Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7 Page 34

by L M Lacee

  Peyton’s fingers uncurled as several more gasps and whimpers came from the females and the many females in the audience. Shocked, Pauline paled and breathed deeply in panic. She looked once more at the passed out female then Peyton. Fear finally entered her eyes, and she licked her suddenly dry lips and hesitantly answered. Although she could not stop her face from showing the humiliation that was present in her voice. ‘Three females from Earth came to us, when we were at an afternoon tea party with the First Lady and Governor’s wifens. They told us some wild story about escaping some place called a pleasure planet and that the Earth government had sold them to this world. The story was ridiculous, obviously they had decided they did not like where they were and had run away.’ She shrugged as several of the other females nodded in agreement. ‘Why should we have to pick up the bill for their unwillingness to make it work? Plus it was embarrassing their whining about hardship, in front of the females of the Capital. We didn’t believe them, Earths Government is not selling females. It was outlandish to spread lies like that. We told them they deserved no help if they were spreading lies.’ She smirked as she said. ‘Obviously Star Daughter, we were correct, they never returned for a hand out.’

  The coldness in Peyton’s voice froze the blood in the veins of the females as she said. ‘I see, well as it happens, some of them were sold to an illegal pleasure planet by Earths Government. Unless you think I am lying?’ When they said nothing, she continued. ‘None of them volunteered to be raped or abused, and you knew this, because females who were helping these traumatized females told you and showed you pics. They repeatedly begged you for help, and not a one of you offered assistance. You did nothing! You denied them your comfort in their hour of need because you were embarrassed. As you should have been by your attitude. I am stunned at your callousness toward your own gender and your own species. It appears you all come from privileged worlds, and yet you could find no charity or compassion, which cost nothing to help those unfortunate females. You are a disgrace and an embarrassment to your worlds. Your males should be ashamed of you. I am ashamed to call you human and offended by you on behalf of every female from every species. I pity the females of your worlds.’

  Kardan placed a hand over hers, and she breathed deeply, allowing her anger to settle. With a slight nod to him, she continued in a calmer voice.

  ‘Before I came here today, I was willing to just remind you of your duty to others, but I find I am unable to do that. Unlike you, I have met and talked to the females you so carelessly dismissed. And I found them all to be worthy of more than what you showed them. So I am going to sanction every one of your worlds on behalf of the females that will now reside on my worlds. You will pay a hefty recompense and will pay an ongoing charge for the lifetime of all ninety-eight females. My Laroro and Lalorla will notify you about payments.’

  She looked at the males who were mates to the females and stated. ‘I caution you now, if I learn of any female on your worlds who has suffered at your hands or the hands of your females now or in the past. I will hold you accountable. I demand all human females and males on your worlds, to contact my representative, no later than the end of the lunera. Make that happen!’

  Not one male made a protest. Peyton returned her eyes to the waiting females who seemed at ease, thinking they had been spared her judgment. ‘As for you who denied the females from Earth. I now deny you.’

  Unable to understand what this meant, they looked at each other, then back at their mates who gave them all sorrowful looks. Finally, they turned back to Peyton.

  Pauline asked in a small voice. ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘You will leave here by nightfall and return to your home worlds. You will not be allowed off your worlds until further notice or until you petition me for relief. I will hear no petitions for ten yentas. My Lalorla will contact you in a few days. Dismissed, now return to your seats.’ Peyton looked at them without compassion as she told the females, stumbling back to their seats. ‘Perhaps you will be more charitably in the future.’

  There were several yelps when each of them felt a slight burn on their necks. She hoped they would realize sooner rather than later what they had done was wrong. She knew they would not really understand her punishment until they wished to leave their world. She could see the same knowledge in their males faces. Teelu was going to enjoy explaining tagged to the males and females when she comm’d them.

  A light blue male with floor length dark blue hair and webbed hands picked up the female who had passed out. He cradled her carefully in his arms. It was easy to see he loved her. Peyton hoped he would remain in love with her. She flicked her fingers, and the female was awake and well again.


  She nodded once more to Netta, who stood and called out. ‘Please come forth; King Joraddon from Uthrio.’

  The King stood and bowed, then approached the stage. The small platform disappeared as he stood before Peyton.

  ‘King Joraddon, why are you here?’

  ‘It seems obvious Star Daughter, all worlds were invited.’

  ‘No, all unsanctioned worlds were invited. Your world last I heard was still sanctioned.’

  King Joraddon spread his hands. ‘I have come to plead for the Star Daughter’s mercy.’

  Peyton eyed the male and found the smirk he wore annoying. ‘What is Uthrio willing to sacrifice to have the sanctions lifted?’

  ‘Anything, we need to trade, to explore the Universe.’

  ‘Is Uthrio willing to forgo the gifts from the Star Son?’

  The smirk disappeared as dejection washed over him. ‘Star Daughter, anything but that.’

  ‘So the answer is no!’

  ‘Sadly, Star Daughter, without our gifts we are nothing.’

  ‘What actually did your world add to the Universe before the sanctions? What benefit is your world to the Universe King Joraddon?’

  Joraddon smiled. ‘We bring unimaginable pleasure to many on and off world. We explore the Universe in the hopes of finding excitement and fresh adventures.’

  Peyton looked blandly at the male then asked

  ‘Tell me, King Joraddon, what have you done or more precisely what has your world done since I spoke to your Ambassador.’

  ‘In what way Star Daughter?’

  ‘What has your world pledged to aid the Universe using the gifts granted you?’

  He stood there totally unprepared for the question. He had no answers because it had not occurred to him or to the Uthrio government to implement any pledges. It was not their way.

  Impatient at his silence, Peyton stated. ‘Petition denied, try again in ten yentas. Perhaps you may have learned something by then. Dismissed.’

  King Joraddon returned to his seat. It had seemed simple when he had discussed lifting the sanctions with the other Kings. His first spouse Millia placed her mouth by his ear and stated. ‘We can take care of her for you.’

  He turned his head and looked at her as he asked quietly. ‘Do you hate your life so much?’

  She frowned as he whispered. ‘Look around you Millia, death waits at every door, have you not seen the Solvereas?’

  She smiled as she sang. ‘Aww, you love me.’

  He replied. ‘You are useful.’

  ‘You love me!’


  Netta stood and called out. ‘The Star Daughter wants the former Governor and Ambassador of Kallistro, Lord Sourth.’

  They waited as a short, portly male who was sitting with all the Coalition Governors rose and made his way to the raised platform that once more appeared. He had the same markings on his forehead as Ambassador Taurene, although he only had four waves compared to Tauren’s six, and his eyes were green, not gold.

  Peyton had seen the male’s lips tighten when Netta had called his name using former before Governor and Ambassador. So when he stood before her and looked at her with barely concealed contempt, she made sure not to use either title as well.

  ‘Lord Sour
th explain to me why you employed the Eictosas from the world Eictorian to mine on the planet Pantarr?’

  ‘I do not know who these Eictosas, you speak of are?’

  ‘Really, Lord Sourth. They were a race of beings so corrupt and inbred they were barely functional. In other words, Lord Sourth, they were a loaded cannon blaster that you allowed into your galaxy to murder and rape their way across it.’ She held her hand up as he went to speak. ‘I know the next thing you will say is, how am I able to prove what I am saying is true. And I would then tell you. I have recorded testimonies to the kidnapping and rape of sixteen females and their murders, as well as the murder of at least six children and over thirty Turqualls.’

  Lord Sourth spread his hands wide as he stuttered. ‘You… you have no proof of my involvement in these atrocities.’

  ‘Oh Lord Sourth, I know exactly who was involved and why. Greed and the belief you are entitled is what motivated you to employ the Eictosas. Lord Sourth, where is your spouse and former ruler of Kallistro?’

  Taken aback somewhat at the change of inquiry, he hesitated. ‘Ahh… She has passed through the gates, to the afterlife.’

  Peyton’s eyebrows rose as she asked sweetly. ‘I see and did you help her pass those gates?’


  ‘I know.’ She held her hand up again to silence him. ‘You have no idea what I am saying.’

  There were a few twitters of laughter, hurriedly suppressed when Peyton continued. ‘Lord Sourth, for a former Ambassador and Governor, you a singularly ignorant. But luckily that is no defense here today. I find you contemptible and guilty of the deaths of at least fifty-three people.’

  ‘You cannot find me guilty without proof.’ He stated as he turned to the shocked and enthralled audience, looking desperately for someone to stand with him. ‘This is not how the Coalition council administers justice. We do not condemn without proof.’ He implored everyone there. ‘You must stand with me against this dictatorship.’

  To the shock of everyone, especially Lord Sourth, who for a fleeting moment felt he was saved. Ambassador Kassapi stood and looked directly at the Lord and stated. ‘Kallistro, requires no more proof.’

  Governor Haffee rose and stated. ‘Souviss requires no more proof.’

  Ambassador Parkern rose and stated. ‘Patamogol, requires no more proof.’

  Then an exquisite female who was definitely not a member of the former house of Oraintarre rose gracefully and stated in a voice that sang across the auditorium. ‘Oraintarre, requires no more proof.’ She inclined her head toward Peyton, then retook her seat.

  Peyton hid her appreciation for their bravery as she looked at the quivering Lord and said. ‘There you have it, Lord Sourth. Several worlds and even your home world believe you orchestrated the mining and deaths, but if you wish further proof. I will bring forth the planet Pantarr or his representative to testify on his behalf. Surely you will believe them?’

  By now Lord Sourth realized he would not escape some form of punishment and resigned himself to being banished to his home world. Where he could use her punishment to stir unrest and take over Kallistro. Peyton could almost see his thoughts in his calculating eyes.

  He shook his head in supposed capitulation. ‘No… No, Star Daughter. I require neither the planet nor the representative to testify. But I require a representative of the planet Eictorian to explain these lies.’

  Peyton was surprised, she had not seen that coming from the manipulative Lord. Although now he asked, she saw where he hoped to go with it. ‘Ahh, I see. Well, I was going to be generous and not lay the fate of the Eictosas people at your feet, but you have forced my hand. The planet Eictorian was deemed beyond saving by the Star Child. They removed the world from existence, because of you, Lord Sourth, and your stupidity in showing the Eictosas people a whole new section of the Universe for them to violate.’ As he went to speak again, she said sharply. ‘Enough! I have spent longer than I wish to on this matter. Lord Sourth, I sentence you to eternal oblivion. You have no rights here or on any plane of existence now and forever.’

  In a shower of starlight, Lord Sourth disappeared. Peyton nodded to Netta as gasps and cries of fear were heard once again throughout the chamber.


  Netta stood once more and called out. ‘Come forward, the Ambassador for Earth, Ian White.’

  He made a great show of standing from his aisle seat in the middle of the auditorium and looking around with a superior expression, then sauntering to the platform.

  Gunner could not help but mutter. ‘Olesho.’

  A sentiment shared by every Terran there.

  Ian White looked at Peyton and then casually shifted his gaze and studied every person on the stage.

  Melody wondered if he was trying to memorize everyone’s face for the future of to report them to his government. Coraan murmured. ‘He thinks to intimidate.’

  Melody sniffed indelicately, causing Coraan to smile.

  Ian White’s expression morphed into one of distaste. Obviously, Peyton thought, he found something not to his liking. She wondered if it was all the different races present or the Terrans that looked at him with expressions ranging from disdain to contempt. Maybe it was an expression he adopted when dealing with her and her people. When he noticed her eyes locked on him. He raised mocking eyebrows, as though to say. I am smarter than you, what you do here today won’t affect me. I am untouchable.

  He was so wrong and she would show him how wrong he was now, as she asked. ‘Why are you still here?’

  ‘To demand the right to speak to the females of your world.’

  ‘I have already had this conversation with you. Your demand was denied then, and it is denied now.’

  ‘I assumed you would have had a change of heart.’ He smirked when he said it, causing every Maikonian to glare at him.

  Peyton asked sharply, ‘Ambassador White, did you authorize the involvement of Earth soldiers in the attack on my Embassy?’

  Ian White weighed his options until this moment he assumed he was protected as an Ambassador. But as he watched the white ring in the startling blue eyes become more pronounced. He felt a roll of sweat slip down his spine and knew he was in jeopardy. Self- preservation dictated his next words. ‘Star Daughter. I was asked to allow my soldiers to join in what I was assured was a military exercise. You can imagine my shock and outrage, to learn they were used to attack your Embassy and people.’

  Peyton wanted to snort at the male’s answer, and she knew Bendrix and Jerthem were doing just that. ‘I find your answer unsatisfactory, Ambassador.’ She looked up at Jerthem and asked. ‘Domard Jerthem was the Ambassador shocked and outraged when he reach out to offer his condolences, and to assure you he had no knowledge of the attacks. After you notified him. In fact Domard have any of Governors of the council offered us condolences and assurances?’

  ‘Sadly, Star Daughter.’ Jerthem answered as he stood. ‘Only Governor Haffee and Ambassador Kassapi and Ambassador Parkern have contacted our Embassy.’

  He bowed to Peyton and re-took his seat as everyone looked at the Coalition Governors with condemnation. To not have comm’d to make sure the Embassy was well after being notified of an attack was a breach of etiquette. Where was the concern they wondered for the sanctity of sovereign soil? The Governors hung their heads and refused to look at anyone.

  Peyton raised her own eyebrows as she asked Ian White. ‘So now you understand why I am finding it hard to believe you.’

  Before he could deny her charge, she asked Gunner. ‘Commander Cooper, how many soldiers accompanied Ambassador White from Earth?’

  Gunner answered without hesitation. ‘Five hundred and sixty, Star Daughter.’

  Peyton asked Ian White. ‘Ambassador, how many soldiers, other than the six that now live on my world, remain with you here at the Capital?’

  Ian felt his throat close as he licked suddenly dry lips and huskily replied. ‘Two hundred and forty-five.’

  ‘How ma
ny have returned to Earth?’

  ‘One hundred and thirty–nine.’

  ‘So by my calculations, one hundred and seventy-six of your soldiers, you were responsible for and promised to safeguard are dead because someone deceived you. Is that what you are telling me, Ambassador?’

  Ian White felt the noose tighten around his neck as he nodded and said. ‘Sadly, that is what I am saying.’

  ‘Who was this person or persons who lied to you?’

  ‘Star Daughter, the Commander that made the request of me was unfortunately killed in the attack.’

  ‘That is unfortunate.’ Peyton raised her eyes to the new Ambassador and asked. ‘Ambassador Kassapi, if I may prevail on you for a moment.’

  He stood and bowed, knowing the honor she just granted him by calling on him within this meeting. He stood tall as every eye in the chamber was now centered on him.

  ‘As you will, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Ambassador your guards, are they here at your request?’

  ‘No, Star Daughter. They were assigned for my protection.’

  ‘And are they expendable or are they your responsibility to return to their families?’

  Taurene looked at his three sisters, who he loved dearle, and said in a voice that reminded them of their father. ‘Star Daughter, even though they are with me for my protection. I am here to make sure I do not place them in a situation that may result in them being hurt or killed. My goal is the same as I am sure it is for all Ambassadors. To make sure we return the ones tasked with caring and guarding us to their families. No one, Star Daughter, is expendable.’

  Peyton sucked in a relieved breath, she really liked this male and could not have said it any better. She looked directly at Taurene and said clearly. ‘We, the people of Maikonia and myself as the Star Daughter, find you of worth Ambassador. On a personal note, your parents have reason to be proud of you. I thank you Ambassador Kassapi, please be seated.’


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