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Her Bodyguard Swap: a clean bodyguard romance (Lockwood Industries Book 1)

Page 14

by Laura Ann

“Oh, I know! And I promise I’ll come in in a minute. I just...want to take a step away from everyone for a second.” Tiffany still looked dubious, but Everly wasn’t about to let that stop her. “I promise...I’ll be there in just a minute.”

  Finally, Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I’ll be waiting.” She jerked open the door and stomped inside.

  Everly blew out a breath and then grabbed her dress and hurried around the corner of the trailer.

  “Oh!” she squeaked as strong arms grabbed her and pushed her into the shadows. “Ridge—” Her words were cut as his head descended. Everly sighed and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “This day” —Ridge let go of her mouth to start kissing her jawline— “has been absolute torture.” He kissed down her neck while Everly tilted her head to the side. “You’re so close, yet so far away.”

  “I know,” Everly breathed. “Between you and the stalker, I haven’t been able to concentrate on the video at all.”

  “Could’ve fooled me.” Ridge cupped the back of her head and tilted his head, kissing her deeper and longer. Finally, he pulled back but left their foreheads together. They were both panting from their intense moment. “You look like an angel and sound amazing.”

  She laughed lightly, bringing her hands down to rest on his chest. “It’s a recording. I’m not actually singing right now.”

  “Then you sounded amazing when you did the recording...Either way, it still counts.” He began feathering kisses across her face and Everly couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.

  “I’m all sweaty,” she muttered. “I probably taste like salt and make-up.”

  “Mmm...” Ridge hummed. “My favorite flavor.”

  “I’m serious!” Everly laughed, pushing at his chest until he backed up a touch.

  “Me too!” Ridge said with a wide-eyed look before smiling. He tugged her into his arms and held her close. “It doesn’t matter, baby. A little sweat doesn’t scare me. I’ve been in close quarters with men who haven’t showered in a week. This is nothing.”

  Everly melted into his embrace. “How do you always know what to say?”

  “Lots of practice—oof!” Ridge laughed when she socked him in the stomach. “Watch it! You’re bruising the merchandise.”

  Everly rolled her eyes, but she was sure her smile gave away her enjoyment of their flirting. Taking a deep breath, she looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. “I need to go. Tiffany is waiting to fix me.”

  “Can’t fix perfection,” Ridge whispered, then kissed her forehead. “But go on. Soon this will all be over and then we can see each other whenever we want.”

  A sudden desperate fear hit Everly. Fear that something would go wrong today, fear that nothing would happen and she’d have to go back into hiding, fear that Ridge would change his mind when it was all over and fear that she would never get to tell him how she felt. Without thinking it over, she fisted the front of his shirt and jerked him down for a searing kiss. “I love you,” she whispered hoarsely against his mouth.

  Without waiting for a reply, she dropped her hold, gathered her skirts and darted around to the front of the trailer. She practically ripped the door off the hinges when she tore it open and scrambled inside.

  “Took you long enough.” Tiffany sniffed from her place directly in front of the fan, her favorite bottled water in her hand.

  “Sorry,” Everly panted. She wanted to feel bad for keeping her friend waiting, but she couldn’t do it. Those stolen moments with Ridge were worth any attitude she got from her hairdresser.

  “Sit,” Tiffany demanded. “Your make-up looks horrible.”

  Everly frowned, but held her tongue. She sat down in her chair and sighed when the fan began to breeze across her face.

  “Here.” Tiffany thrust the water bottle into Everly’s hand. “I haven’t had a drink yet. You look like you could use it more than me.”

  Geez. Enough with the jerky snarks already, Everly thought. However, instead of snapping back, Everly took the bottle and smiled. “Thanks. I am pretty thirsty.” She took a long drink, enjoying the cold liquid as it slid down her throat.

  Tiffany began to bustle around, adding powder to Everly’s skin and fixing the frizziness that had occurred in the heat.

  “One of these days, we’ll chop off these locks,” Tiffany muttered.

  A wave of nausea swam through Everly and she closed her eyes tight, swallowing hard. Must be the heat. “Uh, probably not. I know it would be easier for you to style, but I really like having my hair long,” she muttered. Oh, wow, I’m tired.

  “It’s probably the only reason those boys fall all over themselves,” Tiffany sneered.

  Everly forced her eyes open. “What is with you? Why are you being so rude?” Everly shook her head, the room swimming a little. She rubbed her temple. “I really don’t feel that well and I don’t need you adding to my stress right now.”

  “Your stress?” Tiffany laughed condescendingly. “That’s rich. The poor, famous singer has stress.”

  “Tiff!” Everly jumped out of her seat only to slump back down. “I don’t know why you’re so mad, but seriously...something’s wrong.” Everly felt her head begin to loll to the side. “Please go get Sawyer...”

  The last thing Everly heard as she slipped into unconsciousness was Tiffany’s laughter. What did she do to me?

  RIDGE COULDN’T HELP the smirk that was sitting on his face as he waited for the video shoot to continue. The Colorado sun might have been hot that day, but watching Everly with her music and guitar was what really had heated Ridge’s blood. She was so beautiful and so wonderful. He hadn’t been able to wait any longer to see her, and when she’d darted around the corner to meet him, his world had been complete.

  I need her forever. There’s no way I can give her up now, he thought, settling his shoulder against a tree. He was standing at the edge of the forest, watching all the workers scurry about as they prepared to get going again.

  Ridge glanced at his watch and frowned. “She’s been gone for thirty minutes,” he muttered. “Wonder why it’s taking so long.”

  After another ten minutes had passed, Ridge tapped his headset. “Har, what’s going on? Why is Everly taking so long to get ready?”

  Harlan was panting on the other side. “Checking it out now. The director is starting to throw a fit. Where are you?”

  “Across the meadow at the edge of the trees.”

  “Come back now. Something’s not right.”

  Ridge didn’t have to be told twice. He took off running straight across the meadow, ignoring the props that were lying around. It only took a few moments for him to arrive at the set, but in that time the crew had grown frantic.

  Ridge headed straight for the wardrobe trailer where Harlan was talking to the hairdresser.

  “I’m telling you, she’s not feeling well. I think she has heat stroke,” the woman was saying. “I’m just going to load her in my car and run her to the closest clinic. It’s nothing you need to worry about.”

  “Let me see her,” Harlan demanded, but the woman held her ground.

  “No. I’m her friend and I’ll take care of her. Besides, she’d want a woman by her side if she got sick, not some guy she barely knows.”

  Ridge wasn’t about to listen to any more. He stepped forward and went to reach for the trailer door.

  “What are you doing?” the woman screeched, batting his arm out of the way.

  Ridge scowled. “I’m going to check on her.”

  The woman glared menacingly at him, but Ridge wasn’t concerned. It wasn’t like a hairdresser was going to stop him from checking on the woman he loved. Her gaze went between Harlan and Ridge and then her eyes widened when Sawyer stepped up. Slowly, she backed toward the door. “What is this? Why are there three of you?”

  “We’re friends of Everly’s and you better believe we’re not letting you take her.” Sawyer stepped up. “Now open the door, Tiffany.”

l that he finally had a name for the woman, Ridge stepped forward to flank Sawyer’s shoulder with Harlan on the opposite side. He knew they made an intimidating sight and had to give Tiffany credit. Despite the fact that she was outnumbered and far outsized, she held her ground.

  “I don’t trust any of you,” she stammered. “Everly and I have known each other for years and I’ll be the one taking her in. Now get away from me.”

  “Tiffany, so help me, if you don’t open that door, I’ll break it down!” Leon’s voice shouted from behind them as he ran toward the trailer.

  To Ridge’s surprise, Tiffany closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened her eyes, she no longer looked afraid, just...resigned. “I didn’t want to do it this way, but you’ve left me no choice.” Reaching behind her back, Tiffany pulled out a gun and aimed it straight at Sawyer.

  Sawyer backed up a step. “What are you doing?”

  “I was trying to do this as easily as possible, but you all had to change the plan. Now...I’m taking Everly with me and you won’t interfere or I’ll shoot...Do you understand?”

  Ridge’s head felt like it might explode. His fists clenched and he was just about to tackle the women when Harlan took her attention.

  “Why don’t we all just calm down, huh?” He smiled and stepped a little closer.

  “Stop!” Tiffany yelled. “I know what you’re trying to do and it won’t work.” Keeping her gun trained on the group, she began to fumble for the door behind her.

  “Look...” Harlan dropped the smooth act. “You’re outnumbered. Even if you managed to shoot one of us, you’re still going to lose. You can’t keep us all back.”

  Tiffany scoffed and shook her head. “Men and their egos are amazing things.” The door was open now and she stepped up the first metal rung.

  Ridge braced himself to take her down, but her next words stopped him cold.

  “You might be able to get me, but if you try, you’ll lose her.”

  The group as a whole froze. It felt as if no one was moving or breathing at all. Ridge’s lungs refused to move, yet his heart felt like it would beat out of his chest.

  “What are you talking about?” Leon growled, drawing her attention towards him.

  Tiffany’s perfectly shaped eyebrow went up and she smirked. “Did you enjoy that little blast on the porch?” She shrugged as she took the last step to put her into the trailer. “I was giving you a warning. Dropping hints about my capabilities, but no.” Her eyes turned hard. “Rather than face me, you simply ran away, tucking your precious little girl into a tower so I couldn’t reach her.”

  “Why were you sending a message?” Harlan asked and Ridge knew he was trying to keep her talking, trying to keep the woman from closing the door.

  “If you’re so figure it out.” Tiffany sneered and slammed the door. The sound of a lock could be heard and Ridge’s heart wrenched with the sound.

  He immediately ran up to the door, putting his ear against the hot aluminum. A low murmur could be heard followed by a loud slap. Ridge roared and pounded his fist against the door.

  Cynical laughter sounded at his rage and Tiffany’s voice yelled, “Careful! Too much movement might set the whole thing off.”

  “No...” Ridge breathed before turning to his brothers. “She’s got a bomb in there.”

  Harlan’s face was hard as stone while Leon looked like he might pass out.

  Everly’s brother shook his head. “Tiffany has helped Everly out for years. I don’t understand what’s going on.”

  “Me either,” Harlan said in a dark, low tone. “But we’re going to find out.”


  Everly’s head snapped back when a sharp pain hit her cheek. She moaned, struggling to open her eyes to see what was happening. Her tongue felt like cotton and her mouth drier than the Sahara. “Whasss...going on?” she slurred, forcing her eyelids to lift a little.

  “Careful!” Tiffany yelled, her back to Everly. “Too much movement might set the whole thing off!”

  “Tiffany?” Everly squinted, her cheek still burning hot. “What are you doing?” Everly’s head fell forward and it took a great deal of effort to lift it again. When she finally met Tiffany’s gaze, her friend was almost unrecognizable.

  “Good. You’re awake.” She stormed over to a cabinet and began to rummage through it. “Your little boy toys out there won’t hold off forever, so we’re going to have to move.”

  “What?” Everly shook her head and immediately regretted it. Squeezing her eyes tight, she prayed for the room to stop spinning. “I don’t understand.”

  Tiffany rolled her eyes and came over to bend down in Everly’s face. “I’m not surprised. You always were stupidly nàive.”

  “What?” Everly tried to stand up, but her arms wouldn’t move. Looking down, shock rang through her, helping her regain some of her senses. “What’s this?” Everly’s voice shook and tears pricked her vision. Her hands were tied behind her and her feet taped together. A large box was duct-taped to Everly’s chest, making it hard to breathe for multiple reasons.

  “Exactly what it looks like,” Tiffany said with pride in her voice. “Since you blew up my life, I thought I’d return the favor.”

  Everly’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about! I blew up your life?”

  Tiffany slammed the container she held down on the counter, turning her disdainful look to her prisoner. “You don’t even know, do you?” She scoffed. “Unbelievable.” Grabbing the package again, she began dumping bullets into her hand.

  Everly thought her panic couldn’t get any worse, but when she saw her ex-friend stuffing her pockets with bullets, it raised to an overwhelming level. “Tiffany, please...tell me what’s going on. You put a bomb on me and now you have a gun. Please...why are you doing this? What happened to my friend?”

  “Friend,” Tiffany muttered, filling her pockets. “Some friend you are. You stole my boyfriend and don’t even care!” She turned red-rimmed eyes on Everly. “He left me for you! YOU!” Her voice rose in pitch and volume. “For years, I had been supporting us. I’m the one who was working, I’m the one who made dinner every night. I’m the one who paid rent. And what did I get in return?” She scoffed. “Nothing. A big fat nothing.” Her lip curled up on one side. “Ryker just walked out one night, claiming you were far prettier than I would ever be and he couldn’t understand why he’d ever been there to begin with.”

  Everly’s heart sank. She’d only met Ryker once and hadn’t been all that impressed, but Tiffany had had her heart set on him. “Tiff, I promise—”

  “FRIENDS DON’T STEAL FRIEND’S BOYFRIENDS!” Tiffany screamed. Her face was a mottled red and her eyes were wild.

  Everly gulped and nodded. At this point, she was terrified that Tiffany had completely lost it. How do you reason with someone who has no reason?

  As if to prove Everly’s point, Tiffany smiled. “ I said, I thought it would be fun to blow up your life the way you blew up mine.” She turned back to stuffing her pockets. “Do your boyfriends out there even know that you’ve been dating Ryker behind their backs?” She laughed. “Well, there are three of them. They probably don’t care.”

  “I’m not dating Ryker,” Everly said softly, trying to get through to the woman she once knew.

  Tiffany paused and turned to Everly. “Of course, you are. He told me you were prettier.”

  Everly shook her head. “I think he was just trying to hurt you. I’ve only met Ryker that one time you brought him around. I haven’t seen him since.”

  Tiffany’s nostrils began to flare and she stepped forward menacingly. “Don’t lie, Everly. Your fans wouldn’t like it.”

  “I’m not lying!” Everly cried as tears began to pour down her cheeks. “I’m dating Ridge, one of the triplets you obviously met outside. I’m not interested in Ryker at all!” Her body shook with great wracking sobs as the weight of her situation pressed in on her. I’m not ready to
die. I just found him! Please, Lord. Don’t let this happen!

  Tiffany shrugged and went back to her work. “Doesn’t matter. He still left because of you, so you deserve everything you’re going to get.”

  Everly couldn’t answer. Her body continued to purge itself of its emotions as she gasped and hiccuped through her tears.

  “There.” Tiffany patted her pockets. “I’ll be ready for them.”

  “You planning to shoot your way out of this?” Everly snapped. Her mood had swung from terrified to angry and the words had slipped out before she could stop herself.

  “If I have to,” Tiffany said nonchalantly. “Although, I doubt they’ll do anything since you’ll be with me. Wouldn’t want to hurt the precious princess, now would we?” She cackled and grabbed a large knife out of a drawer.

  Everly’s breathing grew increasingly rapid as Tiffany walked over, holding the knife in front of her. “Please, Tiff. You don’t have to do this. Killing me won’t bring Ryker back.”

  “Ugh!” Tiffany rolled her eyes and began cutting the duct tape away from Everly’s legs. “You’re so dramatic. Like I’d want him back now. I don’t take my friends’ leftovers, thank you very much.” She stood and put her hands on her hips. “Now, come on. Those boys are going to be breaking down this door soon if we don’t get going. It’ll be much easier to fight them out there than in here where I can’t see.”

  Everly paused, but Tiffany grabbed her by the hair and jerked her to her feet.

  “Ow!” Everly cried. “You’re hurting me!”

  “Shut up!” Tiffany dragged Everly to the door and smirked at her. “Now the real fun begins.”

  Using her foot, Tiffany kicked open the door and held Everly tight in front of her. “Better be careful, boys!” she called. “Your precious princess might just kill us all!”

  SHE’S OUT. The words crackled through the headset.

  Ridge paused in his movements. Turning, he dashed out of the kitchen trailer and immediately began working his way across the space to wardrobe. With few options available, he had been building a smoke bomb to try and draw Everly and Tiffany out of their barricade.


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