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Recklessly Forbidden (Bennett Brothers Book 2)

Page 14

by Emily Bowie

  “Oh, thanks.” I hold the card up and look at it, wondering how he even knew I was here.

  Looking back up, he dips his head to me. “Tell Tyson I will see him later.” And with that he leaves, making me wonder if Tyson had mentioned me to him.

  I go to place the card in my overnight bag I had packed, just in case I do ever need advice. I know Tyson doesn’t want me to interact with Trevor at all. The fact that he knows Tyson and knows we are together is even better. With Richard McKinley willing to help me, I may be able to eliminate Trevor completely. To be truthful, the only reason why I haven’t severed ties with Trevor is because I know Tyson will use his power illegally to help me. That plan wouldn’t be any different than my brother’s though and I just want to do this the right way for a change.

  Chapter 24


  Stepping out of a car Tyson apparently owns, even though I’ve never seen it before, I expect a big ballroom, maybe some old historical building, maybe a secret entrance with a secret knock. But no. I am standing in front of Andrea’s mansion. The same one I was in front of last week.

  The massive brick house is illuminated with small lights under each of the house pillars, making it look more beautiful in the night than it does in the day. There looks to be a host at the door with a clipboard. I’m assuming he holds the guest list.

  Tyson wraps his arm around me, giving me a light kiss on my lips. “Ready?” he whispers. I nod. Even with my four-inch heels on tonight, I still only reach the top of Tyson’s shoulders.

  Light gold drapes are pulled together at each edge of the massive six windows that face the front of the house. Crystal teardrop chandeliers are dimmed, creating ambient lighting in the elegant room. The roof itself is some type of architectural dream with raised squares throughout. Scattered throughout the room are cocktail tables covered in white cloths and there are three different areas that have comfortable lounging couches placed strategically for private conversations. At the far end of the room looks to be a small raised platform.

  I feel like a princess in my shimmery light blue form-fitting dress. The slit is showcased each time I take a step and my right leg peekaboos out of it. The neckline is more daring in its plunge than I would have ever picked out. My boobs are all taped together as the dress wouldn’t allow for anything else.

  Tyson stands proudly beside me in his black tux that looks like it was made just for him, which it most likely was. This doesn’t look like the type of tuxes I saw at my high school graduation. Even the material seems more high class. Knowing Tyson, it must have cost more than a month or two of rent.

  A waiter in white comes toward us, greeting Tyson with a nod. “Mr. Bennett.” He hands us crystal flutes of champagne. The amount looks so tiny compared to the champagne I’ve consumed from wine glasses.

  “Thank you,” Tyson and I say in unison as he leads me to one of those intimate couch areas.

  “Don’t you need to say hi to anyone?” I ask, not wanting Tyson to feel like he needs to babysit me. He gives my hand a little squeeze and smiles down at me. He looks in his element here tonight with me. He’s wearing a goofy, happy grin on his face that typically isn’t there.

  “They will be here all night. All I care about is that you are enjoying yourself.” We reach the white vintage chaise lounger and I take a seat, crossing my legs, while Tyson sits beside me. I lean into him, inhaling his cologne as I watch all the people intermingle.

  Just as I’m about to mention that Richard McKinley stopped by his house earlier, a man comes by and greets Tyson. Tyson stands and I follow suit as the two men shake hands.

  “It’s been too goddamn long to see that pretty face of yours,” the man teases Tyson, and he chuckles.

  “You need to come to Texas more,” Tyson banters back. The man who he is talking to does not acknowledge my presence until Tyson speaks again, “Where are my manners? This is Jewels Rogers.”

  The man, for the first time, looks in my direction and smiles. “Pleased to meet you, Miss Rogers.”

  Tyson reaches for my hand again, interlacing his fingers with mine.

  Before we can sit down, another man comes by to greet Tyson. Looks like Tyson is the star of the night by the way people seem to be glancing in our general area. I feel a little out of place, mostly because the only person I know here is Tyson. I will never remember all of the names of those introduced to me.

  By the time Tyson’s fans have stopped coming by to greet us, we are able to take a seat again. “Your friend, Mr. McKinley, stopped by today,” I mention, remembering he said that he would be here tonight. I don’t want Tyson to think I didn’t tell him on purpose. Then I consider he could be my answer to not having to use Trevor for help. I scan the large room, checking to see if I see Richard.

  Tyson squeezes my hand hard, gaining my attention, as his head turns in my direction. I’m uncertain of his feelings, as his facial expression seems to keep changing before settling on concerned. I can see him about to open his mouth to say something to me just as his father stops in front of him and clears his throat.

  It’s easy to see where Tyson gets his good looks. I can see that the two men have the same eyes and carry similar facial expressions. I have seen this one on Tyson before.

  “William.” Tyson’s voice is strained, although I’m not sure why. He stands to join his dad, leaving me sitting.

  I feel awkward, not sure if I should stand and be a part of the conversation or if I should stay sitting down. I clasp my hands together, feeling the distance from Tyson as he lets go of my hand. I can feel the tension between the two men.

  I decide to stand, hoping I will fidget less. My fingers move around each other as I decide what to do with them before allowing them to stay by my sides, forcing myself not to fidget any longer.

  “May I speak with you privately?” He emphasizes the word private, his eyes sliding over to me and back to Tyson.

  Tyson turns to me awkwardly with an apologetic expression.

  I force my polite smile and reply with a wave. “No problem.” And I begin to walk away in search for something to drink.

  But Tyson catches my arm and pulls me into a kiss. “Sorry. I’ll make this quick.” His eyes search mine, before slowly releasing me.

  Even with actually seeing no one watching me, I feel like everyone’s eyes are on me. Right on cue a waiter comes by and hands me a drink. “Thought you might need this.” He gives me a wink before walking by to continue his rounds.

  Is it that noticeable? Taking a sip of the bubbles, I take in the moment of them dancing on my tongue before swallowing.

  It’s at this moment I realize something. There are practically no women here. And I am quite possibly the youngest one here by twenty years. There are many pods of people in small discussions throughout the room. There are no groups of women gossiping together, instead the few are sprinkled in and stationed beside their dates, who I assume are husbands. I do not see a single one in conversation. It’s not like they are mute, it almost looks like they speak only when spoken to. I walk the perimeter to see if I’m being paranoid.

  Out of the way, almost hidden, is a staircase. Scanning the room quickly, I note that no one is paying any attention to me. Looking up into its darkness, I decide to take the small narrow path upward to allow myself a moment to breathe. With each step I breathe a little easier, allowing my shoulders to sink. I thought this party would be a little more fun than how it has transpired. That same feeling of being an outsider eats at me, it is the most unwelcoming feeling and one I hate the most. I blame Three Rivers for my insecurities.



  My father gives me his disapproving glare; in fact, it’s more than that. He is vibrating in fury.

  “What?” I look him straight on, not hiding my annoyance.

  “Why did you bring her?” he hisses.

  My father expected us boys to bring home a girl to him and mom, not to one of our society’s functions. But I never did follow t
he rules or submit to the order he expected.

  “People are already talking about the future and you pull this stunt.” He looks around, ensuring no one can hear our conversation.

  What he is referring to is the strict no date policy here. Looking around, only a few wives are in attendance. And even the member’s husbands can be placed in a bad position if anything goes wrong. I am making a statement. I wasn’t even sure if I was going to until the words came out of my mouth. Jewels doesn’t even know the significance of what her coming here means. I have pretty much claimed her and beat my chest out loud with this move I just pulled.

  “She’s it for me,” I say for the first time out loud and to myself without any doubt.

  “You better hope she feels the same way about you, son. There are no redos in this line of life you choose.” He is very serious.

  I nod, knowing Jewels feels the same for me. Our connection doesn’t need to be spoken. We can feel it.

  We take a step back from each other, coming to a silent understanding. My father is a master of schooling his expression to anything he wants. Right now his mask is one of happy host as he looks at the members socializing in the large room. My eyes immediately scan the room for Jewels, wanting to make my way back to her, but instead I am pulled into another conversation.

  “Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” My father’s eyes dart to me as an older member asks the question. “When is Lewis’s funeral?” the older man continues.

  My thoughts immediately rush to the details I know surrounding Lewis’s death. His body has not been found yet, but that has been kept hush hush, hoping to find any suspects.

  Interrupting my thoughts, William answers, not missing a beat. “That will be announced tonight.”

  That was news to me. Not that I had thought about that much. I have been dealing with my own issues.



  Upstairs is dark, causing me to wait at the top of the stairs for a moment while my eyes adjust. I can see a light shining underneath one of the doors and a direct line peeking out from where the door is ajar. I should go back down to the party, but I can feel my body tense up. I need a moment, I think to myself. I even lie to myself when I say I’m not snooping. This is normal; I’m just taking a breather.

  Moving up to my tiptoes, so my heels don’t click on the hard floor, I make my way to the runner that lies along the middle of the hallway. Its softness cushioning my every step and muffling my heels. Creeping along, I can hear a voice coming from that room. I recognize it, but can’t seem to put a face to it. Slowly, I lean forward to see who is inside. The only things I am able to make out are shoes and legs. His body is turned so all I can see is his back. I take a smaller step closer, hoping to hear better.

  The voice is angry, and I can feel the willpower it takes for the voice to stay low. Not whispering, yet soft enough that I take another step closer. “Andrea is with me tonight.”

  Deep down I relax further, knowing she has someone. I hate seeing how she looks at Tyson and has her hands on him every time I have seen her. About time she gets a boyfriend.

  “Want to know my celebrating plans?” He pauses but no one answers.

  Is he talking to himself? I wait a beat, but I hear no sounds until a light scraping on the floor and maybe a muffled voice. It almost sounds like a struggle but I can’t see anything.

  “Want to know the best part of this all?” The voice is back, continuing in a one-way conversation. “All of your most valuables will be gone. Your daughter, the future of what you helped to create with William. Gone. When you watch it crumble, that is when you will officially die.”

  I step closer again, accidently bumping the door which causes it to creak. I stop breathing. My blood stops flowing. I can’t move. When the door opens, I fall into hands that catch me. Looking up I see Richard, and for a split second I feel that I am saved. Then my brain catches up, knowing he was the voice and that I am fucked. I try to wiggle out of his hands but he holds me closer, pulling me farther into the room then closing and locking the door. I plan to scream, and take in a deep breath just as I hear him say, “Good girl.” And then I feel a poke in the side of my neck. “It hurts less when you take a deep breath.”

  I am stunned, silenced. It’s like I’m having an out of body experience. I blink, I feel like my world is in slow motion, yet it is the most amazing thing to watch.

  “Miss Rogers, this is Mr. Lewis.” I am introduced to a man tied up in a chair. Wasn’t he dead? I think to myself, but that thought flies out as soon as I have it. I laugh like this is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I feel fantastic! My hand runs down my arm and it’s so smooth.

  I look at Richard and his distinguished face. He looks powerful and manly. I bet he knows how to treat a lady. His eyes are brown with a green circle outlining them. My hand goes out to touch his face. The need to do it consumes me. His skin is harder than I would have thought. Slowly, they go into his brown hair that has the slightest silver shining through.

  “Oh I think you are almost ready,” he says to me, kissing me on the lips. The sensation runs down my body.

  “Why don’t you go find Tyson, honey,” he purrs to me.

  Tyson, I love that man. Just hearing his name has all sorts of things happening to my body. I’m horny, I realize. I have an urge to rub myself but that’s not ladylike. I need Tyson. I exit the room, completely forgetting why I was in there in the first place. Tyson. His name is on repeat in my mind.

  I skip down the stairs with a smile bright on my face. The moment I walk back into the main room, Tyson’s eyes are on me. His sexy stare has my panties dampening. He is so sexy in that suit of his. It’s a new look from his casual clothes he normally wears.

  I am no longer afraid of this room, and twirl, embracing all of it. Parties are meant to be fun and it is about time I have some fun. I stare him down, wanting to jump him, not caring who is in this room.


  Him saying my name reminds me that I am openly eye fucking him. But do I care? He is mine, isn’t he? I wrap my arms around him, pressing my chest into him. My lips go to his ear, and I lick and nip it. “I want to fuck you,” I boldly tell him. Moving the material away from my one leg, I bring it up to wrap around his one side.

  “Jewels,” he says my name more sternly then tries to unwrap me from my hold on him. “You’re making a scene,” he scolds me. But it only provokes me. I go to kiss his lips, claiming him for me, for all to see. But my lips never reach his. His body is no longer keeping me warm.

  I look around to see everyone looking at me, their eyes narrowed in displeasure. I can begin to feel the blood rushing out of my face, I feel numb and tingly. I just want to be happy, and I can feel the hurt trying to break into my perfect state of mind.

  The look Tyson has in his eyes right now makes my stomach turn. I can’t even look at him, so I turn and run the best I can with heels on. He doesn’t see the tears pooling in my eyes, and I refuse to turn back, because I, Jewels Nicole Rogers, do not cry over men. Yet here I am, full streams running down my face. No one moves in the room while I make my escape. I hear no movements, no sounds, until I reach the doorway. Then the air seems to start moving inside and out. I reach the dark wraparound porch and turn to my right. I remember a plush swing and I go by it and hide in its shadows on the ground. Bringing my knees as close to my chest as possible, my arms wrapping around them tightly, the streams run down my face warmly, and I hide them into my little cocooned body. I’m devastated. I cry into my legs. How can I be so happy one moment and so heartbroken the next? I can’t even focus on the thought as an intense need to cry washes over me.



  My feet are still planted and I can already feel the disappointment radiating off of my father. I don’t care about the eyes on me. They can all go fuck themselves. I hate that I have allowed my father the ability to say I told you so and scold me like I’m a toddler. That is what doesn’t s
it well.

  Everyone hides their stares from me, allowing me to replay the last few moments. That is not the Jewels I know. For the first time I do realize something, it is time I man up. I can’t just let go of the best thing to ever happen to me. I don’t give a fuck.

  I take long strides in the direction she went, hoping to find her to make it up. Stepping into the dark night, the column lights shine onto the green grounds surrounding the estate. Turning to my left, I hear a giggle, only to be disappointed to see Andrea and Richard.

  “What the hell, Andrea?” I warned her of him and she runs into his arms?

  “Oh don’t be jealous, Tyson,” she retorts.

  Richard just lets out a long whistle. I want to shoot this fucker. I want to pull Andrea away to ask her what the fuck is going on, I gave her strict instructions to stay away from this man.

  But Richard interrupts. “You must be looking for your woman.”

  My eyes leave Andrea, forgetting I need to know what the fuck is going on with her. “Where the fuck did she go?” I don’t trust either of these two.

  Headlights of a car go by and the car swerves slightly before heading straight down the driveway. He just gives a point in the direction of the car.

  “I let her take my car.” He shrugs. He whistles again and looks at his large Rolex on his wrist.

  “Look at the time.” He locks eyes with me in a challenge. Just then I hear a voice on the speaker announcing for me to go up to the podium. The evening is starting. The future of this society will be the discussion for this evening. That future should include me, if I go back in. But the way Richard is looking at me, I know that will be diminished as soon as I leave and he will try to take my spot.

  McKinley brings up his beer as if to say cheers. I forgot I was still holding mine, my death grip clenching at the glass. I bring it to my lips, taking about half of its contents down with one large gulp.


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