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Page 43

by Sam Crescent

  “Can’t you tell?” The voice of the man next to her brought her back to reality.

  He circled around to block her morbidly arrested view of the screen. “You asked what kind of man does what I did?” He cupped her chin with hard fingers forcing her to look at him. “The kind that your husband hired to kill you. But broke the contract.”

  Chapter Three

  Allegra shoved Viktor away. It was all too much to take in. The lies. The deceit. And all for what? So her darling husband could run off with another woman?

  Why the pretense?

  If Enrico didn’t want her anymore, why not just come out and say so?

  And if he wanted her dead and hired Viktor to do it, why hadn’t he? What was all this about? Why keep her alive and bring her … wherever this was?

  Why had everything in the world gone crazy all at once?

  “Do you need to sit down?” Hard as stone, Viktor’s tone got her back up.

  “I’m fine.” The words were said through gritted teeth, there was no way she was going to let her guard down with anyone again. Especially not this man.

  He did nothing to offer any help or solace, though she was sure he must have known just how much her world had gotten rocked by everything she had just learned. And all that on top of what she’d just been through.

  Allegra ran her hands through her hair and dimly acknowledged that she should really wash it.

  She raked her nails against her scalp. What the hell was she thinking? Here she was with a murderer facing the fact that her lying, cheating, would-be murderer husband had tried to get her out of the way to marry another woman.

  But her hair needed washing. Of all the things she could be focused on, she chose that. Her fucking hair. Needed washing.

  She clamped down on the hysterical laughter threatening to bubble up her throat with relentless intent. It would just be so easy to release her grip on reality and turn into a gibbering pile of flesh in the corner.

  Allegra refused to let that happen.

  She wanted answers. Then, after she got that, she would get retribution.

  But first, answers from the man in the room with her. Allegra turned to Viktor and hated the potent punch she received from his masculinity. Enrico had once done the same to her, but from this man it seemed amplified. It wasn’t cultured or contrived like her husband’s, however. It was raw and oozed from every one of his pores to ensnare her senses.

  And she wanted to punch him for it.

  Allegra glowered at him, hating herself and willing the emotion onto him. “I want proof that what you’re saying is true.”

  There was an admiring glint in his eye when he flicked through the tablet and handed it to her. “Every email. Every conversation. Even the video of your supposed death is on there.”

  So that’s what he’d been doing in the car. Getting proof for Enrico. Little else made sense, though. “And I’m supposed to believe everything here is real? How do I know it’s not all fabricated?”

  “What would I have to gain by that? It’s a lot of work to piss off a lot of powerful people and for what?”

  He was right—it wouldn’t make any sense. But then again none of this did. Not to her, at least.

  She took the tablet and scrolled through, reading, from the beginning, every little detail. The shock that Enrico had planned it for nearly a year had faded by the time she got to the last email. One where he told Viktor she was hinting about babies and he had wanted her eliminated ASAP. He even outlined a plan, the one that had nearly been executed. And all because he didn’t believe a child with her would have the right pedigree.

  Like he was breeding fucking dogs.

  Allegra didn’t have the strength to listen to the audio, but watched the video of her own supposed death with saturnine fascination.

  Her face was so pale and scared as she reached a shaking hand out to Viktor. Whispering his name. Begging him for help before falling to the floor of the limo.

  Allegra closed her eyes against the pitiful figure on the screen.

  “Had enough?”

  She nodded, but kept a tight grip on the tablet when he tried to take it back. “I want to see everything eventually.”

  “And you will when you’re ready.” He pried the tablet from her fingers and put it on his desk.

  The move drew her gaze to it and the huge leather chair. Like everything else she’d seen so far, it screamed cash. “Does being a killer make you that much money?”

  He huffed an unamused breath as he led her from the room.

  The building they walked through was big, airy, and modern. Just how she liked it. There was beautiful art and just as gorgeous furnishings. Imagining herself living somewhere like that was easy. The fact that it belonged to a murderer didn’t make sense. How could a place so beautiful belong to someone who did something so ugly?

  Viktor’s dining room came into view and again, everything in it was perfection.

  “Taking me on a tour of your house? How charming.” Allegra couldn’t stop herself from commenting as a calm fatalism settled into her bones. What was he going to do? Kill her? She had nothing to go back to so why fight it? “What’s next? Your torture chamber? How about the room where you slice and dice your victims?”

  The withering glance he gave her shriveled her tongue a little. Was she trying to get herself killed?

  “Actually, I thought you might be hungry.” Viktor pushed her toward the table and onto a chair. “Don’t move.”

  He walked straight out again without giving her a second glance.

  Allegra took in her surroundings again, looking for a way out. Like the window in her room, this one showed a spectacular view, but no escape route.

  Not that she had a chance to figure anything out anyway. It took Viktor only moments to return with two trays of food, a bottle of water, and two glasses with clear spheres of ice at the bottom.

  He carefully laid it all out on the table before looking to Allegra for her reaction.

  On the uncovered tray, was all her favorite food. Her true favorites. Enrico had taught her to enjoy haute cuisine. Before him, she never imagined eating the delicacies she’d spent hours carrying around on trays. Caviar. Lobster. Elegant little morsels of goodness knows what that gave a brief taste of heaven. But the food she always craved was right there in front of her. Steamed salmon, fig and mozzarella salad, herb crusted lamb and stuffed peppers. Food that Enrico said was fit for peasants and had done his best to make her forget.

  How had Viktor known?


  It was very tempting, but she couldn’t get over the fear that he’d done something to it. She lifted her gaze from the food to study him.

  “You will eat and regain your strength.”

  The fact that he was ordering her around had her hesitating to reach for the food even though her stomach started to rumble at the delicious scents.

  When she continued to stare at the food as if it was going to bite back, there was a muttered oath from Viktor. He dragged the plate over to himself, carved a large chunk of the salmon and ate it. He then did the same with the others. Viktor then poured himself some water then drained the glass.

  Point made that it wasn’t tampered with, he sliced off a smaller piece and scooped it up with the fork before holding it at her mouth. “Eat.”

  The scent, and his glare, broke down the rest of her resolve. Allegra tried to take the fork from him, but he resisted.

  “You had your chance. Open.”

  What choice did she have? Allegra parted her lips only far enough for him to push it between them. The moment the flavor touched her tongue so did the pang of regret in her gut that Viktor had taken a bite away from her. It was, by far, the best salmon she had ever tasted.

  “Enjoying it, I see.” Viktor cut another bit and presented it to her. He moved it out of reach when she eagerly leaned in to take it. “I won’t hurt you, Allegra. Ever. The sooner you realize that the better.”

  Her name fr
om his lips sent shivers of pleasure down her spine. She lowered her gaze in reaction, but quickly brought it up to meet his again. “That may be, but I’ll never belong to you.”

  A slow smile spread over his lips, but he said nothing as he offered the salmon again.

  Conversation wasn’t a priority as he fed her every last morsel on the plate. Finished with that task, he put the fork down, then uncovered the other tray.

  Grilled peaches with vanilla bean mascarpone.

  She gasped with delight. Allegra caught the gleam of something in his eyes at her reaction. Satisfaction?

  Viktor slowly fed her the dessert. Spoon by spoon. Patient. Determined. With single-minded focus like he did everything else.

  Allegra took one last spoonful before shaking her head when he offered her more. “I couldn’t.”

  Viktor took the spoon into his own mouth. Making sure to lick every bit off the gleaming metal. Her mind faltered for a moment when his eyes dropped to her chest as if he imagined doing the same thing to her breasts.

  Her nipples tightened into tingling points in response to the thought.

  What would the man be able to do with his tongue on other parts of her body?

  The image of his dark head between her thighs tightened her chest enough to force the air out in a little squeak.

  Viktor’s gaze flicked up to her mouth and it throbbed as if begging for the touch of his.

  “There is always another kind of dessert we could enjoy.”

  His voice snapped her out of the trancelike state she’d lapsed into. “No.”

  “A pity. Perhaps another time.”


  He looked as though he would argue, but Viktor stayed silent as he gripped her arm again. He hauled her out of the chair and dragged her back up the stairs.

  Chapter Four

  Allegra barely got the chance to react to what was happening before she was shoved back in the room she’d woken up in again. Damn.

  Rubbing her arm, she waited a few seconds before she tried the door. Locked. Just like she knew it’d be. Cursing her mouth, Allegra went to the French doors and out onto the balcony once more.

  Without the distraction of Viktor, she had the luxury of being able to look at the view unimpeded.

  And what a view it was.

  The house, or at least the part she was in, overlooked the ocean from a rocky perch. Nope. Definitely no escape this way. Although she could spend hours just standing there watching the sea. Inhaling the fresh scent.


  But right now, she needed to find out what the hell was going on. All she knew so far was that Enrico had been wanting to get rid of her. But why? Why not a simple divorce? Allegra wanted to ask her questions face to face.

  Once she got out of here.

  She tried the door again, but it proved as fruitless as the first time. Seeing there was no way out, Allegra wandered around the room. There was a wonderful array of books on the shelves. Too bad she wasn’t in the mood to read.

  Opposite was another door. She pushed it open to find a fully stocked bathroom. Like the rest of the house it was big and modern and utterly luxurious. She lowered her gaze to her wrinkled clothing. She could do with a shower and a change.

  She paused for a moment when she eyed the clothes again. The nightdress wasn’t hers and was a far cry from the gown she had been wearing in the limo. The idea that Viktor had stripped her naked and dressed her while she was unconscious let butterflies loose in her stomach.

  Nerves humming, Allegra locked the bathroom door behind her. The security it offered her would be determined, but she felt in her bones that there would be no doors or locks on earth that would keep Viktor out if he was resolved to get in.

  It took her a few breaths to relax enough to move away from the door and turn on the shower. The room had started to fill with steam before she could build up the courage to take her clothes off and step under the water. The moment she did, however, much of the stress melted away with the grime. The rain showerhead dropped water in fat, soothing drops. The carefully crafted bottles that lined the little ledge in the shower held oils and lotions, body washes, and various shampoos and conditioners. They all smelled divine and managed to drain more of the tension from her muscles. The more superficial tension anyway. Her mind was in a muddle she wasn’t sure she was ever going to be able to fix.

  How had her life gone so wrong so fast? It had all been so perfect and then, in a blink of an eye, it had all come crashing down.

  Why? It was the question she couldn’t stop asking herself. Allegra never got the feeling that Enrico was an elitist. Hell, he’d married her, hadn’t he? A woman from nowhere. From a family whose name meant nothing. She’d felt like Cinderella for the past couple years and now she was living in a horror movie.

  And why had Viktor saved her?

  The sick bastard probably planned to keep her trapped there as his slave or something.

  The image of herself chained up and Viktor doing whatever the hell he wanted with her flashed in her mind. Instead of revulsion, Allegra was shocked to find that her body throbbed at the thought.

  She twisted off the shower. Sick. This whole thing was demented and it was addling her mind.

  Grabbing a huge, fluffy towel, she wrapped it protectively around herself before walking back into the bedroom.

  She thought about the meal instead. It had been delicious. Even if she hadn’t been starving, she would have thought so. Whoever had prepared it was a master.

  That gave her pause. Had Viktor been the one to make the food? There didn’t seem to be anyone else around who could have made it. That had her looking at him in a different light. But what if he put something in it?

  She shook off the suspicion as she reminded herself he’d had some. If he’d wanted to hurt her, he’d had plenty of time to and apparently the skill to do so in various ways.

  A chill skittered up her spine. How did anyone get into that line of business? Clearly, Viktor was morally bankrupt to be able to kill for cash. But then why save her life?

  She was going around in circles.

  But then what else did she have to do?

  She spied the doors along the wall. Now was a good a time as any to explore. Allegra walked over and opened them to find they hid a massive closet. In awe, she ran her hands over the fine clothing. Who did they belong to? Could they be his wife’s? A girlfriend’s? A lover he invited over whenever the mood struck?

  She rubbed the goose bumps from her arms, wishing she could get rid of the unease that came with the thought of Viktor being in a relationship.

  Did it matter?

  Tugging the towel tighter around herself and making sure it was tucked in securely, she headed back to the bathroom. She quickly washed her underwear and bra. Then she did her best to freshen up the night dress and hang it. In the meantime, she’d hide out in the room in the towel. It didn’t seem like Viktor was in any rush to spend time with her anyway.

  Not that she was in any hurry to see his face again.

  “Why are you wasting your time?”

  Swinging around, she pressed herself back against the sink, trying to put as much space between them as she could. Allegra’s heart stopped then nearly burst through her chest as it galloped back to life. She stared at Viktor. How had he managed to appear behind her without her noticing?

  It took her a second to calm down a little and focus on what he’d said yet it still didn’t make sense. “What?”

  “There’s no need to waste your time washing those clothes. The staff can handle that. You have an entire closet full of others to choose from.”

  She lifted her chin. “I’m not wearing another woman’s clothes.”

  He laughed. It was humorless and did more to scare her than anything else.

  Allegra lurched backward, but with nowhere to go, banged her hip into the marble counter. With no other alternative, she crossed her arms over her chest protectively. As if that would keep her safe fro
m someone like him.

  Viktor stepped closer, looming over her. “You think I’d make you wear someone’s cast-offs?”

  She didn’t know what to think. Obviously, the clothes weren’t what she thought they were. But the anything else seemed too farfetched.

  “If you haven’t already figured it out, all the clothes were chosen with you in mind and have been awaiting your arrival.”

  It was like something in her head splintered. She could barely force the words past her tight throat. “You’ve been preparing for me … to come here?”

  He stepped closer and caged her with his arms. “I have.”

  Allegra breathed shallowly, not only because he was so close that every breath pressed her breasts into his chest, but because every lungful of air brought with it the tantalizing scent of Viktor. What the hell was wrong with her? She knew what kind of man he was. And yet she couldn’t stop her body from responding to him.

  She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to block him out. “Why?” The question was directed to him as much as to herself.

  Viktor pressed the full length of his body against hers and for the life of her Allegra couldn’t formulate another thought. Heat bloomed from wherever his body met hers. He leaned in closer so their mouths were a whisper apart and she had to fight the impulse to brush hers against his.

  Shifting and brushing against her body as he pressed his lips against the sensitive lobe of her ear. “Haven’t you guessed yet, Allegra? You’re mine. And I take care of what is mine.”

  Chapter Five

  She was his.

  For a long moment Allegra wanted it to be true. Might have even believed it for a split second. But she forced the notion away. Throwing him a glare as she shoved him back, she snarled, “I belong to no one but myself now.”

  Viktor barely budged. He snaked a strong arm around her waist and dragged her back against him. “Think again.”


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