Book Read Free

The Forever Series

Page 22

by Trilina Pucci

  For the millionth time, I open the text box to respond but close it without replying. I’m so torn. It would be amazing to work with Cole, after all, it is our company. Although, I don’t really feel any kind of ownership over it. Cole worked his ass off to get where he is, and he has an empire to show for it. I want the same, without handout or favoritism.

  I’m deep in thought when I hear, “Miss Parker?” I look up and quickly place my phone back into my purse.

  “Yes,” I answer as cheerily as I can and follow the sharply dressed suit into the office.

  “Please have a seat,” motioning to a chair in front of her desk. She reminds me of a school teacher from an 80’s movie. Dark suit, hair in a tight bun, with an attitude just as closed off. Fantastic, I think to myself, this should go well. Clearing her throat, she begins flipping through some paperwork looking for something in particular, it seems.

  “Ah yes, I guess my first question would be addressing why there seems to be a large gap in your work history. Would you like to explain the history?”

  I guess we are diving right in. This lady isn’t the kind to beat around the bush. Hmmm, maybe I do like her.

  “Well, I had an accident and needed to recover.” The details and truth are way beyond this interview.

  “I see. I trust you are healed and will not be looking for any additional time off?”

  Fuck, she’s the devil. I almost laugh out loud at her curtness, but manage to keep it together. I respond, “I am ready to get back to work, no additional time needed.”

  “Great, let me give you some details regarding what we are looking for…” As she begins to speak, I start to realize that I am not being interviewed but hired. Holy hell, I know I’m new at this, but I figured any company would want to at least get a feel for me before hiring me. I’m stunned by the quickness, but then a nagging feeling starts to creep in and I wonder if Cole has made a call on my behalf. If he has, I will kill him. He knows how important it is for me to regain my life myself.

  When the schoolmarm finishes, I smile sweetly saying, “I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but am I being hired for the position?”

  “Well, you were initially called in for an interview, but we received a very high recommendation from the higher-ups, so yes, you are being hired. Frankly, I am surprised that you didn’t join the marketing department seeing as how much they backed you. Have you worked with Sam previously?”

  “Sam? Forgive me, but I don’t know who that is.”

  “Sam Johnson is the head of the marketing department, it was because of that memo that you owe your new position. If it were me, I would send a thank you note. There were a lot of candidates for this position.”

  “Yes, yes, I will definitely do that.” I barely remember anything else she says, because I am boiling. Cole is going to get it when I get home. I’m sure my lovely husband is acquainted with Sam Johnson. Son of a bitch!

  After getting all my paperwork together and agreeing my start date would be Monday morning, I walk out of my new building with a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, I’m excited to get going, but on the other, I feel robbed. I’m not sure if I could feel successful knowing that I didn’t really do anything myself. Fuck, Cole. Ugh, why did he have to interfere? I pull out my phone to dial Cole.

  “Hi, baby, how’d it go? Did they hire you on the spot, because they would be fools not to!”

  Seriously! Is he fucking mocking me?

  “Are you kidding right now? Cole, I know what you did. Don’t be a dick.”

  “Whoa, what the hell are you talking about? The only thing I’m being is supportive, and you are beginning to make that difficult.”

  “I’m making it difficult? Me? I’ll kill you, or maybe you can sleep over at Sam Johnson’s house, since you two are besties,” I snark.

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Mia. Is this code supposed to make sense and who the fuck is Sam Johnson?”

  “Wait… what? Why are you acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about?” I ask calmer and frankly more confused.

  “Are you on drugs, Mia. I DON’T know what the hell you are talking about,” he yells. Oh shit, now I’ve poked the bear for, what is apparently, no damn good reason.

  “Okay! Calm down and don’t yell. I’m coming home, we can talk when I get there.”

  “I’m at the office, come here,” he spits before ending the call.

  Well, great! Clearly, Cole doesn’t know who or what the hell I’m talking about and I have just started a fight with my husband for absolutely zero reason. This day is the best.

  I let the driver know where to head even though I’m positive he knows where Cole’s office is. I’m still trying to get used to having an entire security detail with me everywhere I go. I know Cole said it was just until we figure out Alex’s attack, but a part of me wonders if this is just my new reality. As we pull up to Cole’s offices, I stop and look at the top of the building, wondering if the king of this castle is about to lose his shit on me. I laugh to myself knowing that I have really stepped in it this time.

  As I walk into the waiting area for his office, his assistant smiles at me and tilts her head toward the door letting me know to go on in. I push the door open and see him standing, looking out the window. He’s dressed down in a pair of jeans and a crisp white collared shirt. This man is a sex god. Part of me wants to just go over and climb up his body, but when he turns around, the look on his face halts me.

  “Hi,” I smile as sweetly and contritely as I can.

  “Would you care to explain why you have been hurling insults at me and being a ‘dick’ to me… not me to you, as you so sweetly called me, but you to me.”

  Aww shit, I’m in trouble.

  “Okay, listen. They did, in fact, hire me on the spot. However, they were basically told to hire me by an upper-level executive and I assumed—”

  “You assumed that I wouldn’t actually care about your feelings and I would completely disregard your need for independence, because I am a control freak that treats you like my property?”

  “I mean, when you put it that way, it makes me sound like a real asshole, so let’s compromise and say, ‘I assumed maybe you weren’t taking me as seriously as I was hoping for.” I smile at the end hoping he softens.

  I see his smile crack through, “Don’t do that anymore, don’t assume I would ever treat anything you say to me with disregard. Plus, if I was going to interfere I would make sure you didn’t get it… I’m actually a selfish asshole.” He walks forward and grips my waist and pulls me to him.

  “So, should we celebrate, I mean since this is bad news for you, but great for me?” I laugh.

  Smiling down at me, he licks his lips, “Let’s celebrate naked in our bed for the whole night.”

  “Oh, my favorite kind of celebration.”

  Cole squeezes my ass and leans down, crushing me with a kiss that leaves me breathless.

  “When are you done?” I ask between moving lips and roaming hands.

  Pulling away, he looks at me like he’s in a haze, a trance that neither of us can break. Moving his hand slowly up my back, he pauses when he reaches the top of my dress and my insides start to ignite making the zipper sound like the actual crackle I feel internally. Never breaking eye contact, I can see just how much he wants me. I feel lightheaded, giddy even, knowing what’s coming next. I jump right out of my skin at the sound of Cole’s assistant’s voice interrupting us over the speaker.

  “Fuck.” He groans as I cup my hands over my mouth to stifle my yelp and then my laughter. Walking around to his desk, he presses the button saying, “Thanks, tell the team to give me five minutes.”

  “Sorry,” I grimace, still giggling.

  “Come here,” smiling as he sits down in his chair. I walk over to him, struggling to zip up my dress. When I get to his chair, he turns me around and pulls me onto his lap, pulling the zipper back into place and adding a kiss on the nape of my neck.

  “Okay, Mrs. Pa
rker, you are all set. I want you naked and ready in two hours. I’m leaving early and I plan to bury myself in my gorgeous wife.”

  Leaning back into him, I respond, “I like the sound of that. Good luck getting rid of that chub in the three minutes you have left.” I wiggle my ass against him as I start to stand. Gripping my hips, he pulls me back and grinds hard into my ass and I grip the desk in front of me letting out a small moan, “You are going to be late.”

  “They can wait,” he barks back.

  Fuck, I love when he’s all CEO caveman.

  The speaker buzzes again with an interruption and I’m pretty sure that his assistant is wishing she never buzzed after Cole snaps at her.

  “Be nice,” I chastise, standing and looking over my shoulder, only to catch him checking out my ass.

  He smiles and winks at me, knowing he’s been caught.

  “I can only be so gracious when it seems everyone is trying to cockblock me.”

  I laugh at his ridiculousness and walk to the couch to grab my purse. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Naked and wanting,” I purr, blowing kisses to him.

  “Let me walk you out. I have to go that way for my meeting.”

  “Okay, but no funny business!” I joke.

  Putting his hand on the small of my back, he leads me past his assistant’s desk and rounds the corner. I can feel all the eyes on us and I realize this is the first time I have been to his office since our time apart. Since he works from home on occasion, apart from Cole’s assistant, whom I’ve met, this is the first time I’ve been with the extended team. I nestle a little closer to him, uncaring at my display of affection. Cole leans down and kisses the top of my head, wrapping his arm tighter around my waist.

  As we near the elevator bank, I see one of the security detail nod at Cole and hold the door open for me. I turn to Cole for a final kiss, but he pulls me back after my peck saying, “What was the name of the person who recommended you? Johnson? Sam?”

  “Yes, Sam Johnson. Now that I think of it, maybe it was my folks. I was talking to my mom about it the other day and she said something about asking Richard if he knew anyone at the company, but I told her not to do that.”

  “Let’s be real, your mother isn’t a rule follower,” he laughs.

  “No truer words,” I agree, giving him another kiss and walk into the elevator. Cole stands still, raking his eyes over my body and licks his lips until the doors completely close.

  “Foster, how’s Alex?”

  “Same, but good, she had a response today, she squeezed my hand, all of two minutes ago. I was literally picking up the phone to call Mia when you called.”

  “Holy hell! This is amazing, I will call Mia the minute we get off the phone,” I hesitate, not wanting to ruin the mood. God knows my friend could use some relief.

  “What’s with the hesitating. Spit it out, Cole. I know you didn’t call randomly. Stop walking on eggshells. We are brothers. What’s going on?” Leave it to Foster to cut right through the BS.

  “We have a… what I think is a problem. Mia interviewed today and was hired on the spot. I don’t doubt my wife is amazing and capable, but it was a highly sought out position and in a very competitive department. Every new and old graduate wants to work for Simmons Advertising and especially in that PR department. They have a great team. I have even tried recruiting some of them. The bizarre part is that an executive named Sam Johnson, sent a memo strongly encouraging hiring Mia. He heads marketing, that’s what is so bizarre. Something isn’t sitting right with me. Can we have the guys look into it and especially keep a close eye on my bride while she is in that building.”

  “You don’t have to ask twice, I don’t like it either. Consider it handled.”

  “Thanks, brother. Listen, I’m happy for you. It’s a small step in the right direction. Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Will do and thanks. Don’t forget to call Mia, if you don’t tell her, she will kill you.”

  I know he’s right!

  “See ya.” I hang up and immediately call Mia.

  Telling Mia was quite possibly one of the best parts of my day. I couldn’t make out anything she said as she screamed and began to cry, with the exception of the ‘Thank you and the I love yous.’ We made plans to meet a little later so she could stop by the hospital and talk to Foster. Honestly, I had so much on my plate at work, that I was happy to oblige, and this would give me some time to make some calls regarding our new friend Sam.

  I called Richard’s office and was patched right through to him.

  “Cole, what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Hello Richard. This may seem odd, but I was hoping you could tell me about a man named Sam Johnson, works head of marketing at Simmons Advertising.”

  He repeats the name over and over and I can tell he is trying to connect a memory to the name.

  “Sorry, Parker, but I don’t know him, I can’t seem to place the name. Did he drop my name?”

  “No, it’s nothing, It’s my mistake. I thought you were acquaintances. That’s all. Richard, I’m sorry, but I have a meeting. Thanks for the info.”

  “Not a problem, have a good one.” With that we end our phone call. For the slightest of seconds, I consider calling Sam Johnson’s office and asking him what his motive is, but I know Mia would disapprove and it would put us back where I definitely do not want us to be. A little digging would be fine, her safety is my utmost priority and I won’t listen to anyone about the methods I choose to keep my love safe and sound. God help this Sam guy if he has any worrisome plans for my wife. I’m not to be tested.

  I pick up my landline and ask for our marketing department, the line rings twice before I hear my department answer, “Mr. Parker, hello, how can I help you?”

  I’m sure it’s nerve-wracking when your boss calls you unexpectedly. I’m sure my call adds to those nerves, one hundred percent.

  “Well, I was hoping you could help me. I would like some background on another marketing head and I know we have worked alongside the marketing team at Simmons a few times with some projects. What can you tell me about Sam Johnson, you can speak freely? I’m not replacing you, Barnes.”

  I inadvertently hear his sigh of relief as he responds, “Well sir, from what I hear she is a great leader, capable and has an incredible work ethic. From personal experience, she was easy to work with, very collaborative. She always has fantastic ideas.”

  “Great, thanks, Barnes. Oh, and great insight on the tower project. I like the road we are taking on that.”

  “Thank you, sir”, With that, I end my call. What the fuck. He is a she. Who is this lady? I text Foster what I know and I get a singular response.


  I respond:

  Mia thinks it’s weird too.

  Something is off, I can feel it.

  Cole and I stayed wrapped up in each other the entire weekend, the only time we came up for air was to visit Alex. I knew that he was having a hard time with the idea of sharing me with my new job, but I share him, so he will have to deal! Still, it broke my heart a little. He was so sweet about it on Monday morning after giving me two supersonic orgasms, he made me breakfast and drove me into my first day.

  “All right, Dad, thanks for the lift,” the sarcasm rolling off my tongue, his smile makes me laugh as I get out of the car.

  “Ha! Give Papa a kiss,” he waggles my eyebrows.

  “Oh my God! You are disgusting,” I laugh, leaning across the seat and kissing his lips. “Are you picking me up as well?“ As soon as I say it, I realize that I want him to.

  “Of course, we have dinner plans and my agent is taking us to see a listing. We can’t stay at the hotel forever.”

  I smile at him, because he always just knows what I need. I could never go back and feel safe again, although I loved our place.

  My first day flies by, orientation is insane and learning the whereabouts of everything is a task in itself, but everyone is helpful and welcoming. My offi
ce is shared with three other junior PR members. Each of us had our own laptops, but we congregate around a huge white table that is the work area. There is a wired phone line in the middle of the table and whoever is closest answers and puts the phone on speaker, so we were always kept abreast of what’s happening. The energy is kinetic and I love it.

  We are currently working on selling the idea of a luxury tower, in a neighborhood that is trying to resist gentrification. I have a lot of ideas for the other side, but not a bunch for our side. Since I’m lacking ideas for my first day, I choose to listen. Cole told me that he always appreciated the employees that really tried to listen and become collaborative rather than show off and try to create a spectacle on their first day, so I figure my silence may be welcome.

  By the end, I am exhausted. My day was long and my mind is reeling from all of the information, but I couldn’t wait to run downstairs and tell Cole everything. As I walk out, one of the other junior associates named Jules, calls out to me.

  “Hey, so how was your first day?”

  “Amazing! I think I’m going to love it here!”

  “Yay! Why don’t you join us after work on Friday, a bunch of us get drinks at the bar across the way. You can get to know the team better.”

  “That sounds awesome. Thanks, Jules.”

  “And hey, everyone brings their boyfriends or husbands too. So, if you have one of those, feel free!” she smiles laughingly.

  “Thanks, I will. See you tomorrow.”

  “Totally. Don’t forget the department meeting in the a.m. too. They start cruelly on time, but they always have treats!”

  “Thanks, see you tomorrow,” I wave, heading for the elevators with a real spring in my step.

  The elevator ride is excruciating, it feels like we stop at every single floor before we find the bottom. I almost push past everyone to get out quickly. I feel like I’m having withdrawals from Cole, absence has seriously made my heart grow fonder. When I push out the doors, I see Cole leaning against the car in his light grey suit, jacket open, his white shirt gleams behind his dark black tie. He looks like an ad for Christ sakes, every woman walking out of the building can’t help but gawk, but it doesn’t matter, I can’t even feel jealous, because those shades are pointed right at me. Uncrossing his arms, he pushes off the car and closes the distance between us. He wraps one arm around my waist and picks me up, kissing me. I put both my palms on his face, enjoying the moment. Setting me down on the ground, he opens the door of the car, allowing me to brush past him and get in.


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