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Page 26

by Amy Brock McNew

  She was doomed to suffer alone, not having her mate and never knowing why.

  She ignored the questioning looks from her pack as she headed for the safety and privacy of her room. Or maybe she should just run into the swamp and dive in, hoping a gator would drag her down to the depths.

  The murky water seemed like the perfect place to bury dead dreams.

  TRYSTAN HAD FOUGHT the urge to take Amanda from Talon’s arms after Bowen’s revelation.

  The last thing she needed was someone trying to comfort her who’d broken her heart a million times and would only continue to do so.

  Especially with the rabid beast gaining power inside of him.

  He’d sent his wolf a message to back off and the animal had obeyed, growling and pawing at him. The creature didn’t understand why his human side was pulling away from their mate. All he knew was he wanted Amanda with a blatant ferocity. So did Trystan. It physically hurt to stay away from her.

  But there was no point in torturing himself with what he wanted most but couldn’t have.

  The second her wolf had emerged again, he’d been lost. When the pull had only been coming from his wolf, he could fight it. But with her wolf, her magic, tugging on his heart and mind as well, it had become nearly impossible.

  He’d bit his lip until it bled, clenched his fists, and let her walk past him without stopping her. The look she’d given him had killed him. It was an invitation, a plea. Amanda’s hunger was evident in her eyes, along with her pain. A pain she wanted him to assuage.

  Yet he’d stood there like a statue, ignoring the need to go to her. To comfort her. To claim her.

  Now as he walked toward the outermost cabin, escorting Brianna with Connor and Bowen, he couldn’t contain the growl that rose in him when he saw Amanda and Talon sitting on the porch swing. Trystan should be the one sitting with her. Holding her. Helping her work through the pain and anger and confusion he felt running through her. That’s what a mate was for. Part of his job. His calling.

  He was failing her again.

  Brianna followed his gaze. Remorse and longing flushed her cheeks. “At least they have each other. I have no one.” She glared at Bowen to her right. “Thanks for that. Father.” She spat the word, venom lacing her tone.

  Bowen sighed, the sound tired. “Aye. I should have told you all of your lineage long ago.” His shoulders sagged as he looked at his daughter, the sadness Trystan finally understood glinting in his eyes. “But you made your own decisions, chose your own path.”

  “Perhaps I would have chosen a different one had I not been raised by a deranged psychopath.” Her hands twitched in their binding. Wishing for the magic they usually held. “We’ll never know, though, because you never gave me a chance.”

  “I did what I thought best. I protected you all the only way I could. Had I taken you, Kylian would have hunted and killed all of─”

  Brianna ground to a halt and whirled on him. Connor’s hand went for his knife as she got in Bowen’s face.

  “You could have hidden us! You’re a fucking powerful mage! One of the most powerful there is. You could’ve protected us some other way, but you didn’t even try! You left us at his mercy. All of this is your fault! I’ll never forgive you, you self-centered son of a─”

  Trystan yanked Brianna back. “Enough!” He glanced at the crowd that had gathered. “Bowen, start on the shield.” The man hurried toward the cabin. “And you,” he shook Brianna. “Shut your fucking mouth.” He dragged her with him as he resumed their course.

  “You know I’m right,” she whispered. “You should be as angry at him as I for what he did to your mate. Or do you care, seeing as how you haven’t even claimed her yet?” An odd flare of protectiveness coated her words. The look she gave him was one he would’ve expected from Makenna.

  Trystan growled. He wasn’t stupid enough to fall for her act. “Don’t pretend to be concerned about your baby sister. You’re the one who nearly destroyed her.”

  Trystan tightened his grip on her arm until she hissed, his fingers no doubt leaving bruises. Good. He still believed she should suffer for what she’d done.

  “You’ve done worse than Bowen a hundred times over to your family. Don’t think for one second you healing Amanda buys you any mercy.” He swung her around. “Rhys will honor the agreement, but make no mistake,” he leaned in close, ensuring she saw the truth in his eyes. “You will not escape punishment.”

  They walked on in silence. He led her up the stairs and tossed her inside the old cabin, not caring where she landed. Slamming the door shut and flicking a hand covered in deep orange to lock it, he turned to Connor.

  “Go see Reagan or one of the other females and have them help you collect any personal items she might need.”

  Connor nodded. “Yes, Beta.” The male took off, anxious to be away from the drama.

  Trystan wasn’t fond of it himself.

  Shoving down his desire to rip Bowen’s throat out, Trystan turned to the mage. “You done?”

  A deep orange, nearly red bubble appeared around the cabin, then seemed to vanish. Trystan knew it was still there but wished he could see for himself the bitch inside was trapped. The heaviness and warning in the air were reassurance enough, though.

  The mage finished his chant and lowered his hands. “Aye.”

  Trystan motioned to the main house. “Let’s go then.”

  He walked them toward the back door, not wanting to run into Amanda. He didn’t trust himself not to throw her over his shoulder and run upstairs like a man possessed.

  They entered through the back pantry and into the kitchen, just as Reagan stepped out on the front porch. Trystan wanted to follow her. Every cell in his body wanted to go to his mate. Instead he followed Bowen up the stairs.

  Bowen stopped halfway, his long hair flying as he whirled. Blue eyes snapped. “I know why you refuse to claim her.” The words were quiet, but sure.

  Trystan snarled. “That’s none of your damn business. Giving her life means nothing when you ripped away the life she should’ve had.” He gripped the bannister, his claws shooting deep into the wood.

  Bowen nodded once. “I will not justify myself to you. If you were wolf enough to claim your mate, to refuse to let the past steal your future from you, then perhaps. But while you continue to cause her pain with no intention of rectifying the situation, I owe you nothing. My children and Rhys are the only ones I will explain myself to.”

  Trystan gritted his teeth until he was sure enamel flaked off. His fangs dropped. The beast snarled. He took a deep breath and held himself in check. Pulling his fangs back up, sheathing his claws, Trystan straightened.

  “You know nothing. My reasons are my own. I’m protecting her.” He ascended the steps, snarling at Bowen again. “Move it.”

  Bowen glanced toward the porch, sorrow radiating from him. Then he followed Trystan. “You’re wrong.” At Trystan’s raised brow, Bowen went on. “You’re protecting yourself. You’re scared of what you feel is inside of you.”

  Trystan whirled on the male. “Shut your mouth.”

  Bowen straightened and faced Trystan without fear. “I’m only trying to help you. Sealing your bond with Amanda could be the only thing that saves you. You’re falling, Trystan. See that you don’t continue on this path without reaching for the salvation within your grasp.”

  Trystan threw open the door to Bowen’s room and motioned him in. Once the mage was inside, Trystan gripped the knob hard enough to bend it. “Fuck off, Bowen. Do not leave this room until you’re ordered to do so."

  He slammed the door, shaking the walls.

  Thunder filling his mind, Trystan ran down the stairs and out the back door. He needed to see Brianna and find out what she’d done. Even if he had to torture it out of her. This time, he wouldn’t be distracted. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be in a talkative mood, because he needed the violence more than ever.

  The beast bellowed his hunger. His wolf raged, hungry for Amanda. Trystan shut t
heir voices out. He stomped across the clearing, determined to kill the beast raging within him. And to somehow put out the fire in his soul that burned for the one female he could never have.

  He was halfway to the edge of camp when a familiar yell met his ears. One he hadn’t heard in months.

  Amanda’s battle cry.

  He skidded to a stop and pivoted to the group of warriors he’d just passed. There she was, going against Brenton, a former Alpha.

  She was magnificent. Elegant and deadly. He’d forgotten how stealthily she moved. How fast she was. How she became even more gorgeous with her “out for blood” face on.

  Trystan watched until the end of the match, only wincing a few times as she took a couple particularly hard hits. His wolf wanted to punish her opponent, but was also proud of how she’d jumped right back in. Faster, more powerful than ever. Every bit the warrior she’d once been and more.

  Then the crowd cleared, and her twinkling gaze met his. Her eyes instantly darkened. In that moment, he knew. She felt the pull to solidify what they were just as strongly as he did.

  Fuck. He was well and truly screwed. If she came to him, he wouldn’t be able to resist her. No way in Ifrin. All his reasons, all his excuses, would fade away the moment Amanda touched him. He felt it to his bones.

  He had to get away from her. Had to get those answers from Brianna. Before he marched across the short distance between them and dragged her away to fuck her six ways from Sunday, then sink his teeth into her supple flesh and mark her for all time.

  Trystan smiled, hoping she’d feel his pride in her performance and his happiness she was back to herself. Then he turned away and continued on his mission. The agony that ripped into him from her stole his breath. It shredded his blackening heart. It took every bit of his formidable willpower to keep walking.

  He’d never be whole without her. Would mourn what they could’ve had the rest of his days. This was the way it had to be.

  Trystan tipped his chin to Connor, who guarded the door. They weren’t taking any chances. He waved his hand to disengage the shield and slid in, shutting the door quietly behind him. A snarl escaped as he found Brianna sitting on the cot in the corner, combing out her wet hair. Dressed in nothing but a tiny tank top and shorts that barely covered the important bits.

  Even the sight of another female’s body disgusted him now. Especially this one.

  Trystan closed his eyes. “Put some clothes on. We need to talk.”

  Brianna laughed. It sounded fake, but he couldn’t be sure, since his eyes roamed the room. Anywhere but her.

  “I was hoping since you seem so averse to mating my sister, maybe you’d come see me for something a little I’d heard you were quite the master in bed.” He growled. “Whatever. I’m not in the habit of taking castoffs.” Her bare feet padded across the floor. “Give me a minute.”

  The bathroom door closed, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Damn female was out of her fucking mind if she thought he’d ever consider touching her. The thought made his balls shrivel up. There was only one female for him. Which meant he’d bedded his last partner. If he couldn’t have her, no one else could compare. He couldn’t stomach it. He’d learned that the other day.

  Trystan forced his mind into Beta mode as Brianna emerged from the bathroom. Some of the tension left his shoulders when he saw her jeans and blouse. He pointed to a chair at the small table under the grimy window.


  Brianna cocked a brow but obeyed. She slumped into the chair, giving up all pretense of arrogance. If he wasn’t mistaken, that was pain swirling in her eyes.

  “What do you want, Trystan? I’ll only speak about Kylian if everyone is present. I’m not in the mood to repeat myself.” She gazed out the window.

  He stood in front of her and crossed his arms. “I don’t care about that asshole right now. I want to know what your spell did to me.”

  Her head swiveled to him. “What’s happening, Trystan? Something wrong?”

  Trystan growled. “No more games. You know exactly what’s happening.”

  Brianna rolled her eyes. “Fine. I don’t have the energy anyway.” She straightened and met his hard gaze. “Actually, I don’t know what’s happening. The spell was designed for Makenna.” She sighed, a look in her eyes that could have been remorse if she were anyone else. “I truly don’t know what it will do to someone other than her. At its core, it is an awakening spell. As to what it might awaken in you, I have no idea.”

  Trystan stiffened. If it was simply an awakening spell, that meant... “There has to be more to it.”

  His chest tightened. Fear wrapped chilled fingers around his spine. He leaned over her, caging her between his hands on the table. She flinched and leaned back.

  “You put something in me. Something evil. I can feel it. What the fuck is it?”

  “There was nothing else in the spell. It can’t create darkness. Can’t create anything. If something is awakening in you, it had to have already been there.”

  He wanted to scream at her. Didn’t want to believe those words he’d feared. The dark terror that lurked in the back of his mind like a poisonous snake under a bush.

  But her words, the very air around them, rang with truth.

  Trystan shoved away, slamming the table into the wall. “That can’t be right. This isn’t me. I won’t let it be!”

  The beast begged to differ. He could hear the monster laughing. Then another voice. A voice from the past. An evil laugh he heard in his head every time he thought about how he could never claim his mate. Never be complete.

  His father.

  Trystan’s fist went through the wall, wood biting into his skin.

  Brianna hissed. “You might want to get that under control.” There was no venom in her voice, no gloating. Just simple fact.

  His wolf howled, a mournful sound. The beast kept laughing, fighting to be unleashed. Working his neck from side to side, Trystan slammed a mental fist into the beast. Cowering, the thing crawled to a corner. But he’d be back. More vicious, more insistent.

  Trystan’s plan would have to be set into motion sooner than he’d thought. He couldn’t take the chance he’d hurt, even kill, Amanda. The beast couldn’t be contained. And Trystan would be hard pressed to stop him from destroying everything around him.

  He whirled to Brianna. “If I discover you lied, I’ll rip your throat out and shove it in your mouth.” His words were barely understandable, garbled with rage.

  Brianna swallowed loudly. “I have spoken the truth.” She took a deep breath and lifted her chin. “Speaking of truth, it seems to be the day for it. Call your Alphas and the others. I wish to tell you what you need to know. I want this over with and Kylian gone.” She held his glare without flinching.

  Impressive. He didn’t care. Giving a single nod, Trystan flew out the door and nearly collided with the object of his obsession.

  Her wolf in her eyes, Amanda stared him down. “We need to talk.” Determination and hunger rode the wind.

  Trystan growled, echoing the voices of the wolf and beast. All of them wanted her now. Beast included. Fanfuckingtastic.

  He stepped back as Talon and Reagan walked up behind Amanda. Trystan kept his gaze locked on Talon, not trusting himself to even look at Amanda. “Brianna is ready to talk. Call Rhys. Text me when they get back.”

  He spun on his heel and barely kept himself from running to the makeshift gym he’d set up in an outbuilding. Maybe a long session on the heavy bag would help work off the fever in his blood. But he knew it wouldn’t.

  Just like it wouldn’t erase the burn of his rejection and the pain pelting his back from Amanda.


  Made of Lies

  Makenna stared at the quaint apartment complex, her head tilted, and one eyebrow raised. Okay. This was so not what she’d expected.

  She glanced at Rhys. “Um, are you sure this is the right place?”

  It looked right at home in t
he center of the Quarter, ivy crawling up the aged red brick. Tall, black, wrought iron fencing surrounded both buildings. It was a place the tourists would love to stay.

  She’d imagined Labeaux would live in some little village tucked into the swamp. You know, like a typical voodoo priest. Or whatever he was.

  Rhys’ laugh helped soothe her nerves. “Yes. I’m sure.” He kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand, tugging her up the sidewalk. “Expected the dark recesses of the bayou, did you?”

  She slapped his arm as heat flooded her face. Then a shiver wound up her spine. Not entirely bad, but it would’ve made her hesitate if she didn’t sense it was a protective ward around the complex. One made to recognize their signatures. As proved by the fact they weren’t zapped or anything as Rhys swung open the creaky gate and they walked through.

  “I just didn’t expect his people to live smack in the middle of the city.” She rolled her eyes at herself. Way too much TV.

  Rhys shrugged as they ascended a stairwell toward the back. “It’s easier to monitor any magical activity in the city. And they’re closer if they need to intervene.” He came to a stop in front of a red door with a large, gaudy Christmas wreath hanging front and center.

  Interesting. A voodoo dude who loved Christmas. It was all Makenna could do to hold back a snort. Then she remembered why they were here and all trace of humor jumped ship. Her grip on Rhys’ hand tightened.

  He hissed but didn’t pull away from her. “Tone it down, love. I’d like to keep my skin.”


  She reeled in the temper that had her magic flaring. Makenna released Rhys long enough to wipe her sweaty hands on her jeans. Then she quickly grabbed his hand again and hung on tight.

  He was the only solid thing in her world. The only thing keeping her from flying into a million burning pieces.

  Before Rhys could knock, the door opened.

  Labeaux’s smile would’ve had her running into his arms three months ago. Hell, just this morning. Now it only served as a reminder of his betrayal. He’d flashed her that smile, shown her affection, been what she thought was the only person she could trust, all while being party to taking her life away.


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