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Page 4

by Amy Brock McNew

  The slight squeak of the bed. Amanda shuffling around as she pulled on her clothes. A long pause, as if she were rethinking her choice. He knew she wouldn’t. As much as it tore a hole in his chest, this was the right decision.

  His bedroom door opening and closing carried the sound of finality.

  He slid to the floor, head in his hands. Broken.

  The one thing in this world that was truly his had been torn away from him.

  His father and the curse had won again.


  True Strength

  “Rhys, come here.”

  Makenna reached for him as he tossed his toothbrush onto the bathroom counter and headed out the door.

  He half turned to her, his expression all business. “I have to get downstairs. The scouts we sent should be back any time and I need to be there when they return.”

  A piece broke off her heart. Normally, he would’ve pinned her against the wall or the sink and at least kissed her senseless. Now, it was like pulling teeth off a rabid bobcat just to get him to give her a peck on the cheek. This was so not how she imagined a mating would be.

  Makenna needed to take charge. She’d do her part to make their union everything it should be. Maybe he just needed a little push. Men could be so damn dense. She could sense he thought he was protecting her for some fucked up reason. But she couldn’t see what that reason was.

  Makenna pulled up her big girl panties and reached for what she wanted.

  She wrapped her arms around Rhys’ waist. He stiffened before encircling her in his arms. She pressed her nose into his neck and inhaled deeply, rubbing herself against him, just like her wolf and raven wanted to do. She missed being covered in his scent and having it swimming deep in her lungs. Her animals agreed.

  Rhys held himself stiff in her arms. Like he was afraid to let himself go. She couldn’t know for sure, because though they were bonded, he was blocking her. Which she couldn’t be too angry about, because she’d done the same. Hiding the growing force inside her from him, not wanting to drag him down with crap she should be able to handle.

  But Makenna was willing to take a risk if he was. Willing to set free the raging inferno within, share all she was with him, if he’d do the same. She had to get through to him. Had to break down the walls he’d erected between them.

  It was a shitty world when your own mate was keeping themselves from you, and she was tired of living in that world. Tired of contributing to it.

  “I miss you.” The words emerged from deep within her.

  “I’m right here.” His muscles relaxed a bit as she feathered kisses over his throat. His hands caressed her spine. Yet he still held back.

  “You know what I mean.” Makenna pulled back. “Why don’t we skip breakfast and go back to bed? Or you could just fuck me right here. I’m good with that.”

  A ghost of a smile graced his lips. He kissed her forehead. “We can’t. We have training this afternoon. And I’ve told you how important it is that shifters take in adequate protein.”

  Really? The jerk was using the nutrition speech to get out of doing his own mate? Bull shit. That’s why they made damn protein bars.

  Rage and a whole lot of hurt surged in her blood, stronger than ever. Her wolf bared her teeth, the raven squawked, and the goddess glared. She pushed him away and stepped back.

  “Fine. Whatever.”

  Makenna grabbed a hair tie from the basket near the sink and lifted the mass of black hair from her neck. Rhys tugged on her elbow. She jerked away.

  “Kenna, don’t be like that. You know we have to stay focused right now.”

  “I said it’s fine. I get it.” She nearly made her own eyes water as she yanked hard on her hair, pulling it into a ponytail. She reached for her tank top and slid it over her head, tugged on cargos, then tried to brush past him.

  Rhys caught her arm. “Kenna.” His midnight eyes swam with conflict. A plea for her to understand. She didn’t. “You know I love you, and you come first. But right now─”

  “Yeah. I know.” When she pulled away this time, he let her go.

  Makenna slipped on her boots and flew down the stairs. As much as she needed her mate, she wasn’t going to beg. She’d do her duty. Take care of her people. And hope when this war was over, she’d get her mate back. If she didn’t spontaneously combust first.

  Makenna entered the kitchen to the normal commotion. Several of the pack were seated around the massive table enjoying breakfast. The laughter and chatter calmed her a bit. She made her rounds, saying good morning and giving out hugs. The contact soothed not only her wolf, but theirs as well.

  She strode to the bar and grabbed a granola bar from the basket. She’d just turned to speak to Reagan when one of the runners they’d sent to search for other packs, Connor, barreled in the front door.

  “Makenna! Rhys!”

  The sweaty, panting young man scanned the room, his eyes landing on Makenna. Rhys came down the stairs and moved to her side.

  “We found them. A lot of them.” Connor paused to take a deep breath.

  “What did they say? Will they fight?” Rhys put a hand on Connor’s shoulder.

  Connor grinned wide. “Come see.”

  He headed back out the door, blond hair flashing in the morning sun. Makenna, Rhys, and the rest of the pack in the dining room followed. They’d never had a scout come back so damn cheerful. Especially when it looked like he’d been running in the mud all night.

  Makenna stepped out on the porch and gasped.

  The front yard was full of wolves. Some in animal form, some in human form. Eight or ten vehicles were parked behind the wolves, loaded down with what was probably everything they had left in the world. Several children stood among the crowd, clinging to the adults. Though they appeared tired and wary, their smiles as they looked around camp lifted her heart.

  She caught Rhys’ eye and grinned. He grabbed her hand and she squeezed hard, her irritation and hurt forgotten for the moment.

  More of their wolves would be safe. In addition, their numbers had just expanded, giving them a greater chance at defeating Kylian. Hope flared in her heart.

  Rhys moved forward, Makenna by his side. “Welcome. For those who don’t know us, I’m Rhys O’Conaill, and this is my mate, Makenna.”

  The entire crowd took a knee, bowing their heads. It was an acknowledgment and a vow to serve. Makenna felt Rhys’ heart lurch right along with her own.

  “Stand, please. There is much to discuss, but we’ll show you where you’ll be staying first, so you can rest before we begin.” He nodded and smiled as they rose.

  Makenna gave Rhys’ hand one more squeeze before leaping down the steps. She gathered the wolves and led them to the new cabins and the bunkhouse that had been built. Though their funds were beginning to run low, they still provided well for their pack. They wouldn’t let the addition of over fifty mouths to feed, and hopefully more later, deter them.

  She pointed the unmated wolves in the direction of the bunkhouse and led each mated pair and family to a cabin. Some had to share, but they seemed grateful despite that.

  Makenna spent the rest of the morning getting the new members settled and showing them around the plantation. Amanda, Reagan, and several others came out to help.

  Makenna noticed a change in Amanda as they worked, and not for the better. Every time Trystan came close, Amanda shut down completely, often taking off to avoid him. Her sister was even quieter, more reserved, but not toward the newcomers. With them she was a welcoming hostess, seeing to their every need and calming their fears. At least that was something.

  Makenna set her focus on the new pack members. She could deal with her sister later.

  She walked up to a young woman, looking not much older than herself, as she juggled a heavy load. Three adorable, noisy, red-headed kids who looked exactly alike trailed after her, carrying what they could.

  “Let me help.” The woman sighed with relief as Makenna took a couple bags
from her. The woman dug in the truck for a box, hefting it easily and following Makenna to what would be her new home. “What’s your name?”

  The stunning woman blew a strand of fire red hair out of her bright blue eyes. “Caitria.”

  Looking in Caitria’s eyes, Makenna realized she was much older than her early twenties. Benefits of being nearly immortal. She started to ask about her mate, then bit her lip. If Caitria’s mate were with them, he’d be helping instead of Makenna.

  Caitria gave Makenna a sad smile. “It’s okay to ask.” She waited while Makenna opened the door to a small cabin. “My mate is gone. He died so we could get away.” She edged in the dusty, dark room, smiling when Makenna threw open the curtains, letting light illuminate the particles. Caitria set her box down in the kitchen. “That was six months ago. We’ve been roaming the swamp since, living mostly in our wolf forms.”

  Makenna looked at the things being carried in by others. “Um, then where did all this come from?” She sputtered to a stop, feeling stupid.

  Caitria laughed and patted Makenna’s arm. “We were able to go back to our home, once Connor and the other scouts found us. We gathered everything Kylian didn’t burn or take.” She gestured to the few boxes and bags scattered around. “This is all I have left. This, and those hellion pups. All three of those boys look just like my Rigel.” She smiled brightly, though it was tinged with sadness. She sobered. “I’ll see Kylian dead, if I have to take his head myself.”

  Makenna went on instinct and pulled Caitria to her. This woman had lost her mate, somehow survived it, and kept her children safe in the wild for months. And here she stood smiling, the bloodthirst of a warrior gleaming in her eyes. Makenna envied her courage.

  Makenna left once Caitria assured her they had all they needed. She roamed the cabins, talking to every newcomer, doing everything she could to make them feel at home.

  Through the day, she heard more of their stories. Many had fled from packs Kylian had attacked, and had been roaming the swamps when Rhys and Makenna’s scouts found them. But they weren’t terrified as Makenna had assumed. Though exhaustion rode them hard, they threw themselves into making a new home. They accepted the hospitality and affection bestowed on them by the Fianna Prime wolves with gratitude. They stood tall when the weight of the world should surely have broken them.

  So many of them had lost their mates. Makenna couldn’t even imagine the agonizing pain the severing of the bond must have caused. Rhys had said some simply didn’t survive the loss. Yet here they were, ready like Caitria to try and start a new life.

  They were prepared this instant to join the fight and hunt Kylian down.

  A strength of legendary proportions ran through these wolves. They were warriors. Determined to avenge their lost loved ones and homes, and continue on with their lives.

  They showed her what true strength was.

  And all pledged their loyalty to Rhys and Makenna without reservation.

  Makenna wiped sweat from her brow as she opened the curtains of the last cabin to see new residents. She flipped the window open, gazing into the sticky Louisiana noon time heat.

  Talking with Caitria had made her think of her own mating. How she didn’t want to live in a world where there was no Rhys. She knew she had to make things right, share with him what was happening inside of her. Hopefully, they’d have a chance to talk soon.

  Finished settling the last family, she said goodbye with the promise to check on them and stepped outside. She reached through their link. Rhys was near, talking with some of the new pack. But though she could feel his joy that their numbers had increased, she also felt his apprehension.

  For once, he wasn’t concentrating so hard on blocking her.

  Rhys was afraid even the addition to their forces wouldn’t be enough. That they may not be able to keep them safe. To be honest, so was she. But she shoved it aside and moved to the main house to help Reagan and Amanda feed the hungry pack.

  Lunch went on for a couple hours. The meal came and went with no Rhys. She forced her worry away as she took care of her new pack members. Most of the new wolves hadn’t had a good, home-cooked meal in weeks and were grateful, letting their thankfulness be known with hugs and kind words.

  Even though most seemed to know her story, knew she’d only been Alpha for a few months, and knew how little experience she had with their world, they embraced her. They accepted her. Even revered her. It was heady and humbling. These people who had fought for their homes and families, their very existence, acknowledged her as one of their own. Acknowledged her as their rightful queen.

  It meant more to her than they could ever know. It drove home something she’d been learning the past couple months. She was home, where she belonged, with a real family who loved and accepted her for who she was.

  Several times Makenna had brushed away tears, thankful these people, her people, were open and expressive with their emotions. They didn’t look at her with disgust or like she was weak because of the intense feelings she couldn’t hide about them, about her new situation, and about Rhys. They understood.

  She spent the afternoon throwing herself into work, proving she was worthy of their trust, their love. No matter what was going on in her head and heart, she’d be strong for them. She’d set her own shit aside and focus on something more important: the almost one hundred and fifty people who depended on her. They centered her, grounded her. Gave her a reason. A reason to push harder. To not give up, no matter how dismal the situation seemed.

  Makenna couldn’t keep herself from searching for Rhys, though. It hurt that he seemed to be avoiding her, but she couldn’t let it distract her. Wouldn’t let it take her attention from these battle-weary people. She was exhausted too. But she was the Morrigan. And even though she was still discovering what that meant, she’d be the best damn Morrigan she could.

  Maybe Rhys had the right idea. Maybe the pack should have their entire focus for the time being. Maybe it was just part of the package of being king and queen. Of being Alpha. The needs of the wolves they were responsible for had to come before their own if they were going to be strong enough for the war she knew would only intensify.

  If this was the way it had to be, then she’d continue to put aside her own needs and wants for the good of their people.

  Makenna only hoped it would all be worth it in the end.


  Show Me a Leader

  “You’re certain you’re ready so soon?” Rhys eyed the wolf in front of him.

  It was customary to blood new members into the pack as soon as possible, but Rhys had thought they’d want to settle in first. To rest and have time to digest their new situation.

  Apparently, they didn’t want the time.

  Every new addition and the rest of his own pack gathered in the center of camp, in the huge grassy area where they threw parties, trained, and executed enemies when necessary. Instead of looking weary and fearful, the newcomers held their heads high.

  Rhys gave the wolf in front of him his full attention. Brenton had been selected as Alpha after their previous Alpha had been slaughtered by Kylian. He had a hardened look about him that spoke of many battles, but Rhys had also seen a fun-loving grin from the male.

  The wolf seemed to have no reservation about turning that control over to Rhys, though. Which was a good thing. A separation in the packs would hinder their ability to fight with a united front. They had to stand as one, truly join the packs, if they had any hope of being strong enough to defeat their enemy.

  Brenton shook his head, wavy brown hair swishing on his shoulders. His sharp green eyes, strong jaw, and high cheekbones screamed wolf. “Yes, Alpha. We are ready and able to fight at your side. No rest is needed or wanted.” He took Rhys’ arm in a warrior’s handshake. “Myself and my pack pledge our oath to you as Alpha, and to Fianna Prime. From now until the end. Tha ar dìlseachd agus ar dìlseachd ribhse, o rìgh, gu deireadh an ama.”

  Rhys’ heart squeezed, as it did
each time someone made the pledge to him. Especially now, when he could very well be leading them to their deaths.

  Makenna, Trystan, and Talon flanked Rhys as the new additions to their pack all nodded, echoing the ancient words of their Alpha. The already established members surrounded the new wolves, several giving hugs. Anticipation wove through the air. Rhys spied Amanda, not at his side as usual, but towards the back of the crowd, holding one of the pups who’d joined them.

  Rhys released the man’s hand and pulled the knife from his belt. “So be it.”

  He sliced deeply into his palm. As blood flowed in the bright bayou sun, the solemnness of the moment hit him square in the chest.

  He flipped the knife and holding it by its blade, offered the handle to Brenton. The man dragged it through his palm. Around them, their people seemed to hold their breath, everyone recognizing the monumental act taking place. A blooding. A joining of their packs forever. Brenton once again extended his hand, and Rhys clasped it firmly.

  The second their palms met and their blood intertwined, a charge ran through the pack link. Fresh power flooded the bond with a blast of much needed strength. A deep orange cloud of magic, now tinted with red, emitted from Rhys, encircling them all.

  These Fianna may have been chased from their homes, their leaders killed, their sanctuary destroyed, but they were strong. Their strength and magic charged the already potent power in Rhys’ pack, giving them a vital boost. Rhys and Brenton grinned.

  This is how they would defeat Kylian. The power of true loyalty, of true kinship. Of family. The family they’d created out of necessity, but one that was even stronger than the blood tie binding Kylian and his children. A strength, a love, a man like Kylian would never understand. An oversight that would be his downfall.

  Rhys embraced Brenton and a few of the other wolves before approaching a smiling Makenna. She was holding a pup in her arms. Seeing Makenna with the little boy hugged tightly to her made his heart roll over.


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