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Page 22

by Amy Brock McNew

  She guessed his promises of never letting her go were utter bull shit.

  Then the explosion when Brianna had healed Amanda. After, she’d felt more powerful than ever. Bowen believed it had to do with the Triad being together, on the same side, with their magic intact. Makenna wasn’t so sure. She didn’t believe Brianna was truly on their side.

  But Brianna had kept her word and given Amanda her magic back. Though she didn’t want to admit it, it’d shifted Makenna’s opinion of Brianna. Slightly.

  Makenna dragged the other chair in front of Brianna and straddled it. She rested her arms across the back. Tilting her head, she kept her expression unreadable. “You owe me.”

  Brianna raised one over-plucked eyebrow. “Is that so?”

  “Damn straight.” Makenna kept her voice level. “You nearly killed my sister and my Beta. Tried to kill me. You’re destroying our people. So yeah, you owe me.”

  Brianna narrowed her eyes. “One, if I’d wanted Amanda dead, she would be. Two, I didn’t personally attack your Beta. Three, I did what I had to do to stay alive.” She cocked her head, analyzing Makenna. “He’s your father too. Sick bastard that he is.” Brianna snarled.

  Not at Makenna, though. Interesting. Makenna tipped her chin, catching a scent. It was the odor of disgust. There was a reason Brianna had chosen now to let them take her.

  Makenna picked at the chipped red on her nails. “Regardless, you’ve made my life and the lives of my pack a fucking nightmare. You want us to keep to the deal, you better cough up the damn info, chick.”

  Brianna laughed. “You certainly don’t sound like a queen. One would think you’d attempt to fit the image, at least.” She smirked. “I guess you can take the girl off of the street, but you can’t take the street rat out of the girl. I’m sure Rhys will tire of your novelty soon and dissolve the mating. Find himself a female more suited to the throne.”

  Makenna fought to keep from reacting to the comment. Brianna was getting a little too close to home. Makenna covered her rage with a snort as she eyed her twisted sister. “Yeah, well I highly doubt there’s another Morrigan just wandering around. Face it, sis. I’m the only female in the world who can rightfully sit on the throne. You? You’re replaceable.”

  “Not if you want the Triad complete. Which you’ll need.” Makenna glared and Brianna shrugged. “Believe what you will.”

  Makenna hadn’t watched Rhys and Trystan conduct many interrogations. But she should be able to do this. Right? Maybe playing the curious, “I want to like you” sister would work.

  “You called Kylian a sick bastard. Why? What’s he like?”

  Brianna quirked that brow again. “You’ve met him.”

  “Yeah, for a couple hours. During which he went from acting like the proud dad to trying to kill me and my mate.”

  “Then there you go. Kylian Callahan in a nutshell.”

  “Is he rough on you? Treat you badly?”

  Brianna laughed. “Please, don’t try and act like you care.”

  Makenna shrugged. “I’m curious. He may be an asshole, but like you said, he is my father.” She held Brianna’s gaze. “I have a right to know where I come from.”

  While Brianna seemed outwardly bored, Makenna felt the tension grow. And there was that disgust again. Along with a hint of sadness. Was Brianna mourning the father he’d been? If Kylian had ever been good to her, that is.

  Brianna sighed. “Kylian never liked any of us until our powers displayed.” She eyed Makenna with a twinge of jealousy. “You in particular. Then our mother hid you from him.” Something flickered in her eyes. “Being the oldest, Talon always tried to protect us when Kylian would fly into a rage. Which happened a lot.” She took a deep breath. “When we were older, Kylian started trying to use our powers for his gain. Talon told us not to let him. He’d remind us of our mother and what she sacrificed.” Pain shadowed her gaze as she watched the floor. “Kylian is so much worse now.”

  Makenna’s heart rate sped up as she devoured the information. She longed to hear about the mother she’d never known, who’d given her life to protect Makenna.

  “Tell me about her.” She whispered, afraid if she spoke loudly Brianna would shut down.

  Brianna smiled. “Her name was Morgan.”

  Makenna’s wolf whined at the name. Her raven fluttered her wings before settling beside the wolf.

  “She was beautiful. Raven hair so black it looked blue. She was kind and had the loveliest smile and the best laugh. Like bells.” Her face darkened. “But we didn’t hear it when Kylian was around.” She shook out her hair and lifted her chin. “It doesn’t matter. Our mother is gone.” Brianna nearly choked over the words. Her eyes drilled into Makenna. “You want to know why I’m here. Why I’m making this deal? Because he’s gone too far. He deserves to die.”

  Makenna’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “God, Brianna. Has he...?” She couldn’t bring herself to say the words. Surely she couldn’t have come from a man who was that sick.

  Brianna snorted. “Abused me? Forced himself on me? No. Never. He’s got a harem of stupid girls for that.”

  Makenna sighed in relief. No matter how much she disliked her sister, no woman should ever be subjected to that. She cleared her throat. “What was it then? What was so bad it’s made you turn on him? Or at least pretend to.”

  Brianna stiffened. “You have no idea what that male is capable of. What he’d do to have the throne. A throne he promised I’d share.” Her usual smartass smirk slid into place. “Though, there are other ways to become queen. How are things with Rhys?” A knowing glint lit her eyes.

  Makenna had sensed Brianna had her own agenda. Now she had confirmation. There was no other reason for Brianna to ask about Makenna’s mating. It certainly wasn’t out of sisterly concern. And it seemed like more than just bitchiness.

  Makenna shook her head. Here she was starting to think she could see what Rhys did. That something in Brianna was good. Worth saving. But Makenna had been right. It wasn’t just her hurt at being betrayed by her own blood clouding her judgment.

  Brianna was evil. There was no saving her.

  Makenna stood, the urge to throttle the bitch turning the soft spot to stone again. “Things are fucking fantastic, thanks. Now, what has Kylian done?”

  Brianna rolled her eyes. “You’re not as adept at hiding things as you’d like. Especially from an empath.”

  Makenna started and her brow furrowed.

  “Oh, you didn’t know? You’re probably one too. Just too ignorant of your own power to have recognized it. The seeing colors for feelings thing?” Makenna’s chin went up. “Yes, dear sister. That’s part of it. I guess that’s something Rhys or Bowen forgot to explain. They probably didn’t want to overwhelm your poor little self.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “As for what Kylian has done, I’ll tell you when some of my conditions have been met. I want released from this chair. I would like some food. Skipping meals isn’t healthy for a wolf. And I want to bathe.” She wrinkled her nose, somehow able to maintain her look of superiority.

  Makenna growled. She kicked the chair aside. She was done being nice. She’d tried, and it hadn’t worked. Now it was time to do what she’d wanted from the beginning.

  Carve out her pound of flesh.

  The door swung open. Makenna sensed Trystan before he spoke. “Makenna, a word.” His voice lacked its usual confidence. Pain scented his essence.

  Makenna turned, worry replacing her anger for the moment. He looked like shit. She glared at Brianna. “We’re not done.” Crossing the room to Trystan, she laid a hand on his arm. “Let’s get out of here.”

  She didn’t miss the look of absolute hatred he shot Brianna as they walked out. He steered her toward the creek that ran along the edge of the large open area.

  “There’s something you need to know.” Trystan faced her, looking like someone had stolen his truck and his girl and killed his dog. “I think Brianna did something to me. Whatever that spell was, i
t’s fucked me up.”

  Makenna crossed her arms. “What do you mean?” Her fury rekindled.

  Trystan sighed. “It’s changing me, Makenna. There’s something dark inside. And it’s getting harder to fight.”

  She’d known something was off with him, but figured it was whatever had happened with Amanda. That thing her sister still hadn’t confided in Makenna about.

  “When you say something dark...”

  “I think the spell was meant to,” he exhaled hard, closing his eyes. When he opened them, agony filled them. “I think it was meant to turn you. To erase anything good in you and make you like them. Now it’s turning me.”

  Makenna froze. Pieces fell together in her mind. Brianna had created a master plan of epic proportions. When the first part hadn’t gone like she wanted, she’d adapted. Now Trystan was paying the price.

  Without her even calling it, her power leapt into her hands. It formed a red haze around her. The same haze fell over her eyes. Makenna whirled and strode back toward the cabin. Head high, her vision changed. The world burned with gold flame.

  Trystan blocked Makenna’s path. “I can’t let you do this, Makenna. I won’t cause any more problems between you and Rhys. You can’t go against his wishes again.”

  “You’re forgetting I’m Alpha too. Rhys doesn’t call all the shots.”

  Even as she said it, she knew what she was doing was wrong. She and Rhys were supposed to be partners. But as it stood, she didn’t trust him to do what needed to be done. He’d agreed to Brianna’s deal, knowing Makenna was against it. And he hadn’t trusted her when she’d warned him of the trap the other day.

  She’d cut the information out of Brianna, then remove her lying, scheming head, all on her own.

  Trystan tried to reason with her as she shoved around him. She shut out his voice. She was beyond reason. Raising her hands, she blasted the door to bits. Makenna grinned when Brianna jumped, her fear an acrid stench filling the room.

  Makenna stopped inches from Brianna. “Did you really think I wouldn’t figure it out?”

  Brianna trembled, but tried to cover it. “Figure what out?”

  “Your big plan. Did you forget the little street rat had more power than you?”

  The red light pulsed, enveloping them both. Makenna leaned down, placing her hands over Brianna’s. The odor of burning skin stung her nose. She laughed when Brianna tried to pull away.

  There was nowhere for her to go.

  “You really thought you could turn me, then play the good, helpful little girl to my bad girl and win Rhys? You thought a brilliant, good, honorable male like him would fall for your tricks?”

  Brianna gritted her teeth against the pain. “Rhys deserves better than you. And no, it wouldn’t be a hardship to rule the packs at his side. But it wasn’t about that.”

  Makenna let more of her power seep through her hands. Brianna’s skin melted under the onslaught. She hissed.

  “I want Kylian dead, and I needed to unleash the goddess to do it.” She flicked her gaze to Trystan. “The spell was formulated specifically to raise the Morrigan to full power in a short amount of time. Such magic can be unpredictable when it encounters the wrong target. I do apologize.”

  Makenna grabbed Brianna’s wrists and the wood underneath them and shook the chair. Smoke wafted around them. Brianna cried out.

  Makenna growled. “You’re lying, you fucking bitch!”

  “Makenna, you’re going to kill her,” Trystan pleaded. Since when had he changed sides?

  Makenna looked down. Brianna’s arms were charred past the elbow. The chair arms burned away. Brianna screamed as the flame creeped toward her face. Makenna pulled it back, but not completely. She tossed Brianna and what remained of the chair at the back wall. Wood splintered into a thousand smoking pieces. Brianna slumped to the floor, holding her burning flesh. Panic and sheer, unadulterated fear wafted from her in waves.

  Makenna’s wolf and raven were silent as the goddess cheered. She grinned. “You wanted the Morrigan, you’ve got her.” She tossed a ball of light.

  Brianna raised her arms in a sad attempt at blocking. The light surrounded Brianna and extinguished the fire. Brianna’s eyes widened. Makenna didn’t want her turned to ash just yet.

  Makenna smirked. “Don’t worry. I won’t kill you right away.” She paused. “On second thought, maybe you should worry. This could take a while.” She eyed the table full of blades and other implements. This was the perfect time to try out a few new tricks Bowen had showed her.

  “Makenna, don’t.”

  Rhys’ voice, full of steel and edged in pain, filtered through her haze. She turned slowly to see him and Bowen standing in the doorway. Bowen looked sick, his eyes flicking between Makenna and Brianna. His expression showing a sadness so deep it cut into her. But she couldn’t let them stop her again.

  Brianna’s time was up.

  Makenna set her focus on a narrow blade on the table. Slim, about six inches long. Double-sided. That’d do nicely. The goddess grinned, and Makenna smiled. She extended one tendril of the red flame. Wrapping it around the handle of the knife, she brought it in front of her.

  Rhys inched closer at her back. “Makenna. Put the blade down.” When she glanced over her shoulder, his own power glowed red around him. “Stop now.” Authority rang in his tone, with an underpinning of uncertainty.

  He wasn’t sure he could stop her.

  Makenna slowly shook her head. “I can’t. This has gone too far.” She turned back to Brianna. Her sister cowered as the blade creeped toward her abdomen. Makenna breathed in deep, taking Brianna’s fear into her lungs.

  “Makenna Rianne! Stop!” Bowen’s voice contained a power Makenna had never heard.

  She froze. The knife clattered to the floor. She drew in a ragged breath. The desire to obey him pounded in her veins. It didn’t make sense. She was his Alpha. She fought the order. The need to vent her rage fired her nerves. Though her preferred target wasn’t Brianna, but the father who’d betrayed her and Talon and Amanda. The man who’d left her all alone in the world.

  She glanced at Brianna. “She’s just like him. Evil. Sick. She doesn’t deserve to breathe.” Makenna looked down at her flaming hands. Her blood stung with the need to kill. To cause pain. She raised pained eyes to Rhys and then Bowen. “Maybe I don’t either.”

  Rhys sucked in air. Agony, worry, and heartache all swirled in his eyes, tinting the air around him with strange colors. “Kenna, don’t say that. You’re not like them.” His voice was quiet, but charged with strength and conviction. He edged closer.

  A tear rolled down her cheek. Her voice cracked. “I don’t know how to stop it.”

  Brianna crawled toward the corner. Makenna didn’t care. This had gone so far beyond Brianna. Then again, it had never really been about her. Brianna was merely a surrogate. A convenient release for the rage and hatred charging Makenna’s soul. The pain that ate her alive.

  Amanda rushed into the room. She skidded to a stop, panting. Talon barreled in behind her, nearly knocking her over. He grabbed her shoulders and kept her upright.

  He scanned the room, finally landing on Makenna, Bowen, and Rhys. “What the fuck?”

  Rhys held up a hand. “Kenna, focus. Pull it back. You can do this.”

  He stepped to her side, but Makenna backed away. She was in a state of complete turmoil and couldn’t chance hurting him. The pain of her rejection flared in his eyes. Hers begged him to understand. She’d hurt him enough already.

  Bowen took two steps toward Makenna. She raised watery eyes to his, her tears reflected back at her. “Mo nighean milis, you are not like him. Ne’er will you be. The blood that flows through your veins is not tainted.” He took in Talon and Amanda. “All of you, you are what you choose to be.” He glanced at Brianna. “Some of you had your choice ripped from you. Though perhaps you have taken it back.”

  Makenna shook her head violently. She looked at her blazing hands again. “This power, it’s n
ot normal. The need for war, the craving for blood, it can’t be good. Nothing in me can be good. Not with where I come from.”

  Bowen’s face was stern, but his eyes soft. “You are the Morrigan. The warrior goddess. Your power is to be channeled to protect your people. There is no higher calling.”

  He reached for her hands, and Makenna pulled them back. Bowen grabbed them anyway. A strange cooling sensation flowed through her. Gasps filled the room.

  Bowen had extinguished the flame.

  Her power receded. Makenna’s heart sped up. Even Rhys, her mate, couldn’t contain her power when it was at full force. But it had cost Bowen. He breathed deep, sweat dotting his brow and his shoulders heaving.

  Makenna gaped at him. “How?”

  Rhys moved closer. Part of her wanted to melt into him, but the rest was too curious, too shocked, by what Bowen had done.

  Bowen smiled, though it was strained. “I did what I should have done the first time she nearly consumed you. I had thought you would be able to contain her. I should have known you weren’t ready. Apparently my skills as a teacher are lacking.” His laugh was heartbreaking.

  Makenna stared. Power coursed through her. Waiting. The goddess was quiet now, but any moment, she could assume control again. Makenna’s shoulders dropped.

  “It won’t last. She’s too powerful. Too bloodthirsty.” She was a failure. “Kylian’s already won. I’m just like my father. I’ll destroy us all.” Her tears fell to the dusty wood floor.

  Bowen shook her. Hard. There was fire in his eyes. And something else. Something softer. “He hasn’t won. But aye, you are just like your father.”

  Makenna and Amanda gasped. Rhys, Trystan, and Talon growled and stiffened.

  Makenna’s heart broke. Now even Bowen, the one person besides Rhys who’d been by her side, teaching her, believing in her, had lost faith in her. She really was fucked. “Then why did you say─”

  Bowen nodded. “I meant what I said. You are good and strong. You can control this magnificent power within you. And you are exactly like your father.”


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