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Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother

Page 34

by Clara Jenkins

  “Can I talk to you guys about something?” Linnea asked. When both men said the she had their attention she willed herself to have courage. “How do you feel about sharing me?”

  Chapter 5

  “What are you talking about Linnea?” Brendan asked. “Isn’t that what we’re already doing?”

  “Well, yes,” she admitted. “But I mean for the long term. Your mother told me that eventually she just stayed with your father. It’s nothing against you Brendan, you are wonderful.” She turned to meet Carter’s dark brooding eyes to emphasize what she was going to say next. “It’s just that I really like you both and I hope to someday love both of you. And to eventually stop being with both of you seems like it would be both troublesome and sad.”

  Brendan laughed at her. “It does usually seem like the queen ends up spending all her time with the king, but if that is what you desire, then we will make it work and if you change your mind we figure that out too. Your happiness is just as important as ours.”

  Linnea felt relieved to hear that. But she still had one more question that was burning her up inside. “Your mother said there was time that your father and uncle had her at the same time. Is that a custom or something?”

  It was Carter that answered this time. “The ancient texts say that a princess or queen is more likely to produce an heir if there are more Hawkes attempting to impregnate her. While this can be done by just being with more than one lover, some think having sex at the same time brings good luck.”

  Linnea’s eyes darted to the floor. Was it wrong that she was not interested in the ritual to become a mother, but more so because she wanted to feel euphoric in ways that made her feel dirty and whore like. Was there something wrong with her? How could she possibly want that? “Oh,” was all she was able to stammer.

  “Is there a reason why you ask?” Brendan asked.

  Linnea tried to lie, to tell them she was trying to learn about all the strange and different customs but she couldn’t do it. “I hope this doesn’t make you feel weird about me, but I’m interested in all of us being together. I mean not to have a child or anything. Not yet, I mean if it happened great but…” Linnea heard herself rambling and tried to calm herself. “What I trying to say is that I want to be with both of you at the same time, but just for the sheer fun of it and nothing more.”

  The two brothers stared at each with surprise, disbelief and excitement. What woman of sound mind would be willing do this and not because they wanted to have a baby?

  “Whenever you want, we’ll be there,” Carter replied.

  Linnea thought for a minute before she answered, “I’d like to try this before my brother comes to visit. We don’t need him walking in on anything that I’d have to explain.” She smiled at both princes. “How about tonight?”


  When Penina asked where Linnea was going to be spending the evening, Linnea thought about lying to her. Instead, she thought it was best for her handmaiden to know exactly what was going on because she knew when the other girls arrived that they would also have questions.

  “Both of them, at the same time?” she sputtered out as she helped Linnea into a fur robe and nothing else. “Won’t that be... painful?”

  Linnea shrugged. “Won’t know until I find out, now will I?” She took her lady-in-waiting’s hand and smiled at her. “Don’t worry. I want to do this.” She squeezed her hands tightly before she left the room and headed toward where the princes had their quarters. She was just about to head down the wing when Carter pulled her down an abandoned corridor so that they wouldn’t be overheard.

  “What are you doing?” he demanded and Leanna was shocked by his tone. “Are you naked under that?”

  She nodded at him with a furrowed brow. “I’m heading to where you will both have me? I thought that was our plan?”

  Carter looked conflicted before he hissed, “You don’t have to do this. I’m happy just getting you once in a while until he becomes crowned king.”

  “I want to. I haven’t known you very long, but there is no way that I am going to give up what is between us.”

  Carter kissed her. Even in the tender moment, he still smashed his lips to hers fervently. When they broke apart, he gave her the smallest of smiles before they decided to find Brendan and figure out where this ritual would take place

  It wasn’t long before all three were standing in a chamber down an abandoned hallway. There was a huge bed that could have easily fit three people, as well as candles lit in the corners and on window ledges. It gave the room a calming ambiance. It made her feel comfortable, as though no one would discover what they were about to do. It was a secret only for the three of them.

  “This room hasn’t been used in a long time,” Brendan explained as the three took it in.

  “Let’s put it to good use,” Linnea answered. She then let her fur robe fall to the floor.

  Surprised at her boldness, the princes quickly removed their clothing and joined her at the foot of the bed, taking turns kissing her with an open mouth while the other ran their hands over her soft bare skin. Linnea returned the gesture, tracing designs on their chest, stomachs and back until her hands ventured lower. Stiff erections were waiting for her and she clasped her hands around each prince and began to pump and twist in tandem. Soon the players of this strange game were in a trance. They moved without speaking but they were all in sync with the only noises being those of pleasure.

  Eventually Linnea backed up to the headboard and beckoned them to join her. Linnea did not know where this confidence was coming from, but she decided to throw caution to the wind and just enjoyed herself. She made the brothers both lie on their backs as she gave each special attention with her mouth. This was something that she did often with Carter but it was new territory for Brendan. She had to stop and smile up at him when he said a few choice words that were out of character for him and it was him, not his more passionate brother who sat up and begged for them to proceed. This was the part that Linnea was nervous about.

  “How are we doing this?” Carter asked.

  “I’d like to ease myself in,” Linnea answered.

  She took a deep breath before she had Brendan lie on the bed. Then she had Carter kneel beside her. She kissed both princes before she slid down Brendan’s length and filled herself to the hilt. She kissed the crown prince before she turned her attention to his younger brother, taking him into her mouth, ready to be with both of them at the same time. Then she went back to losing herself in the moment while riding Brendan’s cock as she went down on Carter. The moment was utterly surreal.

  As they performed this ritual, Linnea found herself trying to make them climax. This was not because she wanted the act of the threesome to be over, but because she wanted to show them that she was the one who was in charge. That if it weren’t for her, the Family Hawke would cease to exist. She twirled her hips while she made love to Brendan and she’d tried to use her mouth and hands together on Carter. She wondered how many times she could get them to tip over the edge, but before she could accomplish her goal, she could feel her own muscles tensing and she had to take Carter’s member from her mouth so she could tip her head back and cry out in ecstasy.

  Somehow in the midst of kissing their bodies all over and trying to have power over them, she was moved into a new position. Carter was kneeling over her, her back on the bed. While she stared at the ceiling, Brendan brought his cock over to her mouth. Now that he had a taste of what her pleasuring him with his mouth, he wanted more. They began their back and forth all over again except this time the princes were the ones who were showing their power and Linnea just lay there and let them pleasure her, her throat scratched from screaming her approval.

  Time felt like it was suspended. They changed positions, they thrusted, and licked, and touched and Linnea was a quivering sweat covered mess before the brothers told her that they could no longer curb the orgasms that they were trying to hold back. Linnea returned to the foot of the bed
and sat there as the princes pumped their cocks over her and trails of their seed shot onto her face and hair. Linnea couldn’t help but feel proud that she had made them do that. She almost giggled as she thought about how she had been afraid of being with them both at the same time. It had been exhilarating. She wiped it away before she kissed each one in turn, then she lay back down on the large bed, exhaustion finally setting in.

  “Should we have Penina make you a bath?” Brendan asked.

  Linnea shook her head, her eyes heavy and she snuggled into the bed. “I don’t think I could walk all the way back. My legs feel like mush.”

  She heard Brendan chuckle through her shut yes. “Then you rest. You can go back when you are ready.”

  Linnea nodded and just like that, she dove into slumber.


  When she woke up the following morning, she was in her own chamber. Linnea sat up with a start, wrapped in the fur robe that she had worn before she had participated in the most erotic thing in her life. How had she ended up here? Her last memory was of feeling utterly spent while the crown prince told her to rest.

  Penina burst into the room and Linnea suddenly felt self-conscious. Did she smell? Was she still covered in body fluids? She pulled the covers a bit higher just in case.

  “My lady, you’re finally awake. It’s nearly midday.”

  Once more visions of the previous night’s ritual played through her mind. She was not surprised one bit that she’d slept so long. “How did I get here?”

  Penina sat on the edge of the bed. “Prince Carter carried you in here late last night.”

  Linnea found herself smiling. Of course he had. She had a sneaking suspicion that she would be falling in love with him first.

  “I’ve made you a bath. I was going to wake you if you weren’t already stirring,” Penina admitted. “I’m sure you could use one.”

  Linnea nodded vigorously as she unfurled the covers and attempted to stand. Every bit of her body protested, every part of her trying to recover from the night she had. She bit her lip as she tried again cautiously. Then she limped behind her handmaiden, hoping the water would do more than just clean her.

  Chapter 6

  Several days later, Cavan and the others from Laurelasa arrived. Linnea should have held herself like the dignified queen that she would someday be, but could not hold back when she saw her brother’s familiar form. She ran down the Hawkes’ Nest stairs and threw her arms around his neck, screeching when he swung her around excitedly. The handmaidens were not as pleased to see their charge. Most had loved the milder climate of Laurelasa and Linnea could see them shiver through their thin dresses. Truth be told, Cavan looked cold too so she made sure they all had roaring fires in their chambers.

  Playing along with the idea that Cavan had come along on the journey to Hawkes’ Nest to see the splendor of the palace, the princes showed their brother-in-law every last inch of Hawke’s Nest. He was the guest of honor at a feast, and he even got to watch many of the warriors partake in a skills tournament where he sat in the stands covered in layers of furs. Linnea found herself already adapting. She already wore less layers than her brother and all her ladies-in-waiting wore. She wondered if one day she wouldn’t notice the climate at all.

  “Okay,” Cavan said one afternoon when the Family Hawke had thoroughly showed him everything and had gone back to living their lives. “Now that we don’t have our hosts breathing down our necks, how are you really doing?”

  He and Linnea were sitting in the library, reading the so-called ancient texts that told them they were destined for divine greatness and that it was okay for a woman to have multiple partners. Linnea looked up at her brother and made sure he was looking her in the eye. “I am doing great.”

  “Honest and true, they aren’t threatening you or bribing you to say that?”

  Linnea giggled. “Have I ever been able to lie to you, Cavan?” When her tried to find a situation and wound up with nothing, she assured. “I really am happy. I never thought that I would be, but everyone treats me well. I’m becoming comfortable here.”

  Linnea told him about how everyone had made her feel right at home and how she felt more powerful as a member of the Family Hawke then she did while being a princess of Laurelasa. She didn’t tell her older brother that this was because he could make the men who would someday rule this kingdom putty in her hands with tongue, fingers, and womanhood and he didn’t ask her about the Family Hawke’s strange relationship arrangement. He just assured her that everyone would be relieved to hear that she wasn’t being tortured. They’d once heard of a faraway king who liked to flay his people, including his queen. A sort of fetish. What the Family Hawke did was tame compared to that.

  “Lyra will be disappointed,” he said as he helped Linnea roll up the ancient scrolls. “She wanted me to rescue you if I saw that you were miserable. Why, you’re practically glowing.”

  Once more Linnea smiled at her fortune. It was like she didn’t know who she was until she was faced with the fate that was given to her. Now she was thriving.


  It was all too soon when Cavan and the people who had accompanied him headed back to Laurelasa. Linnea was sad to see him go. As much as was starting to love her new home, Cavan made her feel a bit homesick.

  “You will still write me, won’t you?” she asked as she went to see them off, Carter and Brendan not far behind.

  “I promise. I’ll make Mother, Father and Lyra do it too. You’ll never feel lonely because you will always be writing us.” He embraced his sister before he kissed the top of her head. “Get your northern husbands to take you south to visit your home land and their new subjects.” He said it in a joking tone, but Linnea could see in Cavan’s eyes that he didn’t want to this strange arrangement to have been in vain. He didn’t want the world that they lived in to be full of blood and suffering. One day he would rule his part of the world just like one day she would be queen of the Family Hawke.

  “I promise.” She assured.

  Linnea watched her brother and his people disembark and she watched them turn into tiny specks that were too small to make out before she decided to go back inside Hawkes’ Nest. Carter headed off toward the training chambers but Brendan stopped her, talking her hand in his.

  “Do you miss your home, my sweet princess?”

  “I find that I do not miss Laurelasa as much as I miss my family.” Linnea tried to smile at him but it was hard. She was truly happy here, but it was never easy to be away from them; she used to miss her father when he traveled without her.

  Brendan squeezed her hand tightly. “You will be seeing all of them soon. I’m sure that my father will want to visit his new conquest and I would like to learn more about you.” He leaned in and kissed her.

  It was moments like these that Linnea knew that she would eventually fall in love with the crown prince too. The princes were so different and yet she knew there was no way that she could only chose one of them. The thought was too much to bear. She followed Brendan toward his chambers, ready to have the comfortable feeling come over her once more. The way the brothers touched her made her forget about Laurelasa or if she was ever lonely in the first place.

  Chapter 7

  Six Months Later

  Linnea walked excited down the corridor of Hawkes’ Nest. She nearly tripped over the hem of her dress since she walked with such purpose. Not wanting to fall, she took the long train of the dress in her hands so she could walk faster.

  She found Brendan in the library, studying maps of the Family Hawke’s ever-growing empire. Every day that passed was one day closer to when he would inherit it. When he noticed her standing there, he stopped what he was doing and searched her face to see if she brought good news or bad.

  “I hope I haven’t interrupted you.”

  Brendan shook his head. “I was just trying busy myself. I knew you were seeing the doctor.”

  For the past few weeks Linnea had felt ill and when she wasn’t sl
eeping in her bedroom, she was vomiting everything that she tried to eat. Both princes had begged her to see the doctor and she finally agreed. The doctor had given her peace of mind, in fact, his prognosis had been the reason why she had a spring in her step.

  “Are you alright?” he pressed again.

  “I’m fantastic.” She grinned at him. “I’m not dying. I’m just pregnant.”

  When this strange arrangement started, she knew that she was going to be used to bring heirs to the dynasty. She hadn’t planned on enjoying sex so much. Linnea guessed she shouldn’t have been so surprised that they’d finally conceived. It was very rare that she did not spend the night in one of the prince’s bed. This was the longest time she’d slept in her own chamber since she arrived at her new home.

  Brendan closed the space between them and held her tightly. “This is incredible news. The Hawke dynasty will live on for another generation.” Brendan was more invested in the ancient tests of his ancestors than his younger brother and began to go on about how the higher power had a plan for everything and Linnea listened to him happily. It hadn’t take her long to be won over by the crown prince’s charm. She knew that he loved her wholeheartedly.

  Eventually, she left Brendan because there was one other person who needed to hear the news. She searched high and low for Carter before she finally resorted to walking around the top of castle where night kept their watch in the cold. Carter was standing on top of one of the towers looking apprehensive.

  “Carter?” she called to him.


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