Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1)

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Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1) Page 20

by Mackenzy Fox

  The boys surround us.

  I slog him in the face with my fist and he jerks backward, he takes it like a man at least.

  I stand over him and haul the lapels of his prospect cut then I yank it toward me.

  “You think you deserve this?” I hold my arm out then glance up at Hutch. He’s holding Colt’s new cut, the club colors facing us. When Colt sees it, his eyes widen, then a slow grin spreads across his face. His jaw is starting to swell already but he seems to have forgotten all about that temporarily.

  “Oh, man. Oh, fuck!” he says, running his hands through his hair. “You’re shittin’ me, right?”

  “So, I’ll ask you again, brother, you gonna hit me, or you just gonna stand there like a limp dick?”

  He shoves me off and I grin wickedly, that’s my boy. I know he’s a good fighter, a boxer, he has the moves, but he’s never been able to use them on any of us. Now is his big chance. He’d better make it good and not show me up in front of the brothers.

  “This is the happiest day of my life,” he says, circling me, his fists coming up as I jab toward him. If he gets a punch in, I’ll buy him a beer, but it’s unlikely, I’m a very good fighter, it’s why I’m the club’s enforcer.

  “Better than when you got your cherry popped?” I taunt.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “There’s gonna be plenty of pussy in there for you tonight,” I hear Bones shout, laughing ensues, “that’s if you don’t die first.”

  “Not if I fuck his face up,” I holler.

  “Oh, come on, not like he’s gonna rival me,” Gunner puts in. “I hold the crown for the most pussy around here, he’s still wet behind the ears.”

  Yeah, as suspected, Gunner is over his breakdown from last night and we haven’t really spoken about it since.

  “I don’t know,” Brock calls. “The girls like fixing up the broken ones, you might be in luck after all, Colt, plenty of willing and able snatch in there tonight with your name all over it.”

  I snort as Colt jabs, and I smack him around the back of the head. “Keep your focus on me, not on them or that cut,” I tell him.

  He swings again and I pull back, I plow both fists towards him in a fury and he puts his guard up as I pound into him, making contact, but my full weight isn’t behind it, I don’t want to break his nose and ruin his night, I back off and he swings just as I do and clips me on the chin.

  Well, I’ll be damned.

  I rub my jaw as the boys laugh and yell out, I can hear the unmistakable hoot of Rubble clapping at his attempt, and Colt has a grin on his face that shows me all I need to know about how proud of him I am… how we all are. He’s not only proved his loyalty to the club, but he’s never mumbled, groaned, or complained once, and there’s been some pretty shitty jobs over the last year.

  “I’ve had worse slaps from my mother,” I tell him, rolling my eyes then sock him in the side of the face, one more won’t hurt.

  The boys then join in, Bones punches him in the gut and he’s winded for several moments, but that’s where the fighting ends, we don’t wanna fuck him up too much. Hutch holds the cut out and Colt shrugs into it as he slaps him on the back. I’ve never seen the kid so happy, he can actually smile now without being questioned why. He can have his way with any of the sweet butts and the blow-ins without fear of being beaten to death.

  Hutch brings him in for a man hug. “You’re one of us now, brother, we’ll swear you in properly later, Steel wanted to get one more punch in while he could.”

  He looks happy. “I wasn’t expecting it, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Well, tongues aren’t always made for talking, brother,” Gunner puts in, “there’s coupla hotties in there waiting to tend to your wounds.” He slaps his arm around his shoulders and ruffles his hair.

  “Bunch of pansies,” I mutter.

  Colt looks at me. “You do have one fine-looking woman though.”

  I go to slap him upside the head again but he moves faster this time. “Watch it or I’ll make your right side match your left.”

  “Shit, gonna need an ice pack on that,” Brock observes as we begin walking to the clubhouse doors. “Nothing a coupla sweet butts won’t fix for ya, I wasn’t kidding when I said they love fixing up a brother, the more fucked up you are, the more attention you get.” He gives Colt a shove.

  “Yeehaw!” Colt screams out into the night and we all laugh in unison.

  “You deserve it, son,” Hutch slaps him on the back of his cut again. “I’m proud of you, we all are. Gunner will sort your dues out, and we need to discuss ongoing employment with the security biz we’re tryin’ to carve out, you think that’s somethin’ you wanna do long-term?”

  Now he’s patched in, he’ll have to secure full-time employment and contribute to the club coffers as a fully patched member, which means monthly fees, contributions based on earnings, and a gig that will benefit not just him but also the club. He’s a free agent now he’s not a prospect.

  “Absolutely, I’m likin’ it.”

  He’s so happy he’d probably agree to be the local Cabana boy if he was asked.

  “We’ll talk,” says Hutch with a grin.

  We step inside and Hutch clicks his fingers to two sweet butts who have been waiting in the wings for our arrival.

  “Take this newly-patched member upstairs and see to it that he is well looked after,” Hutch says as the girls eagerly embrace him and lead him off through the crowded room. On his way through, he gets roars of cheers, more back slaps, and head ruffles as he passes by. I’ve never seen a man so elated.

  “Someone get him a drink first!” I bellow after them. Jesus, he’s gonna need it.

  I make my way toward the bar, Sienna is sitting with Deanna and Lily, she doesn’t see me as her back is to me, so I sidle up and place my large hands on her tiny waist and kiss the top of her head.

  Deanna looks at me curiously, I give her a chin lift. The music is blaring so there’s no need to converse, and I’ve done enough talking for one night. I want to take Sienna upstairs, but quite frankly, she isn’t the sort of girl that I would usually take up there to my old quarters, but I don’t really see any other way around it, I need her. I haven’t had sex in almost twenty-four hours and she’s goddamn asking for it in those boots.

  Before I get the chance, Deanna squeals and says her favorite song is being played. She grabs Sienna by the arm and Lily’s too and they all go off to dance. I can see Sienna has had some kind of cocktail as the glass is empty, I’ve only been gone less than twenty minutes and she’s probably hammered already, this won’t do, I don’t want her drunk.

  Watching Sienna in her boots is driving me wild and now I have to watch her dancing as well. I nod for Summer to pour me a whiskey and she gives me a small smile of thanks, I know it’s for the other night with Gunner. I wink back at her.

  I down the shot in one go and she pours another. “Thanks, sweetheart.”

  I turn to lean against the bar so I can watch Sienna dance when one of the sweet butts, Jaqueline, sidles up to me. She slings her arms around my neck in an unexpected move. Shit, what the hell is she doing? I mean, we’ve hooked up before but not for ages.

  “Hey, big boy, haven’t seen you in forever,” she purrs in my ear.

  I look down at her, she’s pretty but nothing special, she has huge big fake tits which are barely contained in the midriff halter she may as well not be wearing. I definitely don’t need Sienna seeing other women draping themselves over me and being flirty right under her nose.

  Instead of pushing Jaqueline off, which is what I should do immediately, I glance over at Sienna. She’s bumping and grinding with Deanna and they are both laughing, they seem to have hit it off. Deanna is definitely a bad influence if I’ve ever seen one.

  “Rumor has it you’ve got yourself a permanent?” She pouts and leans around to whisper in my ear.

  I don’t answer.

  “I need a good lay, Steel, what can I say? Don’t be a stranger

  My eyebrows shoot up, my eyes still on Sienna.

  As if I’ve called her name, her gaze moves to me from across the room, I watch as her expression changes from happy to, well, slightly pissed off when she sees Jaqueline’s arms around me. I watch as Lily, seeing what’s going down, gallantly comes to the rescue. She takes Sienna by the wrist, leans, and says something in her ear. Sienna’s eyes move to her, some kind of understanding passes between the two.

  What the fuck is that all about?

  When I don’t respond, Jaqueline pulls back and looks at me, she glances down at my mouth but she knows better than to try and kiss me, that is reserved for private only. I never kiss in front of anyone, with one exception… and I broke that rule today.

  “Babe?” she murmurs, pressing her breasts and her hips into my body, just in case I’m not getting what she’s saying.

  In actual fact, I’ve been so consumed with the exchange going on across the room that I didn’t even hear anything she said.

  “What?” I huff.

  She glances over her shoulder toward where I’m looking.

  “You hookin’ up with that out of town bitch?”

  I look at her sharply. Then I lean down to her ear so she hears me clearly over the throng of music. “I hear you say that again, you’ll have something more to worry about like what you’re gonna do on Friday nights from now on.”

  She doesn’t release her grasp, and it doesn’t put her off, she’s a tough chick. She’s heard worse. In her eyes, she’ll just see it as some ‘friendly’ competition. But I’m not joking around. I don’t want her, I want Sienna.

  I’ve been hard since last night missing her, and now watching her dancing and giving me an evil look is turning me on big time.

  “Feels like your mouth is saying one thing, and your dick is saying another.” She presses her hips into mine again, I wish she’d stop doing that.

  “That ain’t for you, sweetheart, now go somewhere else before you embarrass yourself any further, I mean it!”

  She pulls back, the smile gone from her face. “What the hell, Steel?”

  I don’t want to put her in her place in front of people but I will if I have to. I shoot her the death stare and she steps back.

  I’m still leaning against the bar when Sienna’s eyes flash at me again.

  She gives me a cold, un-moving glare. Oh yeah, she’s pissed off alright, which I like because it tells me she’s jealous. I watch as Deanna takes her hand and they link fingers and dance together, ignoring anyone else around them. I slide the rest of my drink down which Summer has kindly refilled again as I watch them move and groove, ignoring me, laughing and carrying on as Lily bumps her ass into Sienna’s, sloshing her drink all over the floor as they laugh. At least she fits in with the girls, that’s a relief. They seem to like her and have welcomed her into the sisterhood.

  Bones slumps down noisily next to me on the vacant stool, making it wobble. His mohawk is freshly shaved, he’s chuffing on a cigarette as he zones in on where I’m looking.

  “You still tappin’ that, brother?” he nods in their general direction.

  I’m sick of everyone sticking their nose in where it’s not wanted, but I’m also sick of being coy. She’s mine.

  “Yeah, I’m tappin’. On top, underneath, behind, all over it, brother.”

  That’ll shut him up for five seconds.

  He whistles through his teeth. “Fine piece of ass,” he observes, “lucky son-of-a-bitch.”

  I curl one hand into a fist, the other one is still clutching my glass, it’s instinctive, I’m not actually going to hit him, the protective urge I have over the women in my life is something that is almost out of my control, it runs through my blood. I roll my head from side to side to distract myself. I watch Sienna’s hot little body grooving and shaking, her tits look fucking fine in that top, it’s very tight.

  “Not just that, she’s fuckin’ smart too.”

  He glances at me and I wonder why the hell I blurted that out.

  “You goin’ soft, brother?”

  I snort. “Definitely not.” I adjust myself in my jeans just to prove a point and he laughs, almost choking on his beer.

  “Every dude in here is checking her out, you gonna stake a claim?”

  I glance at him. “I thought I already did.”

  I don’t like the fact that guys are all eyeing her, but I have to expect it with her being new—as long as nobody approaches, we’ll all be good.

  Wisely, Bones doesn’t say anything else but we both watch as Lee approaches the girls, he doesn’t know I’m with Sienna but he shouldn’t be approaching Lily or Deanna anyway. Oh, this should be good. I flex my knuckles.

  “Here we go,” I hear Bones mutter with a laugh just as I push off the bar to pay them a little visit. After the look Sienna just gave me and my pent-up frustration, I’m ready to sock somebody in the face, and Lee is my new target.



  Sienna looks down to stare at the back of the leather jacket that says ‘Prospect’ as Lee lies face-down on the floor, then her eyes dart back up to mine.

  Lee moves around like he may need oxygen, but wisely, nobody goes to help him—serves him right. I contemplate if knocking him out might shock her, but the fact is, we’re at Church and he has to be shown his place; there is no way around it.

  “Steel!” she yells at me.

  I bend down to her ear. “He was askin’ for it, trust me.”

  She stares at me wordlessly. “That wasn’t nice.”

  “You’re right, it wasn’t.” I flex my hands, feeling a lot better now his paws are off her body.

  “And neither was that girl wrapped around you at the bar,” she says, hands on her hips.

  I raise a brow and we have a few moments of silence as we stare at each other before I pull her by the hand off the dance floor, heading toward the back that leads upstairs. I need her alone right now. She can’t answer back in front of the boys.

  “Why did you do that?” she says as she shrugs out of my hold when we’re away from the fray.

  “Do what?”

  “Punch that guy.”

  “He’s a prospect and he should be working, not trying to hump your leg, he’s no right to touch you.”

  She actually rolls her eyes at me; I move closer to her so she’s pressed up against the wall.

  “Wasn’t that a little bit harsh?” She definitely isn’t understanding the whole prospect thing, he’s lucky he’s still breathing. “To just go around punching everyone?”

  I realize I have to tread semi-careful, she’d been involved in some pretty heavy shit since she had that restraining order against her ex, and he did, at some point, laid his hands on her.

  But I’m not him.

  “It’s actually a respect thing, he isn’t allowed near you girls and it’s my job in this club to make sure that nobody is bothering you or, more importantly, safe, and you shouldn’t be mouthin’ off at me.”

  “Oh, right,” she laughs without humor, “because it’s okay for miss fake tits to put her hands all over you though and whisper sweet nothings in your ear? But not okay for me, right?”

  She shouldn’t be speaking to me like this and I’m glad we’re out of earshot.

  I lean in closer. “I got rid of her, didn’t I?”

  I brush her hair back off her face as she watches me. “I didn’t like her touching you, Steel.”

  I should reprimand her, tell her she can’t tell me what to do or who can put their hands on me, but I don’t, I don’t say any of those things because I don’t like it either.

  “I’ve been hard for you for over twenty-four hours,” I mutter, my lips close to hers as I close my eyes. “And for the record, I don’t want her, told you that before, you shouldn’t question me, not gonna lie about it.”

  “Then why is she coming up to you and throwing herself at you? Have you slept with her before?”

  I know from experience not to ans
wer that question, not from a very pissed off female I actually want to be with, not to mention I still wanna get laid tonight… in a few minutes if possible, so jeopardizing that is not high on my priority list.

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  “Answer me!” she demands, clearly not happy.

  “You don’t get to demand nothin’, sweetheart, you forgettin’ you’re in my club now? My rules, remember?”

  I stare down at her as she glares at me. I smirk then quickly bend and haul her ass over my shoulder and proceed up the stairs, she bangs on my back and shouts wildly at me, scream all you want, princess, nobody’s gonna hear you.

  “Let me go, you Neanderthal!” I hear her yell into my back. She’s outraged and I grin because there ain’t nothin’ she can do about it.

  We get to the top of the stairs and I make my way down the corridor to my old room, I find the key on my keyring and unlock it, dumping her on the other side of the door. She’s not happy I hauled her up here. Not one little bit.

  She folds her arms across her chest as I try not to laugh at her face. She’s so cute when she’s mad, and boy, she’s fired up now.

  “You got me, babe,” I say, shutting the door and sliding the lock home.

  “Wh-what?” she says, confusion taking over her anger for a second. “You can’t just drag me up here and expect me to just fall at your feet.”

  Here we go again, she always seems to think the worst of me.

  I fold my arms against my chest and lean back into the door. “I don’t, that’s why you can have me any way you want me.”

  She stutters again for a second. “What do you mean?”

  Her eyes drop to my throat, I know she wants my mouth on her, well, she can beg me for it.

  “You wanna be in charge? Then you’re in charge.”

  Her eyes go wide. “You want me to…”

  I nod. “Yeah, since I’m just a Neanderthal, right? A dirty low-down biker? You wanna boss me around, babe, boss me here, let’s see what you got.” I smirk at her wide eyes.

  “You threw me over your shoulder!” she cries.

  “You barked at me like a junkyard dog, I’m not used to that, princess, can’t have it, you got some fire inside you that’s for sure.”


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