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Seducing His Brother's Best Friend

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by E. A. Reynolds

  Seducing His Brother’s Best Friend

  Ennis Wayfaire is everything Jase Kinney has ever wanted. So, one evening, armed with a plan, Jase heads to Ennis’s home to give him a lap dance that ends in desire unrequited. With his plans thwarted by his overprotective brother, and Ennis’s apparent lack of real interest, Jase decides not to let it go. Ennis is an incubus who’s hungered for Jase for almost ten years. However, his friendship with Jase’s brother,and Jase’s age have kept him from making a move. Then, Jase’s lap dance ignited a hunger in the incubus that refused to be extinguished.

  As their passion flares, Jase becomes the target of an incubus hitman after Jase witnesses a murder. It is up to Ennis to save him, but a single revelation of the danger Ennis is in incites fear and confusion in Jase that has him pushing Ennis away. The hitman intends to make sure Jase doesn’t get a second chance.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary, Fantasy, Interracial, Paranormal

  Length: 53,038 words


  E.A. Reynolds



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2014 by E.A. Reynolds

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-587-5

  First E-book Publication: November 2014

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Jase Kinney’s feet were starting to hurt as he sat his camera down on a stone bench at the side of the house near a trellis lush with roses and creeping ivy. He was supposed to take a few shots of the bride and her bridesmaids in a few minutes, and then he’d be done. He picked up his camera and panned the area.

  He spotted a couple in the gazebo. The man was kissing the woman—Rebecca, the groom’s sister’s wrist. His tongue looked green from there and serpentine in that it was long and slimmer than a human tongue.

  Jase blinked. He’d swear it was the champagne except he didn’t drink on the job. He panned away from them and then back again and saw what looked like short fangs. He zoomed in closer. Must be one of those vampire culture dudes who’d gotten his canines filed to a point or had in a fake pair, he mused as he watched him sink them into the peaches-and-cream skin of her wrist.

  Jase panned up to her face and her brown eyes were drowsy, flashes lowered, bliss suffusing her face. Frowning, he panned down to the man, her date in the red shirt he’d paired with his black slacks and black tie.

  Was he feeding off her?

  What freakish people, but he was even more freakish for watching. The soft ring of his cell phone had him guiltily bringing his camera down and he grabbed it from his suit jacket pocket. Glancing at the display, his lips tugged into a smile. “Hey, big brother.”

  “Jase, you still at that wedding?”

  He rolled his eyes as he trailed a finger over his camera and absently pushed a button. “Of course, but I’m wrapping up in about fifteen minutes why?”

  “I thought you’d like to join us for some beers at Milligan’s around 7:30.”

  Jase glanced at his watch. Breathless anticipation caught him in its grip as he prayed Ennis Wayfaire, the sexiest of his brother’s friends, would be there. He’d been in love with Ennis for more than ten years, but he’d never had the guts to ask him out.

  “Us?” he asked casually.

  “The usual.”

  The usual included Ennis, Bale, and Marty. The foursome had been virtually inseparable since ninth grade. He’d just been the tagalong, and he’d developed a monster crush on Ennis that had never gone away.

  “Umm, I guess I can make it.” Of course he was going to be where Ennis was because tonight he was going to make it clear he was interested in him.

reat, I’ll see you then, and you can bring a bridesmaid if you want,” Jarrett Kinney teased and Jase snorted.

  His brother would love that. Jarrett was in deep denial about his sexuality for reasons Jase didn’t understand.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Jase said dryly.

  “I bet at least one has come onto you,” Jarrett said.

  “I gotta go.” He ended the call, determined not to have another argument with his brother over women. It was strange that his brother hadn’t even noticed that Ennis liked men, too. Maybe Ennis was bisexual or he was just so deep in the closet it would necessitate a torch for Jarrett to see the truth.

  Jase sighed and brought his camera up to check the lighting and started panning the area. Voyeuristic curiosity had him seeking out Rebecca and her date.

  He found her lying motionless on the padded bench, eyes almost glassy and unfocussed. Her date was gone.

  With a frown, Jase headed across the vibrant green grass, hoping she was okay. As he reached the gazebo, he saw some trampled flowers and a blade tip on the ground a few steps away from the white structure.

  “Rebecca?” Jase called her name firmly as he glanced around before carefully stepping inside.

  Rebecca didn’t move, and a quick glance down at her wrist revealed a burnlike mark and blood blooming over the front of her blue dress near her stomach.

  Jase felt for a pulse and when he found none, he released a soft sigh and removed his cell phone and called for help.

  * * * *

  Ennis Wayfaire stepped into Milligan’s bar and drew in the scent of beer and the powerful sexual energy floating on the air like so much smoke. Testosterone from posturing men added an extra potency that gave him a little boost as he took a little of it in.

  That was why he loved this place. Sexual energy ran rampant, providing an incubus with enough energy to satisfy his hunger. However, it didn’t satisfy the need for sexual release which was so inexplicably linked with the incubus nature.

  Sex and feeding went hand in hand, but feeding posed another kind of danger. The life essence was a seductive force and it drew an incubus in. He wanted to consume every drop, and sex only made that force all the more delicious.

  His breed, the gray spade, could resist the lure of draining their prey, but even they succumbed when they fed directly from humans too often. That was why he came to places like this and why he didn’t see the same man more than three times.

  He stepped up to the bar with Jarrett on his heels and climbed upon a stool facing the old-fashion glass backdrop with a TV on the bar keeper’s left. The brunette, Cassandra Milligan, sashayed over with a smile for them.

  “Hey, boys,” she said, giving each of them her patent thousand-watt smile. “What can I getcha tonight?”

  “Couple of beers,” Jarrett said, holding up two fingers. “Long necks. My brother might tag tonight.” Jarrett turned on his stool to give his friend a look.

  Ennis shrugged. He and Jarrett had been friends since high school, and Jarrett’s family was one of the few human families his life had become intricately entangled with over the years. He liked them, but he had a special fondness for Jarrett’s sexy little brother. “It’s all good.”

  “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

  “Here ya go.” The brunette set the bottles on the bar and smiled. “It’s just you two tonight?”

  “Naw, the guys are coming,” Jarrett told her reaching for his beer.

  “That’s too bad,” Cassandra murmured. “When are you going to ditch them and hang out with me?”

  Ennis grabbed his beer. “I’m going to go grab us a table before they’re all gone.” He wiggled his brows at Jarrett and headed to the back in search of a pool table. The girl was always hitting on Jarrett, and Jarrett was always running away as if he had no idea what to do with a beautiful woman.

  Ennis set his beer on the side of the pool table and the delicate scent of citrus wafted to him. He tipped his head back taking it in. The scent of Jarrett’s brother had only grown more potent as Jase aged.

  He’d fought his attraction to him for ten years, but the lure of his mate’s energy was becoming harder to fight.

  “Hey, Ennis.”

  Ennis turned to find Jase closing in on him. His chestnut hair trailed down his shoulders, and his sea-green eyes glittered with hunger that made Ennis’s dick twitch to life.

  “Hey.” Ennis gave him a nod and turned his gaze back to the table instead of letting it travel down the hot little body. He wanted to pull Jase close for a kiss hello but Jarrett would shit bricks. His friend had a problem with his little brother’s sexuality that reared its ugly head every time Jarrett thought a guy was hitting on Jase.

  “Mind if I finish this? Doesn’t look like you started on it.”

  Ennis straightened. “I got it just for you,” he drawled and then gave Jase a smile. He let his gaze drop unable to stop the demon from looking. “Nice shirt.” He liked the way the green shirt enhanced Jase’s golden coloring and eyes. “So, how was that wedding?”

  Jase shook his head. “The groom’s sister was killed,” he said. “It was terrible.”

  “How?” Ennis demanded, a thin shard of dread tracing through him. There had been four murders in the last six months in his city, and three of them had the markings of the death stalker demon. The demon was a voracious feeder with an appetite for the sweetness of the human essence.

  Jase shrugged. “She was stabbed,” he explained and took a sip of his beer.

  Good to hear. At least it was in the sense that the death stalker wasn’t behind it. He had been monitoring the situation since the first body had been found, but there were no clues that led him to a wanderer or to the neighboring death stalkers who’d staked a claim on the neighboring city of Bossier.

  “Rey is working the case,” Jase said quietly. “It’s a possibility that her date might have done it, so Rey wants all the pictures and video I took at the wedding.”

  He had his own investigator discreetly looking into the deaths, and a lead would be nice. However, in spite of Reynard being a friend, he couldn’t ask him for information on the case without a client or a reason.

  “The wedding had been nice up to that point,” Jase said somberly. “Made me hope gay marriage will be allowed in this state by the time I find my groom.” He gave Ennis a covert look.

  “What about your family?” Ennis asked. “I know they try to be tolerant, but they think you’re just confused.”

  “I’m not confused,” he insisted sadly. “I like men. I love the way they kiss, the way their hands feel on my skin, and I really love the way they feel inside me.”

  Damn. His dick was getting all excited and trying to get hard against his will. “I see.”

  “Just can’t get that from a woman.” He lightly rubbed his fingers along Ennis’s arm and the demon inside him lunged, but Ennis yanked him back.

  This boy, he was a boy compared to his two hundred plus years of age, was off limits.

  “Just because you prefer to bottom doesn’t mean you couldn’t be with a woman. There are some who like to dominate men and will be more than happy to strap-on a dildo for you.”

  Jase wrinkled his nose. “I want the real thing.” He set the beer bottle on the wood frame of the pool table as someone cracked a ball at the table next to theirs. Jase moved in front of Ennis and looked up at him. “I need a man, not a woman.” He stroked his hand down Ennis’s arm to capture his big warm hand.

  He could tell what he wanted, but could Jase handle the incubus? There was more darkness in him than light and if Jase dared to bring the demon out to play, he might regret the monster he was.

  “I understand that,” Ennis said as he drew his hand back and gripped the edge of the pool table to keep from yanking Jase up against him.

  “Do you?” Jase stroked his jean-clad hip. “Come dance with me then.” He smiled. “Or are you one of those guys who hates to dance and gets pissed when his man dances with someone else?”
His hand moved dangerously close to Ennis’s fly and the erection throbbing behind it.

  “Dancing is not a problem for me, Jase, but I doubt your brother will be too happy with either of us if I took you for a spin on that floor, so—” He hissed as Jase’s fingers glided over his disobedient dick. He’d ordered it not to show a single sign of interest, but it wasn’t just showing signs, it was a brazen whore. “Jase, take your hands off that.”

  “Why?” He cupped the ample bulge. “It feels like it wants to come out and play with me.”

  “Jase—shit.” Jase squeezed his cock, sending shock waves of pleasure so intense through him Ennis had to fight to keep his demon from biting into Jase and feeding from him. He put his hand on Jase’s squeezing hard as he firmly pulled the younger man’s hand away. “Don’t touch that again without permission, baby boy, or I’m going to have to take my belt to your cute little ass.”

  Jase smiled slowly. “I’ll submit to your every whim, Sir.”

  Ennis chuckled. “Oh, I know you will,” he murmured and drew just a thread of Jase’s energy. He could feed without biting, but biting gave the fullest flavor of the energy. “So, behave like a good boy.”

  “What do I get for a reward,” he teased moving closer.

  He was too close. Ennis could just lean forward, lower his head, and their lips would touch. “A spanking if you don’t stop.” Ennis tried not to smile but his lips twitched.

  “I’d like that,” Jase murmured. “I love a little S&M with my sex.”

  He knew all about this submissive even though Jarrett had no idea what Jase was really all about sexually. “What’s your pleasure?” The demon liked it all. “Cuffs? Whips?”

  Jase leaned close enough to whisper in his ear, “I only bottom and I love being flogged with suede. I enjoy a good paddling, and I love being helpless for my top.”


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