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Never Gonna Happen

Page 15

by Cynthia Eden

  Alyssa’s heart surged in her chest.

  Antony frowned. “Well, of course, you wouldn’t physically hurt her. I’ve always known that. But there are all kinds of pain in this world, and I don’t want Alyssa—”

  “You don’t want—what? For her to get shot? For her to get her arm sliced open when she tries to save your ass? Or mine? Because guess what? I want the same thing, and that’s why I need to make sure that Alyssa understands me very, very well.”

  Okay. Now he was pissing her off. “I understand the situation extremely well, thanks so much.” He was still…looming over her. Trapping her. His hands were on either side of her hips, his body between her legs. His face was inches from hers. She frowned at his hard profile as he stared at her brother. “And what you need to understand…” Her hand rose. She jabbed him in the shoulder.

  His head turned toward her.

  “I will risk myself if it means protecting Antony. He’s my brother. I love him. And I’ll risk my life in order to protect you, too. I would do it because—” Alyssa broke off.

  Just in time.

  Or, no, maybe it had been too late. Maybe Sebastian had caught her slip. He was watching her now with what felt like the predatory gaze of a snake that was about to strike, super fast.

  “Antony,” Sebastian snapped, only he didn’t glance at her brother again. “Get the hell out before I throw you out.”

  “Hey!” Antony’s voice rose. “I don’t like the way you’re—”

  “You want her to risk herself for me? Or you want me to fix this shit?”

  A pause. “Fix this shit.” Antony’s steps shuffled for the door. “Fix it and let’s go back to normal.”

  The door shut behind him.

  When that door shut, her shoulders stiffened even more. “You’re looming over me.”

  “Damn straight, I am.” His gaze searched hers. “Why aren’t you shaking in your sneakers? We both know I scare the hell out of you.”


  He blinked. Waited.

  She pressed her lips together.

  “Don’t.” A hard shake of his head. “One of the things I like best about you is when you say things and you let your real truth slip out. You don’t filter or try to bullshit me. You tell me what you think, and I love that about you.”

  He’d just used the word love, but it didn’t mean anything. “I have an issue with oversharing. Antony’s always telling me that I shouldn’t say everything I think. That I need to filter more.”

  “You don’t say everything. You say the important things.”

  “I blurt—”

  “I like it. Don’t stop. Screw what Antony says.”

  She could feel the warmth from his body. She could feel him. He surrounded her. And if he wanted to know what she was thinking? Fine. “You’re trying to intimidate me.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Because…” She’d still been poking him with her finger. She let her hand fall. “You’re trapping me here. Hands on both sides of me. Body between my legs.”

  “I want to fuck you, not intimidate you.”

  Her jaw dropped.

  “But since your brother is on the other side of the door and a doctor will probably be walking in any moment, that’s not going to happen right now.”

  He wanted to have sex with her? “I thought you were mad at me. You look mad.”

  “Oh, yes, I’m pissed as all hell.” His mouth brushed over hers. A slow, drugging kiss that she hadn’t expected. “But I also want you. I had you once, and I’ll want you over and over again.” Another kiss. One that tasted and tempted.

  She had seen the fury in his eyes, but he kissed her with tender care, and the whole situation and his behavior made zero sense to her.

  This time, both of her hands flew up and clamped around his shoulders. “I don’t understand you.”

  Another kiss. Slow and sensual. His tongue slid into her mouth. Caressed hers. Had her moaning and tightening her hands around his shoulders.

  “Alyssa!” Antony’s voice. His hand pounded on the door. “You okay? It sounds like you’re in pain!”

  Sebastian lifted his head. Their eyes met.

  “She’d better not be in pain, Sebastian!” Antony blasted.

  “She’s not,” he called back. “Don’t even think of coming in here.”

  “You are such a bossy bastard,” Antony groused. A loud grouse.

  “You are bossy,” Alyssa told him.

  “I’m also a bastard. Don’t forget that. I will do anything necessary to get what I want in this world. I waited for you, I gave you time, but you chose me, and that means all bets are off.”

  “I didn’t realize we were betting on anything. Are we playing some kind of game?”

  A slow shake of his head. “Hell, no. And that’s why you will not…ever…risk yourself again.”

  She wasn’t going to make that promise. “Life’s about risk. If you aren’t taking some risks, then I think you’re missing out.”

  “You were bleeding.” His voice was different. Almost guttural. “Your blood was on me.”

  “It was only a scratch,” she whispered.

  “What if it hadn’t been? What if you’d been hit in the heart because you were trying to save Antony?”

  “We are playing a game. The ‘What If’ game. I don’t like that. I’d prefer not to play it.”

  “So the hell would I. But the problem is that I can’t. I can’t stop thinking about what I would do if I lost you.”

  “You’d be fine.” An instant response. “I mean, you slept with me once, it hardly—”

  He kissed her again. Rougher this time. Deeper. Harder. “Fine,” he growled against her lips, “doesn’t even begin to describe what I’d be. I can’t risk you.”

  “Doctor’s coming!” Antony called out.

  Sebastian slowly backed away.

  A moment later, the doctor entered, and he was tailed by a watchful Antony. The doctor went over a few instructions—mostly about trying to keep her stitches dry and not doing any heavy lifting—and she listened to him, she did, but her attention also kept slipping to Sebastian.

  He stood near the doorway. His arms were crossed over his chest. He appeared tense and hard, and his gaze was still as dangerous as before.

  Only now, she knew he wasn’t just pissed.

  “I want to fuck you, not intimidate you.” His words played through her mind once more. Her body ached, and she realized that as soon as they were alone…

  The control that he was holding onto—the control she could see now—would vanish.

  “Any questions?” the doctor asked.

  She shook her head. She just wanted to leave.

  “I’m assuming you’ll have someone to take you home?” the doctor pushed. He glanced over at Antony. “Your brother?”

  “I’ll be taking her home,” Sebastian responded.

  Antony threw him a hard glance. “I think we need to talk. Outside.”

  The doctor’s brow furrowed. “Is there a transportation issue?”

  “Oh, there’s an issue.” Antony’s smile was grim. “But we’ll work it out, don’t you worry.” He inclined his head toward Sebastian. “I gave you time to talk with her alone, but now, you’ll want to talk with me. You owe me that.”

  She held her breath as the two men filed out.

  The doctor frowned at them.

  “It’s okay,” she assured him. “Like my brother said, they’ll work this out.”

  He nodded. Went back to studying her file.

  And Alyssa tried to ignore the sinking in her stomach, the rough feeling that told her…no, they might not work things out.


  “You think I’m just going to let you take my sister home?” Antony stared at him as if Sebastian had gone crazy. “After what has already happened between the two of you—”

  “I’m keeping her safe.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re also trying to get her into your bed!”
  Not trying. I already had her there. But he did want her in his bed again. And again. “I get that I owe you some hits, but that shit is going to have to wait.”

  “This isn’t a joke!”

  “That’s why I’m not laughing.” He stared solemnly at his friend. “I understand you’re furious. She’s your sister, you want what’s best for her, and we damn well know that I’m not it.”

  “Look, that’s—”

  “On most days,” Sebastian corrected, “I’m not it. On this freaking day, with this mess that’s going down, I’m exactly what she needs. I can keep her safe.”

  “So can I! You think I wouldn’t risk everything for her?”

  He surged forward. “And you think I wouldn’t?”

  Antony blinked. “She’s my family. I love her.”

  “She certainly proved she loved you when she jumped in front of you and that bullet.”

  Antony’s nostrils flared. “She’d do the same to save you. That’s who Alyssa is. You get that, don’t you? Her heart has always been too big. She wants to help everyone. Thinks everyone deserves a chance, that good is just out there waiting in the world. She’s a freaking Mary Poppins. I spent my teenage years shielding her because while Alyssa might think the world is sunshine and roses, it’s not.”

  “She knows that.” Anger hummed in his voice. “She’s not a kid any longer. Stop treating her like one.”

  “I love her,” Antony said again, voice thickening. “Can you say the same?”

  Just over Antony’s shoulder, Sebastian caught a flash of movement. His head cocked a little as he strained to get a better look at the fellow who’d just entered the corridor.

  A nurse moved to the side, and Sebastian saw Winston hurrying forward. The detective didn’t look happy.

  Yeah, buddy, join the club.

  “That’s what I thought,” Antony snapped. “And if you don’t love her, then you need to stop this crap before she gets hurt. Hell, hurt more than she already has been.”

  The hospital exam door opened.

  Sebastian’s head immediately whipped toward the door—and Alyssa. Her eyes seemed extra dark. Extra deep.


  Shit. What the hell had Antony been saying?

  Sebastian had been distracted by Winston’s appearance, but he did a quick mental replay of the conversation with Antony. He’d heard the words even if he hadn’t processed them at the time, so it was mostly a matter of hitting a mental replay button in his mind.

  “I love her. Can you say the same?”

  Only Sebastian hadn’t said anything because he’d been distracted by Winston’s appearance.

  “That’s what I thought. And if you don’t love her, then you need to stop this crap before she gets hurt. Hell, hurt more than she already has been.”

  How much had Alyssa heard?

  “I didn’t see him,” Winston announced grimly as he closed in on Sebastian. “I’m sorry, man. I was looking for threats, I was watching the building, but the bastard was good.”

  Antony frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  The doctor exited the exam room. He glanced expectantly at Sebastian. “Did you work out her transportation home?”

  He reached for Alyssa’s hand. “She’s with me.”

  But Alyssa tried to pull her hand back.

  “Trust me,” he told her softly.

  She stilled.

  The doctor was called away by a nurse. His coat flapped behind him as he rushed off.

  “You okay, Alyssa?” Winston asked her.

  She nodded. “Just a scratch.” She gave Winston a weak smile.

  Antony’s expression darkened. “It could have been a lot more than a scratch! We’ve got to stop this bastard!”

  “Lower your voice,” Sebastian ordered. For a spy, Antony was sure as hell loud lately. “Look, we were trying to catch him tonight. That’s why I had Winston there.”

  Winston nodded. “I was backup, in case there was trouble.”

  “There was trouble,” Antony instantly said. “A lot of it. Only I didn’t see you when the bullets were flying.”

  “Bullet,” Alyssa corrected. “I think there was only one bullet. Not multiple bullets.”

  Winston straightened his spine and pinned Antony with a hard glare. “You didn’t see me because I was trying to locate the shooter. As soon as the shot was fired, I was racing to where I thought he would be.” He shook his head. “But he was gone before I arrived, then I had to deal with some government jerk named Dexter Ryan who tried to pull rank on me.”

  Sebastian released a low sigh. “I am familiar with the jerk in question.”

  “Yeah,” Winston pursed his lips. “Figured you would be. He wouldn’t let me or my men anywhere near the scene to investigate. He kicked our asses out.”

  “Can he do that?” Alyssa asked. Her voice was husky and soft, and Sebastian just had to slide a little closer to her. “Can he kick out police officers?”

  Sebastian’s hold tightened on her hand. “Dex thinks he can do anything.”

  “He usually does anything. Anything he wants, that is.” Antony glowered. “Can you believe that guy wanted to take Alyssa away?”

  Sebastian’s stare met hers. “Not happening.” He wouldn’t be separated from her.

  “Yeah…” Winston looked extremely uncomfortable. He even released a little cough. “About that…”

  Sebastian didn’t like this. Didn’t like this situation at all.

  “I’m sorry,” Winston said. “I saw them in the parking lot, and he has already given orders that passed through my department. There isn’t anything I can do.”

  Sebastian saw the team in the corridor. The men in bad suits who were coming toward him. Men who were walking with Dex.

  Dex’s gaze wasn’t on him.

  It was on Alyssa.

  “They’re going to take her,” Winston added softly. “But this isn’t over. I have people I trust pulling traffic cams from around Shark Gaming and Design. We’ll find the perp. We’ll stop him, and then they’ll let her go.”

  Dex was almost on top of them.

  “Sebastian?” Alyssa’s voice trembled. “What’s happening?”

  Winston glanced back at the approaching men. His shoulders slumped a bit as he stepped to the side. To Sebastian’s side. “Don’t fight, not here. Because if you make a scene…look, I don’t know how that guy has the power he possesses, but he’s got some serious connections…and if you make a scene, I’m supposed to lock your ass up.”

  “Then you’d better get ready to put cuffs on me,” Sebastian told him. “Because if he thinks he’s taking Alyssa away, I will sure as hell be making a scene.”

  Dex stopped just a few steps away. The men behind him immediately stopped, too.

  “Alyssa.” He inclined his head toward her. “I believe we were interrupted before.”

  Interrupted by a bullet.

  “But I’m here now to take you into custody.”

  “No,” Sebastian snapped.

  “You’re not taking my sister anyplace,” Antony announced at the same time.

  Dex’s brows rose. “This isn’t a negotiable situation, as I’m sure the detective has told you.” He motioned vaguely to Winston. “He has his orders, just as I have mine.” A small hesitation. “And, Sebastian, Antony—you have orders, too. In this case, your orders are to stand down.”

  He got it. He was being given a direct order from his handler. The problem? Sebastian didn’t fucking care. “You should have brought more men.”

  The men in cheap suits stiffened.

  “I mean, seriously, is it amateur hour?” Sebastian asked.

  Dex’s jaw tightened. “Do you want your friend to arrest you?”

  Want it? Not at the top of his wish list but…“See, I don’t think he will. At least, not until after I kick your ass. And if you think you’re taking Alyssa anywhere, then you will most definitely get your ass—”

  “Stop,” Alyssa demand

  He stopped. Turned to her.

  Her face was far too pale. “You think I’m going to let you get locked up because of me?”

  Oh, no. No. He did not like where this was—

  “Antony was almost shot tonight. You could be shot next time.”

  “I’ll accept the risk.” Any risk for her.

  “I don’t think the situation that we’re in is about your brother, Alyssa,” Dex said. Figured the dick would interrupt. “I don’t think it’s about Sebastian or Antony. I think it’s always been about you.”

  Now he was playing a very, very dangerous game.

  “So if you come with me, the threats to them will be eliminated,” Dex added smoothly. “And you can keep your boyfriend out of jail. It’s a win, win situation.”

  “He’s a prick, isn’t he?” Winston muttered.

  Sebastian nodded. But to Alyssa, he said, “Don’t believe him. Dex is one of the best liars I’ve ever met.”

  “That’s high praise, coming from you.” Dex didn’t look amused. “Now, I’m not exactly keen on standing in the hospital corridor all night, so let’s move this along, shall we?” And, just as he’d done at Shark Gaming and Design, he offered his hand to Alyssa. “Willingly or in cuffs?”

  Antony swore.

  So did Winston.

  Sebastian didn’t say a word. He just moved his body so that he was standing between Dex and Alyssa. He thought the movement expressed his intentions perfectly. In order to get her, Dex would have to go through him.


  Alyssa brushed past Sebastian. He immediately curled his fingers around her wrist. “Baby?”

  Her gaze met his. Shit. Were those tears in her eyes?

  He hadn’t ever seen her cry.

  Normally, he didn’t like tears. He didn’t like to see any woman cry. But when Alyssa had tears in her eyes, when she stared at him and he could see them glistening…

  Hell, no. He hated them. He wanted to haul her into his arms, then destroy the person who’d made her cry.

  In this case, that person was Dex, and it would be Sebastian’s pleasure to—

  “There is no need for you to jeopardize so much for me, and I’m certainly not letting you go to jail for me.”


  “I can’t let you do this.”


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