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If You Come Back

Page 27

by Alexis Leia

  At first, their primary suspect had been Mike Waltz, Selene’s political opponent and the only person who could benefit from her disappearance. However, background check Emmet had done showed Waltz had been out of town most of the time when Selene got her letters and calls. His social networks had been full of photos from trips abroad around that very time, and his activity in Mountainview wasn’t out of the ordinary. That removed him from the spot of the primary suspect, but physical closeness didn’t have to be a determining factor in any of the ways Selene got threatened. That’s why they stayed cautious.

  “Hey Sel! I’ll meet you out front, yeah?” he yelled in good humor, just like they always did. Keep up the pretense of normalcy.

  “Don’t you dare leave without me. You’re my ride!” she smiled at him, inspiring him to really buy her a fake Oscar statue.

  Upon his exit, he quickly inspected the Council members, who were still acting normal. Seeing no obvious threat there, he called Samuel as soon as he got out of the building.

  “Don’t lose sight of her. I still have my team positioned everywhere, but you’re her right hand as of this moment. Stay hidden.”

  “Copy”, Samuel said, his deep voice devoid of any emotion.

  Emmet walked to his car, feeling absolutely shitty he had to leave Selene virtually alone, in favor of a plan that might not even work. Nothing was even ten percent certain, let alone completely foolproof. He still scanned the parking lot, noticing there were only few cars left. He recognized Wilson’s Jeep, Wanda’s Prius, and Waltz’s Camaro. But there was another car that seemed familiar, yet he couldn’t place it anywhere. Just as he was about to step closer to the car when realization dawned on him, he got hit by something very heavy on the back of his head. In seconds, everything went dark but before that, he knew – the attacker was about to strike.


  “I’d say this was a success”, Wilson commented, and Selene fully agreed. Mountainviewers seemed to really like her idea and the prospect of a resort up on the mountain. Of course, it was a small part of population that actually got to see the presentation and ask her any question they liked regarding the project, but the general attitude was pretty positive. That definitely made her day, and she felt as if she was on the right track.

  The only thing tainting the positivity was a lunatic who was still out there and who, according to Emmet, Samuel and Sully’s opinion, could use the opportunity to get to her. The letters, phone calls, and threats had become more frequent with each day, and more personal every time. The last one had actually contained a printed version of her weekly schedule, with today’s date circled in red color. If that didn’t signify anything, then nothing would.

  So, she had to pretend the entire evening and focus on the task at hand, while simultaneously analyzing the crowd, and fighting her paranoia. Anyone could be behind it, literally anyone. Her security, though, believed it was someone who got very aggravated by her becoming the mayor. That’s why they had suspected Mike at first. She personally didn’t believe he was the one. Despite being a mean asshole at times, she couldn’t imagine him stooping so low. He was a man of challenges and ego; he liked to win for everyone to see, and he liked his losses to be forgotten as soon as possible. No, it wasn’t Mike.

  “I enjoyed this evening very much”, Selene smiled at her Council members, who all positively beamed in excitement. It had been a while since Mountainview had something new and thrilling going on.

  “I still don’t think everybody likes the idea, but… As a businessman myself, I can see the potential”, Mike said, avoiding eye contact with her, keeping his head up high.

  Now that was a damn surprise. “Well, I’m glad you think so. Honestly, it’s very important to have each of you on board, because I can’t do this alone. Nobody could.”

  “Honey, we’ll make it. I even talked to some local shop owners, and they’re excited to move their shops to the resort. Those who aren’t planning to move are still excited about the influx of tourists”, Wanda joined in.

  “I think everybody feels excited. I mean, for a town this size, it’s definitely exhilarating. Even I’ll roll up my sleeves and get to work with Bruce”, Wilson said.

  “Oh no you won’t. You can oversee the construction, but you won’t move a muscle!” Selene threatened.

  “Don’t worry”, Martia joined in, hugging her husband tight and teasing him. “He’s too busy eating all those cookies to even consider picking up a hammer.”

  “Speaking of which, has anybody seen Linda? I need to get her recipe for those cookies! It’s like she sprinkled them with magic”, Wanda commented. That was absolutely true. Linda Waltz was a quiet presence in the Council, but she always supplied each event with blissful food. The only time Mike seemed to appreciate his wife in public was when somebody praised her cooking, as if he was the one to get credit for her skills.

  “She must be waiting for me in the car. I’ll let her know you asked about the cookies”, Mike said and left without a greeting. So very typical.

  The only ones left were Selene, Wilson, Martia and Wanda. All the others had gone home, and nobody else lingered around the Community Center’s main hall. Disappointment ran through Selene’s veins at the prospect of this agony continuing. She had sincerely hoped that after tonight she wouldn’t have to look over her shoulder anymore.

  “Well, we’ll call it a night. It was lovely seeing you on this stage, Selene”, Martia said and kissed her cheek, and Wilson patted her shoulder in farewell. Wanda followed after them, but not before praising her. And then, Selene was alone.

  She was about to call out to ever-present Samuel and Sully to come out, when the doors opened.

  “Mike told me you guys needed my recipe”, Linda said and walked towards Selene. She was a beautiful woman in her early 30s. Honey-blonde hair, modest but elegant clothes, fresh and clean makeup, and a slender body. What had always been evident with her, though, was her lack of character. Or maybe she wasn’t allowed to have one. When Mike smiled, she smiled; when he frowned, she did the same. It was like a mirror image when it came to them, and at times Selene felt sorry for her.

  “Well, Martia and Wanda have already left, but I’m sure you’ll be able to give them the recipe very soon. We’ll have a meeting between Christmas and New Year’s”, Selene said and picked up her purse from behind the podium. When she straightened, Linda was even closer to her, which put Selene’s instincts on alert.

  “I insist. I’ll give it to you, and you can share it with them. What’s Christmas without some homemade cookies?”

  There was something off about Linda. She still looked perfect, but her blouse was a bit wrinkly, her hair a bit unkept, and there was a glint in her eyes that did nothing to assure Selene in her honest intentions.

  “Um, okay. Sure. I’d love to have your recipe”, Selene smiled, but grabbed her purse tighter. There was something very, very wrong.

  “I have it right here”, Linda said and put her hand inside her purse. What happened next would forever stay etched in Selene’s memory.

  Linda pulled out a gun, dropped her purse, and directed the weapon straight at Selene, who stood frozen.

  “Linda, is this some kind of joke?” she spoke calmly, praying to God the officers Emmet had put on positions all over the building were still there.

  Selene had been prepared to act as the ultimate bait, but she couldn’t know for how long. There was no telling when a person could snap, and she didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Linda’s breakdown. However, she was aware of the fact that they needed her confession.

  “No, it’s not a joke. It’s very, very much real”, Linda spoke calmly in her musical voice, but her hands were shaking, along with the black gun she held in her hands.

  “Did Mike put you up to this?”

  “No!” she shouted, becoming livid. “He had nothing to do with it. He can’t control me all the time. He can’t tell me what to do anymore!”

  “Don’t get me wrong, but…
What does your anger for your husband have to do with me?” Selene cautiously approached the subject, backing away millimeter by millimeter.

  “He is obsessed with you, Selene! He can’t stop talking or thinking about you”, Linda cried.

  Absolute confusion mixed with fear inside Selene.

  “What? He hates my guts.”

  “That’s what I thought at the beginning. He never failed to show you how much you annoyed him, or how undeserving you were of your position. But in private, he kept gushing over you. How independent you were, how intelligent, how incredibly beautiful”, she used a mocking tone in the end.

  “I didn’t know any of this”, Selene tried to convince her.

  “Oh I know. But it still doesn’t mean it’s not your fault!”

  “I never encouraged him, Linda. I was never alone with him, not even a single minute”, Selene spoke in a calm, neutral voice, trying to avoid any triggers, literally and figuratively.

  “You didn’t have to. All you had to do was walk inside the room. He read every interview you’ve ever done, watched every TV coverage where you appeared, listened to every word you’ve ever spoken in the Council meetings. He wanted me to become you!”

  Selene shook her head slowly. “I never even imagined something like this, Linda. You have to believe me. Besides, how could he ever want you to become me?”

  “He wanted me to dye my hair red. He told me how prettier I’d look with green eyes. He called me Selene whenever we made love”, she spat out venomously.

  Selene couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be.

  “You wanted me to disappear because of that?”

  “I tried warning you. I tried to make you leave without hurting you. But you just wouldn’t listen!” she screamed, making Selene swallow jerk in fear and swallow hard.

  Her mouth became dry, and she couldn’t find her voice to stall Linda for a bit longer until help arrived. Emmet and the others must be very close, but they were probably too afraid to intervene, because Linda and she stood way too close to each other, and even an accidental bullet could kill Selene from that distance. Fortunately, Linda felt the need to continue her own rant.

  “For years, I’ve done everything to be the perfect wife for him. I wore what he wanted me to wear, I exercised until I got my perfectly skinny body, I behaved the way he expected. I was his perfect little puppet, until you showed up. Until you ruined everything.”

  “I didn’t –”

  “He wanted me to become more independent. To become more politically active. To make a career of my own. Mike Waltz, the world’s greatest patriarch, started wanting his woman to be the opposite of what he needed”, Linda continued as if Selene wasn’t even there. She was looking straight through her, and that scared Selene more than her screaming. She knew her rage was about to culminate.

  “And what did you do to him?”

  “He’s unconscious in his car. We had a fight when I wanted to bring you the recipe. He didn’t want me to disturb you. He said you must’ve had a long day”, she mockingly explained.

  “And your friend, the sheriff… He’s lying on the parking lot. I don’t know if he’s dead. There was a lot of blood”, Linda sounded satisfied, and Selene was frozen in fear.

  “You hurt Emmet?” she raised her voice and immediately regretted, because Linda turned off the safety on her gun.

  “He was about to inspect my car. The one I’ve been driving around your house. I knew you had some surveillance, and I couldn’t let him get me before I got you.”

  “Linda… this isn’t the path you want to take. Some things can never be undone.”

  “It’s the path I’m on since the moment you announced your candidacy!”

  Selene was running out of time. Where the hell were Samuel and Sully?

  “You’re going to kill an innocent person just because your husband is a limp-dicked fool who didn’t know how to appreciate what he had?”

  That actually earned her a laugh from Linda. “It’s the only way he’s going to appreciate me again. You need to be out of the picture.”

  “You’ll get caught.”

  “But I’ll be remembered.”

  “You’ll spend the rest of your life in prison.”

  “But I won’t be living in his, or your, shadow anymore!”

  It was like a slow-motion watching Linda slowly put pressure on the trigger. Selene closed her eyes and prepared to die.

  “Baby”, a male voice suddenly said. The voice she’d recognize anywhere. She opened her eyes and watched Chris slowly walk over to the center of the room. Linda spun around and directed the gun at him.

  “Stop right there!” she warned him. What in the hell was going on? Was all of it a product of Selene’s imagination? Was she already dead and entered an alternate dimension?

  “Mrs. Waltz, I think it would be best for you if you lowered your gun”, Chris threatened in that calm, icy tone of his.

  “If you come any closer, I’ll shoot both of you!”

  Chris raised his arms, while he slowly, very slowly crept forward.

  “If you absolutely want to shoot somebody, shoot me.”

  Selene couldn’t believe her ears. “Chris, get out of here!” she shouted at him.

  “No, baby. I’d do anything for you. I’d die for you.”

  “How convenient! You’ll get to die together”, Linda commented, finding the situation funny.

  “Chris, I mean it. Leave.”


  “This is not your call.”

  “Everything that has to do with your safety is my call.”

  “Ledford, get the fuck out of here!”

  “Enough!” Linda yelled, and Selene suddenly found herself on the floor, black spots covering her vision. Linda had actually hit her with the back of her gun, effectively knocking her out.

  The only thing Selene heard before she passed out was the deafening sound of a bullet.


  “Well, Ms. McClaran… Having two head traumas in such a short time span is definitely not recommendable”, her doctor said wryly.

  “Trust me, it’s not the way I imagined my holidays to start either”, she retorted. She was getting released from the hospital the day after the showdown in the Community Center. Her head trauma wasn’t as serious, seeing she didn’t even need stitches. She only had a bruised cheekbone, and slight body pains due to the fall. Everything else was intact.

  “Luckily, there are no signs of concussion this time either. You’re one lucky woman”, the doctor said and went away to sign her release forms.

  She was sitting on her hospital bed, patiently waiting, when Emmet strolled in. He took a harder beating than she did, but he was also getting released today. The back of his neck needed stitches, and he claimed he had the Godzilla of all headaches, but he was also clear to go home. Both of them, however, were instructed to take a week or two off. They were more than happy to oblige.

  “So I was thinking… we should build a jacuzzi in your back yard”, he said and sat next to her, his muscular form making the old bed squeak in protest.

  “What’s wrong with your back yard?” she retorted, but a smile was plastered on her face already.

  “I want to keep my options open, you know, for whatever changes the future missus would like to make.”

  “Emmet, do you have something to tell me?” she hoped he did.

  “Nah, unfortunately, I’m still single and ready to jingle.”

  Selene snorted and shook her head.

  “Annie is waiting in front, she’s taking us home.”

  There was one other person, other than Annie, who Selene wanted to see and thank.


  Emmet shook his head. “Still a no-show. He left as soon as the doctors said you were in the clear.”

  Selene smiled weakly. So he did respect her decision. He only saved her life in the process.

  “Are you sure he didn’t ge
t hurt?”

  “A gazillion percent, as I have already told you. He knocked the living life out of Linda once she hit you. In her struggle, she fired the gun and missed by a long shot. Samuel took you to safety as soon as you blacked out.”

  Annie and Emmet had explained everything after she woke up. The reason why nobody had reacted earlier was because the officers saw Emmet on the ground, bleeding and unconscious. A few feet away, there had been Mike, also deep in dreamland. What officers hadn’t known at first was that they didn’t see dead bodies, but rather two unconscious men. However, the commotion that had ensued made them believe the attacker was on the run, and they focused on searching the area, looking for whoever had assaulted the sheriff.

  At the same time, Linda had used the opportunity to slip inside unnoticed. What none of them had known was the fact that Samuel and Sully were still inside the Center, scanning the rooms and ensuring her safety. Their delayed reaction hadn’t been because they were absent, it was because they had been certain Linda would’ve shot her if they dared to intervene. So they had waited for their perfect moment, and were about to ambush the gun-wielding woman when Chris showed up.

  He had managed to slip inside after a haughty discussion with Emmet, who hadn’t been in the mood for any bullshit. However, as the bleeding sheriff had been informed about the hostage situation, he agreed with Chris about sending in a distraction. That’s why Chris had worn a vest underneath his expensive suit, his tasks being: a) don’t get shot, b) make Selene involved in the conversation with him until Linda was distracted enough, so that Samuel could execute an extraction.

  Things had gotten a bit sideways, but ultimately, the plan worked. She was free of her stalker, who had been arrested and was going to be prosecuted for an array of crimes. She was looking at life in prison, and even her husband couldn’t show any remorse about it. Selene completely refused to acknowledge anything Linda had told her until it was absolutely necessary. She would eventually have to confront Mike, before the court testimonies, because the supposed obsession he harbored for her was a fertile soil for trouble. However, for the moment being, she only wanted to go home and relax in the knowledge that she was finally free of fear.


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