If You Come Back

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If You Come Back Page 12

by Alexis Leia

  “Yup, I remember”, she said and she thought Chris looked a little melancholic.

  “And she comes every day to the foster home to read a bedtime story to the younger kids. And after that she plays on the Xbox with the older kids. And she hangs out with men all the time”, Sam said, still into listing the reasons why Selene was more of a boy. Chris narrowed his eyes and looked at Selene.

  “Really? She hangs out with men? For example?”

  Selene groaned and rolled her eyes.

  “Emmet, he’s her best friend. He sometimes comes to the foster home too. He’s a cop and he shows us self-defense moves. He’s pretty cool. And then there’s Ryan, Carlos, Shawn and other guys that sometimes hang out with her and Annie. They are cool too, but Carlos once grabbed Selene’s – uh – behind, and she slapped him”, Sam blabbered, making Selene blush.

  “Okay, okay. Geez, Sam. It took me a decade to get you to talk and then you spill everything”, Selene said and laughed when she saw Chris’s serious expression. What did he expect? That she’d live in mourning after he left? She’d done that for a while, but got over it eventually.

  “Will you show me that Carlos guy while I’m here?” Chris asked Sam.

  “No, he won’t”, Selene snapped.

  “Maybe. Oh, shit, I’m late for class”, Sam exclaimed, jumped off the table and ran off, waving while running.

  Chris and Selene watched him take off, uncomfortable silence filling the air.

  “Did you tell him to say those things today?” Selene asked Chris.

  “No, I told him to say whatever was on his mind and that he didn’t need to pretend.”

  “I’m glad you did”, Selene said and patted Chris’s knee, making his breath catch.

  His eyes darkened as he stared at her, and she immediately responded by rubbing her legs together, as blush spread over her cheeks. But then Chris stood up as if someone shoved a rod up his ass and spoke in a very stern voice.

  “Listen, Selene. About Friday... I think it was a mistake. We both had too much wine and things got out of control”, he said, his back turned on her.

  She paused, feeling immediately hurt and rejected, but something seemed off. Chris never explained himself to anybody, he simply did what he wanted without an apology or explanation. Even though his words hurt, she didn’t fully believe them. Call it a sixth sense, but she always knew when he lied or hid something.

  “Then why don’t you look me in the eye and say the same thing?” she challenged him. He turned around slowly, a composed mask she knew so well on his face. He didn’t speak, he just stared at her eyes, his square jaw clenched.

  “So, you’re saying you don’t want me?” she pushed him, her eyebrow raised and her head tilted to the side, exposing her neck.

  She intentionally touched her neck with her forefinger up and down her skin, enjoying how his eyes followed her every move and how he swallowed hard every couple of seconds.

  “I’m taking your silence as a yes, so that must be it. Am I correct?” she asked him in a sultry voice.

  “What?” he asked, his eyes still glued to her neck.

  “Let’s test that theory, shall we?” she asked and hopped off the table, swaying her hips with every step. When she noticed he didn’t follow, she stopped and turned around to see his gaze on her ass.

  “Are you coming or not?”

  “Where?” he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

  “I have to show you something”, she said mysteriously and knew his curiosity would win him over. That’s why she wasn’t surprised when she glanced back and saw him following her to her car.

  “Where are we going?” he asked her as he opened the passenger door.

  “Wait and see”, she winked, and got behind the wheel.

  “You’re not the only one who goes after what you want”, she murmured before he joined her in the car.

  “Buckle up, big boy. It’s a rough ride.”


  Chris sat tensely in Selene’s car while she drove up the mountain. He tried to talk her into telling him where they were going, but she was as stubborn as always. He didn’t even know why he agreed to go, but curiosity got the best of him. And when she started speaking in that sultry voice of hers, he got totally distracted, which was her intention, obviously. His intention was to apologize for his behavior, let her know he was going to leave soon, and make sure they remained in contact. But she deterred him with her smart mouth and a cloud of mystery that always seemed to envelop her. In the cramped space of her car, they were extremely close and he could smell her perfume that messed with his senses and made him want her. Actually, whatever she did or didn’t do made him want her.

  He was aware of her confusion, and he understood her anger. After all, on Friday he almost tore her clothes off and made her a promise that she’d scream his name, and today he was trying to distance himself and cut all ties with her before it was too late. The truth was, he had a shitty weekend, which made him conclude that leaving was the best thing to do. His company’s managers had called him, panicking about some of the most important clients wanting to leave. Then, major equipment pieces from the studios broke. Finally, the board of directors was adamant about his presence being absolutely necessary for the next couple of meetings. He had to have a conference call with all of them, spew out a few threats here and there, and talk to various suppliers. All of that only showed him he was fucking needed back in L.A. The idea of going back wasn’t exactly as alluring as it should’ve been, but his entire life was there. The only factor keeping him in Mountainview was Selene and, admittedly, Sam.

  “How come you’re so close with Sam?” he asked her in order to distract himself and his growing member inside his pants. Despite his urgency to go back to the West Coast, he was still very much aware of the woman next to him, and his body didn’t let him forget.

  “He was put in the foster home three years ago when his father ended up in jail for domestic abuse. His mother first took refuge in a safe house with Sam, but one day she ran away, only telling him he reminded her too much of his father to be around him. She abandoned Sam, simply because he looked like his father. But he is the sweetest boy I have ever met, and the similarities end on physical appearance. He is extremely protective of girls in the foster home, and you can see that he’s trying so hard not to be like his father. I met him as soon as he arrived, but no matter how much I tried to get close to him, he kept pushing me away. He didn’t want to be friends with other kids, he just wanted to be alone. But then I guess I bored him so much with barging into his room every day that he gave up and we started hanging out. I bribed him with baseball and football at first, and then it just became spontaneous. We became... friends”, Selene said, and Chris watched her face changing from sadness to wonder and tenderness.

  She was always easy to read, because she never bothered to hide things from anyone. She was both mysterious and open at the same time; a combination that lured people in and made them want to get to know her better.

  “You love him. And the other kids too”, he said, pointing out what he had concluded.

  “Yes, I really do. I know how they feel”, she said and glanced at him. He only nodded in understanding; they were both in the same situation years ago. They were those kids.

  “Are you going to tell me now where we’re going?”

  “I see your patience hasn’t improved through years”, she said and chuckled.

  He enjoyed her smile, but he was still trying to figure out a way to tell her that he’d be leaving soon. This time, though, he would tell her they’d stay in touch, that they didn’t have to stop communicating or seeing each other. It didn’t have to be like that first time. But he didn’t make promises he couldn’t keep, and he wasn’t sure he could keep that one.

  “Is this the part where you kidnap and kill me?” he joked in order to postpone the inevitable. She laughed and shook her head.

  “We’re almost there”, she said took a turn on an unmark
ed road in the woods.

  They were high up on the mountain, where the snow had already fallen, creating a thin layer of white above the green grass and leafage. Selene parked on the small clearing and got out of the car.

  “Do you have a coat or something?” he asked her as he joined her outside. It was fairly cold, even for him, but he had his suit on and she only wore a thin, white sweater that did wonders for her cleavage.

  “I won’t be needing it”, she said and started walking through the clearing toward the trees.

  “Selene, you’re cold. There are goosebumps on your skin.”

  “Maybe they aren’t from the cold”, she said and disappeared behind the trees. He quickly followed, because he’d be damned if he let her get lost in these woods.

  “Where are you going?” he asked as she made her way through, above and below the branches.

  The snow wasn’t deep, but she could slip any second in those sexy heels she wore, so he stayed close to her in order to catch her if she fell.

  “There”, she pointed her finger to a small arch made of branches between two trees.

  “What are you doing, Red?” his tone was harsh, but he followed her lead.

  “Look!” she exclaimed and Chris stood in wonder as he took in the scenery around him.

  There was a rocky cliff that had a small waterfall running over it, creating a small pond of crystal-clear water below. The steam rose up from the water, and Chris recognized it as sort of a hot spring. Large, flat, grey stones lay around the pond, no snow on them due to underground heat. Selene climbed on one of those stones and stood in front of Chris, staring at him.

  “Get down from there, you’ll fall”, he warned, making her chuckle darkly.

  “I’m not a little girl, Chris. I’m just waiting for you to finally see it”, she said and pulled out her sweater from the hem of her skirt.

  “What are you doing?” he sharply asked her, following her every move.

  She took off her heels and kicked them aside. She then slowly unzipped her skirt from behind and let it fall down to her feet, exposing her long, slender legs and a triangle of black lace panties.

  “Fuck”, he cursed, getting hard instantly.

  “You always told me to go after things I want in life. Turns out, right now I want you”, she said sensually and pulled up her sweater above her head and tossed it aside.

  Her perfect breasts were clad in a matching black lace bra that pushed them up and made Chris drool. Her stomach was flat and taut, and Chris knew she hadn’t stopped with her jogging routines, because her body was to kill for. Her waist was so narrow, he believed he could wrap his palms around it; her hips were curvy, and her ass was perfectly round. Her fiery red hair fell all around her, creating a red halo. Shit, he imagined this for so long, he couldn’t even believe it was finally happening right in front of him. She put her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow, a slight smile mocking him, her emerald eyes heated.

  “Selene... Christ, I can’t think while you’re standing here almost naked in front of me.”

  “Then don’t think”, she answered softly and turned around to jump into the hot spring.

  She dived for a few seconds and then resurfaced, her hair wet and her body glistening with droplets. She was in the water up to her waist and Chris wanted nothing more than to join her and finally make his fantasy true. But he had to tell her how the things were, he had to protect her from himself.

  “Selene, I can’t... we can’t... I’ll be leaving soon again”, he said, managing only a few words.

  “Chris, this is just sex. No love, no false expectations. Only pure and raw primal need”, she said, emphasizing each word.

  He didn’t know what to say, because his brain had a short circuit when she spoke looking like that. His control was slipping by the second, and he was a moment away from ripping his clothes off, getting inside that warm water, and fucking her senseless.

  “But if you’re not up for it, I’ll just find someone else to scratch the itch that I have”, she said and unclipped her bra, throwing it under his feet.

  Her perfect, creamy breasts stood proudly, waiting for him to touch them and squeeze them, and her rosy nipples were fully erect, begging for his mouth. Holy. Fucking. Shit. After a minute of staring, her words penetrated the fog of lust that clouded his brain.

  “Nobody else gets to see this”, he said almost warningly, and then his body overtook.

  He quickly disposed his jacket, pants and shoes, but he had no patience for the shirt, so he simply ripped it open until he stood only in his boxers that have already tented from his hard-on. He watched Selene bite her lower lip as she stared at his body and her eyes widened as she took in his cock. He decided to push her a bit more, so he pulled his boxers down and let her have the full frontal view.

  “Holy shit”, she whispered, taking in the true size of him.

  He wanted to purr in satisfaction simply because she obviously liked what she saw. He got inside the water, stepping toward her slowly, like a predator, never taking his eyes off her. Her breath sped up and when he finally reached her, he took her forearm and pulled her toward him, their chest colliding.

  He groaned at the feel of her bare skin against his, of her breasts pressed against his chest. She put her hands on his chest and played with soft hairs until he almost panted in need. He put his hands on her hips below the water and pushed her deeper, until her back touched the rock. She shivered at the sudden coldness against her back, but he was too deep in lust to take much notice of it.

  “I fucking imagined this for years”, he said and kissed her hard.

  His tongue invaded her sweet mouth, and he growled deep in his chest at the taste of her. She moaned and bit his lower lip, making him wild. He grabbed her ass and lifted her up, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist. His dick was pressed against her hot, wet core and his control completely evaporated.

  “Just sex?” Chris managed to ask as he took his cock in his hand and pressed the thick head against her entrance. Her head fell back and her mouth fell open.

  “Yes!” she said. Then he remembered something that stopped him in his tracks.

  “Selene, I don’t have protection”, he said, making her eyes snap open.

  “I’m on the pill and I’m clean. Are you?”

  “I’m clean. Got tested a month ago. Do you trust me?’’ he barely had enough restraint to assure and ask.

  “I believe you’re clean”, she said. In the back of his mind, he registered she didn’t quite answer his question, but at the moment he was too focused on their arousal to think it through.

  He took his painfully hard cock beneath the water’s surface, rubbed the thick head against Selene’s clit, groaning and cursing at how hot and wet she felt.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, putting her needs over his. If she told him to stop this very second, he would, even if it killed him. He cared more about her being completely sure she wanted this than his blue balls.

  When her head fell on his shoulder, when her legs tightened around his waist, and when she whispered an almost desperate “Yes, please”, he lost it. He guided his cock inside her, her tightness giving him a lot of resistance. The feeling was so good, he could only pray for his sanity after it was over.

  He stretched her completely, filling her almost to the point of pain, but Selene didn’t care. He felt so good inside her, she was on the edge of the most powerful orgasm known to the human kind. She opened her eyes and saw him staring at her, his jaw tightly clenched and a furrow between his eyebrows. She knew he was restraining himself, but the last thing she wanted was his famous self-control.

  “Don’t hold back”, she whispered and pulled his head down to give him a wild and passionate kiss.

  He then started moving inside her, pulling out almost completely and then slamming inside once more. She moved her hips in sync with his, rubbing her clit against his pelvis simultaneously. The sensations were almost too much, but she absolutely loved

  The pleasure couldn’t be described. He put one arm beside her head against the rock, and the other firmly locked around her back. He increased the speed of his thrusts until he almost hammered inside her. Selene couldn’t contain her moans and pleas, and she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling.

  “Open your eyes. Look at me”, he ordered and she obeyed.

  He looked almost primal in his fervor. He leaned his forehead against hers and stared deep in her eyes as he thrust inside her in a quick pace. He gently squeezed her breast and bent his head to suck on her nipple, causing a new flood of sensations between her legs. She raised her arms above her head to give him better access and he treated the other breast in the same manner.

  “Fuck, baby, you feel so good”, he whispered.

  She truly was magnificent. Her head was thrown back, her arms raised above her head, her breasts pushed forward and her gaze heated under her lowered eyelids. Her hot wetness engulfed him, pulled him in, making him want to stay inside forever.

  Mine, the thought came out of nowhere, yet everywhere.

  This was Selene, his Selene. Being inside her, hearing her moans and screams was better than having sex with any other woman he ever fucked. With every hard thrust he gave her, she was closer to orgasming, he could feel it. He kept up the pace, dived his hand under the water, and found her clit. As soon as he touched her, she yelled out and convulsed around him.

  “Oh my God! I’m coming!” she yelled and stiffened for a second before letting out a loud moan.

  Her orgasm triggered his own, and it wasn’t long before he threw his head back and shouted in his own release. He spilled himself inside her and she squeezed her inner muscles, milking every drop out of him. They both panted as he buried his head in her neck and her hands gently combed his hair. Now that the high of the orgasm passed, he could think more clearly. He pulled out of her and lowered her to stand on her own.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked, worried he might have been too rough. She smiled up at him as she paced through the water.

  “No, it was amazing”, she said and gave him the smile of a Cheshire cat. She stepped out of the water and as he watched her bare back and ass, his cock rose up again and he wanted to fuck her once more.


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