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Recklessly Forbidden (Bennett Brothers Book 2)

Page 16

by Emily Bowie

  I stand up straighter, allowing the large bag to sway back and forth. “I will never be enough for you,” I respond. Growing up, I always had room to improve in his eyes.

  He shakes his head. “You know that is not true.”

  I know this tone. This is the tone of a lecture. I have had enough of them to know.

  “Tyson, you just assume everything will be handed to you. The society isn’t going to fall into your lap because I am your father. It doesn’t work that way.” He pushes off the wall but doesn’t advance toward me. “I know you work hard and treat it like a baby of yours. But the thing is, babies grow up, and they need different things sometimes.” I turn from him and aim my attention back to the bag.

  “Do you think my relationship with your mother comes without work?” I don’t have to look at him to know he’s moving closer, his voice increasing in tone. He stops in front of the bag, holding it still for me. I don’t say anything so he continues. “I had to learn how to put her needs before the society’s needs and my own. That is how I am able to keep our world together.”

  I punch the bag again, only for something to do, regretting the decision as I feel my body revolting against the hit.

  “Everyone has different realities for themselves. You have to decide if the path I followed is going to be the same for you.”

  I’m breathing hard from hitting the bag in my weakened state and from my father’s wisdom he has bestowed to me. I hate that it makes sense and it fits perfectly into what is happening in my head right now.

  I hate that he is right, and I hate that I don’t know what it means, or what I want it to mean. Is the right thing for me to not be a part of the society? Do I focus on my relationship with Jewels? Can I have the best of both worlds, keeping them both by my side?

  I want to run my hands through my hair, but the motion hurts too much, instead, I tilt my head backward, closing my eyes as my body vibrates in frustration.

  My worlds are spinning out of control. Each of them pushing against each other. Fucking shit.

  I bend down cautiously to pick up my shirt I had dropped on the floor. I have to clear my head. Being in my parents’ house is clouding what I want and my thoughts. I don’t even bother to say goodbye as I walk out, leaving my dad standing in the room. The entrance door slams behind me and instantly I see Andrea leaning up against my car.

  “Andrea, leave me the fuck alone.” I don’t need her bullshit right now.

  “Leave you alone?” She acts hurt and put out. “You almost died last week, my father is still fighting for his life, and Richard was killed in my home.”

  My steps slow as I hear the words come out of her mouth.

  “You mind telling me what the hell you were doing with Richard in the first place?”

  Her eyes narrow in on mine. She stands up from leaning against the car. “Tyson. That mistake at your house was mine.”

  “No shit!” Instead of seeing a guy almost dying on my couch, my vision is of Jewels, wide eyed as she walked out of my door. I thought I had lost her then.

  “I am trying to make it right. You don’t think I hear the rumbles? I know what people are saying behind my back. I am trying to revalidate myself. This is my life, too.”

  “I’m still waiting on an answer.” My foot taps impatiently.

  “You and I both did not trust that man. One of us had to keep an eye on him. You were too busy with Jewels to know what he was up to.” She points to herself. “I had to do your homework.”

  “You had to do my homework?” I scoff. “He was hiding your father in your house. You’re telling me you weren’t in on that?”

  “Don’t make this about me, Tyson. Do you know Richard is, or I guess was, a silent partner in that ranch Jewels is getting help from? The one her ex-boyfriend is very active in. Do you know she has been meeting with her ex here in town?”

  What the fuck? I examine her face to see if she is lying. I have known her my whole life, and there are no tell signs that she is lying. I had told Jewels I would help her with the ranch, why didn’t she come to me? She has a smirk on her face, she damn well knew I had no idea about this.

  I push down my thoughts and emotions and step right up to Andrea. I can feel my breath hit her skin. “Your time is coming, Andrea. Just because you are a woman doesn’t mean they will take mercy.” My eyes stare down onto her. I mean every last word. If she is guilty no one will be able to save her.

  Taking a step back I walk past Andrea to the driver’s side door, slamming it once I get in.

  I think it’s time Jewels’s brother and I met. My hand grips the steering wheel harder, making me regret the decision to not ride my bike.

  My phone rings through my Bluetooth to see Chase’s number on it.

  “Chase, sorry I haven’t called you in a while for an update,” I answer immediately, still too distracted to hear what all he has to say.

  “We will get into that later. But for right now, I’m going to be the better brother than you for once in my life.” I freeze for a second, knowing his words ring true. Who sends their own brother back into the hometown he hated, the hometown that destroyed his life. I didn’t even have the balls to tell him the real reason I sent him. I had only been thinking about myself. I disregarded him completely when I sent him to Three Rivers. I should have told him the true reason for sending him back to his old stomping grounds.

  “Luke Rogers needs a damn good lawyer right now. I thought you may want to know, since you had me look into him and all.” His voice is full of sarcasm.

  My words to Jewels in the church come back to haunt me. I told her I would take care of him, too. Nothing I have touched has turned into anything good lately. I’ve been fucking up every way I turn. Something so out of character for me. All because I have been halfway in both of my worlds. The society world, then the world where I love Jewels. I have to choose.

  “I’m on my way.”

  Chapter 28


  I cross over the railway tracks, a sign that I am getting closer to the Rogers’s ranch. I had my lawyer meet me down at the station where Luke was being held, not too far away from the federal prison. I was able to follow through on my promise to Jewels. Luke won’t be getting any jail time. But that took a lot of work from the lawyer to make them decide that Luke’s information would be worthwhile.

  Now I am on to my next mission. Revitalize the Rogers’s ranch. This is Jewels’s dream and I am hoping my grand gesture will be enough that she is willing to open that door for me. I need her to let me in just enough so she can see how much I love her.

  I pull into the long paved driveway to see Trevor’s truck idling. It makes me smile knowing he had to wait for me. I take my time rolling up beside him before turning off my car. I notice he still hasn’t gotten out of his truck. I roll my eyes as I step out.

  Walking around, I wait a few feet from his truck on the lawn. Looks like he’s doing the same thing to me. Finally, he decides to get out of the truck to join me.

  “Word on the street is that this little ranch was quite the hot spot,” he tells me, walking closer. I extend my hand to shake his. Our hands meet and I can feel the same pressure on my hand as I am pressing on his.

  “Now how can I help my Jewels?” He bates me, releasing my hand.

  I can’t help it, I can’t let his comment go. “For starters, she’s my Jewels.” I look him in the eye with a predatory look. She will be mine again, I tell myself.

  “I have a few horses en route. But I do know Jewels has her heart set on that one stud that was born this spring that you had promised her.”

  He’s looking bored with the information he already knows. “I’m looking forward to that date she promised me, too.” He rocks on his feet, enjoying this too much.

  What I want to do is grab him into a headlock then pound my fists into him. I can’t help but fantasize punching him in the gut and making him cry out in pain. But what I end up doing takes much more control.

here will be no such thing.” My tone is steady and harsh. “But I am aware that your bookkeeping may not be so up-to-date.” Lowering my voice to a hush, I continue, “I heard Richard McKinley was a real numbers guy who kept a paper trail for everything.” I allow my expression to exaggerate into an ‘eek’ look with my mouth straightening across as my eyes go big. He knows what I’m talking about. I can see the shock and surprise wash over his eyes. The way his breath stops for a second and his body freezes tell me he knows what I am saying. He quickly recovers, masking his expression.

  “You will tell her that a date is no longer required. This conversation will also never be mentioned.” I know my Jewels, she may be okay that I am helping but this part is her pride and hard work. If she thinks she got it because of me or for free she will refuse. It’s that damn stubborn streak that runs wild in her.

  “Instead, you are going to come up with a reasonable number.” I emphasize reasonable as I look at him. “And you’ll accept monthly payment for however long it takes her to pay it.”

  “McKinley will never let any paperwork come to light,” he replies cockily and looking like he feels untouchable.

  “Well, that’s something you can discuss at his funeral that’s probably happening this week.” I turn around, tired of having to deal with scum. I would much rather act on my threats.

  “He’s dead?” Trevor’s voice starts to get a hint of worry.

  “I’m sure the estate will file everything probably, don’t worry.” I don’t even bother to turn around to look at him.

  “Fine. I’ll give her a call and let her know. If you clear up that paperwork?” Defeat riddles his voice, the sound curving my lips upward.

  I walk around the house, hearing Trevor getting into his truck to leave. In a few hours this ranch is going to be getting pretty busy.

  My phone dings with a text message.

  Chase: Operation Brown Nose has been activated.

  Me: Clever.

  Chase: I thought so. Did you catch the double meaning?

  Why I ever decide to get my brothers involved with anything is beyond me.

  Chapter 29


  I have to admit, even though I told Tyson we were done—and I meant it—it still hurt that he didn’t try harder to fight for us. There was a part of me that hoped he would rip my house down and tell me I was wrong about Andrea and him.

  This was why I had to tell him all of those things. To allow myself to be able to get over him. Otherwise, in the back of my mind, I would always think ‘what if?’

  “Coffee?” Mandy holds out a mug for me in my doorway. Tilting my head, I look at my beautiful cousin. If I had ever had a sister I imagine she would have been like her.

  “Thank you.” I sigh, welcoming the warmth in her face. She walks it over to me and we both take a sip out of our cups. The creamy French vanilla flavor dancing along my tongue. It tastes amazing.

  “So, I was thinking.” I look at her, not to sure how to start this conversation.

  She looks into her coffee mug before raising her sad eyes to me. “I already know what you are going to say.”

  “I think it’s time to go home, for good this time.”

  She nods and forces out a small smile for me. “I kinda figured.” She takes a seat on the end of my bed, like so many times before.

  “While you were sleeping there was a phone call for you.” Mandy managed to have all my phone calls transferred to her cell phone after I destroyed mine. I still think that my phone deserved its punishment; I’m not backing down on that one. It’s not like I would have been able to trust myself with it anyhow.

  My heart beats, waiting for her to tell me who it was. “Three Rivers Veterinarian Clinic called, wanting to arrange a time to meet with you.”

  “Really?” I sit up farther. I had decided last minute to email in my resume, hoping I could gain a paid position while helping my family get back on their feet.

  She nods and pats my legs that are still under my covers. “I think they were hoping to talk to you in person today.”

  I do a silent thank you to the man upstairs. “It’s a sign, I’m making the right decision.” I feel optimistic.

  Standing up, she heads back to the door, stopping just in the doorway to look back at me. “Did you want me to start packing for you while you head to Three Rivers today?”

  I look around the room I have known for the last year or so. “Nah.” I shake my head. I honestly don’t have too much in here that is mine. All of the furniture is Mandy’s. “It’ll take me a few hours max when I get back. Anyway, I don’t want it to feel so official yet.”

  She nods. “I get that. Take as long as you want. If you change your mind, I would love to keep you.”

  I will miss my cousin. She had been my backbone this year. I don’t think I could have made it without her.

  Chapter 30


  I’m going to go to hell for this, but it will be well worth it when I see Jewels’s face. I look around me and the ranch looks alive.

  Her father’s old tractor is sitting in the back. With the help of Luke (we have been pretty good on the terms of I scratch your back, you scratch mine) I was even able to put the old photos he had back onto his window visor and his favorite CD inside to listen to.

  She and Luke will have enough horses to compete at the rodeo and a very small breeding start. I want her to feel and know that it’s her hard work that will make the ranch a success. And the new breeding she wanted to get into was her baby. All I have done is kick-start it, allowing her some breathing room to get the ranch up and going. I look around me, the stables now have hay, there is covered hay in the back for the winter season. Men are walking the horses into their stalls in the old barn. The new one still needs a bit more work to get animals to move in there. Something I hope she will let me help with. If I had more time I would have done that beforehand.

  Operation Brown Nose, as Chase calls it, is put aside, waiting for my moment to reveal it. I know she is in Three Rivers. When I told the vet that she was meeting with a small portion of my plan, she was putty in my hands, willing to help me in any way.

  From the last message I got from her, Jewels should be here in about thirty minutes. Placing my fingers into my mouth, I blow a whistle to signal that our time is up. My car is already hidden and soon all the other vehicles will be gone, leaving the house looking vacant.

  Chapter 31


  I did it! Ah! Relief seeps through me as I rejoice in the fact that I have a small part-time position at the veterinary clinic. Half of it will be reception duties, but getting my foot in the door is the first step. It’s perfect. Giving me time to work on the ranch and bringing in some money, too.

  Thinking of the ranch, I can’t help but feel sad when I remember my last interaction with Luke. We parted on such terrible terms to begin with and now him being arrested… I tried to get in to see him but I was told he was with his lawyer. At least there is that. Absently, I cross my fingers while holding the steering wheel. I hope he can get out of this okay. I doubt it though. He is completely guilty; they have seized pretty much everything from the new barn. Not that I need anything from there. It’s a wasted building now. By the time I have enough money to fix it up, it will be an old barn.

  The trees outlining our property come into focus, and the feeling of home is bittersweet. This place is filled with almost every memory I have ever had. That feeling is consuming but one I am willing to embrace.

  Stepping out of the car, I immediately notice a loose strand of hay by my foot. Looking up, I take a quick glance around the place and notice a new bale has been placed where the horses once were. Luke must have forgotten to stop the delivery when he sold our last horse. The thought has my stomach sinking. How did life get so off track? I question myself.

  I consider walking toward the hay but it’s just depressing.

  That’s when a low howling sound gets my attention. What in the world? I wa
lk past the front door toward the old barn. I hope an animal didn’t get accidentally stuck in there. I increase my speed, starting to worry how long they may have been trapped in there, to see a clumsy but cute big pawed chocolate Lab puppy come tripping over its feet toward me.

  Kneeling down, I let the adorable puppy lick my hand before scratching the top of its head. He leans into me, wanting more until he is lying on the ground, his tummy up in the air for me to rub.

  “Well, aren’t you a cutie pie,” I tell him as his feet move in the air. “Where did you run off from?”

  “He’s right at home.” A sexy rumble of a voice says in front of me.

  Lifting my head, I take Tyson in. He is in dark jeans that look much too nice for a ranch, yet they also look soiled, as if he might have been working with his hands on the land. His T-shirt clings to his body, stretching it out slightly.

  I can’t help but pick up this precious little thing as I stand. “What do you mean he is at home?” I ask as the puppy gives my nose a big, wet lick.

  “You can’t have a functioning ranch without a dog,” he drawls out, looking as sexy as ever.

  I scoff at his words ‘functioning ranch’ before looking down at the puppy. Those big brown eyes and wet brown nose look back at me. He almost distracts me completely with the sweetest puppy in the whole wide world until my brain catches on.

  “Why are you here?” That should have been my first question. The puppy barks as if he is now interested as to why Tyson is here, too. I pet him some more. Good boy, I think.

  Tyson smiles at the puppy. “Traitor,” he says.

  I can’t help but get that butterfly feeling in my chest.

  “I love you, Jewels.”

  I’m already weak at his words. I’m supposed to be this strong, independent woman, and yet, I crumble at the sight of this man.

  “I am sorry I let the other world I’m a part of take over my life. I know I didn’t treat you properly or make you feel like an important part of my life.” He looks as if he is fighting to find the right words. “You make me a better person, you make me happy, and I choose you.” He is looking at me just like this chocolate Lab in my arms is. “I’m not giving up on you. So much so, Three Rivers now has a brand new computer fix-it store.”


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