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HIS BOUND BRIDE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 38

by Sophia Gray

  Vance smiled proudly at her. “I didn’t tell you before because you had enough going on with the wedding. And yes, that is one of my many hidden talents: I can turn wood into many things – just as I can turn you into a heated pool with them,” he teased with a cocky smile on his face.

  Teresa looked at him with one eyebrow raised, but since he had just proven it to be true, why bother arguing with him?

  “Congratulations,” she said with a huge smile. “I’m sure you will do great.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder, and he covered them both with the comforter. Teresa mused for a bit about their future: Vance had already moved in, and he had even got a better job – just because of her. She could not wait until their life together officially began.

  # # #

  The day of the wedding finally arrived. Vance had spent the last night at his place for the sake of tradition. Anna and Karin had gone to wake Teresa up early in the morning to get ready. They did her hair and makeup (after all those visits to hairdressers, Teresa decided her friends would be better suited to take care of her) and helped her get ready.

  “Here, put this on,” Anna told her when she was ready. She handed her a necklace and Teresa recognized it immediately. It was a very simple piece with a pendant that had an A and a T hanging together. “Remember it? It was your first birthday present when you got here.” Anna smiled.

  “Of course I remember!” Teresa exclaimed, trying not to cry – it would only ruin her makeup. “Why?”

  “I’m lending it to you, so it can be your something borrowed – since you already have your something blue,” Anna said, pointing at her engagement ring. Teresa smiled gratefully and allowed Anna to place the necklace around her neck.

  “And I,” Karin said, stepping in front of her, “want you to wear this during the wedding. But don’t lose it!” She had a long, thin box in her hand and when she opened it, Teresa gasped. It was the most beautiful bracelet made of silver and with small sapphires linked together.

  “It was my mother’s,” Karin explained, taking advantage of Teresa’s inability to speak. “And it was her mother’s before her. I know you don’t really have any family heirlooms, so I wanted this to be your something old.”

  “Karin, I can’t… This is too much,” Teresa said, struck dumb by the caring gesture. She could not possibly accept such a jewel, even if it was a loan.

  “Nonsense! I want you to wear it. You’re offending my late grandmother by refusing it, you know. She’s watching you and judging you hard. I can even hear her yelling at you: Why does this girl refuse my bracelet? Isn’t it good enough for her?” Karin mimicked in an old, cracked voice that made Teresa laugh so hard she ended up breathless. When she managed to stop, she stretched out her hand and allowed Karin to put the bracelet on. It fit perfectly.

  “Thank you so much,” Teresa said, giving Karin a tight hug.

  It was time to get to the courthouse. Eva and Jane were already waiting for them in Teresa’s car: they would drive her to court, where Vance would be waiting, and then Eva would drive both of them to the restaurant.

  The car ride to the courthouse was the longest ride she had ever taken. She felt jittery and excited. She was dying to tie her life to Vance’s and tell him the words she had never told him, but she knew in her heart that was true: that she loved him. That she did not know how or when it had happened, but that he had stolen her heart, and it would forever be his. That she would die before hurting him, ever.

  The car pulled over, and Anna got out to hold the door open for Teresa and help her with her train. Teresa got out, and Karin handed over the bride’s bouquet, which was made of daisies, just like the ones Vance got Teresa on their first date. It was perfect, as everything so far.

  The courthouse hall was crowded with other people attending to their business, though Teresa noticed many eyes staring at her and her bridesmaids as they went to find their room. Court number 13. She was not superstitious and found the number quite nice, so she laughed when she saw Jane fretting out of the corner of her eye.

  She looked at the clock on the wall: five minutes to twelve. They were right on time. She could hear the rest of her guests already inside, and her heart jumped knowing Vance was in there as well, waiting for her.

  Four minutes until she got married.

  Karin, Jane, and Eva placed themselves behind her. Karin was carrying both rings in a small basket.

  Three minutes and she would start a completely new life.

  Teresa’s heart was racing so fast she feared it would jump out of her chest and escape back to the car they had parked outside, running away from her.

  Two minutes to go.

  Anna stood at her side and took her arm. Teresa had asked her to hand her to Vance since she had no mother or father to do it – and she did not want it any other way.

  One minute.

  Teresa took a deep breath, and when someone opened the courtroom doors, she stepped inside at a firm pace. There was soft music playing in the background, but she barely heard it. Only the first two rows of the room were occupied, but she did not pay much attention to them either. She did not hear or see anything at all, except a buzz in her brain and one thing before her eyes: Vance.

  Vance looked amazing in his tuxedo. He stood tall and handsome with a radiant look of shock and awe. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. His hair was neatly combed back with some gel, something that he had never done before.

  He was standing next to the judge with Peter at his left and was frozen at the sight of her. His face revealed so many emotions, but one of them struck her: love. He looked at her with such devotion she trembled, and Anna squeezed her arm trying to reassure her silently. When they reached the end of the aisle, Vance stumbled, so nervous he almost fell and went to take her hand. She took his arm, and Anna and the girls sat down.

  “Are you nervous?” Teresa whispered to him as they both stood before the judge.

  “A little. I mean, who wouldn’t be? I’m about to marry a goddess. That should make anyone nervous,” he joked, and Teresa’s heart raced a little when she felt his hot breath against her ear, giving her goosebumps. She chuckled when he asked, “And you?”

  “A little too, actually. I’m going to marry a mere mortal, and my fellow gods and goddesses are going to judge me for that,” she joked back and watched as Vance had a hard time stifling his laughter.

  The small exchange of nonchalant jokes helped with Teresa’s nerves, and she looked at the judge. She was ready to begin.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The door of the courtroom opened, and there was Teresa, accompanied by her bridesmaids. Vance was taken aback. He expected her to look gorgeous, stunning, amazing – but she exceeded his expectations. Teresa was like a dream come true. Like an angel sent from heaven to make his life worth living.

  He could not take his eyes off of her as she walked down the aisle, and when it was time for her to take his arm, he stumbled and almost fell over, much to his chagrin. He regained his balance, cursing his damn luck, and Teresa linked her arm with his. Her skin felt hot, and he breathed in her wonderful scent.

  “Are you nervous?” Teresa asked him so low he had to make an effort to understand her words.

  “A little. I mean, who wouldn’t be? I’m about to marry a goddess. That should make anyone nervous,” he whispered in her ear. She chuckled, but it was no joke: he felt that way. “And you?”

  “A little too, actually. I’m going to marry a mere mortal, and my fellow gods and goddesses are going to judge me for that,” she joked back. Vance had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from laughing in the middle of the courtroom.

  He loved this woman. Even when he was on edge, about to throw up his breakfast, she knew exactly what to say to calm him down. They faced the judge, and the ceremony began.

  “We are gathered here today to join this couple in holy matrimony,” the judge began. “As a representative of the state, I have the pow
er of marrying these two people, who have come to me willingly and on their own freedom. I will let them express their love to each other, and you all shall be witnesses of their vows.”

  The judge looked at Vance, who cleared his throat and began.

  “Right here and now, everything feels like it was worth fighting for…” he said, his voice shaking. He had prepared a few words, but he could not remember a word, and really did not know what to say.

  “It was.” Teresa encouraged him on, and Vance smiled. Hearing her voice boosted his confidence.

  “I know we haven’t known each other very long and that, to some people, this wedding may seem rushed, but in my heart, I feel like I have always known you, and I know that I want to spend the rest of my days getting to know you, if you will have me.”

  He paused and waited for Teresa’s turn.

  “You have saved me, Vance, in more ways than you realize. And I want to spend the rest of my days thanking you for it, and telling you… telling you that I love you. I love you more than anyone in this world.”

  She said it. The words were so simple and so new that his heart skipped a beat and he knew it was true. He could hear it in her voice and in her eyes, which were shining with tears.

  “I love you too,” he whispered in shock.

  “Your vows, please,” the judge said, motioning for them to continue.

  “I, Vance Tate, take you, Teresa Love, to be my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, until death do we part,” he recited. He took the ring and placed it on her finger, and she smiled at him with loving eyes.

  “I, Teresa Love, take you, Vance Tate, to be my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, until death do we part.” She carefully placed his ring on his finger.

  “By the powers granted to me by the state, I now declare you husband and wife,” the judge pronounced. “You may now kiss the bride,” he finished with a gentle smile.

  Vance did not need to hear it twice: he took a step closer to Teresa and crushed his lips against hers, in a kiss full of love and promises for the future. She answered with the same love and passion, and by the time they parted, the whole room was cheering.

  They both signed the papers and turned to leave. Vance took his now-wife by the hand, and they rushed down the aisle while being showered with confetti. They headed to the car and crawled into the back seat, waiting for Karin to take them to the restaurant.

  Karin, merciful as she was, gave them a moment of privacy. Vance looked at Teresa up close for a moment: she was radiating with happiness. He looked in her eyes and cupped her face in his hands before closing the space that separated them and kissing her again, brushing her lips with his tongue and drawing ragged moans from her.

  “I love you,” he repeated when they parted. He felt, more than he saw, her smile when he said that.

  “And I love you too,” she replied. Vance could not be happier. He felt that nothing could ever spoil his happiness now and made up his mind to come clean after the wedding night. He felt in his heart that she could forgive him – or at least he hoped so. She loved him and that had to mean something.

  The car engine started, and Karin drove them to the restaurant. Everyone was already there, waiting for the happy couple. Everyone that they had invited was there… And someone who they had not.

  Jimmy Love was dressed up in a gaudy suit and was waiting among the guests, with a large, fake smile on his face and a dangerous gleam in his eye.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  Teresa froze when the car stopped, and she got out. Among her friends and loved ones, among the people she had invited to share her happy day, was the last person she wanted to see. She noticed Vance tensing up beside her and instantly decided what she would do. She would not let that man spoil her day. He had ruined her life enough and would not ruin her wedding.

  If he wanted to be there and play the nice dad charade he could. But the first thing she would do the next day was place a restraining order on him. She was sick of always fearing her shadow, looking around the corner thinking he would show up – and now that she was not alone, she would not let him ruin Vance’s life too.

  Teresa held Vance’s hand, and together they walked toward the cheering crowd. With a smile on her face, she kissed and hugged everyone, thanking them for coming, until she reached her father. She was the first one to talk.

  “Father, I am so glad you came, even if you were not invited,” she said, rolling politeness, coldness, and sarcasm all into her greeting. Her father stared at her in surprise, and in the corner of her eye, she noticed that Vance was also awed by her reaction.

  Both men had probably expected her to scream and throw things at her father until he left, but she would not transform her wedding into a circus. “Please, join us in our celebration. After all, this may be the last time you see me and my husband,” she said sweetly, taking Vance’s hand again and stepping inside the restaurant. She did not wait for her father’s response.

  Everyone took their places at the designated tables, and Teresa spoke to a waiter to accommodate her father at the table at the end. They had very few guests, so he was still too close for her liking, but it was the best she could do, and she was determined to enjoy her day. She took her place at the center table with Vance, Peter, and Anna. Drinks came first, and before the meal was served, she stood and raised her glass to propose a toast.

  “I want to thank you all for coming, even on such short notice. It means the world to Vance and me to see you all here,” she said, looking at everyone but her father. “I hope you’ll continue to support us throughout our journey together, happy and healthy.” She raised her glass, and everybody cheered. The bubbly champagne calmed her nerves, drawing red circles on her cheeks almost immediately.

  The waiters started bringing food, and soon she was lost in the party, talking to Vance in whispers and enjoying the meal. She drank a little too much champagne because she felt lightheaded, but she was also too happy to care. It was her wedding day!

  “I don’t know how your father found us,” Vance whispered, looking worried. Teresa grabbed his hand, squeezing it hard.

  “Don’t worry, my dear husband. I won’t let him harm you. And I won’t let him spoil our wedding. I’ll straighten things up with him tomorrow,” she assured him.

  “It’s not me I’m worried about, Tess,” Vance replied with a frown. He looked at her and then at her father, still worried, and she kissed him on the cheek and then on his jaw. And when he looked at her, finally on the lips.

  “Trust me,” she insisted, and he finally smiled.

  “Let’s enjoy this party,” he said.

  The dinner ended, and the music started. Teresa dragged Vance to the dance floor: it was their opening song, and she was aching to dance with him.

  The music started, and Vance held her close to him, one arm around her waist and the other entwined with hers. She placed her head on his shoulder and enjoyed the swaying and his scent as “Save The Last Dance For Me” played.

  Teresa could feel the stares and smiles from the people watching them, but she found herself not caring. Vance was leading her into the perfect rhythm, and she was so close to his body that the heat emanating from it and his scent was filling her senses, numbing her mind completely. There was only one thing that mattered: him.

  His heart was beating against her chest in a racing pulse that told her he was feeling the same as she did. They were both enthralled by the dance. Teresa felt tipsy from the alcohol and Vance. The best combination.

  He will take me home, she thought. Just like the song says. Vance would take her home that night, and every other night after that one. Could there be anything more perfect?

  Vance’s hand slid up and down, from the small of her back to her waist, drawing affectionate patterns on her back as he led her around the dance floor. Every inch of skin he caressed burned, and the rest of her body ached for more. />
  Vance’s arms held her with strength and care as they glided across the dance floor. Her head felt light as a cloud, her heart full of joy and love.

  Vance sang the final verse in her ear, and she shivered in his arms.

  The music ended. They stopped dancing, and the world stopped swirling. A new song started playing, and the rest of the guests joined them, but Teresa and Vance did not move: they just stood there, on the dance floor, looking at each other for a moment. A sudden urge to feel him, have his body naked against hers awoke in her groin, burning in her thighs.

  Vance smiled at her, unaware of her thoughts. “I’m going to get some drinks,” he told her. “Do you want something?”

  Teresa nodded fervently, and her reaction made Vance laugh.


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