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Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother

Page 10

by Clara Jenkins

  “AAAAAHHH!” Sergei groaned as the cum began to shoot from his cock like a geyser.

  Kowalski managed to get off the couch and onto her knees. She caught the last few remaining drops of his cum. Then she licked up and down the shaft, then licked the drops from his stomach and thighs.

  With Sergei’s fresh cum in her mouth, she stood up and grabbed Nolte, shoving her tongue into his mouth.

  A snowball kiss! How hot! How delicious!

  Nolte told her to bend over. He pushed her face down on the couch. She moaned as his cock pushed into her ass. She could feel it gradually expanding and then exploding as Nolte buried a nut deep inside her. He held a tight grip on her shoulders as his thrusting hits slowed down.

  Nolte turned her on her back and spread her legs out. “Push the cum out of your ass,” he said.

  She tightened her sphincter muscles and push the thick load of cum out her fuck hole.

  Sergei quickly got down on his knees and slurped it up.

  That was the first night of many that they would spend together over the next few months.

  They had finally figured out a way to bring together both Russian and American intelligence agencies. If only the idea would spread farther and wider! Who knows what the future would hold for relations between these two powerful nations.


  Bonus 3 of 20

  Midnight in Japan


  Samuel Lee is a successful and important business man visiting Tokyo, Japan on for a career-changing meeting, but there is no reason not to mix some pleasure in with his trip. So, he parties it up, heading to a nightclub. There, he ends up meeting a very beautiful and young Japanese woman who mystifies him. Her name is Rina, and she has some unusually wild sexual tastes that both intrigue and excite Samuel. She leads him into a menage relationship he enjoys more than he ever imagined possible.

  Chapter 1

  The plane finally touched down on the Tokyo runway. Samuel Lee opened his tired brown eyes and wiped the sleep out of them. He brushed his fingers through his messy dark hair to make it more presentable. The flight was a long one, but Samuel had only slept for the last hour of it. He had spent hours getting ready for a big business meeting. The big boss was depending on him to make an alliance with a large Japanese-based company. If he failed, Samuel would lose his chance to run the new combined company and double his salary.

  Samuel left the plane and entered the busy airport. He needed a cup of coffee badly. He stopped at a small kiosk in the airport’s vestibule and ordered a large one. It tasted awful. Starbucks needed to put in a spot at this airport. He drank it anyway. There was no need to hurry. The actual business meeting wasn’t until tomorrow morning. Samuel saw an American newspaper abandoned on the counter. As he picked it up, a brochure fell out. Curious, Samuel started to read it. One side was in Japanese, but the other was in English. It described a club that appeared to be close to Samuel’s hotel. He thought it sounded like fun and the pictures made it even more impressive. Samuel decided to check it out. All work and no play was proven to be bad for his health.

  The taxi dropped Samuel off in front of the bustling hotel at exactly 8:07 p.m. He knew the exact time, because he was setting his Rolex to Japanese time. He was frustrated that such a watch didn’t change itself. After he checked in, Samuel threw his suitcase in the corner of the room and collapsed on the bed. He needed a nap before heading to the club. The fun wouldn’t start until midnight anyway.

  Samuel’s phone was playing a rock song when he awoke. He grumbled and knocked the phone onto the floor. The noise stopped momentarily, giving him time to remember where he was. Who on Earth would be calling at 11:30 p.m.? Then his brain kicked in and he realized it would be morning in New York. The song began again and Samuel snatched the phone from the floor. He answered groggily, “Hello Frank. Yes, I made it.” He listened halfheartedly as his boss reminded him how important the meeting was. Samuel just wanted to forget work for a few hours. If he continued going over the presentation in his head, his nerves would get the best of him. When his boss eventually stopped to take a breath, Samuel cut in, “If you want me to do a good job, then you need to let me go. I had a really long flight and virtually no sleep. Remember, it’s almost midnight here.” The boss apologized and hung up, telling Samuel to get some sleep. Instead, he hung up the phone, laughed and headed for a hot shower. His body was on New York time and there was fun to be had right around the corner.

  Dressed in jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket, Samuel walked the short distance to the club. His “James Dean” outfit was a proven chick magnet. The club was in full swing upon his arrival. Music blasted from the speakers. Samuel was surprised to recognize the song. Classic American rock was alive and well in Japan. Couples gyrated across the floor. He worked his way through the crowd to an equally loaded bar. Samuel smelled something delicious and feeling his stomach growl decided to order food along with his drink. While he ate, Samuel watched the scene around him. There were some really beautiful women here, all shapes and sizes just waiting for a man and some excitement. One particular woman caught his eye. She was dancing alone, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music. Her long black hair was a shining mass that hung past her tiny waist. Her low-cut blue dress hugged every curve and showed off shapely legs. Tiny feet were encased in extremely high heels. Samuel was mesmerized. Just as he stood up and headed in her direction, she was joined by a tall, handsome man wearing a suit. The man grabbed her by the waist, reeled her in and planted a kiss squarely on her pouty lips. Samuel changed direction and bumped into a blue-eyed blonde. She grinned and said, “What a surprise meeting you here. It’s good to see another American. Care to dance?” Samuel smiled back, took her hand and joined the crowd of dancers. The blonde was sexy and fun, yet his eyes kept returning to the corner and the tiny Japanese woman. When he noticed her leave with the man in the suit, he gave his dance partner his full attention. A slow song came on and she glued her curvy body against Samuel’s. He settled in to enjoy the night with a sexy stranger. When you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with. That’s what the song was saying anyway, Samuel thought. Five dances and three drinks later, he followed the lovely lady to her hotel.

  Light spilled through the curtains and jolted Samuel awake. He checked his watch and freaked. He had an hour to get back to his room, shower, dress and arrive at the most important meeting of his career. He jumped up and slid into his jeans, slipped his shirt over his head, grabbed his jacket and shoes, and ran from the room. He left the blonde sleeping. Samuel had never learned her name.

  Freshly showered, shaved and dressed in his favorite power suit, Samuel shook hands with the CEO of the powerful company. He had made it to the meeting with only seconds to spare. He gave the proposal speech on automatic pilot. It was a good thing he had practiced it a hundred times. His head was pounding and his mouth was dry. Thank goodness the man was too enthusiastic over the merger to notice that Samuel’s smile was fake. The meeting went well despite Samuel’s exhaustion. If the merger went through, he would have several weeks to make up for his inattentiveness.

  Chapter 2

  Samuel left the meeting praying that his boss would never find out how badly he had almost screwed up. He hurried back to the hotel for some aspirin and food. In his room, he changed into sweatpants and ordered room service. It was time to call in and report on the meeting. Samuel dialed the phone as he swallowed three aspirin. His boss picked up on the first ring gruffly saying, “It’s about time. I’ve been pacing the floor waiting for your call. My wife is ready to shoot me, just to stop my misery. What happened? How did it go? Are we in?”

  Samuel grimaced as he shook his head. He replied, “Please, one question at a time. I think it went well. He seemed very excited, but then again, there were others waiting to make arguments for their companies

  too. I believe our proposal is an excellent one. All we can do is wait for a call to tell us either yes or no.”
He hung up to the sound of his boss cursing over another long wait.

  There was a knock at the door announcing the arrival of room service. Samuel sat by the window and enjoyed tempura and his first taste of sake. The city he saw ten stories below appeared just as busy as New York ever had. The only differences he noticed were the modes of travel and the lack of hot dog vendors. He couldn’t believe that people still actually pulled those little carts around as if they were ponies. His mind soon wandered back to the previous night. What had he been thinking? A one-night stand with a stranger whose name he hadn’t even wanted to know was a huge mistake. She could have robbed him blind or even murdered him. It was just dumb luck that all she wanted was a quick roll in the hay. Samuel then remembered the beautiful Japanese woman he had watched dancing in the corner. He had hoped to meet her, until the man in the suit had swooped in and taken her away. He considered going back to the club tonight, but decided he better sit tight and hope for a phone call about the merger. He could celebrate when the good news came in.

  Samuel spent the night watching old sitcoms in Japanese. He found them to be funnier in a different language. Jet lag eventually caught up with him and he passed out.

  Morning came and he woke up in a panic. The phone hadn’t rung. Samuel was worried that he had somehow ruined the merger deal. He hoped the new day would be the start of a wonderful life with lots of money. While he waited for the future to begin, some exploration and sightseeing would take his mind off of things. He showered once again, dressed casually and went out to find breakfast. Luckily the hotel served a delicious buffet-style breakfast which Samuel ate before he went exploring.

  The shopping turned out to be excellent only a few blocks away. Samuel bought gifts for friends and family. He saw a royal blue kimono in a shop window. It was his sister’s favorite color. He rushed into the store almost knocking over a woman on her way out. Samuel caught her before she fell and started to apologize. His mouth momentarily refused to work as he looked into the big dark eyes of the woman from the club. Her red lips turned up in a smile as he stammered, “I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please forgive me.”

  In perfect English, she answered, “ I’m fine. No need to be upset.” She started to go around Samuel to leave, but he stepped in the doorway and blocked her in.

  “I’m Samuel. I saw you at a club two nights ago. I wanted to meet you, however, you were leaving with someone. Would it be rude to ask your name now?”

  Her smile grew larger and her eyes sparkled as she said, “ It’s nice to meet you Samuel. My name is Rina. I sometimes work at the club. Come back again. Americans are always welcome.” She walked away without a backwards glance or a goodbye. Obviously she wasn’t as impressed with Samuel as he was with her. He sighed and went on to buy the kimono for his sister.

  Samuel was bored. He had watched all the television he could stand, eaten more room service, and stared at the twinkling city lights. He needed to get out of this room or he was going to explode. So, he began to get dressed. He intended to give the club and possibly Rina one more try. If she liked men in suits, then he would wear one. He dressed in a black designer suit that made him appear taller and leaner. Samuel chose his favorite red tie. It made him feel confident. After the brush-off that Rina had given him, confidence was a necessity. He shined his shoes, carefully combed his hair and studied his face in the mirror. Everyone said Samuel was a handsome man. He had brown eyes with long, thick lashes. His hair was dark and wavy. His face was chiseled and his teeth bright white. “Not bad. In fact, I think I look great,” Samuel told himself. “If you walk away this time, Rina, it’s your loss.” He grabbed the key card and his wallet as he left for the club.

  Chapter 3

  Samuel was early. The club was almost empty. A gray-haired man wearing a wrinkled suit sat at the bar. He was sipping on a beer and watching the television that hung above the bar. A middle-aged couple swayed to the music, oblivious to the lack of patrons. Samuel wasn’t sure what to do. He slowly walked toward the bar. The sound of clacking heels on the wooden stairs caught his attention. Looking up, Samuel saw Rina descending. She was even more beautiful tonight in an emerald green silk dress and gold spiked heels. His heart skipped a beat when she waved her tiny hand at him. He couldn’t believe that she actually remembered him, yet she called out, “Hello Samuel. You came back. That is good. You look like you need some fun.”

  Samuel did not get a chance to respond. The same man he had seen Rina with two nights ago entered the club. He came directly toward Rina and kissed her lips. Frustrated, Samuel turned to walk away. A small hand tugged at his jacket sleeve and stopped him in his tracks. Rina introduced her friend, “You must meet Mr. Banks. He owns the club. He is my boss and my sometime special friend.” Samuel’s confusion showed on his face and caused Rina to continue, “You will understand soon. For now, join us for a meal. We like Americans. They are entertaining.”

  Mr. Banks gestured toward a table in the back. It held a reserved sign. Since it appeared to be the best table in the club, Samuel assumed it was for the owner’s exclusive use. He felt rather weird joining Rina and her boss. It seemed almost like an intrusion. Mr. Banks, however, didn’t seem to mind. He pulled out Rina’s chair for her and said, “Please sit down Samuel. I will order a variety of the native dishes for you to try. When I came here from England, I soon learned what the best foods were and made sure to offer them in my club. Would you like to try some sake?”

  Samuel was proud to be able to say, “I have already tried it and found it powerful, but delicious. More would be nice. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  Mr. Banks laughed and replied, “I have ulterior motives. Rina has made a personal request and I find great enjoyment in giving her whatever she wants.”

  Samuel found the whole conversation to be extremely odd. There was something going on that he didn’t understand. He was a bit afraid to ask though. It could make him look foolish. He decided to wait and see what happened after dinner. Rina’s smile was enough to make him forget his misgivings.

  Dinner was indeed delicious. Dish after dish was brought to the table and the sake was plentiful. The conversation flowed easily. Rina asked Samuel many questions about America. When she learned he lived in New York, her excitement knew no bounds. She wanted to hear all about the famous Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, the Twin Towers Memorial and Rockefeller Plaza. It was her dream to visit there someday and stay at the Waldorf.

  Mr. Banks talked about England. He had been to Kensington Palace, the Tower of London and Piccadilly Circus. He had even met the Queen. The trio was getting along quite well.

  Dessert arrived and Samuel suddenly felt a hand on his thigh. He jerked and bumped the table. At Mr. Banks questioning look, Samuel said, “Sorry, my legs went to sleep and I’m trying to stop the tingling.” Rina giggled and Mr. Banks just smirked. The hand moved slowly up and down Samuel’s leg. His muscles tightened in response. It was difficult to continue a conversation and hide the fact that Rina was touching him intimately while her “sometimes special friend” sat right across the table.

  The meal was mercifully over. Mr. Banks excused himself from the table to see to business. The club had become crowded while they ate. Samuel quickly pushed Rina’s hand from his crotch area and rose from the table. He told her that he needed the men’s room and hurried away. He hid in the bathroom until his erection eased. What on Earth was happening? First, Rina had rebuffed him and now she was feeling him up in front of her boyfriend. Maybe it would be best if he left before Mr. Banks discovered what was going on and wanted to fight.

  Samuel almost jumped out of his skin upon discovering Rina standing outside the bathroom door. She rubbed her hands up his chest and loosened his tie. Samuel took her hands into his own and begged, “Stop this before Mr. Banks finds out. Surely, you don’t wish to anger him and I certainly don’t want a fight.” Rina’s answer was to pull his head down and kiss his lips. Again, Samuel pushed her away.

p; Rina laughed and said, “ Do not worry. Mr. Banks likes to indulge my wants. He will not become angry. I wish to spend the evening with you. Let’s dance.” She tugged on Samuel’s hand and stuck out her bottom lip in a cute pout. Who could say no to that? Samuel thought, as he followed her like a puppy dog.

  The dance floor was crowded. They squeezed their way into the crowd and began swaying to the music. Rina melted against Samuel. Her hands roamed over his chest and back. Her pelvis rocked against his own. Samuel frantically looked around for Mr. Banks and found him smiling at the writhing Rina. Clearly, he was fine with her actions. Samuel grew bold and pulled Rina closer, letting his hands roam over her. To his shock, Mr. Banks’s smile grew bigger. Samuel decided to relax and enjoy the evening.

  Samuel and Rina were sweating and took a break for drinks. One stool was open at the bar. He gestured for Rina to sit, but she shook her head saying, “Sit please, I will find a more comfortable seat.” Samuel was confused for the millionth time that night. He sat anyway. Rina then climbed onto his lap, backwards. Her legs were straddling him as she leaned in for a kiss. Her tongue parted his lips and plunged deep into his mouth.

  Mr. Banks set two beers on the bar startling Samuel, who turned bright red. Mr. Banks stated, “Drink up! It’s on the house. Make my Rina happy. Indulge her!” Samuel was astonished to see the bar owner then leave through the kitchen door.

  Rina slid off Samuel’s lap, took him by the hand and led him up the stairs. He followed while admiring Rina’s round bottom as she deliberately exaggerated the sway of her hips.


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