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Pieces of You

Page 10

by Haven Rose

  “Wait?” Then I lean slightly forward as if I don’t want those walking by to hear me. "You can see her too?” I ask, tilting my head toward my right as if Mona isn’t actually there.

  He looks from her to me and back again, unsure what to do or say, then hesitantly says, “Yeah.”

  “I told everyone she was real, but they won’t believe me. Oh, this is so great. They’re gonna declare me cured.” He took off so fast, Mona laughing her ass off. My moms were so proud when we told them that story. We saw him a couple weeks later, as we liked to visit that park if it was warm enough, and he gave us a wide berth. That set us off again, our laughter so hard we were holding on to each other.

  “What time should I be there tomorrow? Ooh, what are the odds I’ll get to run in to the evil mother-in-law?” She sounds excited at the prospect, no doubt already having her speech prepared that’ll end with telling Mrs. Howell where to shove her attitude. Of course, that’s something I want to witness…and record.

  “Well, Caden and I want to get started around eight, but the baby may not feel the same.” Mona laughs, as do I, but I’ve already learned the space invader – christened that because he or she is literally invading my space – has their own timetable and likes to sleep in. Okay, I’m not hating on that part, but once the sanctuary is up and running again, I won’t have that luxury so I’m trying not to get used to it.

  “How are the permits coming for the new place?”

  “Surprisingly well, everything is being approved without any problems. I don’t understand it since everything is still under the same ownership and company name.”

  “You didn’t change anything?”

  “I added Caden as co-owner, but I wouldn’t think that would make a difference. If someone had such an issue complaints were filed, and I was ordered to be temporarily shut down…”

  She finishes my thought for me, “That should impact a new location too. This whole thing has seemed off since the beginning. But you aren’t having problems, which means the people that work there don’t talk to each other, or...”

  “They’re looking at two different files,” I add, now completing hers.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Rooney, you shouldn’t be carrying that. It’s too heavy,” I tell her

  She rolls her eyes at my admonishment, as does Mona, and Drew just laughs. “It’s a comforter. I think I got it,” she says as she walks past me, pressing a kiss to my cheek. In her defense, I admit I’ve been a bit much today, watching over everything she’s tried to lift. I’m surprised she hasn’t chewed me out. Her moms simply smile, not taking sides, though I have a feeling they’re secretly on mine, at least that’s what I’m going with since they haven’t said differently.

  We’ve been at this a few hours, working steadily aside from when the delivery truck arrived with the furniture we’d ordered. What I’d been using for years came with the penthouse and it was currently being thoroughly cleaned – standard procedure before becoming available – and we were only keeping a few of Rooney’s things, not including the items for the sanctuary.

  The bed was moved in and assembled right away. I wanted it done in case Rooney needed to rest. That act, something she called the sweetest, may be the only thing saving me, from both her and Mona. Then again, I think Drew is keeping Mona occupied. They’ve been swiping at each other like kittens all day, where the claws could come out any moment and draw blood or leave a mark, but until then it’s amusing.

  I’ve never seen Drew act like this. He usually gives women a wide berth, preferring his own company or his family’s to that of others. He and I have been similar in that aspect, neither having the time nor inclination to try dating or anything remotely related to it, both focused on what we viewed as more important; work.

  Rooney is watching Mona as closely as I am Drew, her shock just as clear as mine. She hasn’t told me much, declaring it wasn’t hers to share, but I do know Mona had a rough upbringing, her dad in and out of her life, proving he couldn’t be trusted, and the couple relationships she’s attempted since only strengthened that belief.

  I want to reassure her Drew would never hurt her friend, that he’s one of the best people I know, but being told that and seeing it are two different things. If anything comes of their meeting today, Drew’s behavior toward Mona will be what shows both women the kind of man he is.

  A few hours later, everything put in place or close to it, we’re lounging around, Boomer happily snoring on his doggie bed, and staring at the four empty boxes of pizza we wiped out.

  “I’m just gonna stay here,” Mona states from the recliner, pushing back to activate the foot rest. And a moment later, she’s out. Glancing at Drew, seeing him smiling at her indulgently, I realize it’s already over for him, he only needs to accept his fate…or maybe he just did.

  I do not want to make this call, knowing it’ll be put on me despite the fact the person on the other end is the one who orchestrated the whole thing. They had to have known Caden and Rooney might take this route, and I admit I’d hoped they would as it took things out of my reach, but they were so sure they had all their bases covered.

  When the phone is picked up, I don’t get anything other than, “What news do you have for me? Are things proceeding as scheduled so I can make my move?”

  Clearing my throat, trying to sound confident, I inform them, “Permits were submitted and accepted for Finding Fur-ever to relocate. The new area is zoned for such and passed all inspections, surpassed in fact.” Showing the first sign of a temper since this started, the usually calm voice has become anything but. I smile, knowing it’s safe to since they can’t see me, at the fact this may be over soon. Oh, the reason I was forced to do this still exists, but now I have my own leverage.

  “How could you allow this, you imbecile?”

  “I can’t control what goes on while I’m not here, and I can’t be here every minute.”

  “Why didn’t you take steps to ensure this didn’t happen?”

  “And what would those be? You and I both know all of it is a lie, the documents forged. I could lose my job for this.”

  “Well now, that’s on you, isn’t it? You gave me the ammunition I needed.”

  “But I’d already paid the money back. I was desperate, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it.” Must be nice to not have to worry about things like that, not knowing how to cover unexpected medical bills or other financial concerns. Preying on those that feel so desperate they take actions they never would otherwise. Maybe I should just throw myself on the mercy of my boss or force this person’s hand and call their bluff. How do I know they have proof? Now that I think of it, how could they? But then again, they were right, I did do it. Shit, I have to keep up my end.

  Chapter Thirteen


  July 7th…

  We’ve been here for a week and have been working toward getting the sanctuary reestablished. Peyton has been a huge help, as has Mona between her shifts. But they aren’t the only ones. Caden has done everything he can, sometimes starting as soon as he walks through the door, asking what I need him to do, and that’s if he even goes to the office. He’s delegated a lot lately, something he says he should’ve done a long time ago, showing confidence in the staff he hired. On that note, he’s even promoted a few, including Bianca. She’s now in HR, a department that fits the degree she’s working on, and flourishing. As that included a sizeable raise for her, she was able to quit her second job. Both gave her breathing room financially and time wise, not to mention taking a lot of stress off her shoulders.

  Caden has tried to call his PI, Shane, a few more times, but again, he’s getting nothing in return. It’s like he disappeared. It’s suspicious, of course, except for the fact he never cashed the check Caden sent him. So, it isn’t like he took the money and ran or is getting paid for doing nothing. All he wants to do is let the guy know he found me, something he’s been trying to do for almost a month. He even sent a tex
t letting him know, but it’s showing as undelivered and emails are bouncing back. He’s putting it aside for now, wanting to concentrate on our move, the sanctuary, and our wedding before getting to the bottom of whatever is going on.

  Today though, is about us. The wedding plans have all been finalized, we’ve done everything we can to get Finding Fur-ever going again and have started looking at baby stuff. As we don’t know the gender yet, we’re looking at neutral colors. Now, we’re relaxing before leaving for our date. Well, we’re mixing personal and business as there’s a gala for a charity his family donates to. I’m hoping the event helps raise the amount they need.

  It’s formal, which means I threw myself at my moms, Peyton, and Mona, and begged for mercy. It was either that or wear the dress from dinner with his family again, which I don’t want to do as I know his mother will make it her mission to point it out. She’s such a bitch.

  “Who’s a bitch?” Caden asks, making me realize I didn’t mumble like I intended.

  “Your mother,” I tell him honestly.

  “True, but why this time?” He sighs when I tell him, but we both know I’m right.

  “We have to go shopping?” Ahh, that was the reason for the sigh. We’re comfy and neither of us wants to move until we have to. Rubbing my hand up his arm, I put him out of his misery and let him know it’s taken care of.

  “Your sister let me look through her dresses, but I couldn’t find anything that said,” hmm…how to say this nicely? “screw yourself to your parents.” Caden laughs, his body shaking so hard I can feel it.

  “I wasn’t aware they made fuck you dresses.”

  “Oh sweetie,” I tell him, patting his hand, “they do, but usually they’re referred to as revenge outfits, used to get back at the dickhole that hurt you. That won’t work for me.”

  Turning so I’m now flat on my back and he’s looming over me, he raises his knee, grazing my clit before he presses lower, putting pressure where I suddenly need to feel him. “I love your dickhole,” he informs me, having a hard time keeping the smirk off his face, “in fact, I’d like to worship it right the fuck now.”

  “Fuck being the key word?”

  “Fuck yeah,” he whispers with a lick at my neck. Why is that so hot? You’d think it might be gross, even messy, but damned if I don’t soak my panties as he continues, punctuating what he’s going to do to me with nips at my skin.

  “Don’t mark me where the dress won’t cover it,” I warn.

  “You really give a damn what anyone there will think?”

  “Your parents? Hell no. But I don’t want to risk ruining the event for the charity.”

  “Beautiful and kind-hearted.” I feel his fingers nimbly working my buttons through the holes, then he spreads the sides, baring my breasts. Of course, I’m not wearing a bra. I refuse to force them into boob prison in my own damn home. “I’ll just mark these beauties then and spend the whole night fantasizing about it. I’m gonna fuck you before we leave too. I want your pussy to still feel me when those men are stupid enough to think you’ll give them a second thought.”

  “What men?” I ask. “You’re the only one that exists for me.” And that’s the last words either of us speak for a while. It’s hard to think straight, or even care enough to attempt it, when the man you love is determined to fry your brain cells with pleasure.

  Caden’s tongue is in my pussy, my walls squeezing it as if it can give me what I need, and while it fills me to an extent, it’s not what I’m craving. But he doesn’t stop, working it in and out, sometimes slow, others fast, my pleas for mercy ignored.

  After bringing me to two releases, he finds another victim, well, a couple to be exact. My nipples are tortured until I’m certain I’ll die from sensation overload. As he sucks on the right, his free hand skates down and three fingers slide into my channel, the orgasms he’s given me easing his way. When his middle one hits the spot that makes my body twitch, I clamp down and he has to work to move it now, the pressure causing another to immediately follow. A draft cools my skin and I realize he’s standing, lifting me into his arms and dropping me straight on his cock. Cum leaks out the top like it’s crying, needing the relief it knows only I can give it. As he bottoms out, my head falls back, my hands gripping his shoulders as he moves me up and down, each thrust harder than the last. Just when I think he’s ready to fill me, he walks to the dining room, depositing me on the table and perfectly lining us up. I can no longer hold myself up and spread my legs as wide as possible while my back hits the tabletop, arching, my nipples so sensitive the breeze from his movements is too much. But I don’t care. It’s almost painful and only makes me strive harder toward climax, knowing it’ll be the best he’s given me so far. And that says a lot.

  As his hands wrap around my thighs, his strength holding me in place, he bends at the knees, then powers up and into me, the tip of his cock hitting my cervix as he explodes. Exhausted and satisfied beyond belief, my eyes close and I let the peace of slumber take me.


  I carry Rooney to our bed, then take Boomer out for a bit before we join her. Gathering her in my arms, we sleep, waking only when the alarm on my cell goes off.

  She doesn’t want to go, neither do I honestly, and the fault for that lays at my mother’s feet. But tonight isn’t about her nor us, it’s for the young boys and girls that rely on the charity for help.

  As men have the unfair advantage of needing only minutes to get ready, I admire Rooney as she brushes powder on her face, then does something to make her eyes pop before choosing her lipstick. The color, a pink slightly darker than her natural, emphasizes the bow shape so beautifully it could make Cupid weep. When she walks toward the closet, black silk panties covering her ass, the vine of roses snaking from her thigh that curves up toward her breast makes my mouth water, and I wonder if the night will be harder to get through for a different reason.

  Watching her, the thought crosses my mind she’s putting on armor and I can’t say I blame her. And later, when I put on my suit, I’ll be doing the same. Now, however, I’m enjoying the show as the dress slides down her body, the material hugging her as she shimmies it into place, the hem skimming the floor with panels of various colors. She pulls the zipper on the side, sealing her inside, and I smile when I realize why she chose it.

  “My rainbow is wearing one,” I muse. Rooney turns and lets me see the back, the tattoo on her upper right shoulder peeking through her waterfall of hair. Between that and the slit on the bottom, I realize her tattoos will tease those in attendance, making them doubt what they’re seeing, believing no one at such an event would be the type to have ink. They are, for the most part, judgmental assholes, still of the mind that those who choose to decorate their bodies as such are a certain kind of person. I’m not saying all of them are that way, but it’s safe to say the majority aren’t going out of the goodness of their heart, but for appearance’s sake. As long as the children get the financial support they need which will be used in numerous ways, I suppose it doesn’t matter why, just that they do.

  Walking behind Rooney, I place my arms around her waist and pull her toward me, her back to my chest, and place a kiss on her shoulder, admiring yet again the design there. It’s a trail of various paw prints – dog, cat, horse, birds, etc. and a fin to represent sea life – in honor of her fierce love of animals.

  “You look stunning,” I tell her, raising my eyes to meet hers in the mirror in front of us. She blushes, so unlike her usual confident self, that my heart swells with love for her.

  “You have your love goggles on,” she teases, subtly telling me I’m biased. And she isn’t wrong, but neither am I.

  Within the hour, we’ve arrived and parked, and are walking inside the building. There are a few others waiting in the foyer as well. Some of us make small talk, but it isn’t long before we’ve shown our invitations and are finding our tables.

  Rooney and I are stopped numerous times, people wanting to say hello to me or meet he
r, though my guess is more the latter. It’s not simply the fact those who know me, or of me, are surprised to see me with a woman, though that is rare in and of itself, but it’s Rooney all on her own. Not only is she lovely on the outside, but her internal beauty is like a magnet that draws others to her.

  Peyton is here, of course Reese stayed home with one of her friends watching him, and I’m sure he’s happier for it. He’s too young to be expected to sit still for this long. Hell, I’m an adult and I find it hard sometimes. We’re talking to my sister when Dean joins us, his grimace letting the three of us know how uncomfortable he is.

  “I feel like I’m being choked,” he complains, tugging at his collar. Laughing, Peyton, who treats him like a sibling and vice versa, tells him to suck it up because it’s for a good cause.

  “And that’s the only reason I’m here,” Dean reminds us. At that point, the room quiets as the spotlight is aimed at the stage, letting everyone know to take their seats. The four of us are at the same table, thankfully, but the other occupants are my parents. Oh joy.

  I don’t miss the long glance nor the expression of disdain my mother gives Rooney, but I do ignore it…for now. Pulling out Rooney’s chair and sliding it forward, I take my own, giving my father a nod in greeting and a verbal one to my mother. “Hello, mother. You look nice.”

  Her reaction is what I assume is meant to be a smile, barely an acknowledgment of my words nor the fact I’m her son. Now, if someone else had given her the compliment she’d be polite to the core because in her eyes, appearances, hers and that of others, are everything.

  And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out she finds Rooney’s lacking.

  The food is delicious and conversation at our table is pleasant, though somewhat forced. Dean hasn’t done anything to earn my parents’ ire aside from being my best friend and…well, that’s enough for them.


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