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Dedicated: MF Priest and Single Mother

Page 58

by Clara Jenkins

  “It still feels like a dream to me,” James told them softly, leaning his head back against the hot tub with his eyes closed.

  “It’s not a dream though, this is reality. Everything that you have worked for is moving faster. The basketball game, you being a superstar and the closeness that the three of us have gained,” Carrie told him, bringing her hand under the water and reaching for his.

  She brought her other hand under the water and reached for Anthony’s hand on the other side of her. She held both their hands in hers tightly, the trio were going to be friends forever. She found herself lucky that Anthony had come back home, it had been for James but if he hadn’t come to her house she wouldn’t be having the time of her life now.

  Carrie realized that James’ life wasn’t the only life changing. They were going into something new together and she wanted to make sure that the three of them supported each other any way that they could.

  “Your home games, we will be there. If the games are a few hours away we will be at those too. You’re not going to go through the fame by yourself. You will always be by your side,” Carrie told him, wanting to make sure James knew that just because he was moving on to greater things that he wasn’t going to do it alone.

  “I didn’t think I was going to go through all this alone but it sure is good to hear that come out of your mouth,” he said and nodded his head, letting go of her hand and putting it around her shoulders.

  Anthony did the same thing, making sure that even Carrie knew that they were there for her. What was only a celebration had turned into something more.

  “You guys can live here, there’s no rush in looking for a place. You could save some money and get the finer things in life that you’ve always wanted. I’m sure there are things that you’ve wanted, this place is already paid for. I don’t have to worry about that,” she told them, trying to think of ways on how they could be even closer to each other.

  “I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere else. Thank you for inviting us into your home. Thank you for inviting us into this part of your life,” James told her, opening his eyes and grinning at her.

  “You’re welcome, I’m so proud of you James. You’re really going places,” she told him, giving him a wink as she felt Anthony move closer to her.

  “You really think all this is going to work out?” Anthony smiled at her.

  “No matter what we go through, we’ll be going through it together. The three of us. It doesn’t have to be the three of us in a relationship. Tonight, was just for fun but through life we are always going to be here for one another,” Carrie explained to him.

  Anthony was smiling the biggest smile that he had in a long time. He wanted his brother happy and he was, he wanted to be there for James and he was going to be. That was the only thing he wanted to make him happy. Things were going good so far and it was only going to get better from there.

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing how things turn out coming back home. I guess we’ve come full circle. We left here and now we’re back here,” Anthony commented.

  “That’s how it usually goes, only this time it will be better than when we were growing up. there are a million things to do around here and if the three of us are happy that’s all that matters,” James told them.

  He looked at Anthony and looked at Carrie for a few minutes without saying anything. He could see that they were both happy, they were happy and he was happy for them. He knew that he was happy and his life would continue to be a good one, a busy one but a good one and he couldn’t wait to start the new adventures in life.

  “Congratulations on making the team again. I can’t believe I have a brother that’s going to the NBA. Well who’s now part of the NBA, when I see you on the television screen at a sport bar I can point you out and say hey I know that guy.” Anthony couldn’t wait for that moment to shine, giving his brother the spotlight yet again but he knew that he deserved it.

  Carrie was happy that they were there for each other, the way that family should be. She was tired but smiling, she couldn’t wait to see where life took the three of them. It was going to be a journey in a half but she was ready to take that journey with the two of them, wanting to see what new things were going to enter their lives.


  Bonus 19 of 20



  When he walked into my math class, I was pissed at him. Dean took over the teaching position after my father had passed away, who I still missed whenever I walked into that class. And Dean’s presence only reinforced my loss. I lashed out.

  Dean wouldn't take any attitude from me. What started as animosity between us turned into something much more significant and compelling. I couldn’t walk away even if I needed to.

  He wanted to discipline me.

  I wanted to obliterate him.

  Except he was my teacher.




  Chapter 1


  I glanced up guiltily, jolted from doodling a flower vortex on the corner of my loose-leaf notebook. I was supposed to be paying attention to Romeo and Juliet, but their supposedly love story was boring and useless. Dying uselessly over love.

  That coupled with the fact that my best friend, Kate, puking her guts out at home over the tacos we ate over the weekend, made for a boring day.

  I couldn't wait until my next class, math. Math was my favorite subject. Next year, I was entering college pursuing a degree in mathematical economics. It was made even better with my dad teaching me.

  “Yes, Mr. French?” I said, as I stared up at him.

  Yeah. Mr. French was teaching English. That never got old, I thought as I chuckled inwardly.

  He looked at me sympathetically, “Lily, please go to the principal’s office.”

  “Why?” I shrank further in my seat when the students around me started to ooh me. I didn’t do anything wrong, as far as I knew. My dad would be terribly disappointed in me. He’s been a patient and loving dad, but he guarded his professional life sacredly. I couldn’t mess that up for him. So I was extra careful about how my actions could reflect on him.

  “I’ll write you a hall pass.” He ignored my question and placed a blue slip on my desk.

  Curious and glad to leave the class, I packed up my books and bag while subtly giving the middle finger to whoever was still laughing at me.

  I ran out of the class and down the staircase before Mr. French could reprimand me.

  I was careful about my actions but that didn’t mean I didn’t fight back subtly.

  Now I wish I was more prepared when I entered the principal’s office.

  ***One month later

  I stared glumly at the clock hand, desperate for this class to be over. The students milling about faded as I focused on the second clock hand. Two more minutes. The substitute teacher was droning on about the theorems and proofs.

  The teacher that was teaching calculus was not my dad. My dad was not writing on that whiteboard. Once what used to be my favorite subject turned to something I couldn’t get away fast enough from. I barely spoke in class or participated.

  We’ve had a substitute ever since my dad passed away.

  A stroke while driving, veering the car into oncoming traffic.

  The heartbreaking news was that the cause of death was trauma to the head, not the stroke. Only if he hadn’t been driving the car. He could have lived another day.

  He was stolen from me too early. There were many years that we could have spent together.

  “Before the bell rings, I wanted to let you guys know something. It’s been a pleasure to be your substitute teacher under the circumstances. I’m sad to say that today is my last day subbing for you all. Tomorrow, you’ll meet your new math teacher, Mr. Carter. It was a pleasure teaching you.”

  The bell rang.

  The students clapped in farewell to our substitute.

  I couldn't bear to look at him
so I walked out.

  Chapter 2

  I settled in the back of the class. Away from prying eyes and any chance of being called upon.

  Everyone was chatting away or on their smartphones. I kept my head down and read my book. A hush fell as the noise slowly quieted. Everyone sat up and pulled their notebooks out on the desk.

  I looked over to the front of the class to see Mr. Carter plop his briefcase on top of his desk as he looked over the class.

  I swore a collective sigh was heard.

  He was too handsome to be a teacher and too young to be a teacher. Too rugged to be a teacher. He sported a beard and it was trimmed close making him sexier. Black hair that was cropped short on the sides and longer on the top. His skin was tanned from the sun. His hazel eyes were commanding as he took in the class.

  The effect was devastating.

  And I didn’t like the way my body reacted.

  “My name is Mr. Carter and I’ll be your teacher for the rest of your senior year.” He turned to pull out the attendance sheet from his briefcase. “Let’s do a roll call.”

  “Adam. John. David.” He continued to call upon each student until he stumbled upon my name. “Lily.”

  When he heard no response he looked up, searching for me. He was about to mark me absent but the students had turned around to stare at me, giving away my much needed anonymity.

  “Ms. Lily, I don’t have time for childish antics. Please make yourself present when I call upon your name. Let’s try this again. Lily?” He stared at me, expectantly.

  Something about him made me want to do the exact opposite of what he asked me. I wanted to make it difficult for him. He wasn't supposed to be there.

  He had permanently taken the position that was my dad’s. Everyday his presence would be a constant reminder of my dad’s absence.

  I craved to do something bad.

  “What if I don’t want to make myself present?” I challenged.

  “I would tell you that you’ve forced yourself to the top of the list where I will be forced to call upon you for every answer.”

  “I won’t answer them.”

  He turned to address the class. “There will always be one idiot who will stand randomly, make stupid jokes and be a troublemaker.” He lets his gaze roam over me. “I’m assuming that will be you?”

  “I’m not the one standing.” I retorted.

  Pin drop silence followed.

  Mr. Carter was quiet for a few moments. “You think you’re so smart. Which you can be and will be. But right now, I’m ten times smarter than you.”

  “I’m zero times smarter than you.”

  Ooh-ahhs surrounded the class.

  The students watched the exchange with fascination.

  “It’ll be remiss of me to not to send you to the principal’s office, then,” he answered.

  “Been there. Done that.” That was the closest I had come to acknowledge that horrible, world-tilting day in the principal’s office. “Try again.” I responded with my chin in the air.

  It was a flicker but I noticed it nonetheless. He wasn't pleased. His hazel eyes glowered. He didn’t like that I challenged him especially in front of the class. I brought his authority into question.

  I had him pegged. He was the domineering type and everyone had to bow to him.

  “Don’t try me, Ms. Lily.” His sleeve stretched as he pulled his wrist to check the time on his watch. “Unfortunately, I don’t have time to remind you who is the boss.”

  I snorted with an air of derision. “Are you even old enough to be a teacher?” He looked to be in his early twenties.

  His gaze bore into me, trying to bend me my existence to his will.

  I stared back, defiantly. I wouldn't cower to him. Nor bend to his will.

  He broke the heated stare down. “Old enough,” he murmured. That murmur tingled down my spine. That murmur promised retribution.

  The thought excited me more than it should before I shook my head.

  He decided to start the class lesson while I sat there on my phone. The class settled into the daily lesson about triangles and I continued to play on my phone, uncaring of what was going on around me.

  About fifteen minutes in, my phone was snatched out of my hand.


  “You aren't taking notes.” He tapped one long finger against the notebook I had placed just for ceremony.

  “I don't need to.” I gritted my teeth. All the teachers had left me to my devices after my father died. In sympathy and pity.

  Mr. Carter never seemed to have gotten that memo.

  “I don’t tolerate childish behavior,” he stated. He glanced at the phone in his hand. “Candy Crush is more important than passing?” He raised one eyebrow.

  I laughed, derisively, folding my arms across my chest. “I don’t just pass. I have the highest grade in the class.” I stated, arrogantly, locking eyes with him.

  I was fucking smart.

  “You may have. But you have yet to take my test and quizzes. Don’t be so overly confident. And since you deemed my lesson as easy, I’m simply going to have to make them harder for everyone.” He pocketed my phone and walked away.

  Groans ensued from the class. The students grumbled around me, shooting me nasty glares.

  I shrugged. I wasn't speaking hyperbole. The math was too fucking easy.

  The substitute spoon fed them every answer.

  We’re taking calculus, not freshman algebra. It was supposed to be challenging.

  Chapter 3

  After class, I went up to the front of the class to grab my phone. Mr. Carter was erasing the whiteboard. During class, he took his suit jacket off and his bulging biceps would distract me whenever he exerted them.

  Like now. I could keep staring at him.

  I stood there silently waiting for him to notice me. He took his time to acknowledge me—erasing the whiteboard, packing his markers and eraser into his briefcase, and shuffling all the papers in a single file.

  Finally, a few minutes later, he walked around the desk to where I was standing, stopping a couple of inches before and leaned back on the desk.

  The air between us was charged and electric.

  The thrill of sparring with him excited me.

  I was confused with the visceral reaction my traitorous body was experiencing for the first time.

  My nipples poked through my thin bra. Stubbornly, I blamed the cold draft coming in from the window.

  In response, his eyes flicked down to my chest before raising his eyes back to mine. I shook my head, unsure of what was happening.

  We were in a stare down. I was intensely aware of his bare forearms when he pulled up the sleeves of his shirt.

  I broke the stare, pushing my palm out, silently. He knew what I wanted.

  He looked at my outstretched hand and raised his eyebrows.

  Mr. Carted was going to have me break the silence.

  “I need my phone.”

  He smirked. “You will not get it until the end of the day.”

  “What? Why?” I sputtered.”That’s insane.”

  “I will not be challenged. And to answer your earlier question, I’m twenty-five.”

  “You can’t just take my phone. It’s not yours.”

  “Tell you what. Apologize and I’ll give it.”

  “No.” I glared at him.

  “Okay, then.” He straightened and turned halfway to grab his briefcase.

  I sighed and closed my eyes. “Fine. Sorry.”

  What can I say? I couldn't live without my phone.

  He flashed a smile at my quick capitulation. “See. That wasn't so hard. This is the start of a great relationship.” He pulled my phone out of his pocket and passed it to me. "And I wanted to take this opportunity and build on that relationship. I'm sorry about your dad. Life is cruel and you didn't need to bear that at such a young age." His voice was contrite and his eyes were sympathizing.

  He was truly sorry as far as I could tell. T
oo bad he didn't know that I hated sympathy. It's the reason why I haven't let anyone console or come up to me. I've built a wall around me that screamed fuck off.

  I walked away. “It's the start of the worst relationship of your life.” I threw back over my shoulders.

  He seemed to understand that I didn't want sympathy, pity or be coddled. I wanted it as I gave it to people. Straight.

  “Okay, then. Glad we got that out of the way. The next time you disrespect me in front of the class and try to undermine me, I won't be as kind and forgiving.”

  “Okay, Mr. Carter.” I said in a sing-song voice over my shoulders as I continued to give him my back. This wasn't the last of what he was going to hear of me. He was in for a rude-awakening.

  My steps faltered. I swore I heard him say ‘fuck me’ when he got a look at my ass.

  He was my teacher.

  I was his student.

  I had to have imagined that.

  The charged air surrounding us when we were in the same room meant nothing.

  It couldn't.

  Chapter 4

  Kate and I were settled in my bedroom watching TV, scrolling mindlessly through the channels when she suddenly bursts with, “I think I’m going to break up with Simon.”

  I gasped in horror, “What? Why? You guys are sickeningly and sweetly in love”

  “Exactly! We are sickeningly sweet. I want passion, drama and I-I don’t know!” she stuttered. “I want someone that needs me like water and oxygen.”

  “That love is only found in movies and books. It isn't real, Kate.”

  “It’s possible. Zack and I have that,” she said softly.

  I fumbled. “No, Kate. Tell me you didn’t cheat on Simon.” Sweet Simon who worshipped the ground she walked on. He loved Kate as much as an eighteen-year-old could. We had become a threesome, Simon becoming a great friend to me.

  Kate glanced towards the window, not answering me. It was fleeting, but I saw the guilt shining in her eyes.

  My mind is racing because cheating was something I didn’t think Kate could do. She would rather break it off than cheat.


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