Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7 Page 35

by L M Lacee

  He inclined his head and retook his seat as his sister Idella, grabbed his hand out of sight of the people still watching him and hissed. ‘Do not throw up or I vow I will kill you myself and I love you.’

  Taurene smiled slightly as he said out the side of his mouth. ‘Love you back. Do not let go please.’


  Peyton looked again at the pale trembling Earth Ambassador, who was not so smug now.

  ‘So Ambassador White, I consider you a liar and dishonorable. Your wanton disregard for the people under your authority has resulted in the deaths of over one hundred and seventy-four soldiers, who will not go home to their families. Shame on you.’

  She looked out over the thousands of rulers and representatives and told them. ‘Let this be a lesson for you all. No one is expendable, I will not tolerate you wasting lives. Your own or someone you are responsible for.’ She stared again at Ian White. ‘Now as for you Ambassador, you will return to your world with your remaining soldiers. When you arrive you will instruct your Government that no more people will be exported off Earth for any reason. Also, you will tell the Government that they will explain to the populace of Earth that the virus has been eradicated. I issue this warning and I implore you Ambassador White to make them understand. I will tolerate no more dishonesty from the Government of Earth. They will abide by my decisions or suffer my wrath. I am establishing a blockade around your planet for the duration of fifty of Earth’s years. If any ships leave with people aboard.’ She fixed him with a look that spelled death. ‘Let me be plain here Ambassador, I will not allow any more of Earth’s people or their children or eggs. Let me be real clear, so there are no misunderstandings. Not one part of a human alive or dead or an embryo or clone or sample of mixed DNA. Will be sold or traded or shipped off the planet without permission from my enforcers. Your world is empty enough. Earth has all the tech it needs and wants for many years to come. Make your Government believe what I am telling you. Because if you do not or they dismiss my warning, then an example will be made. And if I am forced to return to Earth, believe me when I say that will not end well for anyone. So encourage them to follow my rules. Show them the recording of these proceedings, so they can see how swift my justice is and how long my reach can be. Make them understand they do not want to test me. Do I make myself clear Ambassador White?’

  He swallowed and hoarsely replied. ‘Yes, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Ambassador, this is the last time I wish to see you. Do not leave Earth again, resign your appointment. I will know if you do not. Complicity in the deaths of one hundred and seventy-one soldiers in your care, warrants a death order which will be issued today. The warrant will be held in trust for the day you decide you wish to brave my resolve and leave Earth. My advice Ambassador White is to remain on Earth. You are ordered to leave the Capital by nightfall. Do so, you will not like my wrath if you disobey me. Dismissed.’

  Ian White looked into those blue eyes and knew there was no point in uttering the protests hovering on his tongue. The kidnapping and attack on her Embassy had created what none of them had visualized. This female welded fear along with power, and she was solely focused on them. He knew nothing would stop her vengeance now but compliance.

  With a nod he turned and as he did, he felt a burning pinch on the back of his neck. He slapped a hand over the wound as he stumbled to his seat. When he pulled his hand away, he saw there was no blood. Ian White folded his large frame into his chair. But what he really wanted to do was curl up into a fetal position and cry like a baby. In all his life, he had never been as fearful as he was right now. He longed for the safety of his world, and then he remembered Earth may not be the haven he sought.


  Peyton took the drink that Heather passed her as she whispered. ‘You are doing great.’

  ‘Thanks.’ When she finished, she placed the tube on the table and then signaled Netta.

  ‘Come forward; Emperor and Empress Jenerika and their Ambassador from the world Jenersar.’

  Uthar Jenerika and his brother Thanikis walked or swaggered to stand before the stage, the platform, having disappeared again.

  Netta stared at the males with intense dislike, her fingers itched to draw her blades. Bendrix discreetly place his hand over hers and squeezed softly. She sighed but did not remove her hand from under his.

  Peyton could see none of Sether or his sister Karleo in Uthar’s features. What held her attention was not how handsome he was, nor was it the way he wore his position as Emperor. It was the cold, smug expression in his eyes. He approached her with his shoulders back, emphasizing his height and fitness. Uthar had braided his hair to draw attention to his forehead, which held a small oval of Star Crystal at its center. Peyton’s eyebrows rose as she felt a tingle from her Star Crystal in response to the one he wore.

  She thought it was such a pity that none of the Jenerika family, with so much promise, had amounted to anything other than petty tyrants. She did not know who she felt sorrier for, her Warriors or the people of Jenersar, who were now going to be without an Emperor.

  Peyton asked. ‘Where is the Empress?’

  Uthar answered with little expression of care or sympathy in his voice. ‘My Empress is unwell. She is unable to leave her bed. The healer says there is nothing to be done.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘What can I say? I do not care enough to fake sympathy, and it seems neither do you. So I will ask you instead. Where are my Warriors?’

  ‘You mean my Warriors?’

  ‘No Uthar, I do not. Now I will tell you something you do not know. The Warriors you say are yours were in fact created by the Star Child and stolen by your scientists.’

  Uthar and Thanikis both sneered with disbelief as several small twitters of laughter were heard within the audience. Peyton and her people ignored them as she continued, her voice becoming colder. ‘You are probably wondering how I know this. I am the Star Daughter and I host the Star Child. So I will ask once more, Emperor. Where are my missing Warriors?’

  Uthar smirked. ‘I think you jest, they are not a product of the Star Child. Why would they bother?’

  ‘Well… well, Emperor Jenerika. I was not aware you knew the mind of the Star Child, please enlighten us as to their thinking.’ She asked and everyone, Uthar included, heard the sarcasm in her question.

  ‘That is not what I said or implied, it was just a query, but no matter.’ He waved his hand as though flicking a fly away.

  Peyton could feel the anger from the people beside her. Uthar stared at Hawk and then Kardan, and his face contorted into hate for a split second, then he smoothed his expression to urban boredom. Peyton felt Kardan’s amusement. She turned to him and asked. ‘Do you wish to question the Emperor?’

  ‘No, thank you, Star Daughter. It is enough for us to observe.’

  ‘As you will.’ She turned back to the Emperor and said. ‘Please Emperor, you were saying.’

  Drawing on yentas of experience, Uthar bowed his head and breathed deeply in preparation for what he was to say. He straightened and looked directly into her eyes and said. ‘As to the Warriors, you have no right to them.’ He held his hand up as though she was going to protest. ‘Although if you insist on rights of ownership, perhaps we can work out a deal?’

  Peyton shook her head slowly from side to side. ‘Oh Uthar, the time for dealing was luneras ago, when I first ascended. Now it is too late.’ She grimaced and shrugged as she said. ‘Really, it was too late, even when I asked your brother and again when I asked your sister. I will give you one last chance. I am asking you Emperor tell me where my Warriors are?’

  ‘And if I do not?’

  She looked at Thanikis. ‘Did you hunt Thanikis?’

  Bewildered at the change of topic, Uthar looked at his brother. Thanikis had not mentioned to Uthar or Quara, that the hunting planet had been raised at the disastrous meeting held with Peyton.

  Thanikis said. ‘I am unsure what you are asking?’

yton sighed. ‘Let me ask plainly, did you in the past hunt the young of the Raparthen or the Turqualls. Did you hunt the most cherished among us, children? Did you hunt the Butariean and Senes or any species on the planet XYERE 567? As your brother and his mate’s family did. As your sister did as your Empress and Emperor did?’

  Uthar jerked in surprise and as Thanikis looked into her knowing eyes, he realized to lie would be foolish. So he snarled. ‘Yes, I did, we all did, and you know we did.’

  People gasped and yelled in outrage as the Raparthen looked on with contempt for the males. Silence reigned when Peyton held her hand up. Her eyes remained blue as the ring widened, but Thanikis was not deceived. He knew she was furious.

  She asked the Emperor even though her eyes remained on Thanikis. ‘Tell me where my Warriors are Emperor?’

  ‘Star Daughter, I want a deal?’

  The sigh was heard throughout the room and it carried sadness in its heart. Everyone knew something bad was about to happen, they felt rather than heard her words as she said. ‘There is no time now for a deal.’

  Slowly, Thanikis’s shoes started to smoke. He stamped his feet, but only succeeded in igniting the smoke, causing flames to appear. He hopped about but could not stop the flames from climbing his legs, he screamed and hit at them. Then his hands erupted in flames and crawled along his arms. He shook his arms but could not stop the insidious flames from engulfing his head and traveling over his entire body.

  Disbelief and horror crossed Uthar’s face as he moved away from his burning brother. Terror filled screams sounded from the audience as the stench of burning flesh wafted over the heads of the people. Thanikis’s body was rigid as he became a flaming torch, his screams becoming louder and more painful. The Governors and their spouses in the front rows tried to crawl over each other to get away from the burning male. Others close to the stage held their noses in a valiant attempt to reduce the smell of burning flesh. Females and males in other parts of the auditorium passed out at the horror of what they were witnessing. People screamed along with Thanikis. While others emptied the contents of their stomachs onto the floor. The smell was indescribable as females screamed and incoherent males made fruitless dashes to reach blocked doors and windows.

  Males mumbled and groaned in despair with their heads in their hands as others held their mate’s hiding them from the sight of the burning figure. Although they could do little about the smell.

  Uthar was shocked and soundlessly screamed his brother’s name. Then he felt heat on his feet and looked down to see smoke wisp from his shoes. He fell to his knees as he begged her. ‘Stop... please, Star Daughter… no more… no more.’ Tears poured from his ravaged eyes as he whimpered. ‘Have mercy, please stop.’

  Instantly the flames halted and Thanikis stood whole and unhurt. He could not stop the whimpers escaping, as he desperately searched his body, looking for damage with hands that did not flame.

  The auditorium was cleaned of the scent of burning flesh and vomit. People found themselves back in their seats. It was as though the last few minutes had not happened. Only Uthar remained on his hands and knees, and a few unconscious males and females slowly started to come around, proving that no one had hallucinated the terrible scene.

  Not one of her people who sat with her moved or showed any expression. Even though Peyton could feel their horror at what had taken place. She steadfastly refused to look toward the second tier, to see what the people there were thinking. If she had as Kardan and the others did. She would have seen their sadness at what they knew she had to do and their pride in her courage to do it.

  Peyton asked Uthar as he climbed to his feet. ‘You have something to say, Emperor?’

  Uthar nodded and swallowed several times before he spoke. ‘The Warriors are at these co-ordinates.’ He pulled a small data drive from his wristband and read the locations out.

  Peyton held her hand up and sent her senses out to the Stars, asking them to look for the sleepers. Within seconds they returned with an answer. Only two out of the five planets had sleepers on them. She looked at the Emperor and said.

  ‘Even now you cannot help yourself. Your lies serve no purpose. I gave you this chance, and you scorned my gift. So you leave me no choice.’ She stared at the two males for a minute then seemed to come to a decision, her expression was as cold as her eyes as she announced. ‘I sentence you Uthar Jenerika and you Thanikis Jenerika to eternal oblivion. You have no rights here or on any plane of existence now and forever.’

  Within a blink of an eye Thanikis disappeared in a burst of starlight, Uthar looked startled and then his face went blank. He was in so much pain he could not scream or move the muscles of his face, nor was he able to beg for mercy. His mind shattered as every thought and emotion he had ever experienced was laid open for Peyton. She dissected every thought, every experience and every memory he held and when he felt as though he could tolerate no more. His brain split apart as his body jerked once, then in a flash of starlight he was no more.

  Peyton sent the new co-ordinates to the Stars, who searched and in seconds confirmed they had found her Warriors. She mind-sent to all her people. They have been found. We will collect them on our way home.

  Kardan and the others all nodded. Darby sent a heartfelt. Thank the stars for that but if you think I am missing going to the moon for my delayed honeymoon, think again Star Girl!

  Netta sent. Don’t worry, we are going. We all need a vacation.

  Heather looked at Peyton and saw her fatigue. Peyton hon, finish this. Even from where I am sitting, I can feel how tired you are.

  Kardan took her hand. My heart we can reconvene tomorrow.

  She sent a smile to Heather and told Kardan.

  No, let’s finish this today. I could not bear having to repeat this tomorrow. I, like everyone else, just want done with it. I am tired as Heather has pointed out and thank you for that sister.

  Oh no problem, anything to help. She replied with a laugh, knowing if Peyton was being snarky she was still her Peyton.

  Peyton assured Kardan and the others listening. I will be alright.

  Mins passed as people whispered to each other, wondering what was to happen next. Who would they call and what punishments would be enforced? Neighbors eyed neighbor to see if they were to be singled out. Netta drank a whole tube of liquid and reached for another as Esther looked worriedly down at her.

  Peyton whispered. ‘Netta call the Ambassador please.’


  Esther mind-sent. Peyton, that is enough, she is exhausted.

  Melody said. I will do it.

  Netta made to get up, but Bendrix placed his hand over hers. ‘Enough, sit please Suula, let us care for you.’

  Yeah, Knife Girl, listen to Knife Boy. Melody said as she rose from her chair.

  Brenda growled. Enough Ladies. Please, can we just finish this? So we may leave this cursed place. I weary of these people.

  There was a collective. Yes Ma’am.

  There was a stir from the audience when they saw it was a new person who was standing. Melody brought out her general’s voice, which made every Warrior and a few males smile.

  ‘I’m looking for the Ambassador from Jenersar. Where are you, come on, step forward, let’s not dally?’

  A female rose and came forward to stand before the stage. She was beautiful, tall and svelte, with hair that possessed three shades of turquoise woven through the long tresses. Her onyx colored eyes reminded Peyton of Orotha Jenersar.

  ‘I am Lady Asarnii Kniss, I have recently been appointed Ambassador for Jenersar.’

  ‘Truly, you were given the rights to speak for Jenersar?’ Hawk asked, startled at her assertion. He knew this female well and liked her more, which he quickly told Peyton. She is Orotha’s cousin. I am surprised she is here and is the Ambassador. She and Uthar hated each other. I always found it amusing when she was summoned to court. I never knew which she hated more, the Jenerika family or being summoned.

yton said. Thank you for that. She is exquisite.

  Yes she is beautiful.

  Ass kicking mate! Karen said with annoyance until he passed her a wrapped piece of chocolate.

  Peyton yelped. Is that from my stash?

  Melody yelled, which made everyone’s skulls ring. Oh my stars, you have chocolate still?

  Peyton rushed to say. Busy being Star Daughter.

  Asarnii Kniss grimaced as she answered Hawk. ‘No Commander Roeah. I wished to have them, but truthfully I am Ambassador in name only.’

  Peyton looked into the female’s hearts and needar and smiled a little, when she saw what Hawk did, a worthy female. ‘I find you most worthy, Ambassador Kniss. Please tell your people of my justice and why it was warranted. I would offer you stewardship of your home world until further notice. My brother Hawk assures me you are a trustworthy and honorable person.’

  Surprised and pleased, she inclined her head. ‘I thank the Commander for his kind words and accept the stewardship of Jenersar, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Is there anything your world needs right now?’

  ‘Again I thank you Star Daughter for the thought.’ Surprised again, she took a breath and replied. ‘We are well situated, despite the late Emperor and Empress. We of the council have taken care of our people and world.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Commander Larson Sillva. Will be your point of contact until further notice. He will meet you after we are finished here, if you are willing.’ Peyton looked at Larson, who sat up on the second floor. Larson nodded as the Ambassador turned to look at him. He stood, and they bowed to each other. Then she turned back to Peyton and said. ‘It is Star Daughter, I thank you for your consideration.’ She inclined her head with respect, then gracefully returned to her seat.


  Peyton nodded to Melody, who grinned and stood once more. Looking directly at the Governor and his wifen she said. ‘Your turn, Governor Interkinn and Lady Lydiia. We cannot wait to hear what you have to say. So please step up and face the Star Daughter.’


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