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Into the Rapture

Page 15

by Laurie Roma

  As much as she enjoyed being locked away with her mates in their little paradise by the sea, they couldn’t stay hidden away forever. There was family drama to deal with, and it couldn’t be put off much longer. Her family wouldn’t be pleased by her disappearance, and the longer they didn’t know where she was, the more upset they would be.

  What happened during the celebration should have made it clear to everyone that she was with her mates. She was sure that wouldn’t satisfy her fathers, especially if they were still angry about her choosing the Mazer brothers in the first place. They would be furious that she had disappeared for days without a trace. They would say that she should have contacted them and let them know she was safe. She also knew she would be expected to apologize for making a scene in front of their guests.

  But she was done doing what was expected of her.

  As a Dragon Warrior, her powers were to be respected. Though, it would take time to show people that she was no longer the young princess who needed to be kept locked away and protected from everything. To be fair, she would probably still end up apologizing for making her family worry. It was simply not in her nature to cause anyone pain if she could help it.

  That didn’t mean she was sorry for her actions.

  She could accept that it would take her family some time to get used to the changes. In turn, they would have to accept that she didn’t need their permission to live her life the way she wanted. She was mated now, and her place was with Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron.

  With another sigh, this time, one of resignation, Liandra got out of bed. It took some maneuvering and a little magical help to extricate herself from between Braden and Jasyn without waking them, but she managed it. That in itself was quite a feat since they usually knew every move she made. Instead of annoying her, she was comforted by their attentiveness.

  Her lips curved into a smile when Braden wrapped his arms around her pillow, burying his face against it and hugging it to him. Jasyn, on the other hand, hadn’t moved. It was almost eerie how he was able to fall asleep in one position and remain there the entire night. Aeron was sprawled out on the other side of the bed. He slept peacefully when he was next to her, but twisted and turned on the bed when he was alone. It was a good thing their bed was enormous, so his movements went unnoticed by the others.

  They were unique at times, yet they could think and act as one when they wanted to. That was the way it was between brothers. As a single born female, she had always felt as if she’d been missing out by not having been born into a trio. Because of that, she had never truly understood the bond they had. She was fascinated by the way their minds merged while they slept. It was different from her connection to them, more direct and absolute.

  The first night they had been together, she had connected to them while they were sleeping. She’d wanted to experience the mind merge she’d heard about, and she was curious about their dreams. The rush of memories and replaying of the day’s events had been disorientating for her. After the merge, they’d had different dreams, but there was still a sense of cohesiveness that gave her a better sense of their bond.

  It was why a trio only had one mate.

  Separating brothers from one another would be impossible.

  She loved all three of them equally and with a fervor that bordered on obsession. Luckily, they didn’t seem to mind. Instead, they reciprocated that same devotion to her. Being mated to Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron felt like a dream. They made her so happy there were times it was difficult to believe they truly belonged to her. She thought it would take time to acclimate to their mating and having them in her mind, but it felt as natural as breathing.

  They were united, bonded in every way.

  Thinking of that, she knew her mates wouldn’t be please she was up before they were. Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron had been pulling double duty since they had become commanders, and they’d spent the last few days soaking in every moment together. Now, they had countless hours of sleep to catch up on. Truthfully, she should have been exhausted as well. They had certainly done their best to wear her out with their attentions, but she felt strangely energized.

  Not wanting to wake them, she moved away from the bed. Something called to her, a silent summons beckoning to her on the breeze. Grabbing her robe from where it was tossed over a chair, she put it on and made her way up the stairs that led out to the roof.

  The rooftop was a flat, open space surrounded by a thick stone ledge that came up to her waist. There were three comfortable benches positioned around a circular fire pit in one corner under a large pergola with red gossamer fabric strung through the openings between the slats. She thought about lighting the fire but decided against it as she bypassed the sitting area.

  The air was fragrant with the scent of the flowers that grew on the island. The two moons were high overhead, and thousands of tiny stars lit up the rest of the night sky. It had been raining on and off since their arrival on the island, which had only added to their feeling of seclusion. Thinking of all the joy she had experienced over the last few days, she moved to the center of the roof, where she was bathed in moonlight.

  Tilting her head back, she looked up at the night sky. “Thank you, Goddess of the Moons. Thank you for my mates, for our home...for everything.”

  “You are very welcome.”

  Gasping, Liandra looked down and saw the Goddess of the Moons sitting on the stone ledge. She was wearing a deep purple gown with silver swirls woven into the fabric, and she casually swung a delicate, bare foot in the air as she smiled in greeting.


  “Lunaria,” she corrected. “I believe we should move this somewhere a little more comfortable.”

  Suddenly, they were sitting on the padded benches beneath the pergola. The firepit was lit, and a pleasant wave of heat emanated from the flames to combat the chill in the air. The warmth surrounded Liandra, helping her relax while she adjusted to the unexpected shift of location.

  “There, that is better. Tell me, how have you been settling into your new home?”

  “We love it here. We have not had a chance to explore the palace fully yet, but it is truly spectacular.”

  Lunaria leaned forward, and her glowing purple eyes swirled with amusement. “Ah, you have not made it out of the bedchamber yet, have you?”

  Liandra felt her cheeks heat with a blush. “We really love our suite. We cannot thank you enough for all of the generous gifts you have given us.”

  The Goddess waved that off, and her musical laughter filled the air. “I am just pleased you discovered how to unlock your powers. Otherwise, you would still be carrying your gift around.”

  “It was freeing,” Liandra admitted in a rush. “When the chest opened and the light engulfed me, I felt—in that moment, I understood how much I had been missing. I suddenly knew that I had never known what it felt like to be whole.”

  “You cannot miss what you do not know. However, if the opposite were true, if your gifts were taken away once you know who you are truly meant to be...”

  The result would be complete and utter devastation.

  “In a way, it is the same with mating. I did not know what real love was until Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron. Before them, I was living in the dark. I just did not know it. They are my light, my everything, and I cannot live without them now.”

  Lunaria nodded. “Now, you know. This is why other Arcadians need to stop settling for half a life. Others deserve the same happiness you have found, though fate is not always fair. Some will have to wait a long time before they meet their mates, while others will have to travel to other worlds for their chance to find love. Those who do have mates here on Arcadia are the lucky ones. That is why it is essential for them to find one another. You will be helping with that by hosting your parties here.”

  A seed of worry crept in. “We shall begin soon. I apologize for the delay—”

  “Liandra, I did not come here to scold you. I sought you out this night for a little friendly
conversation, nothing more. You took the first step and did what was asked of you when you trusted yourself and your mates enough to open your gift. Your magic would not have been unlocked otherwise. You deserve time with Braden, Jasyn, and Aeron. You are beginning your lives together, and that needs to be celebrated.”

  Despite the Goddess’ assurances, guilt ate at Liandra. Focusing on her own happiness, even for a few days, had been selfish. There was so much more to be done, and she wasn’t helping anyone by avoiding the rest of the world. She was one of the lucky few who had found her mates. More than that, she’d been able to enjoy their companionship for most of her life. She had been blessed, in life, in love, but there were so many others who weren’t so fortunate.

  A stark reminder of that was sitting right in front of her.

  The deepest hours of the night had to be brutal for the Goddess since it was when she was separated from her mate. Lunaria and Silas were as tightly bonded as two beings could possibly be, and yet they were forced to live apart. That didn’t stop her from doing what she needed to do. Not only had she figured out a way to bring human females clear across the universe, Liandra was sure the Goddess of the Moons and the God of the Sun were helping the Arcadians in countless ways no one would ever know.

  Now, it was Liandra’s turn to do her part.

  “You said there is a human female in need of aid. Did our mating give you the extra magic you needed to bring her here?”

  “Nay. It is not your fault, though. Unfortunately, we simply did not learn of the situation in time,” the Goddess said with a sigh. “Silas and I...we do what we can to help, but sometimes, it is simply not enough.”

  Tears sprang into Liandra’s eyes. “Did she die?”

  “She is alive. However, she is very weak.” Sadness dimmed Lunaria’s glowing purple eyes. “So far, the only way we are able to bring humans here is by combining our magic with the energy surge of a lightning strike. Because of that, she would never survive the journey here.”

  “Then, I volunteer to go get her,” Aeron proclaimed as he strode across the rooftop.

  He was wearing a pair of red lounge pants Liandra had made for him the previous day but hadn’t bothered putting on a top. Obviously, he had heard what they were discussing, and his offer made her stomach quiver with nerves.

  “Forgive me for intruding, Goddess.” When he came to a stop in front of them, he lowered to one knee. “It would be my honor to complete this quest for you as thanks for all you have given us.”


  “It is the right thing to do, mate,” he told Liandra through their bond. “I now know the joy of having a mate. If I can do anything to save the mate of another, tell me, and it will be done. Give me a vessel. If Dragon Warriors once traveled the stars, I can figure out a way to do the same. I will go to Earth and bring this female back if it will save her.”

  “We,” Liandra corrected, sitting up straighter. “If you go, so do Braden, Jasyn, and I. We go where you go.” Meeting the Goddess’ gaze, she said, “My mates and I will go retrieve the female.”

  “Your bravery is commendable, but it would not work. Even using magic, Arcadia is too far away from Earth. You would not reach her in time. There is no need for you to kneel. Please, sit with us.”

  Aeron got to his feet and slid onto the bench beside Liandra. Taking her hand, he said, “There must be something we can do. Can you send me through the lightning?”

  Liandra squeezed his hand. She wanted to protest but swallowed the words down.

  “Again, it would not work. The storms on Arcadia are too powerful. There is no way to ensure you would survive the transfer. Besides, you have no connection to the female to act as a tether for us to transport you to her. You might not, but her mates could...” Her purple eyes swirled with intensity. “This might succeed if everything can be arranged in time.” Her long skirt swirled around her legs as she got to her feet. “I must go now.”

  “Can we help?” Aeron asked.

  She stared off into the distance for a moment before turning back to them with an enigmatic smile curving her lips. “Actually, there is something you can do. Before the sun sets on this day, seek out Princess Allison and your brothers. They will have need of you.”

  “What—the twins,” Liandra gasped in understanding. “The babies are coming, Aeron! We will get to meet our niece and nephew soon!”

  He stroked his finger down her cheek. “I have never held a babe before. I am looking forward to the experience.”

  “Luckily, you will get plenty of practice before your daughter arrives. I will see you again soon.” The Goddess flashed a saucy grin at them before she disappeared.

  Liandra turned to meet Aeron’s stunned gaze. “Did she just say...?”

  “I think she did,” he whispered.

  Tears filled her eyes, and she placed a hand on her flat stomach. “A baby,” she whispered. “Our baby.”

  Lifting her, Aeron cradled her on his lap and brushed the tears from her cheeks. “This is a gift.” He had to clear his throat before he could continue. “We have been blessed, mate.”

  “Oh, Aeron. I cannot wait to hold her.”

  “A daughter,” he whispered reverently. He leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, then he stiffened and pulled back. “It just occurred to me...what if the Goddess had agreed to send me to Earth. I should have spoken to you first before I volunteered to go, and—”

  She placed a finger on his lips. “I was very proud of you for offering, even though it did worry me. But you would not have gone alone.”

  “You are not going anywhere,” he growled as fear shot through him. “Not when you are carrying our daughter.”

  “Wherever we are, wherever we go, I know you will keep me safe.”

  Her faith in him was humbling. Hugging her hard, he repeated, “Not going anywhere.”

  Liandra shook her head and laughed a little. “So, Lunaria said. We shall remain here in this magical palace and try to bring other mates together while the gods do...whatever it is they do. I hope whatever she is planning will work. I cannot bear thinking about that poor female and the males who might lose her.”

  “Do not worry so. Hopefully, her mates will save her in time. There is nothing my brothers and I would not do for you. We would find you, even if it meant crossing the universe. I am sure it is the same for them.”

  “I love you so much, Aeron.”

  “And I love you, Liandra.”

  “Should we wake Braden and Jasyn and tell them our good news?”

  “Not yet. We have time,” he whispered, holding her tight to him. “Right now, I need you, princess.”

  “Then, have me.” She let out a breathless laugh against his lips when he removed their clothing using magic. “So impatient,” she teased playfully, nipping her fangs against his lower lip.

  “I need you too much. It is like a madness in my blood,” he admitted, stroking his hands up and down her bare back. “But I do not want to hurt you.”

  Liandra heard the emotions straining his voice and sought to comfort. She cupped his face in her hands and leaned her forehead against his. “You could never hurt me.”

  “The babe—”

  “She will be just fine. I do not know much about babies yet, but I do know that much.”

  Thankfully, they would have time to learn more. Looking inside herself, she thought she sensed a spark of life, but that was probably just wishful thinking. The Goddess might be able to sense life in her, but realistically, Liandra knew it was too soon for her to feel anything but the joy in her heart.

  Leading with that joy, she kissed him. “Love me, Aeron. Show me how much you need me.”

  And he did, with every touch, every kiss. He lowered her back onto the padded bench, careful not to put his full weight on her as he covered her with his big body. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him deep, stroking her tongue against his. His hand moved down between her thighs, and she moaned into his mouth when he slid a t
hick finger inside her.

  “You are so damn tight,” he whispered against her lips. “It is a wonder how I can fit inside you.”

  “It is magic.”

  “You are magic.”

  As soon as she was wet and ready for him, he slid his cock into her slick heat inch by slow inch, torturing them both with pleasure. She whispered her love for him over and over again as they made love in the moonlight under a blanket of stars. When he drove her to a shuddering climax, she bit down and sank her fangs into her mating mark on his neck.

  He let out a harsh growl when her release triggered his own. The base of his cock swelled inside of her as he filled her with pulse after pulse of his hot seed. His fangs sank into her neck, bonding them together while they shook with the force of their shared pleasure.

  They were magic together, she thought, keeping her arms wrapped tight around him to hold him close. When their skin cooled despite the heat coming from the firepit, Aeron pulled back and smiled down at her.

  “Are you ready, mate?”

  Eager to tell Braden and Jasyn they were going to be fathers, she nodded. “But I get to wake them. Last time they hit you, and I do not want all of you distracted by a fight.”

  He helped her to her feet, then he took her mouth in another quick kiss. “I promise I will behave.”

  “Now, where is the fun in that?”

  With the sound of his laughter echoing on the breeze, she took his hand in hers and raced for the stairs.


  “Are you sure about this?”

  The worry was clear in Jasyn’s voice, even though he tried to mask it.

  “We have to try sometime. Now is as good a time as any.”

  Despite her words, Liandra gulped as she glanced over the side of the palace roof. It was a really long way down, and she couldn’t help imagining plummeting to her death. She had been the one to suggest they fly to the palace to find her brothers and Allie later, if they were able to merge with their dragon spirits.


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