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Pieces of You

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by Haven Rose

  Pieces of You

  Haven Rose

  Copyright © 2019 Pieces of You by Haven Rose

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted by U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior permission of the author.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, or organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This story is intended for mature audiences only.

  Cover by: Fanderclai Design

  Created with Vellum


  Acknowledgments and Dedication


  Cast of Characters:

  1. Rooney

  2. Caden

  3. Rooney

  4. Rooney

  5. Caden

  6. Caden

  7. Caden

  8. Rooney

  9. Caden

  10. Caden

  11. Caden

  12. Caden

  13. Rooney

  14. Rooney

  15. Caden

  16. Rooney

  17. Rooney

  18. Caden

  19. Rooney

  20. Caden

  21. Caden

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Epilogue Three

  More by Haven Rose

  About the Author

  Stay Connected

  Acknowledgments and Dedication

  I’d like to thank Bailey Boughton for answering numerous questions regarding Massachusetts. Any discrepancies in reality are my own and may have been tweaked to suit my purposes.

  This book is for Tonya who informed me to make this a front burner. Caden and Rooney agreed as their voices were the loudest, demanding their HEA be told, even though I was supposed to be working on a different story. Oops. *whistles innocently* Hopefully you guys forgive me.

  Their eyes meet across the room…

  Rooney Walker, adopted as a baby, has been different her whole life, something her moms taught her to embrace. Thankful for the life she’d been given, Rooney found her purpose from a young age - taking in animals deemed as having issues and therefore unplaceable, she now dedicates her life to proving love changes you. And yet, despite her success professionally, she hasn’t found it personally…until she sees him.

  Caden Howell may come from a wealthy family, but he’s worked his way to the top. And while he’s proud of all he’s accomplished, doing so meant his life was gray with no time for a relationship, not that any woman has interested him in too many years to count. Besides, those his mother views perfect for him are simply carbon copies of her. Then one evening, instinct leads him on a certain path, and he finds his rainbow.

  and both instantly know…

  They’re meant to be one, something they know immediately, and enjoy a passionate night together, the first of many they’ll share, but Rooney’s old fear of not being enough resurfaces, causing her to use a simple misunderstanding as an excuse to run, leaving her heart behind and taking Caden’s, and more, with her.

  they’ve found their missing piece.

  Caden refuses to stop searching for her and two months later fate once again steps in. Fears are laid to rest, hearts are healed, and the future is theirs…but not everyone is happy they’ve been reunited. In fact, someone had taken steps to ensure they never were, and will do whatever they need to in order to pull them apart for the last time.

  Warning: Ingredients – One Hero that knows who he wants and a vulnerable heroine that trusts him with her heart, two parts love, three lives changed, and a forever that’s meant to be.

  Cast of Characters:

  (Thomas) Caden Howell – Hero. Works for family company, Howell Hotels.

  Rooney Walker – Heroine. Owner of Finding Fur-ever.

  Thomas and Kimberly Howell – Hero’s parents.

  Peyton Howell – Hero’s younger sister.

  Reese Howell – Peyton’s young son.

  Mary and Danielle (Dani) Walker – Heroine’s parents.

  Drew Carpenter – Caden’s best friend and head of security for Howell Hotels.

  Mona Mitchell – Rooney’s best friend.

  Chapter One


  April 13th…

  My body aches so deliciously, muscles I hadn’t used in a long time still sighing in pleasure from last night, and early this morning. This is so unlike me, not only sharing myself with a complete stranger, but the connection I felt to him. It was instantaneous from the second our eyes met. It sounds cliché, but they exist for a reason.

  I’d walked into the bar yesterday after taking Polly, a two-year-old mixed breed, to her new home here in Boston, fully intending to have a drink or two, a pat on the back for a job well done. My shelter, Finding Fur-ever, is doing wonderfully. My mission is to take in animals of all kinds that are seen as troubled, unadoptable, etc., and give them the love and attention they need so others can see their potential. I currently don’t have any in-house because Polly was the last I needed to rehome, which was the reason for my celebratory drink.

  Growing up, being the only one in class, hell, the entire town, with two moms, I was teased, viewed as a freak by the other kids. Given the hurtful name Looney Rooney that followed me to high school. I felt more content with animals and the unconditional love they give.

  My moms, Mary and Dani, were the greatest parents anyone could ever hope to have, and we’re very close to this day. They taught me so much, one of the most important to be comfortable in my own skin, to be who I am, not what others want me to be. For my tenth birthday, they took me to an animal shelter, letting me choose who would join our family. That was when my purpose in life became clear.

  And though I have my moms, my best friend, Mona, as well as one or two friends I know are true, and the sense of peace my job gives me, I was lonely. I hadn’t planned on what happened, you can’t prepare for something so magical, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

  Caden was the answer to all the questions I’d never had the strength to ask. Would I ever find love? Do I have a soulmate? Can someone want me as I am? Within seconds, with just our eyes connecting, I knew I’d found my forever.

  We talked, our bodies getting closer with each word, every touch leading to the outcome neither of us could, or wanted to, resist. Within two hours of meeting, he’d taken my hand and led me to his hotel room, the penthouse no less. I’d assumed he was a resident too, Caden not saying anything to imply he was only here for a short time. Saddened by the thought, I’d opened my mouth to ask when his covered mine, his tongue thrusting inside the second the elevator doors closed. I’d lost all reason, my focus entirely on how he made me feel. He’d pushed me against the wall, one hand grabbing my ass. With a squeeze, somehow interpreting what it meant, I’d jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. As he rubbed his pants covered cock against my already soaked panties, I wanted to weep from how good it felt, knowing it would only get better. And it did.

  “Tell me I can do it, rainbow. That I can shove inside you right now, make you mine, ruin you for all others.”

  “You already have,” I’d confessed, my words coming straight from the heart.

  “Fuck!” Caden had shouted, a vein throbbing at hi
s temple, a testament to how tightly he was trying to rein himself in.

  “Do it,” I’d moaned, not caring about the possible consequences, my pussy feeling as if it would die if he wasn’t inside it within two seconds. Caden had looked into my eyes, seeing that while I was as lost in the moment as he was, my thinking was otherwise clear, the alcohol I’d consumed earlier not making my decision for me.

  He’d quickly unzipped and taken himself out, slowly pushing in, both of us groaning from how right it felt, and once he’d bottomed out, he fucked me relentlessly. It had been so hard, so rough, that I fully expected the car we were in to plummet to the ground and I wouldn’t have cared as long as he was still pounding me.

  Our lips had lightly touched as we’d whispered each other’s name, prolonging the releases our bodies were soaring toward, but we denied ourselves, not wanting the first time we came together to be in an elevator, saving that moment for when we were alone. We didn’t move, couldn’t, until the door had opened and started to close again. Caden had walked backwards enough to stop it, each step jostling his still hard cock buried in me.

  “I don’t ever want to put you down,” he’d confessed, his voice deep with arousal.

  “Then don’t,” I’d replied, not wanting to let go of him either.

  That was only the beginning. We’d had sex. We’d made love. We’d fucked all over his suite. The windows overlooking the street still bore an imprint from my body where he’d pressed me against it as he took me from behind.

  We found ourselves on the floor, my body glistening with sweat as I rode him to completion. His lips were soaked in my juices, mine wrapped around his dick, as we’d discovered the joy of a certain number. We’d washed each other in the shower, only to get dirty again and repeat the process…three times. He’d licked every inch of me, marveling over my tattoos as he encountered them. I’d done the same to his skin, licking muscles that seemed carved from granite, their beauty hidden underneath his business attire. I readily admit he looked fantastic in a suit, but naked? He was art.

  We must’ve gone through an entire box of condoms, the biggest quantity available. It bothered me they were there, assuming he could’ve only had them for one reason, but in the moment, I was thankful. What I didn’t know was when I’d used the restroom before we’d left the bar, he’d called the hotel and asked an employee to pick up two boxes and leave them in his suite.

  Remembering all we’d done, the future we’d both implied we wanted together, my body was quickly beginning to ready itself to take him again. Just as I reach down to grasp his cock, needing to take it in my mouth before feeling it inside me once more, I hear something vibrate. Damn it. I’ve heard of cockblocking, but never pussypausing. Pouting as I look at his thick dick, already imagining how it would feel sliding past my lips and laying on my tongue, I grab his phone since it somehow ended up on my side of the bed. I uncover my free hand to nudge him awake as I bring his cell closer, hoping the person doesn’t hang up in case it’s important.

  As it crosses my line of sight, my peripheral vision catches the screen and I stop, my heart breaking into a million tiny pieces and I just know I’ll leave most of them behind, a testament to how stupid I truly am, how naïve to believe the words that seemed to fall so easily from his lying lips. I should’ve known no one like him would see me as anything more than a roll in the hay, a girl only good for a short time. Placing the phone back where it was, I carefully extract myself, hating that my body seems to whimper when we lose contact, and gather my clothes, shame coating me like a second skin as I hurriedly dress. I see my panties at the last second, the bright yellow lace standing out from where he’d stuffed them into the pocket of his suit pants. He’d pulled them off me as soon as the door had closed behind us last night before spending the next hour proving my pussy belonged to him.

  He’d stolen my heart, claimed I’d done the same to his, but I couldn’t have. Not when it apparently already belonged to someone else, a pretty blonde and a little boy that had the same eyes as the man I’d foolishly believed was worthy of my love. They were smiling at the camera, probably at the same person fast asleep in the bed we’d defiled last night in our need for each other. I was a homewrecker. I’d fallen for a married man, a father at that, and the guilt for my actions was only overshadowed by the hole in my chest where my heart used to be.


  Waking with a smile on my face and a hand wrapped around my cock, I reach out, needing to touch Rooney, to reassure myself she’s real. I found my soulmate – in a bar of all places. Upon finding the other side of the bed empty, I assume she’s in the bathroom.

  Remembering all the things we did to each other, I begin working myself faster, knowing any second she’ll walk out and slide down my dick, taking it deep inside her. We’re perfect together in all ways. I can’t even say she’s everything I’d ever wanted, because that would mean Rooney fit some mold, and my woman is one of a kind, and I thank God for that. I still can’t believe I’d taken her in the elevator, but my craving for her was so great that waiting another second was too much. Thankfully, I’d sent my head of security, knowing he was working last night, a text to let him know that footage was not to be seen by anyone. He’d forwarded it to my laptop as requested – I wanted to save the memory of the first time we’d taken each other, knowing she and I could watch it whenever we wanted to – then wiped it from the record. Drew has the skills to do it, and, as he’s also my best friend, he has my back. Not that he won’t grill me about this later. He knows I’ve lived like a monk for a very long time, which means this is extremely out of the ordinary for me.

  As my senses become more alert, something doesn’t feel right. The suite feels empty even though I’m still here. My arousal quickly plummets as I strain to hear any sound that would reassure me she didn’t leave. She couldn’t have. We’d made promises and I’d meant them, believed she had too.

  During round two, which took place against the wall beside the door, she’d accepted my claim on her pussy, confirming that it belonged to me and no one else. She’d sworn she was mine, that I was hers. I’d threatened to drag her ass to Vegas and marry her, meaning every word. She’d accepted, I thought, but her mouth was a little full at the time and I’d lost my mind immediately afterward as she’d taken me down her throat.

  Intent on finding my woman, I roll from the bed, not caring that I’m naked. As I pass a mirror, I see the marks of ownership she left on my body and it only strengthens my confidence she feels the same connection I do.

  “Rainbow?” I call out, using the nickname that had sprung to mind the second I’d seen her. She was color in a dull world, and I don’t just mean her tattoos. Though I had licked them and imagined her adding at least one to capture the journey we were embarking on. She was my rainbow in a life that had a cloud following it. I should feel ashamed even thinking that considering I’ve led quite a charmed one, but it’s the truth. My professional path was mapped out for me at birth, it being decided by my parents I’d take over the family business, Howell Hotels, once my father retired. I’d worked for the company in some capacity from an early age, many a day spent in his office keeping quiet as he took care of things. My degree was in business management, and thankfully, I actually liked the field and my job. Not that I was given a choice.

  My personal life was where I drew the line though. I refused any matchmaking attempt on my mother’s part, ensuring she knew I wouldn’t be forced into anything. Her ideal mate for me was just that, hers. Mine, on the other hand, is Rooney, something I’ll make sure she knows as soon as I find her.

  The suite is spacious, my family sparing no expense in wanting to provide the best for their customers be it design, layout, or service. I’d moved into the penthouse a few years ago after taking over more responsibility in this location, wanting to be close in case something came up, and just stayed. I could’ve easily found a house as things had calmed down, but I didn’t. When I do, I want it to be a home, and I needed the
right woman for that, something I didn’t think I’d ever find until my heart led me to Rooney. And now that it had, and I can’t find her in any of the rooms, it aches without her presence, and I sit on the bed, breathing in her scent.

  I’ve never used my last name, nor the money associated with it to garner attention or favors, but I will not hesitate to do so now. Grabbing the phone from the nightstand, remembering I’d placed it on her side last night as I’d been unable to resist her sexy body lying there, begging for my touch, I use my fingerprint on the back to turn the home screen on and see a missed call from my sister, Peyton. I love her and my two-and-a-half-year-old nephew, Reese, but I can’t wait any longer to start searching for the only woman I’ll ever love.

  Once I find her, she’s never leaving me again. I don’t know why she slipped out this morning with no way to contact her, but she’ll tell me and I’ll take care of whatever caused it.

  Chapter Two


  Two months later…

  “Caden,” my sister says, concern clear in her voice and on her face, “this isn’t healthy.” Peyton is the only one that knows about Rooney and has done all she can to help. But nothing has worked. Rooney seems to have vanished and taken my heart, my hope for a future, with her.


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