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Raw Recruits

Page 14

by Zack

  At the final count, two recruits lost their lives and four lay wounded in varying degrees of severity. Ström’s men suffered a few injuries but nothing too serious. Jan took control of his father’s men and ordered a stand down. He urged the rest of the mercenaries to withdraw as soon as possible. Out in the grounds the recruits seethed at the deception, but Jan, Luke, and Harry managed to calm things down, and their comrades began pulling back to the speedboats, taking the dead and wounded with them. Only Jimbo stayed back. Luke saw the big Jamaican was more himself again, as though the fire fight had restored his confidence.

  “Lemme see the fucker,” was all he said as he stepped into the house. Luke watched as Jimbo stared down at the bloodied corpse of the sergeant for a long moment. Then he bent over the body and spat a gobbet of phlegm. He looked back at Luke. “Just sorry ah didn’t get the shithead.”

  Luke still burned with emotion, mixed feelings he found hard to bring under control. “You must have known this whole thing stank?”

  Jan regarded Luke with an unfathomable expression. “I thought it was about the sex. He brought me up that way after my mother died when I was a kid. Of course, there was the coup he planned in Colombia, so I knew how ruthless he could be, but I thought this was just a fantasy trip. I was wrong. I only knew for sure when the sergeant gave me a veiled warning to keep my head down. I tried hinting that you would discover what was going on when you went into the watchtower … but it was a bit late.”

  Harry took over. “Hmm. And what now?”

  “I’ll arrange for everyone to get back to wherever they want to go. As you’ve seen, my father wasn’t short of money.”

  Luke felt someone pushing against him and turned to take Brad into his arms. The boy was still shaking from his experience. Luke hugged him tight, noticing the brief look of loss that flashed across Jan’s eyes.

  Jan saw Luke catch his expression. “I told you, maybe another time?” he said quietly.

  Luke’s expression softened. He nodded. “Perhaps. Why don’t you come with us?”

  “I have things to do here. I’ll burn this place to the ground, and the compound on the atoll as soon as your arrangements are made.”

  It was several days later that they stood assembled on the atoll’s runway, ready to board the jets to fly them back to Kingston, and from there, wherever each recruit, suitably rewarded with the promised pay and bonus, wanted to go.

  Luke tried again. “Come with us,” he said gently.

  ‘No,” Jan replied. “Take the money and leave.”

  “Perhaps some day,” said Luke as he embraced Jan.

  “Perhaps. Meanwhile, you have your buddy Harry to take care of your needs, and…Brad. I’m sure you’ll have fun on the way.”

  Shortly after the farewell, the jets unstuck from the short runway and sailed into the clear Caribbean air.

  “Where are we going?” Luke asked. They had been silent for ten minutes.

  Luke glanced at Brad, then at Harry.

  “Well ol’ buddy, I thought we might make the first stop at our good friend Jimmy’s.”

  “And just how do you think we’ll be let in, without one of those special cards?”

  Harry gave his friend one of his especially smug grins, rummaged in his kitbag and … “Ta-da!”

  “Where the fuck did you get those?” Luke asked in amazement, as Harry held up a bundle of the cards bearing the phallus and dagger legend.

  “Half-inched them from the sergeant’s desk at Jimmy’s while I was beating the shit outta him.”


  “Oh, just a bit of Brit slang I picked up from that Alan guy. Half-inched, rhymes with pinched, lifted, nicked, stole.”

  Jimmy’s ebony doorman let them in, unsmiling as usual. The main room was almost deserted, but the guy behind the bar seemed pleased to see them back, fixed them ice-cold beers, and went to arrange beds for the night. After a light snack of double-pounder burgers, served with slaw and a mound of fries, Luke sighed with contentment and announced he wanted to turn in for a good night’s sleep after all the recent exertions.

  Brad and Harry gathered up their kitbags and followed him up the familiar stairs to the room they bunked in before. As soon as Brad shut the door Luke stood in the center of the room, hands on his hips, and lifted his eyebrows suggestively.

  “Hmmm, I wonder whose bed I should share tonight?” He looked three times between his friends. “Harry, ol’ buddy, you’re too easy a lay.”

  He turned and laid a proprietary hand on Brad’s shoulder, smiling enticingly.

  Brad shook him off. “Oh, no, Luke, ol’ buddy. You’re both my friends—that’s what you said out in that alley weeks ago. And friends shouldn’t let sex come between them … or, perhaps, they should let sex cum between them.”

  He reached out an arm to encircle Harry’s waist. The other he wrapped around Luke and pulled them into a close hug. Luke laughed happily and kissed Brad full on the lips, then bent across to give Harry some tongue. The trio gyrated slowly around, pushing and humping. Then the undressing began, slowly, sensuously, item by item, each took turns to remove something from first one, then the other. Before very long the three friends were naked and they engaged cocks— stiffened on a rising tide of growing excitement—in a sword fight.

  The foreplay games turned to serious serial kissing as their six hands groped and fondled balls, cocks, and cracks. Harry was the first to kneel down and start laving first Brad’s cock head, then Luke’s, then he took both of them between his lips and sucked hard, spreading his mouth wide to engulf both shafts as deeply as he could.

  “How about a daisy-chain?” Luke murmured.

  Harry stood up and dragged two beds together to give them room, and within seconds the three of them were stretched out in a triangle: Luke went down on Brad, Brad swallowed Harry’s meaty dick, and Harry sucked on Luke’s burning erection. The experiences of the previous few days added mutual power to this loving circle and the urgency built rapidly. Brad was the first to gurgle his submission, and Luke sucked the hot jism that jetted out to fill his mouth. As he gulped down the boy’s cum its fresh taste hit him hard and a moment later Harry took Luke’s load, only seconds before Harry let fly. Luke heard Brad greedily swallow down wads of Harry’s steaming jizz until the man was finished. They spent a few minutes licking and cleaning up the last few emissions of pearly juice.

  The three friends lay in sticky, happy exhaustion, their hands stroking thighs, pecs, stomachs, cheeks. One by one, they slipped off the bed. Brad was the first to break the silence. I dunno about you guys, but I’m no way drained.” To prove his point he pulled on his dick and after three strokes it was back up and perky.

  Luke barked out a short laugh. “Getting insatiable, huh?”

  Brad looked modest. “No, well … maybe. I wanna get fucked by both of you. Is that so much to ask?” He threw himself down across the joined beds again and settled into a wanton pose, thighs slightly parted, arms out flung. He looked up sexily at Luke and Harry from under lowered lashes.

  Harry leered down at the kid who had become so uninhibited compared to the Brad they rescued in the alley weeks ago. “Okay, boy. I hope you’re up for what’s coming.” He turned to Luke. “What do you say, buddy? Reckon he can take both of us—”

  “Like that guy we picked up on Eighth Avenue that time, outside the little diner on the intersection with Fifty-fifth?”

  “Yeah, like that one.”

  Luke’s eyes glittered. “Let’s give it a try.”

  Brad gave an impatient huff. “Are you gonna discuss it or do something about it—oohh!”

  Harry grabbed the boy around his calves and yanked his legs up and over until his knees pressed down on his nipples. Luke swiftly ducked under Harry and buried his face between Brad’s exposed ass. In moments, Brad’s grunts of pleasure spoke eloquently of Luke’s powerful tongue at work on his hole. From above, Harry dribbled skeins of saliva to aid Luke’s slurping swipes at the pucker. �
�Get you lubed up good and proper for what’s coming next, you little punk.”

  Brad’s lower back was arched up off the bed, held firmly in position by Harry’s unrelenting grip on his legs. Luke’s busy tongue made sucky sounds as he worked the ring of muscle and loosed Brad up.

  “I think he’s ready,” said Harry. “Take over here.”

  Luke stood up and climbed onto the bed to stand over Brad’s head. He reached down and took over the boy’s splayed legs from Harry, who joined his friend on the bed. Then he swung one leg over so he faced away from Brad. Luke pulled even harder on Brad’s legs to lift his vulnerable ass higher as Harry carefully positioned himself to squat down onto Brad’s thighs. Another freshet of moans escaped Brad’s gaping mouth. Forcing his stiff weapon down, Harry brought his cock to the boy’s glistening asshole. He shuffled an inch forward and, with a sigh of deep satisfaction, pressed down harder on Brad’s supporting thighs and thrust his cock down into the hole.

  “Aaahh, fuck, that’s weird!” Brad had never received it backward before.

  With his legs now pinioned under Harry’s weight, Luke released Brad’s legs and swung down off the bed to stand against the boy’s up-pointed ass cheeks. Harry spat copiously on his hand and stretched down to grasp Luke’s dick, slicking and stroking him quickly to full hardness.

  “Here we go!” Luke guided his cock into Brad’s cleft until it pushed against Harry’s cock, where that weapon had already penetrated Brad’s hole. He convulsed his midriff and slowly eased his cock head in alongside Harry’s.

  “Aaah jeez,” Brad wheezed, “I never had anything this amazing before. Huff…nailed to the bed by the two guys I love. I can’t believe you’re both inside me.”

  “Aw shutup and get fucked …” Harry was never one for small talk. He pressed down harder and slid deeper in. Luke thrust forward and more inches were swallowed up. Brad’s legs thrashed in the ecstasy of such a powerful double fuck.

  Luke leaned over Harry’s right thigh and grasped the closest of Brad’s legs again with both hands, partly to keep the kid pinned down, partly to help support his weight. Harry placed one arm over the top of Luke’s back and held him under the armpit, while he slapped his other down hard on Luke’s bucking ass cheeks. Then Harry strained every muscle to hug Luke tightly against his straining thigh. He gave strong tugs on Luke to urge them both into a synchronous fucking rhythm.

  “Aw, shit, but that’s one tight asshole,” Harry grunted.

  Brad could barely speak from the strength of the double reaming he was getting. “It was … never … oohhh … built for two, you … fucking bulls.”

  “That’s what makes you so beautiful,” Luke added. “So slicked, so tight … Anyway, you said the both of us.”

  “Yeah … but not … at the same time!”

  Luke didn’t reply. He was too deep in concentrating on the leaping sensations riding his body, which he knew from Harry’s deep breathing he was experiencing as well. He freed his right hand from Brad’s leg and slid it over Harry’s ass to grasp the boy’s throbbing cock, which ran with a continuous stream of pre-cum. He started fisting the shaft at twice the speed he and Harry were fucking Brad’s ass.

  Brad’s head was so deeply tucked into the bed’s ticking that it looked like he would burrow right through the tortured mattress. His eyes were closed and screwed up, his mouth widely parted.

  “Oh, Luke … I’m gonna … shoot any second.”

  “Give it to him, Luke?”

  Luke nodded and they went into overdrive, their cocks now easily reaching in up to their slapping nuts. The friction of Brad’s asshole walls and the intimate rubbing of their shafts brought Harry to orgasm just ahead of Luke. “Aaah, fuck, I’m cumming!”

  “Yeah, ye—me too!”

  Brad loosed a breathy scream and filled Luke’s hand with hot cum. Some sprayed far out in a shining arc and covered the boy’s chin and gaping mouth. He felt their heat deep inside him as both fired their loads with such urgency that the combined orgasm spurted from his punished sphincter in a geyser of jizz. For minutes the fuckers luxuriated in the slow come down as they expended the last spasms of their sex.

  “Ah, God, you’ve … you wrecked me, you bastards,” Brad whimpered, but the smile on his face as he licked his own cum from his lips suggested something else.

  “I’m done,” Luke gasped as he pulled out from the runny asshole and let go of Brad’s leg to stand upright. Then he helped Harry, who lifted himself out of Brad and stepped down from the bed, staggering slightly from the effort of the fuck. Brad collapsed onto his side. His flank heaved with the struggle to take in air and calm his hyperventilating lungs.

  Harry pulled on his pants. “Phew! I need a drink. I’ll go to the bar and bring us back some beers.”

  Luke sat on the edge of the bed and gently stroked Brad’s long thighs. The boy sighed in contentment. “Jeez, am I gonna be sore tomorrow. I’ll be walking bow-legged.”

  Condensation beaded the three cold cans Harry brought back. He handed Luke and Brad theirs. They popped the tabs and took long appreciative swigs.

  After a pause Brad tentatively asked, “Will you take me back with you, guys?”

  Luke cocked his head at Harry, saw affirmation there, and then at Brad. “Sure, if that’s what you want, but don’t you have folks back home?”

  “Got nothing in Charleston. I’d rather hang out with you in Manhattan, or wherever.”

  “Well,” Harry murmured, “we’ve enough dough to take a nice holiday before we’ll need to return to the streets.”

  They fell silent again, tipped cans and drank. Then Brad spoke up again. “Y’know what I’d really like right now? To be the meat in a Luke’n Harry sandwich. You old guys still got the energy?”

  “Fuck you!” Luke and Harry exclaimed in unison.

  “That,” said Brad engagingly, “was the general idea.”

  About the Author

  Born in Switzerland, Oliver Frey (a.k.a. Zack) ended up in London and, after attending film school, plunged into gay art and publishing. Innumerable illustrations poured from his pen and brush for British magazines HIM International, Vulcan, Teenage Dreams, the HIM Gay Library series, and Mister magazine (which published the late-period Rogue stories). For HIM he created the mold-breaking Rogue comic strip and later The Street, which was part of the inspiration behind cult TV series Queer As Folk. The Internet has spread his reputation to an enormous global fan base through many sites and blogs. Some of his comic-strip work has been published recently by Bruno Gmünder— Bike Boy, Hot For Boys: the Sexy Adventures of Rogue, and Bike Boy Rides Again. The recently published Zack: The Ar t is a lavish and comprehensive overview of his finest and most erotic work. As Zack, Frey has taken gay erotic art and comics to new dimensions. He lives with his life-long partner in a medieval town on the edge of Wales.

  Also by Zack

  Boys of Vice City

  Boys of Disco City

  Boys of Two Cities

  Bike Boy

  Bike Boy Rides Again

  Hot for Boys: The Sexy Adventures of Rogue

  About the Book

  Hot Guns for Hire: When Luke and Harry, young army veterans turned hustlers, are offered a small fortune to join a band of mercenaries by a stranger in a New York bar, they can’t refuse—and before they know it they are plunged into the adventure of their lives. Raw Recruits catapults you into the scorching, sweaty, rough and tumble world of mercenaries. Men who like their men tough and hard. Men who enjoy sex to the hilt—anytime anywhere, anyhow! Live with them, love with them, see them in Zack’s searing illustrations—if you’re man enough!


  Copyright © 2013 Bruno Gmünder Verlag GmbH

  Kleiststraße 23-26, 10787 Berlin, Germany

  Phone: +49 30 61 50 03-0

  Fax: +49 30 61 50 03-20

  All text and artwork © 2013 Reckless Books-Zack/Oliver Frey

sp; All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced

  in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher.

  All characters depicted are 18 years of age or older.

  ISBN-ebook: 978-3-86787-547-9

  ISBN-print: 978-3-86787-519-6

  More information about Bruno Gmünder books and authors:




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