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Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since

Page 51

by Walter Scott



  'I was turned back,' said Fergus to Edward, as they galloped fromPreston to Pinkie-house, 'by a message from the Prince. But, I suppose,you know the value of this most noble Colonel Talbot as a prisoner. Heis held one of the best officers among the red-coats; a special friendand favourite of the Elector himself, and of that dreadful hero, theDuke of Cumberland, who has been summoned from his triumphs at Fontenoy,to come over and devour us poor Highlanders alive. Has he been tellingyou how the bells of St. James's ring? Not "turn again, Whittington,"like those of Bow, in the days of yore?'

  'Fergus!' said Waverley, with a reproachful look.

  'Nay, I cannot tell what to make of you,' answered the Chief ofMac-Ivor, 'you are blown about with every wind of doctrine. Here have wegained a victory, unparalleled in history--and your behaviour is praisedby every living mortal to the skies--and the Prince is eager to thankyou in person--and all our beauties of the White Rose are pulling capsfor you,--and you, the PREUX CHEVALIER of the day, are stooping on yourhorse's neck like a butter-woman riding to market, and looking as blackas a funeral!'

  'I am sorry for poor Colonel Gardiner's death: he was once very kind tome.'

  'Why, then, be sorry for five minutes, and then be glad again; hischance to-day may be ours to-morrow. And what does it signify?--the nextbest thing to victory is honourable death; but it is a PIS-ALLER, andone would rather a foe had it than one's self.'

  'But Colonel Talbot has informed me that my father and uncle are bothimprisoned by government on my account.'

  'We'll put in bail, my boy; old Andrew Ferrara [See Note 29.] shalllodge his security; and I should like to see him put to justify it inWestminster Hall!'

  'Nay, they are already at liberty, upon bail of a more civicdisposition.'

  'Then why is thy noble spirit cast down, Edward? Dost think that theElector's Ministers are such doves as to set their enemies at libertyat this critical moment, if they could or durst confine and punish them?Assure thyself that either they have no charge against your relations onwhich they can continue their imprisonment, or else they are afraid ofour friends, the jolly cavaliers of old England. At any rate, you neednot be apprehensive upon their account; and we will find some means ofconveying to them assurances of your safety.'

  Edward was silenced, but not satisfied, with these reasons. He had nowbeen more than once shocked at the small degree of sympathy which Fergusexhibited for the feelings even of those whom he loved, if they did notcorrespond with his own mood at the time, and more especially if theythwarted him while earnest in a favourite pursuit. Fergus sometimesindeed observed that he had offended Waverley, but, always intent uponsome favourite plan or project of his own, he was never sufficientlyaware of the extent or duration of his displeasure, so that thereiteration of these petty offences somewhat cooled the volunteer'sextreme attachment to his officer.

  The Chevalier received Waverley with his usual favour, and paid him manycompliments on his distinguished bravery. He then took him apart, mademany inquiries concerning Colonel Talbot, and when he had received allthe information which Edward was able to give concerning him and hisconnexions, he proceeded,--'I cannot but think, Mr. Waverley, thatsince this gentleman is so particularly connected with our worthy andexcellent friend, Sir Everard Waverley, and since his lady is of thehouse of Blandeville, whose devotion to the true and loyal principles ofthe Church of England is so generally known, the Colonel's own privatesentiments cannot be unfavourable to us, whatever mask he may haveassumed to accommodate himself to the times.'

  'If I am to judge from the language he this day held to me, I am underthe necessity of differing widely from your Royal Highness.'

  'Well, it is worth making a trial at least. I therefore entrust you withthe charge of Colonel Talbot, with power to act concerning him as youthink most advisable;--and I hope you will find means of ascertainingwhat are his real dispositions towards our Royal Father's restoration.'

  'I am convinced,' said Waverley, bowing, 'that if Colonel Talbot choosesto grant his parole, it may be securely depended upon; but if he refusesit, I trust your Royal Highness will devolve on some other person thanthe nephew of his friend, the task of laying him under the necessaryrestraint.'

  'I will trust him with no person but you,' said the Prince, smiling, butperemptorily repeating his mandate: 'it is of importance to my servicethat there should appear to be a good intelligence between you, evenif you are unable to gain his confidence in earnest. You will thereforereceive him into your quarters, and in case he declines giving hisparole, you must apply for a proper guard. I beg you will go about thisdirectly. We return to Edinburgh to-morrow.'

  Being thus remanded to the vicinity of Preston, Waverley lost the Baronof Bradwardine's solemn act of homage. So little, however, was he atthis time in love with vanity, that he had quite forgotten the ceremonyin which Fergus had laboured to engage his curiosity. But next day aformal GAZETTE was circulated, containing a detailed account of thebattle of Gladsmuir, as the Highlanders chose to denominate theirvictory. It concluded with an account of the Court afterwards heldby the Chevalier at Pinkie-house, which contained this among otherhigh-flown descriptive paragraphs:

  'Since that fatal treaty which annihilates Scotland as an independentnation, it has not been our happiness to see her princes receive, andher nobles discharge, those acts of feudal homage, which, founded uponthe splendid actions of Scottish valour, recall the memory of her earlyhistory, with the manly and chivalrous simplicity of the ties whichunited to the Crown the homage of the warriors by whom it was repeatedlyupheld and defended. But on the evening of the 20th, our memories wererefreshed with one of those ceremonies which belong to the ancientdays of Scotland's glory. After the circle was formed, Cosmo ComyneBradwardine, of that ilk, colonel in the service, &c. &c. &c., camebefore the Prince, attended by Mr. D. Macwheeble, the Bailie of hisancient barony of Bradwardine (who, we understand, has been-lately nameda commissary), and, under form of instrument, claimed permission toperform, to the person of his Royal Highness, as representing hisfather, the service used and wont, for which, under a charter of RobertBruce (of which the original was produced and inspected by the Mastersof his Royal Highness's Chancery, for the time being), the claimant heldthe barony of Bradwardine, and lands of Tully-Veolan. His claim beingadmitted and registered, his Royal Highness having placed his footupon a cushion, the Baron of Bradwardine, kneeling upon his right knee,proceeded to undo the latchet of the brogue, or low-heeled Highlandshoe, which our gallant young hero wears in compliment to his bravefollowers. When this was performed, his Royal Highness declared theceremony completed; and embracing the gallant veteran, protested thatnothing but compliance with an ordinance of Robert Bruce could haveinduced him to receive even the symbolical performance of a menialoffice from hands which had fought so bravely to put the crown upon thehead of his father. The Baron of Bradwardine then took instruments inthe hands of Mr. Commissary Macwheeble, bearing, that all points andcircumstances of the act of homage had been RITE ET SOLENNITER ACTA ETPERACTA; and a corresponding entry was made in the protocol of the LordHigh Chamberlain, and in the record of Chancery. We understand that itis in contemplation of his Royal Highness, when his Majesty's pleasurecan be known, to raise Colonel Bradwardine to the peerage, by the titleof Viscount Bradwardine, of Bradwardine and Tully-Veolan, and that, inthe meanwhile, his Royal Highness, in his father's name and authority,has been pleased to grant him an honourable augmentation to his paternalcoat of arms, being a budget or boot-jack, disposed saltier-wise with anaked broadsword, to be borne in the dexter cantle of the shield; and,as an additional motto, on a scroll beneath, the words, "DRAW AND DRAWOFF".'

  'Were it not for the recollection of Fergus's raillery,' thoughtWaverley to himself, when he had perused this long and grave document,'how very tolerable would all this sound, and how little should I havethought of connecting it with any ludicrous idea! Well, after all,everything has its fair, as well as its seamy side; and t
ruly I do notsee why the Baron's boot-jack may not stand as fair in heraldry asthe water-Buckets, waggons, cart-wheels, plough-socks, shuttles,candlesticks, and other ordinaries, conveying ideas of anythingsave chivalry, which appear in the arms of some of our most ancientgentry.'--This, however, is an episode in respect to the principalstory.

  When Waverley returned to Preston, and rejoined Colonel Talbot, hefound him recovered from the strong and obvious emotions with which aconcurrence of unpleasing events had affected him. He had regained hisnatural manner, which was that of an English gentleman and soldier,manly, open, and generous, but not unsusceptible of prejudice againstthose of a different country, or who opposed him in political tenets.When Waverley acquainted Colonel Talbot with the Chevalier's purposeto commit him to his charge, 'I did not think to have owed so muchobligation to that young gentleman,' he said, 'as is implied in thisdestination. I can at least cheerfully join in the prayer of the honestPresbyterian clergyman, that, as he has come among us seeking an earthlycrown, his labours may be speedily rewarded with a heavenly one. [Theclergyman's name was Mac-Vicar. Protected by the cannon of the Castle,he preached every Sunday in the West Kirk, while the Highlanders were inpossession of Edinburgh; and it was in presence of some of the Jacobitesthat he prayed for Prince Charles Edward in the terms quoted in thetext.] I shall willingly give my parole not to attempt an escape withoutyour knowledge, since, in fact, it was to meet you that I came toScotland; and I am glad it has happened even under this predicament. ButI suppose we shall be 'but a short time together. Your Chevalier (thatis a name we may both give to him), with his plaids and blue-caps, will,I presume, be continuing his crusade southward?'

  'Not as I hear; I believe the army makes some stay, in Edinburgh, tocollect reinforcements.'

  'And to besiege the Castle?' said Talbot, smiling sarcastically. 'Well,unless my old commander, General Preston, turn false metal, or theCastle sink into the North Loch, events which I deem equally probable,I think we shall have some time to make up our acquaintance. I have aguess that this gallant Chevalier has a design that I should be yourproselyte; and, as I wish you to be mine, there cannot be a more fairproposal than to afford us fair conference together. But as I spoketo-day under the influence of feelings I rarely give way to, I hopeyou will excuse my entering again upon controversy till we are somewhatbetter acquainted.'


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