ago, my daughter was kidnapped and abused. The people who kidnapped her have already met our justice.’

  There were startled gasps from females and some males seemed concerned. Others turned speculative eyes on their neighbors, as still more sat with unconcerned or scornful expressions. Far too many faces held contempt as they looked at her and her people, Governor Interkinn was one of those.

  Peyton continued. ‘As well as the abduction of my daughter, the Embassy of your Star Daughter was attacked from within and without.’

  That brought more gasps and outrage lit many eyes of Ambassadors who found the attack outrageous. Peyton ignored them all as she said. ‘The ones who did this are dead and others will be brought to justice today, but that is for later.’

  Silence met her words as people tried to grapple with the implications of an Embassy, especially the Star Daughters being attacked.

  ‘Now on to other matters of importance. I have removed the High Elder permanently from Yanarah and as of yesterday, there are no more Elders remaining alive. Also, there will be no more priounty’s on Masters or Senes. Anyone trying to collect either will be met with death. I will not tolerate this practice to continue. If any world wishes to invite a Sene or Master to live on their world, know they are free now to do so. We have changed the name of Master to Mystics with the blessing of their Kail and Kailee.’

  Jarrod and Trina appeared on a large overhead screen. There were audible gasps of surprise and respect heard throughout the large chamber.

  Jarrod with a nod to Peyton stated. ‘All Mystics and Senes in hiding, your Kail and Star Daughter give you safe passage to our new home world. Our gen code will scroll over the screen throughout this meeting. You are no longer alone. We stand ready to assist you. Contact us, you will be safe.’

  Once the screen disappeared. Peyton stated harshly. ‘I am informing you that the world known as Yanarah will cease to exist in twenty days. If you have people there or business with the world. You have been given notice and you should remove your personnel and cease all operations as soon as possible. This world after many failed attempts to end my life and the lives of my loved ones have incurred my justice. There will be no reprieve.’

  Stunned silence met her words for less than a heartbeat, then all hell broke loose. Screams of outrage were heard as angry males rose from their seats, fists shook in the air. Curses were yelled at her as females, emboldened by their males, booed at the very idea that she would think to do such a terrible thing. Many of the Ambassadors and Representatives felt the icy hand of fate clutching at them. If she could do this to Yanarah. The planet of the Elders who had terrorized the Universe for longer than some of their worlds had existed. What would she do to their worlds?

  ‘This is not going to end well, if they do not shut up.’ Larson murmured to Helen.

  ‘Oh dearle, look Kardan has had enough.’

  Peyton said nothing as Kardan rose and a feeling of death swept over the room. His voice when it came carried arctic winds within the gravelly tones.

  ‘Silence! Return to your seats. We have given you no indication the meeting is concluded.’

  Everyone who was standing q
uickly and quietly returned to their seats. As those who had been vocal suddenly found themselves hiding their faces in the hope, the feared Elite would not focus on them. Fear was a living entity that stalked the auditorium as Kardan slowly retook his seat.

  Peyton looked out at the audience. Her face was frightening in its remoteness. Now, as everyone stared at her, they saw the cold and unfeeling Star Daughter from their histories. This was the face of justice. It did not escape anyone that perhaps they had erred on the side of stupidity, in their outrage over Yanarah.

  No one missed the cold, abrasive tones of the Star Daughter as she condemned them all.

  ‘I see my judgment for Yanarah is more abhorrent to you than the thought of my daughter being abused or my Embassy being attacked.’


  Peyton felt the anger build and breathed deeply to regain her composure, when she was calm again she nodded to Netta.

  She stood looking magnificent in her uniform as she called out. ‘The Star Daughter will now begin her judgments, starting with

  Emperor Omern Yodhum, and Lady Ozmera Yodhum. From the world Odehrema.’

  Netta stared at the male and female as they made their way to the stage. It was hard to believe the sweet faced female with short yellow hair and pale green skin who looked like everyone’s grandmother was a murderer. Just as it was hard to see a male who killed his mate and daughters in the face of the kind, gentle male who escorted his mother to the platform.

  Peyton’s face if possible became even more remote as she eyed the couple standing before her. She looked up at Klune who nodded. Her voice was cold as she asked. ‘Do you have an Ambassador with you?’

  ‘We do Star Daughter.’ Answered the Emperor in a seductive voice, which had Kardan’s hand moving, the only sign he was annoyed. The Emperor turned and motioned a male to stand.

  A tall handsome male with light green skin stood half way down a middle row of seats, his hair was brown and cut very short. His brown eyes stared at her with barely concealed fear. Peyton asked him. ‘Are you related to the Emperor or his mother?’

  ‘No Star Daughter.’

  ‘And you are here in your capacity as Ambassador?’

  ‘I am Star Daughter.’

  Peyton looked again at Klune, who nodded once more. ‘Did you speak to my Spy Master before coming here?’

  ‘I did Star Daughter.’

  ‘Did you read all the documents?’

  His face remained expressionless, but his eyes were filled with anger and pain. He cleared his throat and nodded. ‘I did.’

  ‘Did you believe them?’

  ‘Yes, I did.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  By now everyone including the Emperor and his mother were staring at Peyton in confusion. She returned her gaze to the couple and said. ‘You are being charged with murder, how do you plead?’

  Emperor Yodhum asked. ‘Who are we being accused of murdering?’

  ‘Empress Xnama Yodhum and her three yenta old daughter Xzana and ten lunera old Xkena Yodhum.’

  The Emperor paled as his mother gasped beside him. Several sounds of distress were heard from females in the audience. Before he could speak, Peyton held her hand up. ‘No, do not say anything. I know you are just going to deny any wrong doing.’


  ‘Silence! My patience has waned, I am irritable and have no time to waste on you or your mother telling me how innocent you both are. When everyone, myself included, knows you have killed and will no doubt kill again if allowed. Your world under your rule is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the Star Child. You consider females nothing more than chattel, and death as a way of solving the inconvenience of remaining with a spouse, you no longer desire. And worse, if there is such a thing, you murder your children because they mean no more to you than a smat. I will not tolerate this practice anymore.’

  She looked out on to the audience and said. ‘For those worlds who have decided like Odehrema, this is a way to solve your problems, receive this as my only warning. If I discover you are practicing this barbaric way of life. I will do what I am going to do with Emperor Yodhum and his mother who also thinks children, even her grandchildren, have no value if they are female.’ She looked at the Emperor and his mother, who by now looked anything but sweet as she sneered at Peyton.

  ‘Lady Ozmera, do you know a Commander Kolin Matewe?’

  With a dry smile and a challenging look in her eyes. Lady Ozmera inclined her head as she said in a voice as brittle as thin ice. ‘Once I knew of a male called Kolin Matewe.’

  Peyton smiled coldly as she said. ‘Were you not infatuated with the male in question? Did you not offer him enticements to bed you and was it not you who threatened Emperor Uthar when you were denied the right to enslave Commander Matewe.’

  By now Lady Ozmera’s face had deepened to a dark green as she hissed. ‘How dare you!’

  Peyton ignored her as she continued. ‘Was it not you, who devised a plan to force Uthar and the Coalition to release Commander Kolin into your arms? By killing your son’s spouse and your granddaughters.’

  ‘I have no idea what you are talking about. My son and I were victims of the rage and despair of Kolin. He wanted me and my world and when I denied him, he thought to take my son from me. I was not complicit in their deaths nor was my son. We were victims.’

  There were snorts and disparaging sounds from the audience as she admitted to knowing Kolin and her claim of being a victim. Peyton shook her head and stated her judgment.

  ‘For your crimes of murder and conspiracy to implicate Commander Kolin Matewe in the murders of Empress Yodhum and her daughters in the hopes of enslaving Commander Kolin. I condemn you both to my justice. And let us hope when you re-enter the Universe again, you have learned compassion and the value of life.’ With that, they disappeared in a shower of starlight.

  ‘Now as to the barbaric practice on Odehrema. Ambassador Yartuu, please step forward.’

  The Ambassador who had stood before walked to the stage and bowed. ‘Ambassador, is this practice widespread on your home world?’

  ‘It is only a recent addition to the world and is used primarily by the aristocrats.’

  ‘Do you agree with it?’

  He was shaking his head before she had finished speaking. ‘No Star Daughter, it is as you said barbaric, and against the tenets laid down by our ancestors.’

  ‘Well, that is something. Your home world is without an Emperor. Do you have procedures in place for the unexpected death of an Emperor?’

  ‘We do Star Daughter, I will take over guardianship until the populace chooses another Emperor.’

  ‘Or Empress!’

  He smiled and inclined his head. ‘Or Empress.

  I may need support to accomplish this.’

  ‘Amahka Elite Kardan will meet with you after the meeting to offer assistance.’

  ‘Thank you Star Daughter.’

  ‘You will ensure the practice of familicide is abolished.’

  ‘Immediately on my return, Star Daughter. Again I will need assistance.’

  Kardan nodded. ‘This to, we will discuss Ambassador.’

  ‘Thank you, Amahka Elite.’ With a bow, he returned to his seat.

  Peyton turned her attention to the people in the audience and said. ‘You see how I managed that without bloodshed. If any of your worlds are indulging in this way of life. I urge you to cease it immediately or I will be forced to shed blood to reinforce my disapproval. I hope I make myself clear.’


  Shocked at the ease with which she dispensed justice, the people sat with their hearts hammering. Nothing like this had ever happened before, and they had no idea how to respond. Even the Coalition Governors sat in stunned disbelief.

  With a nod from Peyton, Netta stood again and called. ‘Come forward when your name is called.’ She nodded to Melody, who read from a tablet Darby passed her; ‘Jeanette Teshtri. Pauline Layha. Ivy Savvachi. Selena Goelnah. Bett
y Serekin. Enid Delenwas. Mary Vaidmako. Caroline Lloseen. Irene Bracha. Bernadette Moraghh. Nora Khacharri and Patricia Yahattrii.’

  As each name was called, the females all stood with encouragement from their males and hesitantly moved forward. A small platform rose from the floor for them to stand on. The Governors sat in amazement they had never seen the platform before.

  All twelve of the females, Peyton noticed, were not over the age of forty yentas old. Each of them were well dressed, with hair and nails nicely done. In fact, they were well polished ladies of wealth, from worlds that obviously did not lack funds, evidenced by the quality of jewels they wore.

  Peyton ordered. ‘Pick someone to be your spokesperson.’ No one said anything or moved, she demanded sharply. ‘I am losing patience, speak.’

  A female said. ‘I will speak for us.’

  ‘You are?’

  ‘I am Pauline Layha, spouse to Lewah Layha from the world Lanahha.’

  She was well spoken and around thirty-five, dark-haired, tall and slim. Nice looking, with jewels that draped her neck and hands. She spoke with a soft English accent and sounded well educated. Peyton looked at Melody, who shook her head. Peyton already figured she had not been at the morn tea, even she would have remembered her.

  She demanded. ‘You will explain to me why you denied help to females from Earth when they came to you. Why you turned them away and threatened them?’

  ‘We did not.’ She answered, defiance and a tinge of anger in her tone.

  Darby saw her mate and several of the mates of the other females grimace at the way she spoke.

  Peyton raised her eyebrows and asked mildly. ‘You are now telling me, the females are liars. I can bring seventy-eight witnesses here, to say you did?’

  Peyton’s fingers curled and one of the twelve females dropped to her knees, whimpering as her hands went to her throat. The others all gasped and looked at her, yet no one rushed to help her. A blue male sat on the edge of his seat, anguish written clearly for all to see on his face as the female passed out.


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